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MOH Clinical Practice Guidelines 3/2007

Levels of
of evidence
evidence and
and grades
grades of
of recommendation

Levels of evidence
Level Type of Evidence
1 High quality meta-analyses, systematic reviews of randomised controlled
trials (RCTs), or RCTs with a very low risk of bias.
1+ Well conducted meta-analyses, systematic reviews of RCTs, or RCTs with a
low risk of bias.
1 Meta-analyses, systematic reviews of RCTs, or RCTs with a high risk of bias
2 High quality systematic reviews of case control or cohort studies. High
quality case control or cohort studies with a very low risk of confounding or
bias and a high probability that the relationship is causal
2+ Well conducted case control or cohort studies with a low risk of confounding
or bias and a moderate probability that the relationship is causal
2 Case control or cohort studies with a high risk of confounding or bias and a
significant risk that the relationship is not causal

3 Non-analytic studies, e.g. case reports, case series

4 Expert opinion
Grades of recommendation
Grade Recommendation

A At least one meta-analysis, systematic review of RCTs, or RCT rated as 1++

and directly applicable to the target population; or
A body of evidence consisting principally of studies rated as 1+, directly
applicable to the target population, and demonstrating overall consistency
of results
B A body of evidence including studies rated as 2++, directly applicable to
the target population, and demonstrating overall consistency of results; or
Extrapolated evidence from studies rated as 1++ or 1+

C A body of evidence including studies rated as 2+, directly applicable to the

target population and demonstrating overall consistency of results; or
Extrapolated evidence from studies rated as 2++

D Evidence level 3 or 4; or
Extrapolated evidence from studies rated as 2+

GPP Recommended best practice based on the clinical experience of the

(good practice guideline development group.



MOH Clinical Practice Guidelines 3/2007

Published by Ministry of Health, Singapore
16 College Road,
College of Medicine Building
Singapore 169854

Printed by Golden City Colour Printing Co. (Pte.) Ltd.

Copyright © 2007 by Ministry of Health, Singapore

ISBN 978-981-05-8095-7

Available on the MOH website:

Statement ofIntent

These guidelines are not intended to serve as a standard of medical care.

Standards of medical care are determined on the basis of all clinical data
available for an individual case and are subject to change as scientific
knowledge advances and patterns of care evolve.

The contents of this publication are guidelines to clinical practice, based

on the best available evidence at the time of development. Adherence to
these guidelines may not ensure a successful outcome in every case, nor
should they be construed as including all proper methods of care or
excluding other acceptable methods of care. Each physician is ultimately
responsible for the management of his/her unique patient in the light of the
clinical data presented by the patient and the diagnostic and treatment
options available.

Dementia is the progressive decline in cognitive function due to damage or
disease in the brain. Essentially, dementia is a problem that makes it hard for a
person to remember, learn and communicate. With progression, it becomes
difficult for the person to take care of himself or herself. The disease extracts
its toll not only on its victims but also on the family and caregivers in terms of
physical, emotional and economic cost that translates into caregiver’s stress. It
is estimated that 44% of the total cost of dementia is due to informal care.*

According to the WHO data, nearly five million DALYs are lost each year
due to dementia in the Asia-Pacific Region. In Singapore, neuropsychiatric
illnesses are the leading cause of DALYs loss and dementia ranks 4th among
all neuropsychiatric illnesses. Dementia accounts for approximately 26,000
DALYs lost each year in Singapore.* As Singapore’s population is ageing
rapidly, it is projected that the prevalence (22,000 in 2005) of dementia would
double by 2020.*

The Ministry of Health released its first guidelines on Dementia in 2001 with
the aim of upgrading the skills of practitioners to conduct proper clinical,
functional and social assessment of the patients with and/or suspected of
having dementia. Since then, further evidence have emerged in the area of
therapeutics namely the role of cholinesterase in the treatment of dementia;
non-pharmacological methods for the management of behavioral and
psychological symptoms of dementia. It is thus timely to update this set of

Apart from updating the guidelines in the area of management, the guideline
also addresses ethical issues involved in the care of patients suffering from
dementia and the utility of genetic tests.

I hope this set of guidelines will assist all doctors involved in the care of
patients with dementia.

*Asia Pacific Members of Alzeimer's Disease International. Dementia in the Asia Pacific Region:
The epidemic is here. Alzeimer's Disease International 2006. Available at:

Executive summary of recommendations 1
1 Guideline development and objective 7
2 Introduction and epidemiology of dementia 8
3 Screening and assessment of dementia 11
4 Pharmacological management of dementia 25
5 Management of behavioural and psychological symptoms 37
of dementia

6 Social and caregiver management of dementia and 44

community resources

7 Ethical issues in dementia 47

8 Cost-effectiveness 54
9 Clinical quality improvement 55
Annex 1 56
References 60
Self-assessment (MCQs) 77
Workgroup members 81

Details of recommendations can be found in the main text at the pages indicated.

Screening and assessment of dementia

C There is currently insufficient evidence for routine screening for

dementia in older adults. Individuals who should be evaluated for dementia
include those with progressive cognitive or behavioural complaints
suggestive of dementia, as well as patients who arouse the physician’s or
caregiver’s suspicion of cognitive impairment despite absence of
complaints (pg 11).
Grade C, Level 2+

GPP Assessment of dementia should be done via a comprehensive

evaluation. This approach will aim to diagnose dementia early, assess for
complications of dementia and establish the cause of the dementia (pg 11).

B In individuals with suspected cognitive impairment, diagnosis can be

made using the DSM-IV criteria for dementia with history from a reliable
informant. This can be supplemented by an objective approach with
cognitive tests (ECAQ/AMT/CMMSE) and/or neuropsychological
assessment (pg 12).
Grade B, Level 2++

B The complications of dementia can be broadly divided into behavioural

and psychological symptoms, functional problems and social problems.
These should be evaluated in all patients with dementia as these issues are
the major causes of stress on the caregiver and assessment would enable the
clinician to target subsequent management effectively (pg 15).
Grade B, Level 2++

D The aim of determining dementia aetiology is to rule out potentially

reversible causes of dementia and selecting appropriate treatment strategies
for the irreversible dementias. This is done via clinical history and physical
examination, followed by laboratory investigations and neuroimaging
(pg 18).
Grade D, Level 4


B A number of well-validated clinical criteria for the two most common
types of dementia (Alzheimer’s disease and Vascular dementia) have been
developed over the years. These can be used in the specialized dementia
clinics for the definition of Alzheimer’s disease and Vascular dementia
(pg 20).
Grade B, Level 2++

Pharmacological management of dementia

GPP Pharmacotherapy should be part of a multi-pronged strategy to
dementia management that encompasses a well-established diagnosis,
education of patient and caregiver, non-pharmacological measures and
comprehensive caregiver psychosocial intervention (pg 25).

B Although high dose vitamin E (2000 IU per day) may have a modest
effect in delaying disease progression in moderately severe Alzheimer’s
disease, doses of vitamin E in excess of 400 IU a day should be avoided for
the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease until there is further data on its safety,
especially in patients with cardiovascular disease (pg 26).
Grade B, Level 1+

A Anti-inflammatory agents (such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory

agents and cyclo-oxygenase 2 inhibitors) are not recommended for the
prevention of cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease (pg 27).
Grade A, Level 1++

B Prednisolone is not recommended for the prevention of cognitive decline

in Alzheimer’s disease (pg 27).
Grade B, Level 1+

A Oestrogen is not recommended for the prevention of cognitive decline in

women with dementia (pg 27).
Grade A, Level 1++

A Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors should be considered for the management

of all patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease (pg 27).
Grade A, Level 1++


B Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors can be considered for the management of
moderate to severe Alzheimer’s disease (pg 28).
Grade B, Level 1+

A Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors have been shown to be of clinical benefit

and may be considered for use in the management of mild to moderate
vascular dementia (pg 28).
Grade A, Level 1+

B Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors can be considered for the management of

dementia with Lewy bodies and Parkinson’s disease dementia (pg 29).
Grade B, Level 1+

B All three available acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (donepezil,

rivastigmine and galantamine) can be considered for the pharmacological
management of dementia, since there is no definite evidence to support a
difference in clinical efficacy between them (pg 30).
Grade B, Level 1+

A Where tolerated, acetylcholinesterase inhibitors should be titrated to

recommended doses (5-10 mg/day donepezil; 6-12 mg/day rivastigmine;
16-24 mg/day galantamine), which have been shown to confer greater
benefit compared with lower doses (pg 30).
Grade A, Level 1++

B N-methyl D-aspartate antagonists such as memantine can be considered

for the management of moderate to severe Alzheimer’s disease, either alone
or in combination with acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (pg 31).
Grade B, Level 1+

B N-methyl D-aspartate antagonists such as memantine may be a treatment

option for mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease, if acetylcholinesterase
inhibitor therapy is contra-indicated, not tolerated or if there is disease
progression despite an adequate trial of acetylcholinesterase inhibitor
(pg 31).
Grade B, Level 1+

A N-methyl D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonists have been shown to be of

clinical benefit and may be considered for use in the management of mild to
moderate vascular dementia (pg 32).
Grade A, Level 1+


B Practitioners who prescribe ginkgo for the treatment of dementia should
be aware of the unestablished benefit, variability of active ingredient among
preparations, and potential for drug interactions (pg 32).
Grade B, Level 1+

A Selegiline is not recommended for the treatment of core or associated

symptoms in Alzheimer’s disease (pg 33).
Grade A, Level 1++

GPP Appropriate treatment of vascular risk factors is recommended for all

patients. However, it should be noted that whilst promising observational
data exists, it remains to be shown in a randomised controlled clinical trial
if any prevention strategy such as blood pressure reduction or antiplatelet
treatment for the secondary prevention of stroke, will reduce the incidence
of vascular dementia (pg 33).

