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2017 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Big Data Security on Cloud

Adaptive Audio Steganography Scheme Based on Wavelet Packet Energy

Hanlin Liu Jingju Liu Ronggui Hu

Hefei Electronic Engineering Institute Hefei Electronic Engineering Institute Hefei Electronic Engineering Institute
Hefei, China Hefei, China Hefei, China,

Xuehu Yan Song Wan

Hefei Electronic Engineering Institute Hefei Electronic Engineering Institute
Hefei, China Hefei, China

Abstract—This paper proposes an adaptive audio steganog- for 83% and 11%, respectively. It can be seen that auditory
raphy scheme based on wavelet packet energy which can system is the largest source of information in addition to
be used to hide secret messages in digital audio. The major the Human Visual System(HVS). Thus, the research of
contribution of the proposed scheme is that the wavelet packet
sub-bands of the host audio can be selected adaptively to embed audio steganography is of great significance and has wild
the secret messages according to the masking effect of human application scenarios. Especially in the era of big data, audio
auditory system (HAS) and weighted energy concentration . steganography will have a more broad prospects in copyright
First, the host audio is divided into many segments which are protection, secret information transmission, covert channel
then decomposed by wavelet packet to calculate the wavelet and etc.
packet energy feature. Second, the covert data are embedded
into each segment through adjusting the relationship among Like steganography in other media, audio steganographic
wavelet packet sub-bands by modifying or exchanging the co- technique also has three evaluation metrics [3]:
efficients of wavelet packet sub-bands. Finally, the experimental
results and comparison with existing technique show that the
1) Capacity means the amount of secret information that
proposed scheme has larger hiding capacity while maintaining can be embedded into the host audio without affecting
imperceptibility and strong robustness. the perceptual quality of audio.
Keywords-Audio steganography; Wavelet packet; Weighted 2) Imperceptibility evaluates how well a secret message
energy concentration; Adaptive; Hiding capacity. is embedded into the cover audio. The difference
between audio after hiding and audio before hiding
I. I NTRODUCTION should remain negligible.
3) Robustness indicates the ability of secret messages to
Steganography is an art of hiding secret information in
resist against attacks.
another seemingly innocuous message, or carrier [1]. Com-
pared with encryption technique [2], steganography conceals In audio steganography, HAS is used to hide informa-
the existence of secret messages instead of readability. Since tion in the audio. Because the human auditory system has
when an attacker doesn’t know the existence of secret more precision than HVS, audio steganography has more
messages, he won’t generate the idea of attacking it. So, challenges than image steganography [4].
steganography is a powerful technique which enhances se- In this paper, we propose a scheme that has high capacity
curity in data transferring and archiving. Throughout history, and good output quality. The proposed scheme is based on
a multitude of methods have been used to hide informa- wavelet packet transform with adaptive hiding in wavelet
tion. With the development of the Internet and other new packet sub-bands. The adaptive hiding is determined by
technologies, digital steganography technique which is used the sub-band weighted energy concentration. The messages
to embed the secret messages into digital multimedia is can be recovered without original host audio. Experimental
gradually rising. It has developed a strong basis for the area results and comparison with existing method show that the
of steganography with a growing number of applications proposed scheme has an advantage of large hiding capacity
for digital fields like digital rights management, covert while maintaining imperceptibility and strong robustness.
communications, annotation etc. So far, various researches The remainder of this paper is organized as follows:
on steganography have been carried out on storage media, Section II discusses some existing methods. The proposed
such as text, image, audio, and video. scheme is introduced in section III. In section IV experi-
According to the education experts, human beings receive mental results of proposed scheme are discussed. Finally,
information mainly by visual and auditory, which accounts Section V concludes this paper.

