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Job No Sheet No Rev

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Job Title Ref

By Date Chd

Client File tower.std Date/Time 21-Dec-2017 09:09

STAAD.Pro Query Steel Design

Beam no. 63


Section: W8X35 0.181 0.008


Length = 4.06202 0.204

DESIGN STRENGTH (KG , CM ) Critical load (KG ,CM )

Load 3
PNC 0.000 PNT 0.000
Location 0.000
MNZ 0.000 MNY 0.000
FX 2791.340 C
VNZ 44256.801 VNY 23385.600
My 12.608
| 0.000 | 0.000
Mz -5930.835

Code Result Ratio Critical KLR

360 LRFD PASS 0.026 Clause E 78.636

Print Time/Date: 21/12/2017 09:20 STAAD.Pro V8i (SELECTseries 4) Print Run 1 of 1

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