GPP The decision to initiate costly symptomatic dementia treatment, such

as acetylcholinesterase inhibitors or N-methyl D-aspartate antagonists,
should always be made in consultation with the patient and family after
careful consideration of the expected magnitude of benefit, side effects, co-
morbidities and costs of treatment (pg 33).

GPP Patients who are started on acetylcholinesterase inhibitors or N-

methyl D-aspartate antagonists, should be carefully monitored for side
effects and response to treatment (pg 34).

Management of behavioural and psychological

symptoms of dementia (BPSD)

GPP Non-pharmacological methods to manage behavioural and

psychological symptoms of dementia should be instituted, prior to
consideration of pharmacological measures (pg 37).

GPP Antidepressants may be used for the treatment of comorbid

depression in dementia provided their use has been evaluated carefully for
each patient (pg 39).


A Conventional and atypical antipsychotics may be used with caution,
given their side effect profile, to treat neuropsychiatric symptoms of
dementia (pg 39).
Grade A, Level 1+

B Trazodone may be considered for patients with depressive symptoms and

dementia associated agitation (pg 40).
Grade B, Level 1+

A Routine use of mood stabilizers, such as carbamazepine and sodium

valproate, is not recommended for treatment of behavioural symptoms
associated with dementia (pg 41).
Grade A, Level 1+

GPP An individualized approach to managing behavioural problems in

dementia patients is required (pg 41).

GPP Cholinesterase inhibitor therapy may be considered in treatment of

patients with behavioural problems if antipsychotics are inappropriate
(pg 41).

GPP The decision to start antipsychotic therapy to control behavioural

problems in dementia patients should be made in consultation with the
patient and family, after careful consideration of the benefit, adverse-effects
and co-morbidities (pg 41).

B For patients with dementia with Lewy Body and behavioural problems,
acetylcholinesterase inhibitors should be considered first for management of
the behavioural problems (pg 42).
Grade B, Level 1+

GPP In all patients started on antipsychotic medication, they should be

monitored carefully for side effects and response to treatment. In patients
who are stable, antipsychotic withdrawal should be considered (pg 42).


Social and caregiver management of dementia and
community resources

A Caregiver interventions via a multifaceted approach should be considered

in the total management of the person with dementia (pg 44).
Grade A, Level 1+

GPP Where appropriate, respite care can be offered to relieve the burden
of caregiving on the family caregiver (pg 45).

GPP Referral to community resources to meet the care needs of the person
with dementia and his/her carer should always be considered (pg 46).


1 1 Guideline Development
Guideline Development and
and Objectives

1.1 Guideline development

The guidelines have been produced by a committee of psychiatrists,
neurologists, geriatricians and primary care physicians appointed by
the Ministry of Health. They were developed by the adaptation of
existing guidelines, by the review of relevant literature and by expert
clinical consensus with consideration of local practice.

1.2 Objectives
The main aim of these guidelines is to provide an approach for
healthcare professionals to assess, evaluate and manage dementia
(using local evidence where possible).

1.3 Target group

These guidelines are mainly developed for all healthcare
professionals involved in the care of patients with dementia.

1.4 What’s new in the revised guidelines?

Since the last MOH Clinical Practice Guidelines on Dementia in
2001, new research findings and developments have emerged. These
have culminated in updated recommendations in the area of
therapeutics, namely the benefit of cholinesterase inhibitors in
vascular dementia and dementia with Lewy Body; the revision of
recommendations for the use of selegiline and vitamin E for
Alzheimer’s disease; the management of behavioral and
psychological symptoms of dementia and ethical issues in dementia.

1.5 Review of guidelines

Evidence-based clinical practice guidelines are only as current as the
evidence that supports them. Users must keep in mind that new
evidence could supercede recommendations in these guidelines. The
workgroup advises that these guidelines be scheduled for review 5
years after publication, or if new evidence appears that requires
substantive changes to the recommendations.


22 Introduction

2.1 Introduction and epidemiology

Rapidly graying demographics characterize many economically
developed, as well as developing countries and from this perspective,
dementia and its attendant problems are on the agendas of many
governments. An estimated 25 million persons in the world have
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) – generally considered to be the
commonest subtype of dementia - and these numbers are expected to
increase to 63 million in 2030, and by 2050, an estimated 114 million
will be afflicted with the illness.1

The number of those with dementia will increase in Asia-Pacific

region from 13.7 million people in 2005 to 64.6 million people in
2050.2 Singapore has one of the fastest ageing populations in the
Asia-Pacific region with 15-20% of total population consisting of
persons aged 65 and above by the year 2030.3 The prevalence of
dementia is expected to increase from 22,000 in 2005 to almost
53,000 in 2020 and 187,000 in 2050.2

The prevalence of dementia or cognitive impairment in local

epidemiological studies using various screening instruments ranges
from 2% to 14%,4-7 with age-related increases in prevalence of
cognitive impairment from 0.8% in those aged between 60-64 years
to 32.2% among those aged 85 years and older.7 These prevalence
rates are comparable with other populations in the world in evidence-
based estimates generated by Delphi Consensus Study8 (See Table 1)
and other comparison studies.9


Table 1 Dementia prevalence in WHO world
Consensus dementia
prevalence (%) (60+)
Western Europe – EURO A 5.4
Eastern Europe low adult mortality – 3.8
Eastern Europe high adult mortality – 3.9
North America – AMRO A 6.4
Latin America – AMRO B/D 4.6
North Africa & Middle East EMRO 3.6
Developed Western Pacific – 4.3
China and developing Western Pacific 4.0
Indonesia, Thailand and Sri Lanka – 2.7
India and S Asia – SEARO D 1.9
Africa – AFRO D/E 1.6
(Sources: Ferri CP et al, 2005; Kua EH, 1996)

Subgroups based on patterns of child and adult mortality from A (lowest) to

E (highest).
WPRO = Western Pacific Region
WPRO A = Australia, Japan, Brunei Darussalam, New Zealand, Singapore
WPRO B = Cambodia, China, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia,
Mongolia, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Vietnam, Cook Islands, Fiji,
Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Micronesia (Federated States of), Nauru, Niue,
Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and
SEARO = Southeast Asian region
SEARO D = Bangladesh, Bhutan, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea,
India, Maldives, Myanmar and Nepal


Ethnic variations in dementia prevalence have also been
demonstrated with higher dementia prevalences among the Malays
(9.4%) and Indians (8.8%) as compared to the Chinese elderly
population (4.2%).7 With regards to dementia aetiology, Alzheimer’s
disease was found to be more common in Indians and Eurasians
while vascular dementia more common in Chinese and Malays.10 A
separate study found that among the elderly Malays, the prevalence
of vascular dementia was higher in women than men.11

With this rising trend, the evaluation of dementia, especially at the

early stage, becomes increasingly important because with early
diagnosis, the affected patients are more amenable to treatment
advances. Interventions to slow down the progression of cognitive
decline (both pharmacological and non-pharmacological measures)
can translate into prolongation of functioning in the community,
delay in institutionalisation and lower healthcare expenditure.12-14
This may help reduce the heavy cost and burden of the illness, both to
family and society, especially in the light of our rapidly ageing

3 Screening and
Screening and Assessment
Assessment of
of Dementia

3.1 Screening

C There is currently insufficient evidence for routine screening for

dementia in older adults. Individuals who should be evaluated for
dementia include those with progressive cognitive or behavioural
complaints suggestive of dementia, as well as patients who arouse
the physician’s or caregiver’s suspicion of cognitive impairment
despite absence of complaints.
Grade C, Level 2+

The evaluation of dementia should be targeted at patients in whom

there is some suspicion of cognitive impairment. They include:
- subjects with memory and other cognitive complaints, either
reported by the patient himself or a significant other15
- progressive forgetfulness16
- subjects who arouse the physician’s suspicion of cognitive
impairment during interview despite absence of memory or
cognitive complaints
- those who are at increased risk for dementia (such as those with
a strong family history of dementia)
- elderly patients who need to make important decisions (such as
the sale of a house or making a will) and in whom mental
competency is questionable.

3.2 Assessment of dementia

GPP Assessment of dementia should be done via a comprehensive

evaluation. This approach will aim to diagnose dementia early, assess
for complications of dementia and establish the cause of the

In evaluation patients who present with forgetfulness or confusion, it
is important to exclude delirium (acute confusional state) if this is of
an acute nature. If the forgetfulness or confusion is of a subacute
nature (weeks to few months), potentially reversible neurological
conditions and depression have to be excluded.

(I) Diagnosis of dementia

B In individuals with suspected cognitive impairment, diagnosis can

be made using the DSM-IV criteria for dementia with history from a
reliable informant. This can be supplemented by an objective
approach with cognitive tests (ECAQ/AMT/CMMSE) and/or
neuropsychological assessment.
Grade B, Level 2++

Subjective approach

a) The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders -

IV (DSM-IV) criteria17 are very often used as the gold standard
for the clinical diagnosis of dementia.18-20 The criteria require
memory impairment to be present, as well as deficits in one other
cognitive domain (aphasia, apraxia, agnosia and executive
dysfunctioning). Moreover, these cognitive declines must be of
sufficient severity to cause perceptible impairment in social or
occupational functioning (Table 2).

Table 2 DSM-IV clinical criteria for diagnosis of

Cognitive domain Questions

Amnesia Any forgetfulness? Did it start
gradually or suddenly? Is it progressively
worse? And if so, is it smoothly declining
or showing a step-wise/ fluctuating
decline? Is it over short-term or long-term
AND declines in one of the following domains:
Aphasia Any word-finding difficulty or
other difficulties with communication?
Apraxia Any problems with buttoning or dressing?
Any difficulties with using utensils during
Agnosia Any problems recognising familiar faces
or familiar items?
Executive Any problems handling money (loose
dysfunctioning change)? Any change in general problem-
solving abilities? Is one’s work getting to
be more disorganised?
OF sufficient severity to AS a result of the above, is he becoming
cause significant less independent in the
impairment in social or - community?
occupational functioning - home-care?
- self-care level?
(Source: American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders, 1994).

b) The Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the

Elderly (IQCODE)21,22 is a 26-item test that enquires about the
subject’s memory, cognition and language ability for the last 10
years (see Appendix 1).