978-1-5090-6296-6/17 $31.00 © 2017 IEEE 26

DOI 10.1109/BigDataSecurity.2017.20
II. R ELATED W ORK technique and masking effect of HAS is proposed in this
paper. Not only does it possess above advantages, but it has
Audio steganography techniques can be classified into the ability to resist the common attacks.
methods in time and transform domain. The commom used
methods of stegenography in time domain include Least III. T HE P ROPOSED S CHEME
Significant Bits (LSB) [5]–[7], Echo Hiding [8], [9], Spread
Spectrum Method [10] and etc. Besides, methods in transfor- In this section,we propose the embedding and extracting
m domain contain hiding method based on DFT, DCT [11]– procedure using adaptive audio steganography based on
[13] and DWT [14], [15]. Nevertheless, most of them can’t wavelet packet energy.
balance the capacity, imperceptibility and robustness. For As shown in Figure. 1, the embedding scheme consists
instance, LSB has great hiding capacity, however, which of four main procedures: Pretreatment, Adaptive Procedure,
is at the expense of more robust. Although methods in Embedding covert data and Inverse Wavelet Packet Deco-
transform domain boost up robustness against some attacks, mosition.
the capacity and imperceptibility are influenced a little. Pretreatment plays an important role in audio segmenta-
In [7] dual randomness LSB method was proposed which tion and wavelet packet decomposition. Then the embedding
hid the secret messages in randomly selected samples and sub-bands are selected adaptively in Adaptive Procedure.
bits. This method provided more confidentiality compared As the name suggests, covert data are embedded into each
with conventional LSB method. But compared with the segments in the third procedure. Finally, we obtain stego
method proposed by Cvejic and Seppanen [16], the hid- audio by Inverse Wavelet Packet Decomosition.
ing capacity was smaller. In [16] a novel modification to
A. Pretreatment
standard LSB algorithm was proposed, which was able to
embed four bits per sample and improved the capacity of In the first step, the host audio is divided into many sege-
data hiding channel by 33%. They all belong to LSB method ments and the number of the segments has a great impact
whose disadvantage is weak robust. on the total hiding capacity. If the length of the segments
In [17] a novel method based on audio steganogra- is too short, the wavelet packet sun-band energy couldn’t
phy by integrating optimal steganography and two level satisfy the condition of weighted energy concentration. On
cryptographic methods was proposed, which improved the the contrary, the total hiding capacity will decrease linearly
imperceptibility of data hiding and increased security level with the increase of the length. So, the length should be
for the secret. In [18], a novel method for digital audio decided according to the feature of host audio.
steganography with security i.e cryptography was presented In the second step, the audio segement is decomposed
where covert data was embedded into the coefficients of using wavelet packet up to fourth level as shown in Figure. 2
host audio in integer wavelet domain using quantization to where L indicates low frequency, H indicates high frequency
reduce embedding errors. Both of these two methods use and (i, j) represents the jth sub-band after i-level wavelet
encryption technology, and the difference is that the former packet decomposition. The reason why we choose fourth
method is based on time domain, the latter method is based level will be given in the following subsection. Audio signal
on transform domain. So, the robustness of the last one frequencies that human ear can hear range from 20 to
method is better than that of the previous one. 20000Hz. Low frequency signal below 20 Hz and high
Compared with the previous methods, the advantage of frequency above 20000Hz are beyond the scope of human
the following two methods is the use of adaptive technique. hearing, which is difficult for HAS to catch. As the noise
In [19] a novel method for digital audio steganography introduced due to embedding is of high frequency in nature,
where encrypted covert data was embedded by adaptively in order to make it less audible, we embed data into one
modifying wavelet packet coefficients of host audio signal of the high frequency bands. Using the characteristic that
was presented. A new high capacity audio steganography HAS is not sensitive to the change of audio middle and high
algorithm based on the wavelet packet transform with adap- frequency energy, we can modify and adjust the relationship
tive hiding in least significant bits was proposed in [20]. The of middle and high frequncy energy value to embed some
adaptive hiding depends on the cover samples strength and covert bits. And the sub-band that will be used to embed
bits block matching between messages and cover signals. covert bit is determinded by weighted energy concentration.
The results showed that messages can be embedded up to
42% of the total size of the cover audio signal with at least B. Adaptive Procedure
of 50 dB signal to noise ratio. But the ability of the method There are three steps in Adaptive Procedure: Calculating
proposed in [19] to resist other attacks is poor. Sub-band Energy, Calculating Sub-band Energy utilizing
In summary, the hiding capacity of most existing similar weighted energy concentration and Embedding Sub-band
methods is small and it is difficult for them to balance each selection.
property. So, a transform domain scheme based on adaptive 1) Calculating Sub-band Energy

sequence. Then the weighted energy concentration is calcu-
Host Audio Segmenting
Wavelet Packet lated. The formula as follows:

Energy (16 − p) · SP
Calculating Sub- Weighted Energy Threshold
band Energy Concentration wE = , q = 0, 1, . . . , 15 (2)

Embedding Sub-
(16 − i) · Si
band Selection i=0

Where S0 is the maximum value, Ni is the weight

Covert Data Adjusting the
Calculating the
First and Second
coefficient of Si . After wavelet packet decomposition, most
Half Energy of the energy is concentrated in low frequency, which results
Adjusting the in that the weighted coefficient of the lowest frequency
First and Second
Half Coefficients energy is bigger than others. Therefore, the weighted energy
concentration denotes the proportion that the partial energy
accounts for the total energy.
Inverse Wavelet
Packet In the proposed scheme, we set a threshold and find
the q to make wE equal to or greater than threshold. The
Recombination sub-bands whose energy is Sq , Sq+1 , Sq+2 and Sq+3 , are
adjusted the relationship of energy and selected to embed
Stego Audio
covert data.

C. Embedding Covert Data

Figure 1. Embedding Procedure of the Proposed Scheme
The third stage contains three steps: Adjusting the Rela-
tionship, Calculating the First and Second Half Energy and
Adjusting the First and Second Half Coefficients.
1) Adjusting the Relationship
Let us suppose that the energy of sub-band (4,a),(4,b),(4,c)
and(4,d)are Sq , Sq+1 , Sq+2 and Sq+3 ,respectively. There
are 4! kinds of relationship among the energy of sub-band
(4,a),(4,b),(4,c) and (4,d) and four bit binary sequences
(4,0) (4,1) (4,2) (4,3) (4,4) (4,5) (4,6) (4,7) (4,8) (4,9) (4,10) (4,11) (4,12) (4,13) (4,14) (4,15) are arranged in sixteen ways. So we can select sixteen
kinds of relationship from 4! to indicate sixteen kinds of
Figure 2. Frequency Sub-band of the Proposed Scheme four bit binary sequences. We will illustrate the reason
why choose four-level wavelet packet decomposition. If the
decomposition level is greater than four, such as five or
After four-level wavelet packet decomposition, we can six, the sub-band will contain too few coefficients and the
obtain sixteen frequency sub-bands that contain sixteen fre- calculating results of energy are not accurate. Contrarily, if
quency sub-bands. And each of them contains n(n = l/24 , l the level is smaller than four, the number of total sub-bands
is the number of sampling points in a segment) wavelet is too small and the sub-band can be used to embed is not
packet coefficients. The sub-band energy is calculated by enough, which results that the total embedding capacity is
the following formula. small. The embedding rules are shown in Table I.
 For example, the covert data is 0001 but
Ei = c2i,j , i = 1, 2, . . . 16 (1) (4,a)>(4,b)>(4,c)>(4,d), and the relationship of sub-
j=1 bands doesn’t conform the embedding rules. In order to
embed covert data, we should exchange the coefficients of
Where Ei denotes the energy of the ith sub-band, and
(4,c) and (4,d) to make the relationship satisfy the rules.
ci,j denotes the jth wavelet packet coefficient in the ith sub-
band. ni , the number of coefficients in the ith sub-band, is 2) Calculating the First and Second Half Energy
equal to n . After adjusting the relationship, the coefficients of each
2) Embedding Sub-band Selection one of the four sub-bands are divided into two parts, the first
The sub-band energy is sorted in descending order and half of the coefficients and the second half of the coefficients,
stored in S. Let S = S0 , S1 , . . . , S15 and S is a decreasing and calculating the energy of the two parts by the following
formula.The energy of coefficients of the first half:

Table I
Host Audio Wavelet Packet
Relationship of Sub-band Covert Relationship of Sub-band Covert
Energy Data Energy Data
(4,a)>(4,b)>(4,c)>(4,d) 0000 (4,c)>(4,a)>(4,b)>(4,d) 1000
(4,a)>(4,b)>(4,d)>(4,c) 0001 (4,c)>(4,a)>(4,d)>(4,b) 1001 Calculating Sub- Weighted Energy Threshold
band Energy Concentration
(4,a)>(4,c)>(4,d)>(4,b) 0010 (4,c)>(4,b)>(4,d)>(4,a) 1010
(4,a)>(4,d)>(4,b)>(4,c) 0011 (4,c)>(4,d)>(4,b)>(4,a) 1011 Embedding Sub-
band Selection
(4,b)>(4,a)>(4,c)>(4,d) 0100 (4,d)>(4,a)>(4,c)>(4,b) 1100
(4,b)>(4,c)>(4,d)>(4,a) 0101 (4,d)>(4,c)>(4,a)>(4,b) 1101
(4,b)>(4,d)>(4,c)>(4,a) 0110 (4,d)>(4,c)>(4,b)>(4,a) 1110 Camparing the
Ensuring the
First and Second
(4,b)>(4,d)>(4,a)>(4,c) 0111 (4,d)>(4,b)>(4,c)>(4,a) 1111 Relationship
Half Energy

Recovering the
Secret Message
ni /2

Ef = c2i,j , i = 1, 2, . . . 16 (3) Message


The energy of coefficients of the second half:

Figure 3. Retrieving procedure of the Proposed Scheme

Es = c2i,j , i = 1, 2, . . . 16 (4)
j=ni /2+1 E. Retrieving Procedure
3) Adjusting the First and Second Half Coefficients The retrieving procedure is similar to the embedding
The relationship of Ef andEs can also be used to embed process, till Adaptive Procedure, as shown in Figure. 3. The
covert bit. There are four sub-bands, so four bits can be sub-bands in which data has been embedded are selected
hidden. The rules are as follows. and the enenrgy is calculated. According to Table I and (5),
 the corresponding covert binary sequences can be obtained.
covert bit = 0, Ef > Es After repeating the procedure for every selected segments,
covert bit = 1, Ef < Es we obtain all the copies of the embedded covert data. The
If the covert bit doesn’t match the relationship of Ef secret messages can be recovered until all the covert data are
and Es , we just need exchange the first and second half extracted. The steps of the extracting procedure are described
Coefficients. We can see that four bits are embedded in in Algorithm 2.
this step and each segment can hide eight bits in the whole Algorithm 2. The extracting procedure of the proposed scheme
process. Input: stego audio
Output: secret message
D. Inverse Wavelet Packet Step 1: Segment the stego audio, then perform integer wavelet packet
After processing one segment, Inverse Wavelet Packet Step 2: Calculate weighted energy concentration and sub-band energy,
is applied to the modified Wavelet Packet coefficients. We then compare with energy threshold, and select extracting position.
obtain the stego audio while all the covert data have been Step 3: Ensure the relationship of the selected sub-bands. Then compare
the first and second half energy and according the embedding rules,
embedded into the host audio. The steps of the embedding obtain the secret message.
procedure are described in Algorithm 1.