There is recent evidence of the Brief Informant Screening Test15

consisting of a single-item informant report of memory problem and
a 4-item Instrumental Activities of Daily Living, as a useful
screening instrument for patients with early cognitive impairment.

Objective approach

This is an observer-based approach using either performance-based

instruments, such as mental status test (brief screening instruments),
or a more detailed neuropsychological tests, which is usually
administered by clinical psychologists.

a) The Elderly Cognitive Assessment Questionnaire (ECAQ)23,24

is a 10-item test screening for cognitive impairment assessing
memory and information-orientation (Appendix 2).

b) The 10-item Abbreviated Mental Test (AMT) and

c) 28-item Chinese Mini Mental State Examination (CMMSE)

(Appendix 3 and 4) have also been validated locally with age and
education-adjusted cut-off values available.25 The CMMSE is
more useful in those with higher educational attainment as the
AMT may not be as sensitive.

d) Neuropsychological testing is usually administered by clinical

psychologists. It is useful in detecting subtle cognitive difficulties
which are not picked up by the brief screening instruments. They
should be performed on subjects:
• who have memory complaints but do not yet satisfy criteria
for dementia;
• depressed subjects who present with memory complaints to
help in determining whether the memory complaints are due
solely to the depression or whether they have concomitant
• Subjects in whom decision-making capacity is being

Psychometric testing can be a useful adjunct in the latter scenario.

They are also useful in aetiologic differentiation of dementia.

Neuropsychometric batteries have been validated locally in the

elderly Chinese26 and the Vascular Dementia Battery test has also
been validated in the Singapore population.27

Neuropsychological tests are also useful in individuals in whom the

diagnosis of dementia is inconclusive and serial monitoring for
performance decline over time may be useful in establishing the

(II) Assessing complications of dementia

B The complications of dementia can be broadly divided into

behavioural and psychological symptoms, functional problems and
social problems. These should be evaluated in all patients with
dementia as these issues are the major causes of stress on the
caregiver and assessment would enable the clinician to target
subsequent management effectively.
Grade B, Level 2++

a) Behavioural problems

Behavioural problems occur frequently in dementia patients; they

affect 10% to 75% of all patients at some stage of their dementia.28
They can present severe problems to all who interact with them,
leading to premature institutionalization, increased costs of care and
significant loss in quality of life for the patient and family. Most of
the major behavioural problems are amenable to treatment and are
capable of reducing the suffering of the patients and their caregivers.

Different behavioural problems present at the different stages of the

dementia process; anxiety and depression being common in early
stages while abberant motor behaviour is more common during the
later stages of illness.29 In the clinic setting, the physician should
routinely ask about depression, anxiety, agitation, paranoia,
hallucinations and sleep problems, as these are potentially amenable
to treatment, by way of either psychosocial interventions or
pharmacologic agents.

These behavioural problems can also be rated objectively using

behaviour scales which may be either self-rated, caregiver-based or
observer reports. The Behavioural Pathology in Alzheimer’s Disease
Rating Scale (BEHAVE-AD)30 and Neuropsychiatric Inventory
(NPI)31 are examples of behaviour scales, but they are often used
only in research settings.

Depression in the elderly may not show the classical features

indicated in the DSM-IV and, in this regard, clinicians may find the
brief depression scales useful in practice. Locally, the single-question
test for depression, Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) and Even
Briefer Assessment Scale for Depression (EBAS-DEP) have been
validated in cognitively intact, community-dwelling Chinese
elderly.32 The Cornell Depression Scale in Dementia specifically

assesses depression in dementia33 and has been shown to be a useful
screening instrument in our local population.34

b) Functional difficulties

Functional difficulties can be assessed at three levels: community

functioning, home functioning and self-care (See Appendix 5)35.
They are generally affected with the progression of dementia in a
descending order and also allow these functional deficits to serve as
markers of dementia severity. It is also important to make sure that
these difficulties result from cognitive difficulties and not physical
disabilities. The severity of dementia can be staged using the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - 3rd revised
edition (DSM-III-R)36 or other formal functional assessment scales
which include Clinical Dementia Rating Scale (CDR)37,38, Functional
Assessment Staging (FAST), Barthel Index and Blessed Dementia
Scale (BDS).

c) Social problems

As a result of dementia, there is also loss of social role of the patient

as a parent, spouse, friend and member of the larger society and these
often result in caregivers’ coping difficulties. Identification of
caregiver’s stress can allow targeted family education and
counselling at tertiary dementia care centres, or even dementia day-
care centres, and this has been shown to reduce institutionalisation.14
Elder abuse may also occur when the frustrated caregiver directs his
or her stress at the vulnerable patient whose care is proving to be
difficult.39 Likewise, financial difficulties should be asked for and if
problems are identified, families can be referred to a social worker.

(III) Determining the aetiology of Dementia

Having determined the cognitive impairment to be chronic and

having met clinical criteria for dementia, as well as assessing for the
complications of dementia, the final step of the clinical evaluation
involves determining the dementia aetiology. The types of dementia
can be broadly divided into 2 categories – irreversible and reversible

The more common causes of dementia can be classified into

irreversible and potentially reversible causes.

• The irreversible causes include degenerative causes
(Alzheimer’s disease, fronto-temporal dementia and dementia
with Lewy body), cerebrovascular disease (Vascular dementia),
prion-associated disorders (Creutzfeld-Jakob disease) and
neurogenetic disorders.
• The potentially reversible causes include infectious disorders
(meningitis and encephalitis), toxic or metabolic
encephalopathies (hypothyroidism, vitamin B12 deficiency, and
alcohol-related syndromes), neoplastic causes and
hydrocephalus (obstructive or normal pressure hydrocephalus).

Alzheimer’s disease

Studies in many countries have shown that Alzheimer’s disease is

the most common cause of dementia. Familial cases are rare and
usually present as early onset dementia (less than 60 years). Sporadic
cases usually present after the age of 60 with insidious, gradual
deterioration of cognitive function. Short-term memory loss is the
most common early symptom. However, other aspects of higher
cognitive function may become affected over the course of time.
Thus, patients may experience increasing difficulty with activities of
daily living, changes in personality, behavioural and psychiatric
problems, language dysfunction, loss of visuo-spatial and executive

Vascular dementia

Vascular dementia remains a controversial entity as there are

disagreements over the validity of clinical criteria. Nevertheless,
cognitive impairment and dementia is common in patients with
cerebrovascular disease and it is often reported as the second most
common cause of dementia in many studies.

Vascular dementia can be suspected in patients who have an abrupt

onset of symptoms, stepwise deterioration, focal neurological signs
and symptoms or a history of stroke. However, neuropathological
studies have shown that many patients diagnosed with vascular
dementia have Alzheimer’s disease pathology in addition to
cerebrovascular lesions giving rise to doubts whether “pure”
Vascular dementia exists. Due to the high variability of
cerebrovascular pathology and its causative factors, no validated
neuropathological criteria exist for vascular dementia. Nevertheless,
in a large unselected, community-based neuropathology study of an

elderly population with prospectively evaluated dementia status,
Alzheimer’s disease-type and vascular pathology were the major
pathological correlates of cognitive decline but most patients had
mixed disease40, emphasising the important role of vascular
pathology in dementia.

Dementia with Lewy Body (DLB)

DLB has been found in some studies to be the second most common
form of degenerative dementia, accounting for up to 20% cases in the
elderly. It is characterized by fluctuating cognitive impairment,
spontaneous parkinsonism and recurrent visual hallucinations.
Recognition of DLB is clinically important in view of the high
incidence (60%) of adverse and life-threatening reaction to

Fronto-temporal dementia

Fronto-temporal lobar degeneration produces 3 clinical syndromes:

• The most common is fronto-temporal dementia, characterized by
personality change and profound alteration in social conduct and
associated with bilateral atrophy of the frontal and anterior
temporal lobes.
• Progressive non-fluent aphasia characterized by difficulty in
verbal expression in the presence of relative preservation of
comprehension, and
• Semantic dementia where there is fluent speech with semantic
errors and severely impaired comprehension and naming,
together with a visual associative agnosia.

D The aim of determining dementia aetiology is to rule out

potentially reversible causes of dementia and selecting appropriate
treatment strategies for the irreversible dementias. This is done via
clinical history and physical examination, followed by laboratory
investigations and neuroimaging.41-44
Grade D, Level 4

It is important to ask for the nature of the cognitive decline (sudden
or gradual), progression – either gradually progressive (more
suggestive of Alzheimer’s disease) or stepwise/fluctuating course
(suggestive of Vascular dementia). A history of significant alcohol

ingestion and medication use (such as antipsychotics,
antidepressants, anticholinergic agents and sedative-hypnotic agents)
and history of medical, neurological and psychiatric illness is

Physical examination and mental state examination

A targeted physical examination should be performed, looking for

evidence of depression, focal neurological deficits (such as visual
field defects, hemiparesis, hemisensory loss, asymmetric deep tendon
reflexes or unilateral extensor plantar responses). It is also important
to examine for extrapyramidal signs such as rigidity and
bradykinesia, movement disorders and gait abnormalities as these
may point to certain aetiologic diagnosis.

Diagnostic tests to rule out metabolic and structural causes of


Dementias which are related to metabolic abnormalities are thought

to be reversible. The haematological tests include full blood count,
urea and electrolytes, serum calcium, serum glucose, thyroid
function tests and vitamin B12 levels.