Algorithm 1. The embedding procedure of the proposed scheme IV. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULT AND A NALYSIS
Input: covert data and host audio
Output: stego audio In order to test the properties of the proposed scheme, we
Step 1: Segment the host audio, then perform integer wavelet packet design some experiments as follows. Quantitative as well as
Step 2: Calculate weighted energy concentration and sub-band energy,
qualitative analysis are performed for the proposed scheme.
then compare with energy threshold, and select embedding position. We tested with mono host audio belonging to category of
Step 3: According the covert data, adjust the relationship of the selected audio file named Pop Music and a text file named The
sub-bands. Then calculate the first and second half energy and according
the covert data, adjust the first and second half coefficients.
Little Prince (insert). The pop music is sampled at 44.1
Step 4: Perform inverse wavelet packet decomposition and after KHz with length of about 150 seconds and quantized by
recombining the fragments, get stego audio. 16 bits. It should be noted that other audio files as host

Figure 4. Original Host Audio Figure 5. Stego Audio in the Condition of No Attack

Table II
audio can also get the similar results. The proposed scheme T EST R ESULTS OF THE P ROPOSED S CHEME
is implemented using MATLAB (2013a) programming. Each
Scheme proposed Scheme proposed
segment contains 512 sampling points and threshold is set to Attacks in this paper in [21]
0.90. In this section, we utilize BER (Bit Error Rate), SNR BER(%) SNR(db) BER(%) SNR(db)
(Signal to Noise Ratio) and PESQ (Perceptual Evaluation 30 db SNR white noise 3.245 9.854 0.018 12.702
of Speech Quality) to evaluate the performance. Assessment 40 db SNR white noise 0.0168 13.242 0.015 13.857
of the quality of stego audio is made through P.862 (PESQ) re-quantization
0 ∞ 0.013 13.856
(16 bits∼32bits∼16bits)
which is recommended by ITU and in the range [1,4.5]. If re-quantization
0.0423 12.551 7.220 9.624
PESQ>3.5, the quality of audio accord with the standard of (16 bits∼8bits∼16bits)
telephone. Three formulas for calculating BER and SNR are up-sampling 0.0124 14.045 0.013 13.856
down-sampling 0.0618 12.137 2.810 11.632
given as follows,respectively.

BER = (l/L) · 100% (6)

In the equations given above, L represents the total 2) Re-quantization: we tested the process of re-
number of original confidential bits and l represents the quantization of a 16-bit stego audio to 8-bit and back
number of extracted error bits. ci is the original host audio to 16-bit.Then tested the process of re-quantization of
and ci is the stego-audio obtained after the embedding a 16-bit stego audio to 32-bit and back to 16-bit.
process. Original confidential messages taken as si and si 3) Resampling: stego audio with original sampling rate
represents the extracted confidential messages. 44.1 kHz have been down-sampled to 22.05kHz and
A. Imperceptibility Test up-sampled back to 44.1kHz.Then up-sampled to
In the condition of no attack, the waveform of original 88.2kHz and down-sampled back to 44.1kHz.
host audio and stego audio are shown in Figure. 4 and From Table II, we can see that the scheme proposed in
Figure. 5, respectively. this paper has better robustness against re-quantization and
From the experimental results, we can see that it is resampling than scheme proposed in [21]. But it is a little
difficult to find the differences between Figure.4 and Figure. poorer to the resisting of noise addition. The above ex-
5 with the naked eyes. Furthermore, the PESQ value we perimental result is because re-quantization and resampling
calculated is 4.30, which indicates that there is almost no change smaller to sampling points and coefficients than noise
effect on the quality of stego audio. addition. The smaller coefficients change, the smaller the
B. Robustness Test sub-bands energy changes.
Robustness is an important criterion to evaluate the per- C. Capacity Analysis
formance of algorithms. In the experiment, common audio As covert data are embedded into every segment, the
processing including noise addition, re-quantization, and total hiding capacity is closely related to the length of
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