Routine testing for neurosyphilis is problematic given the difficulties

in interpretation of test results. It is best done when patients exhibit
clinical features of neurosyphilis.

Other biomarkers which can help in establishing dementia diagnosis

include apolipoprotein-E İ4 allele, CSF-tau and ȕ-amyloid for
Alzheimer’s disease, CSF 14-3-3, neuron-specific enolase and
electroencephalogram for Creutzfeld-Jakob disease. However, these
are not performed routinely.


Neuroimaging is useful in the differential diagnosis of dementia and

also necessary in the diagnostic criteria in Alzheimer’s disease and
vascular dementia. It is also useful in detection of very early
dementia as the functional and structural brain changes takes place
before clinical manifestation of cognitive deficits. It consists of either

• Structural imaging techniques (computed tomography (CT) scan

of head and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)), or

• Functional neuroimaging techniques (Positron emission
tomography and single-photon emission tomography).

Whether all patients with dementia require a structural imaging is an

important clinical question, for which there is no consensus. The
value of neuroimaging is in the identification of cerebral infarcts and
clinically important surgical brain lesions (SBLs) such as subdural
haematomas, cerebral tumors and normal pressure hydrocephalus.
The Canadian Consensus Conference on the Assessment of Dementia
(CCCAD)45 (Appendix 6) has outlined the criteria for undertaking a
CT scan of the head, only if certain clinical conditions are met. In a
patient with advanced dementia of a long duration (>2 years based on
CCCAD’s recommendations), we believe a brain scan is not
warranted to detect potentially reversible SBLs. Conversely, if the
patient’s dementia is only mild to moderate (even after 2 years), it is
still advisable to request for an initial CT scan of the brain.46 If the
clinician is not inclined to perform a brain scan, there is immense
value in discussing the matter with the caregivers and in securing
their agreement not to order a neuroimaging procedure.

Neuroimaging is also useful for aetiologic differentiation of the

different dementias.

B A number of well-validated clinical criteria for the two most

common types of dementia (Alzheimer’s disease and Vascular
dementia) have been developed over the years. These can be used in
the specialized dementia clinics for the definition of Alzheimer’s
disease and Vascular dementia.
Grade B, Level 2++

In Alzheimer’s disease, the common clinical criteria used include

DSM-IV criteria for DAT, National Institute of Neurologic,
Communicative Disorders and Stroke-Alzheimer’s disease and
Related Disorders Association (NINCDS-ADRDA).47 In VD, the
common clinical criteria used include DSM-IIIR, National Institute
of Neurologic Disorder and Stroke and the Association Internationale
pour la Recherche et l’Enseignment en Neurosciences (NINDS-
AIREN)48, State of California AD Diagnostic and Treatment Centers
criteria (ADDTC)49, Hachinski Ischemic Score (HIS)50, modified
Rosen scale51 (the latter two being clinical scales).

Clinical Criteria for dementia with Lewy bodies52 and fronto-

temporal dementia53 have been developed.

Appendix 1 Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline
in the Elderly (IQCODE)21,22
Rated on 5-point scale from 1.
Much improved, A bit improved, Not much change, A bit
worse, Much worse [1ĺ5]

1. Recognising the faces of family and friends

2. Remembering the names of family and friends
3. Remembering things about family and friends e.g.occupations,
birthdays, addresses
4. Remembering things that have happened recently
5. Recalling conversations a few days later
6. Forgetting what he/she wanted to say in the middle of a conversation
7. Remembering his/her address and telephone number
8. Remembering what day and month it is
9. Remembering where things are usually kept
10. Remembering where to find things which have been
put in a different place from usual
11. Adjusting to any change in his/her day-to-day routine
12. Knowing how to work familiar machines around the
13. Learning to use a new gadget or machine around the
14. Learning new things in general
15. Remembering things that happened to him/her when
he/she was young
16. Remembering things he/she learned when he/she was young
17. Understanding the meaning of unusual words
18. Understanding magazine or newspaper article
19. Following a story in a book or on TV
20. Composing a letter to friends or for business purposes
21. Knowing about important historical events of the past
22. Making decisions on everyday matters
23. Handling money for shopping
24. Handling financial matters, e.g. pension, dealing with bank
25. Handling other everyday arithmetic problems e.g. knowing how much
food to buy, knowing how long between visits form family or friends
26. Using his/her intelligence to understand what’s going on and to reason
things through.

(Source: Jorm AF et al, 1991; Lim HJ et al, 2003)

Appendix 2 Elderly Cognitive Assessment Questionnaire
Items Score
1. I want you to remember this number. 1
Can you repeat after me (4517). I shall test you
again in 15 min.
2. How old are you? 1
3. When is your birthday? OR in what year were you
Orientation and information
4. What is the year? 1
5. date? 1
6. day? 1
7. month? 1
8. What is this place called? Hospital/Clinic 1
9. What is his/her job? (e.g. nurse/doctor) 1
Memory Recall
10. Can you recall the number again? 1

(Source: Kua EH & Ko SM, 1992)

Appendix 3 Abbreviated Mental Test (AMT)25

Items Score
What is the year? 1
What is the time? (within 1 hour) 1
What is your age? 1
What is your date of birth? 1
What is your home address? 1
Where are we now? 1
Who is our country’s Prime Minister? 1
What is his/her job? (show picture) 1
Memory phrase “37 Bukit Timah Road” 1
Count backwards from 20 to 1 1
Recall memory phase 1
Total score
(Source: Sahadevan S et al, 2000)

Appendix 4 Chinese Mini Mental State Examination
Items Score
What day of the week is it? 1
What is the date today? 1
What is the month? 1
What is the year? 1
Where are we now? 1
What floor are we now? 1
In which estate are we? 1
In which country are we? 1
Repeat the following words: “Lemon, Key, Balloon” 3
Substract $7 from $100 and make 5 subtractions 5
Can you recall the three wods 3
What is this? (show a pencil) 1
What is this? (show a watch) 1
Repeat the following:
a) “No ifs, ands or buts” (English) 1
b) “Forty-four stone lions” (Chinese)
Follow 1 3-stage command:
“Take this piece of paper, fold it in half, and put it on the 3
Say a sentence of your choice 1
Read and obey what is written on this piece of paper
“Raise your hands” 1
Copy this drawing on a piece of paper 1

Total score

(Source: Sahadevan S et al, 2000)

Appendix 5 Functional complications of dementia35
Variable Questions
Community Can patient find his way around in unfamiliar
functioning surroundings, manage his finances, do shopping
or marketing?
Home-care functioning Can he prepare his own food, help in housework
and cooking? Is he able to choose proper attire to
dress himself? Is he safe to be left at home alone?
Self-care functioning Is he able to bathe, dress himself? Is he able to go
to toilet, transfer or feed himself? Is he continent
of bladder and bowels?
(Source: MS Chong et al, 2003)

Appendix 6 Canadian Consensus Conference on the

Assessment of Dementia (CCCAD) for
performing Cranial CT in patients with
• < 60 years old
• Rapid (e.g., over 1-2 months), unexplained decline in cognition or
• Dementia of relatively short duration (<2 years)
• Recent, significant head trauma
• Unexplained neurologic symptoms (e.g., new onset of severe headache
or seizures)
• History of cancer, especially of a type or at a site associated with
metastasis to the brain
• Use of anticoagulants or history of bleeding disorder
• History of urinary incontinence and gait disturbance early in the disease
(suggestive of normal pressure hydrocephalus)
• Presence of any new localising signs on physical examination
(hemiparesis, Babinski’s sign)
• Unusual or atypical cognitive symptoms or presentation (e.g.,
progressive aphasia)
• Gait disturbance
• CT is recommended if one or more of these criteria are present.

(Source: Patterson CJ et al, 1999)

CT: computed tomography

4 Pharmacological Management
Pharmacological Management of
of Dementia

4.1 Overview
GPP Pharmacotherapy should be part of a multi-pronged strategy to
dementia management that encompasses a well-established
diagnosis, education of patient and caregiver, non-pharmacological
measures and comprehensive caregiver psychosocial intervention.

All dementia patients should be evaluated for suitability of

pharmacological strategies to:
• Reverse or stabilize the underlying disease
• Improve cognitive symptomatology
• Treat behavioural, mood or psychiatric symptoms associated
with dementia

4.2 Pharmacological interventions to reverse or stabilize

the underlying disease
Pharmacological strategies to address the underlying disease include
treating identifiable reversible causes, reduction of established risk
factors, and disease modifying measures to slow the rate of disease
progression (Table 3).54

Table 3 Possible pharmacological strategies to address

underlying disease

1. Treating identifiable reversible causes

• Replace deficiency states (e.g. B12 deficiency, hypothyroidism)
• Correct metabolic abnormalities (e.g. hypercalcemia,
• Treat infections (e.g. neurosyphilis)
2. Reduction of vascular risk factors
• Treatment of hyperlipidemia, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and
smoking cessation
• Anti-platelet agents for secondary stroke prevention
• Anti-coagulation for atrial fibrillation and cardioembolic strokes
3. Slowing rate of disease progression (disease modifying)

When significant neuronal damage has occurred, treatment of
potentially reversible causes often arrests the underlying
pathophysiology but may not reverse the dementia. Only a small
percentage of potentially reversible abnormalities are completely
reversible, and the more common of such conditions are
hypothyroidism and vitamin B12 deficiency.55 An increasing body of
evidence suggests that vascular risk factors are putative not only in
vascular dementia (VaD), but also in Alzheimer’s disease (AD)56,
thus, vascular risk factors (such as hyperlipidemia, hypertension,
diabetes mellitus, atrial fibrillation, smoking) should be sought for
and managed in all dementia cases.

4.2.1 Disease-modifying strategies

B Although high dose vitamin E (2000 IU per day) may have a

modest effect in delaying disease progression in moderately severe
Alzheimer’s disease, doses of vitamin E in excess of 400 IU a day
should be avoided for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease until
there is further data on its safety, especially in patients with
cardiovascular disease.
Grade B, Level 1+

The reported (and as yet unreplicated) benefit of high dose vitamin E

(2000 IU per day) is at best a modest benefit in retarding progression
in moderately severe Alzheimer’s disease.57 A recent meta-analysis
examined vitamin E supplementation (alone and in combination with
other vitamins and minerals) in doses up to 2000 IU a day, and
reported a slight but significant risk for all-cause mortality with
vitamin E dosage ≥ 400 IU a day (risk ratio 1.04, 95% CI 1.01-
1.07).58 Of note, seven of the eight high-dosage studies in the meta-
analysis that showed harmful effects of vitamin E involve
participants with vascular risk factors or established cardiovascular
disease.59 However, interpretation of the results of the meta-analysis
is mitigated by methodologic concerns, including a possible type I
error as the meta-analysis excluded vitamin E trials that reported
fewer than 10 deaths and did not adjust for mortality over different
follow-up periods.59

A Anti-inflammatory agents (such as non-steroidal anti-
inflammatory agents and cyclo-oxygenase 2 inhibitors) are not
recommended for the prevention of cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s
disease.60, 61
Grade A, Level 1++

B Prednisolone is not recommended for the prevention of cognitive

decline in Alzheimer’s disease.62
Grade B, Level 1+

A Oestrogen is not recommended for the prevention of cognitive

decline in women with dementia.
Grade A, Level 1++

Contrary to evidence from epidemiological studies which suggests a

protective role of oestrogens in Alzheimer’s disease, evidence from
randomized controlled trials supports the ineffectiveness of estrogen
for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.63-65 In addition, there are
concerns about increased risk for heart attacks, strokes, breast cancer
and thromboembolism with combination (oestrogen plus progestin)

There is insufficient evidence to support the use of other agents such

as supplemental omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acid,67 folate
supplementation with or without B12 (in the absence of a deficiency
state),68 and statins69 for the prevention of cognitive decline in

4.3 Pharmacological interventions to improve cognitive


4.3.1 Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors

A Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors should be considered for the

management of all patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s
Grade A, Level 1++

There are currently three acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (AchEI)

regularly used for the symptomatic treatment of dementia: donepezil,
rivastigmine and galantamine (Table 4). Clinical trials (the majority

lasting one year or less in duration) involving the use of donepezil,
rivastigmine or galantamine that are conducted in patients with mild
to moderate Alzheimer’s disease consistently demonstrate modest
improvement in (1) cognition and global functioning (on average, a
3-point difference on the 70-point Alzheimer’s disease assessment
scale over a 6-month period), (2) activities of daily living and (3)
neuropsychiatric symptoms (delay in emergence of symptoms,
improvement in apathy, and variable patterns of improvement for
milder degrees of anxiety, depression and hallucination).70-72 It is
unclear whether AchEI therapy confers benefit in terms of reducing
time to institutionalisation.73 The duration of benefit may persist as
long as three years in some patients.74

Patients in whom the start of AchEI treatment is delayed may

demonstrate slightly reduced benefits as compared with those started
on AchEI early in the course of disease.75 Although the placebo
group did show improvement when switched to AchEI during open-
label extensions of double-blind pivotal trials, they did not “catch
up” with the group that received AchEI since trial inception.76 This
suggests that AchEI may provide greater benefit when started as soon
as dementia is diagnosed, rather than waiting until symptoms
deteriorate further and become more prominent. In addition, drug
holidays should be discouraged as they can be associated with
clinical deterioration that may not revert to baseline even on
resumption of therapy.

B Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors can be considered for the

management of moderate to severe Alzheimer’s disease.
Grade B, Level 1+

There is evidence to suggest that the cognitive, functional and

behavioural benefit of AchEI may extend to the more severe stages
of Alzheimer’s disease.77,78 A recent Swedish study found that
donepezil improves cognition and preserves function in individuals
with severe Alzheimer’s disease (Mini Mental State examination
score 1-10) who were living in assisted care nursing homes.79

A Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors have been shown to be of clinical

benefit and may be considered for use in the management of mild to
moderate vascular dementia.
Grade A, Level 1+

Deficient cholinergic neurotransmission has been postulated to
contribute to the cognitive impairment of vascular dementia. Two
randomized, double-blind, parallel-group, placebo-controlled trials
with a total of 1,219 people suffering from mild to moderate
probable or possible vascular dementia have been published.80,81
Donepezil, at doses of 5 or 10 mg a day was compared with placebo
for 24 weeks. A meta-analysis that includes these studies showed
that the donepezil treated patients had a statistically significantly
improvement in cognitive outcome compared to placebo treated
patients on the cognitive subscale of the Alzheimer's Disease
Assessment Scale (ADAS-Cog) as well as on the Mini-Mental State
Examination (MMSE) at 12 and 24 weeks at both doses. However,
in terms of global function and activities of daily living, patients
showed a less uniform dose response.82

Donepezil was well tolerated; most of the side effects were transient
and were resolved by stopping the medication.

Moreover, galantamine showed statistically significant improvements

in cognition (ADAS-cog), global functioning (CIBIC-plus), activities
of daily living (DAD) and behaviour (NPI) in patients with vascular
dementia diagnosed according to recognised criteria combined with a
population of patients with Alzheimer's disease and coincidental
radiographic findings of cerebrovascular disease.83

Thus, AchEI have been shown to be effective and safe for the
treatment of cognitive symptoms in vascular dementia. However, no
AchEI has been licensed for the treatment of vascular dementia due
to concerns as to the aetiological heterogeneity of patients included
in the trials as well as lack of consistent effects on domains other
than cognition.

B Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors can be considered for the

management of dementia with Lewy bodies and Parkinson’s disease
Grade B, Level 1+

There is growing appreciation that dementia with Lewy bodies

(DLB) and Parkinson’s disease dementia (PDD) may actually
represent different clinical manifestations of the spectrum of Lewy
body synucleinopathies: the initial presentation is predominantly
neuropsychiatric in DLB and motor in PDD.

Consistent with the neurobiochemical profile of cholinergic deficit in
DLB, a study of 120 DLB patients reported that rivastigmine
significantly reduced the core psychiatric symptoms of apathy,
anxiety, delusions and hallucinations while enhancing cognitive
performance in tasks with a substantial attentional component,
without worsening the motor symptoms of Parkinsonism.84,85
Similarly, in Parkinson’s disease dementia, a rivastigmine study of
541 patients reported modest improvements in cognition mirroring
the degree seen in Alzheimer’s disease, as well as benefits in
activities of daily living and neuropsychiatric features.86 Although
generally well tolerated, there were significantly more cholinergic-
mediated adverse events such as nausea, vomiting and tremors in the
treated group.86

Clinical experience suggests that similar benefits in DLB and PDD

may be observed with other AchEI, although more robust data are

B All three available acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (donepezil,

rivastigmine and galantamine) can be considered for the
pharmacological management of dementia, since there is no definite
evidence to support a difference in clinical efficacy between them.
Grade B, Level 1+

With regards to the three currently used AchEI (donepezil,

rivastigmine and galantamine), there is very little to choose between
them in practice in terms of core efficacy. The few head-to-head
comparative studies are all industry sponsored, small, inconsistent in
results, and offer little basis to make a clinical choice.78,90 The choice
of AchEI therapy depends on the experience of the clinician,
tolerance to side effects, ease of use, and the clinical profile of the
individual to be treated (such as weight, co-morbid diseases and drug
interactions). For instance, where medication compliance is an issue,
once-daily formulations would be helpful. For patients who require
medications to be crushed due to swallowing difficulties, the capsule
formulations should be avoided (Table 4).

A Where tolerated, acetylcholinesterase inhibitors should be titrated

to recommended doses (5-10 mg/day donepezil; 6-12 mg/day
rivastigmine; 16-24 mg/day galantamine), which have been shown to
confer greater benefit compared with lower doses.
Grade A, Level 1++

To reduce intolerability to gastrointestinal adverse effects, AchEI are
often started at lower doses (donepezil 2.5 mg/day; rivastigmine 1.5
mg twice daily; galantamine 8 mg/day) (Table 4). Studies have
consistently shown that patients who received recommended doses of
AchEI exhibited better outcomes than those who received placebo or
lower doses.70-72 Thus, where tolerated, AchEI should be gradually
titrated to recommended doses (5-10 mg/day donepezil; 6-12 mg/day
rivastigmine; 16-24 mg/day galantamine) over 4-8 weeks.

4.3.2 N-methyl D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonists

B N-methyl D-aspartate antagonists such as memantine can be

considered for the management of moderate to severe Alzheimer’s
disease, either alone or in combination with acetylcholinesterase
Grade B, Level 1+

Memantine appears to be beneficial alone or in combination with

donepezil for moderately advanced Alzheimer’s disease.91-93 A study
of moderate to severe Alzheimer’s disease patients on stable doses of
donepezil (5-10 mg a day) reported that the addition of memantine
20 mg a day slightly improved cognitive, functional and global
scores in comparison with patients taking placebo.92 Further analysis
of the same study revealed that memantine reduced
agitation/aggression in patients who were agitated at baseline and
delayed its emergence in those who were free of agitation at

B N-methyl D-aspartate antagonists such as memantine may be a

treatment option for mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease, if
acetylcholinesterase inhibitor therapy is contra-indicated, not
tolerated or if there is disease progression despite an adequate trial of
acetylcholinesterase inhibitor.
Grade B, Level 1+

The efficacy of memantine in mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease

(alone or in combination with AchEI) has yet to be firmly
established.94 A recent study of memantine use in mild-to-moderate
AD reported a small beneficial effect on cognition and behaviour, but
not function.95 Taken together, memantine may provide a treatment
option if AchEI treatment is contra-indicated, not tolerated, or if
there is disease progression despite an adequate trial of AchEI.

The initial dose of memantine is 5 mg once a day, with 5mg
increments at intervals of at least one week until a maximum of 10
mg twice a day is achieved (Table 4). It should be used with caution
in patients with epilepsy and renal impairment, and the clinician
should be aware of interactions involving commonly prescribed
medications such as dextromethorphan and L-dopa.

A N-methyl D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonists have been shown to be

of clinical benefit and may be considered for use in the management
of mild to moderate vascular dementia.
Grade A, Level 1+

There have been 2 clinical trials of memantine in mild to moderate

vascular dementia.96,97 A Cochrane review98 of these 6-month studies
showed that whilst memantine improved cognition and behaviour the
clinical global measures did not show a significant difference. There
was no difference in drop-out or adverse event rates between
treatment and placebo groups.

Thus, memantine has been shown to be effective and safe for the
treatment of cognitive symptoms in vascular dementia. However,
memantine has not been licensed for the treatment of vascular
dementia due to concerns as to the aetiological heterogeneity of
patients included in the trials as well as lack of consistent effects on
domains other than cognition.

4.3.3 Other treatment modalities

B Practitioners who prescribe ginkgo for the treatment of dementia

should be aware of the unestablished benefit, variability of active
ingredient among preparations, and potential for drug interactions.
Grade B, Level 1+

There is insufficient evidence to support that there is positive benefit

of Ginkgo biloba on cognition and function in the treatment of
dementia.99 There are two negative studies100,101 and the magnitude of
benefit is less potent compared with AchEI.102 Practitioners need to
be mindful that the dose of the active ingredient is not standardised
and may differ among the different preparations. There are also
clinically relevant drug interactions involving ginkgo, such as
increased bleeding risk when combined with warfarin and antiplatelet

agents, and the antagonism of thiazides and anticonvulsants
(valproate and carbamazepine).103

A Selegiline is not recommended for the treatment of core or

associated symptoms in Alzheimer’s disease.104
Grade A, Level 1++

GPP Appropriate treatment of vascular risk factors is recommended

for all patients. However, it should be noted that whilst promising
observational data exists, it remains to be shown in a randomised
controlled clinical trial if any prevention strategy such as blood
pressure reduction or antiplatelet treatment for the secondary
prevention of stroke, will reduce the incidence of vascular dementia.

4.3.4 Treatment considerations

GPP The decision to initiate costly symptomatic dementia

treatment, such as acetylcholinesterase inhibitors or N-methyl D-
aspartate antagonists, should always be made in consultation with the
patient and family after careful consideration of the expected
magnitude of benefit, side effects, co-morbidities and costs of

Despite the evidence of efficacy from clinical studies, there is debate

over whether AchEI and NMDA-antagonist therapy are cost
effective, because the treatment effects are small and not always
apparent in practice.73,94,105,106 Cost-effectiveness issues become
increasingly relevant in the advanced stages of dementia, since the
magnitude of treatment benefit becomes less obvious and there are
often competing demands on the available financial resources with
regards to provision of care and placement. Until definitive findings
are available, practitioners should continue to individualise treatment
decisions for each patient.54 For instance, where financial resources
are limited, the opportunity cost of employing a maid to look after a
patient requiring help with activities of daily living may override the
modest benefits of symptomatic therapy.

For many, the diagnosis of dementia can be devastating and thus,
individuals with dementia and their family may have high,
sometimes unrealistic, expectations of any treatments offered. It is
therefore important to communicate with the patient and his
caregiver/family from the onset that54,106:
- The medications are not a cure.
- The medications may not work for everyone.
- Although there may be a response in terms of modest
improvement or stabilization of symptoms, symptomatic therapy
ultimately does not prevent progression of disease and cognitive
decline will continue even with treatment.
- The medication may be discontinued if the patient does not
respond after an adequate trial of 3-6 months.

GPP Patients who are started on acetylcholinesterase inhibitors or

N-methyl D-aspartate antagonists, should be carefully monitored for
side effects and response to treatment.

Although generally well tolerated, dose-related gastrointestinal side

effects (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia) are common with
AchEI use. These are transient and often circumvented to a large
extent by a slower titration and taking the medication with food.
Great caution should be exercised in those with bradycardia, sick
sinus syndrome or cardiac conduction disturbances, in view of
possible adverse effects of symptomatic bradycardia and syncope.
Other less common side effects that have been reported include
muscle cramps, insomnia, vivid dreams and weight loss. DLB and
PDD patients commenced on AchEI should be carefully monitored
for worsening of motor symptoms. Compared with AchEI,
gastrointestinal-related side effects are uncommon with memantine
use. Common adverse events of memantine include dizziness,
headache, fatigue, hallucinations and confusion, but these tend to be

Stabilisation or modest improvement above baseline may be
observed in the first 6-9 months, which can be monitored by the use
(i) clinical methods, via assessment of cognitive, functional and
behavioural domains through interview with the patient and
caregiver; and/or
(ii) standardized rating scales, which involves either:
a. brief mental status tests such as the Chinese Mini Mental
State Examination (CMMSE), Abbreviated Mental Test
(AMT) and Elderly Assessment Cognitive Questionnaire
(ECAQ), or
b. more detailed psychometric testing. After 6-9 months, a
lesser decline can be observed, which can be documented by
patient and caregiver interview for cognitive, functional and
behavioural (emergence of neuropsychiatric symptoms)

A trial of withdrawal of symptomatic treatment should be considered

when the harm outweighs the benefit, and should be undertaken only
after careful discussion with the patient and caregiver.54 Examples
include intolerable or serious side effects, and progression of disease
to the severe stages despite optimising treatment. When attempting
withdrawal, it is important to monitor closely for any deterioration so
that therapy can be quickly reinstated to regain the same level of
symptomatic effect.90

Table 4 Dosing information of dementia drugs in
clinical use
Medication Forms Dosing Starting Recommended
interval dose dosing
(1) Cholinesterase inhibitors
Donepezil Tablet (5 mg, 10 Once daily 2.5-5 mg 5-10 mg/day
(Aricept®) mg) once daily

Rivastigmine Capsule (1.5 Twice daily 1.5 mg bid 6-12 mg/day

(Exelon®) mg, 3 mg, 4.5 after meals
mg, 6 mg)
Galantamine PR Capsule (8 PR capsules: 8 mg once 16-24
(Reminyl®) mg, 16 mg and Once daily daily after mg/day
24 mg)* Oral meals
Solution (4 solutions:
mg/ml; 100 ml twice daily
(2) NMDA antagonists
Memantine Tablet (10 mg) Twice daily 5 mg once CCT >60:
(Ebixa®) Solution (10 daily 20 mg/day
mg/g oral CCT 40-60:
drops)‡ 10 mg/day
(Source: British National Formulary; Geriatric Dosage Handbook, 11th Ed)

* PR: prolonged release once-a-day formulation. The immediate-release

formulation has been phased out.

Solution can be mixed with non-alcoholic beverage, but must be consumed

10 drops = 5 mg
CCT: Creatinine clearance


5 5 Management of
Management of Behavioural
Behavioural and
and Psychological
Symptoms of
Symptoms of Dementia
Dementia (BPSD)

5.1 Non-pharmacological therapies (NPT)

GPP Non-pharmacological methods to manage behavioural and

psychological symptoms of dementia should be instituted, prior to
consideration of pharmacological measures.

Behavioural problems are a major cause of caregiver stress and often

lead to premature institutionalisation of the patient. Factors such as
pain or environmental triggers can be identified or manipulated and
use of other non-pharmacological methods to manage behavioural
problems prior to as well as in conjunction with pharmacological

Problematic behaviours may respond to non-pharmacological

therapies (NPT). NPTs are based on theoretical frameworks that
conceptualize these behaviours, and four frameworks are particularly

First, the direct impact model whereby the behaviours are seen to be
the direct result of brain pathology. Second, the unmet needs
model108, where unmet physical, emotional, spiritual and
idiosyncratic needs underlie challenging behaviours. Behaviour is
seen as a means of communication, a “cry for help” to fulfill a basic
human need. Third, the behavioural model109,110 assumes
connection between Antecedent, Behaviour and Consequence of the
behaviour (ABC model), where antecedents operate through stimulus
control, and the consequences reinforce behaviour. Modification of
the behaviour would thus entail changing the antecedents and/or the
consequences. Last, the concept of progressively lowered stress
threshold111 (PLST) holds that dementia results in greater
vulnerability to the environment, where minor stressors can
precipitate anxiety, agitation and even a catastrophic reaction
because the person with dementia is more susceptible and less able to
cope with stressors or triggers in the environment compared to
cognitively normal elderly individuals. Often, more than one model
is needed to explain the problematic behaviour in question.

NPT are multifaceted and varied, and one form of intervention can
bring about a broad range of effects. The appropriate NPTs are
instituted when a good understanding of the issues behind the
behaviour is procured. The following categories of NPT are
noteworthy but this list is not exhaustive:
1) Medical/nursing care interventions, e.g. pain management, relief
of fecal impaction and urinary retention, removal of restrainers,
enhanced care methods such as person-centred showering and
towel bath.
2) Environmental interventions, e.g. dementia safe and friendly
environments, wandering paths, natural or enhanced
environments, merry-walker.
3) Activities, e.g. structured activity programmes, physical
rehabilitation and physical exercises.
4) Social contact, e.g. one-on-one interaction, pet therapy,
simulated presence.
5) Timalation (interaction in which the senses are the main focus
for engagement rather than interactions which involve an
intellectual or emotional component), e.g. music, aromatherapy,
massage, dance and movement, multi-sensory approaches such
as snozelen.
6) Standard psychological therapies, e.g. behavioural therapy,
validation, resolution, reality orientation, reminiscence.
7) Alternative therapies, e.g. art therapy, bright-light therapy.
8) Staff training.

Although the research evidence for these therapies is varied, some

interventions being more evidenced-based than others, the reason for
considering NPT first and as an enduring endeavour in addressing
difficult behaviour is two-fold. First, NPTs guided by an
understanding of behaviour in the frameworks elaborated above,
address the underlying reasons for the behaviour. Second,
medications carry adverse side-effects and often mask and suppress
the behaviour that actually serves to communicate the need of the
person with dementia. Therefore, the appropriate approach must
entail trying to understand the etiology of the behaviour and
addressing the problem at its root cause.

5.2 Pharmacological interventions to manage BPSD

5.2.1 Antidepressants

GPP Antidepressants may be used for the treatment of comorbid

depression in dementia provided their use has been evaluated carefully
for each patient.

The use of antidepressants for patients with dementia and depressive

symptoms is common, however, their efficacy on depression and
cognitive function is weak.112,113

Evidence for use of older tricyclic antidepressants (clomipramine and

imipramine) is weak.112 Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
(SSRIs) which are commonly used to treat depression in the elderly
does not appear effective in the treatment of neuropsychiatric
symptoms of dementia other than depression.112,113 No current
evidence is available on the newer antidepressants for treatment in
dementia (e.g. newer classes of antidepressants such as selective
noradrenergic reuptake inhibitors).

5.2.2 Antipsychotics

A Conventional and atypical antipsychotics may be used with

caution, given their side effect profile, to treat neuropsychiatric
symptoms of dementia.
Grade A, Level 1+

Conventional antipsychotics
Conventional antipsychotics have been used to treat behavioural
problems associated with dementia. There is evidence for slight
benefit of haloperidol over placebo for treatment of aggression.
However, adverse events of extrapyramidal side effects and
somnolence may limit its routine use.113 Low-potency antipsychotics
like chlorpromazine should be used with caution in view of postural
hypotension and anticholinergic side-effects.

Atypical antipsychotics
The atypical antipsychotics, olanzapine and risperidone have been
shown to be modestly effective in the management of behavioural

problems in patients with moderate to severe dementia at doses of
olanzepine at 5-10 mg/day and risperidone 1.0 mg/day.113-115 There
is some evidence of quetiapine at doses of 25-100 mg/day showing
improvement in agitation scores.115,116 In frail elderly patients,
titration of dosage should be based on individual responses, starting
at the lowest possible dose with gradual increments.

However, adverse effects of somnolence (5-8 times greater) and gait

disturbance is 7.5-11 times more common in olanzepine-treated
group compared to placebo.117 Serious adverse events occurred in
16.8% of risperidone versus 8.8% of placebo group, including 5
strokes and 1 transient ischaemic attacks, all in Risperidone group.118
Meta-analysis of adverse events performed showed 3-fold
statistically increased risk of cerebrovascular adverse events with
Risperidone and Olanzepine (no statistically significant increase in
mortality)119 while another meta-analysis comparing risk of death
with atypical antipsychotics (Aripiprazole, Olanzepine, Risperidone
and Quetiapine) with placebo showed increase risk of death (OR
1.54, 95% CI 1.06-2.23) with number need to harm = 100 (95% CI
50-250).120 Other serious adverse events reported included
somnolence and metabolic complications of hyperglycemia and
weight gain.

Comparison between typical and atypical antipsychotics

Comparing the efficacy of typical and atypical antipsychotics, there
is little good quality evidence to suggest one group is superior.

A recent retrospective cohort study had shown increased mortality

among subjects using conventional antipsychotics compared to
atypical antipsychotics.121

Thus, despite the risks of atypical antipsychotics, there is currently

no evidence to suggest that typical antipsychotics are better.

5.2.3 Trazodone

B Trazodone may be considered for patients with depressive

symptoms and dementia associated agitation.
Grade B, Level 1+

One small randomised controlled trial showed reduction in agitation
when accompanied by depressive symptoms in patients with

5.2.4 Mood stabilisers

A Routine use of mood stabilizers, such as carbamazepine and

sodium valproate, is not recommended for treatment of behavioural
symptoms associated with dementia.
Grade A, Level 1+

There is no improvement in behavioural symptoms with mood

stabilizers (carbamazepine and sodium valproate).113

5.2.5 Benzodiazepines
There is no evidence of the efficacy of benzodiazepines in the
treatment of behavioural problems associated with dementia.

There are no systematic reviews or randomised controlled trials of

the use of benzodiazepines in the management of behavioural
symptoms of dementia.

5.2.6 Treatment considerations

GPP An individualized approach to managing behavioural

problems in dementia patients is required.

GPP Cholinesterase inhibitor therapy may be considered in

treatment of patients with behavioural problems if antipsychotics are

GPP The decision to start antipsychotic therapy to control

behavioural problems in dementia patients should be made in
consultation with the patient and family, after careful consideration
of the benefit, adverse-effects and co-morbidities.

In view of the potential adverse effects associated with antipsychotic
therapy, non-pharmacological interventions and identification of pain
and other environmental factors should be assessed and managed

If the above fails and the behavioural problems are assessed to be

significant causing difficulty in caring process (medically and
functionally) with significant amount of caregiver distress, there has
to be a discussion with the family members with regards to
antipsychotic therapy, with the attendant risks of adverse effects
(extrapyramidal side effects, somnolence, stroke, metabolic
complications), especially in those patients with risk factors for
cerebrovascular disease.

A recommended algorithm for management of neuropsychiatric

symptoms of dementia is available (see Figure 1).

B For patients with dementia with Lewy Body and behavioural

problems, acetylcholinesterase inhibitors should be considered first
for management of the behavioural problems.
Grade B, level 1+

Antipsychotic medication should be used cautiously in patients

suspected to have dementia with Lewy Body as these patients have
marked sensitivity to neuroleptic agents, including life-threatening
neuroleptic malignant syndrome.123

There is evidence of improvement of neuropsychiatric symptoms

with Rivastigmine therapy in dementia with Lewy Body patients (see
earlier section on acetylcholinesterase inhibitors treatment on
dementia with Lewy Body).

GPP In all patients started on antipsychotic medication, they should

be monitored carefully for side effects and response to treatment. In
patients who are stable, antipsychotic withdrawal should be

Figure 1 Algorithm for management of
neuropsychiatric symptoms of dementia
Patient with dementia and a behaviour problem

Evaluate for and manage delirium, pain, other medical and environmental causes of behaviour

Evaluate the behaviour problem (Antecedent, Behaviour and Consequence of Behaviour)

Begin non-pharmacological management directed at specific behaviour.

Caregiver education

Behaviour problem improved? Yes


Does patient have symptoms of depression or anxiety? Yes Monitor for recurrence

Is patient receiving a cholinesterase inhibitor? Begin antidepressant (e.g. SSRI)

Begin trial of cholinesterase inhibitor with or
without Memantine

Behaviour problem improved? Yes

Monitor for recurrence and adverse drug events


Begin trial of atypical antipsychotic medication

Behaviour problem improved? Yes


Begin trial of SSRI Monitor for extrapyramidal symptoms and sedation.

Attempt to taper medication every 6 months

Behaviour problem improved? Yes

No Monitor for recurrence and
Consider trial of mood stabilizers (valproate/ adverse effects
carbamazepine). If still uncontrolled, consider
referral to specialist.

SSRI = selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor

Adapted with permission from KM Sink et al. JAMA 2005;293; 596-608. Recommended
algorithm for management of neuropsychiatric symptoms of dementia.

6 6 Social and
Social and Caregiver
Caregiver Management
Management of
of Dementia
and Community Resources
and Community Resources

Psychosocial interventions are targeted at both the person with

dementia as well as the family caregiver. The goal is to enable
appropriate care to be given according to the needs of the person with
dementia and his caregiver, and these needs vary depending on the
type and stage of dementia, as well as the systems in their ecological
space. As the person with dementia is, by nature of the disease,
largely unable to help himself, most interventions are directed at the
family caregiver to indirectly help the person with dementia. These
interventions are largely provided for by the community.

6.1 Family caregivers – rationale and role in dementia

Most patients with dementia are cared for in their own homes by
family members. Caregiver management is important for the
following reasons:
1) Family caregivers need to be empowered with the necessary
knowledge and skills, and psychosocial support to facilitate them
in their task.
2) Family caregivers who face much negative consequences as a
result of long-term caregiving need to be helped and supported.

Caregiver intervention can take several forms and they include:

1) Education sessions to impart knowledge on dementia and
caregiving skills such as communication and behavioural
2) Individual and family counselling
3) Regular caregiver support group meetings
4) Continuous availability of health care professionals and
counsellors to provide support and help with crises and the
changing nature of the patient’s symptoms
5) Respite care
6) Technology-based interventions

A Caregiver interventions via a multifaceted approach should be

considered in the total management of the person with dementia.
Grade A, Level 1+

Several caregiver interventions have yielded promising results, the
NYU spouse-caregiver intervention14,124,125 and the REACH126
(Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer’s Caregiver Health) initiative
are noteworthy. They have been shown to reduce caregiver burden
and depression, ease caregiver reaction to behavioural problems and
delay nursing home placement. A meta-analysis127 also found that
counselling and training caregivers in how best to care had
moderate, statistically significant results. Multi-component
interventions have a greater effect than narrowly focused ones. A
support system that can meet the individual needs of different
caregivers, and be able to provide on-going support that is
responsive and continuous is most beneficial.

In addition, technology-based interventions such as web-based

learning, on-line discussions and support groups, and
telecommunications systems have burgeoned in recent years.
Improvements in caregiver outcomes like depression and strain have
been demonstrated in interventions involving technology.128,129
Caregivers also report they find the on-line resources useful and
appreciate the ability to communicate with each other and health care
professionals.130 Given the rapid advancement and easy availability
of technology, it should be harnessed more fully to make help
available to more family caregivers in a continuous, timely and
economical way.

GPP Where appropriate, respite care can be offered to relieve the

burden of caregiving on the family caregiver.

Respite care can take place in the home of the person with dementia
or a daycare centre. It may also vary in terms of who provides care;
trained staff, relatives of the patient or volunteers. The care provided
can also differ in duration, ranging from a couple of hours to weeks.
Caregivers often express the need for respite to allow them sometime
to rest, rejuvenate and have some moment to themselves. Although
the few trials performed have not shown improvements in caregiver
burden, improved caregiver satisfaction is reported.131,132 A
systematic review133 failed to show any benefit in caregiver outcomes
but as the review was only based on 3 studies that met inclusion
criteria, this reflects the lack of high quality research rather than an
actual lack of benefit.

6.2 Community resources

GPP Referral to community resources to meet the care needs of the

person with dementia and his/her carer should always be considered.

Integral to a comprehensive management plan is the referral of

people with dementia to appropriate community resources. This
assists in providing care and improving quality of life of both the
patient and the caregiver. Generic eldercare services such as meal
services, home help, befriender services, case management, home
medical, home nursing and social day care services have already
been established and some agencies are able to accommodate people
with dementia on an ad hoc basis. However, referrals to specialised
dementia services may be more suitable as such facilities have
trained staff and special programmes for dementia. At present,
dementia day care centres and nursing homes form the core of
dementia services locally. It has been shown that the structured,
social and modestly stimulating environment provided by a dementia
programme, often offered in dementia day care centres and some
nursing homes, can improve the well-being of people with
dementia.134 The benefits of caregiver intervention and respite have
been elucidated above. Other services such as home based dementia
care and home respite care are still not well developed. Finally,
organisations providing dementia care can also act as a resource
centre that provides information, support, training and education for
caregivers. The range of dementia services currently available are
shown in Annex 1.

7 7 Ethical Issues
Ethical Issues in
in Dementia

7.1 Preamble
Dementia is a clinical syndrome characterized by global cognitive
decline and impairments, which result in a loss of a patient’s
individuality and autonomy. At different stages, the disease causes
different extents of functional decline, and different severities in
behavioural and psychiatric symptoms. The disease also results in
varying extents of impairments in decision-making capacity, and at
some point, a patient becomes mentally incompetent and ceases to be
an autonomous agent.

Nevertheless, the dignity of the patient should be respected at all

stages irrespective of the patient’s functional status. Therapeutic
goals and treatment options that are coherent and appropriate to
patient’s functional status should be individually tailored and
adjusted at different stages of dementia, with an emphasis on quality
for life of the patient, as well as the caregiver. The important
question to ask for each individual patient is therefore what value of
life holds for the patient, and directed at how life is experienced by
the patient under the contextual circumstances specific to the patient.
It is important to distinguish such evaluations from morally
inappropriate social-worth evaluations, which base treatment
decisions on an individual’s ability to contribute to society.135 The
general ethical imperative must be to delay, prevent, stabilise
dementia, but not to protract life and morbidity artificially in the
severe stages of the disease.136

7.2 Decision-making
1. Respect for autonomous decision making is a fundamental
ethical and legal right of a mentally competent individual. This
right of self-determination should be respected to the fullest
possible extent, even in dementia or conditions associated with
cognitive impairment.
2. When affected by dementia, the key to a patient’s right of
autonomy is the presence of adequate decision-making capacity.
As a patient’s cognition and hence functional abilities for
decision making is impaired in dementia, a patient may or may

not possess adequate decision making capacity to make an
informed choice.
3. A diagnosis of dementia per se, however, does not automatically
imply a loss of decision making capacity, which is specific to
each patient and to each medical decision. Therefore, those who
cannot comprehend complex situations may still possess the
capacity to make simple decisions, or to convey their opinions
regarding the burdens and benefits of ongoing treatments.
4. In deciding if a patient with dementia possesses adequate
capacity with respect to making a particular decision, a clinical
evaluation of the following functional abilities should be
a. Ability to express a choice
b. Ability to understand information provided
c. Ability to appreciate significance of information and
relevance to self
d. Ability to manipulate information rationally before arriving
at a decision
5. If the patient lacks adequate decision making capacity, the
ethical imperative switches to one that aims to protect the patient
from his or her own harmful decisions or actions. Patients must
not be under-treated nor forced to receive inappropriate
treatment just because they lack decision making capacity or
legally appointed guardian(s). Consideration of the patient’s
functional status and quality of life is vital in making treatment
decisions for the patient.
6. In Singapore, treatment decisions for a patient who is incapable
of giving a valid consent will be made:
a. in immediate, life threatening emergencies by doctors, based
on the principle of medical necessity
b. in less emergent situations, by:
i. legal guardian (Committee of Person) appointed under the
Mental Disorder and Treatment Act (Cap 178, 1985 Rev
ii. the doctor, in accordance to principle of best interests (in
the absence of any legally appointed guardian).
Nevertheless, this does not exempt the doctor from
communicating with patient’s family members and
caregivers, so as to incorporate patient’s known values
and established preferences in the determination of
patient’s best interests. The opinions and sentiments of

the patient’s family ought to be sought, but they are not
legally binding.139
7. For patients adjudged clinically to have permanent and global
decisional incapacity as a result of dementia, decisions about
health care will be recurrent over their remaining lifetime.
Therefore, when such issues arise, the attending physician may
wish to consider a formal application should be made to the
High Court for the declaration of mental incompetence and for
the formal appointment of guardianship (committee of person(s)
and committee of estate) under the provision of the Mental
Disorder and Treatment Act (MDTA).

7.3 Genetic testing

1. As with any medical test, the decision regarding the utility of a
genetic test should take into consideration the benefits to the
individual patient and the ways that a test result would modify
the care that the patient would receive.
2. As in any genetic testing, especially in pre-symptomatic
susceptibility testing, individuals must be clearly informed
a. potential for severe psychological complications of testing
positive for an incurable, devastating illness
b. potential ramifications in the area of employment and
medical insurance
c. probabilistic implications of a positive test on genetically
related family members, who may not have participated in
any counselling or consented to testing

3. There is a body of evidence that APOE ε4 is strongly associated
with late-onset Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and that when present
may represent an important risk factor for the disease. However,
at the present time, it is not recommended for use in routine
clinical diagnosis nor should it be used for predictive testing.
a. APOE genotyping does not provide sufficient sensitivity or
specificity to be used alone as a diagnostic test for AD.141 It
is therefore not recommended as a diagnostic tool in routine
clinical evaluation of patients for sporadic early- and late-
onset AD.136,141-147
b. Based on presently available data, APOE genotyping is not
established as a predictive marker of AD. Furthermore,

APOE testing does not provide any medically useful
information linked to treatments that are effective in
preventing or delaying the onset of disease. Therefore,
susceptibility testing in asymptomatic individuals is not
recommended and may be associated with potential
psychological harm.136,142-144

7.4 Driving
1. Driving a motor vehicle is a complex task that requires the
simultaneous and coordinated application of different cognitive
abilities including ability to recall and apply traffic rules, sound
judgement, attention span, and quick responses. A person’s
ability to drive safely can therefore be affected in dementia,148,149
with consequently higher risk of accidents.150,151
2. Driving also represents independence, freedom and mobility.
The issue of driving in dementia requires therefore the balancing
of individual freedom and patient confidentiality on one side
versus public and patient safety on the other.152
3. Dementia adversely affects driving performance even in its mild
stages, although some persons with late-onset Alzheimer’s
disease DAT appear capable of driving safely for some time
after disease onset.148 A diagnosis of dementia therefore does not
automatically mean that a person is incapable of driving.148,153,154
The decision should be based on dementia severity or a
demonstration of impaired driving competence.148
4. Longitudinal data suggests that driving performance deteriorates
as the severity of dementia progresses over time,155 primarily in
early dementia. In one study, drivers with AD at a severity of
CDR 1 were found to pose a significant traffic safety problem
both from crashes and from driving performance
5. In patients with mild to moderate dementia, physicians find it
difficult to identify which individuals should not drive.
Performance-based measures of driving skills, such as on-road
driving tests, are recommended as a means of assessing driving
competency.156,157 A traffic-interactive, performance-based road
test that examines cognitive behaviours provides an accurate and
reliable functional assessment of driving ability.148
6. Even if a driver with early dementia passes a road test,
progression of the disease is expected to lead to deterioration in
driving skills.155 Therefore, repeat road testing at regular

intervals, usually 6 to 12 months, or earlier if suggested by
significant cognitive decline, is important.
7. For patients who are assessed to be unsafe for driving, doctors
should enlist the help of family members to persuade patient to
stop driving. To encourage such patients to surrender their
driving licences, alternative forms of transport should be
arranged, where possible.158 If the patient is absolutely inflexible
and insists on driving, thereby creating a reasonable risk to
public safety, it is then ethically and professionally permissible
for the doctor to breach doctor-patient confidentiality and file a
report to the relevant licensing authorities.136 Other measures
deemed to be ethical include hiding the patient’s car keys or
immobilising the car if necessary.159

7.5 Truth-telling of diagnosis to patient

1. Although patients generally would like to know the truth about
their own medical condition, the rights of those who do not want
to know should also be respected. Health care professionals
should therefore seek to understand their patients' preferences
with respect to the diagnosis of dementia and act appropriately
according to their choice.160
2. Studies have shown that the vast majority of patients with mild
dementia wish to be fully informed.161,162 Therefore, unless a
patient suffering from dementia explicitly declines to be
informed of the diagnosis, the default mode should be to inform
truthfully as it will enable the patient to:
a. plan for optimal life experiences in remaining years of intact
b. designate and appoint a surrogate decision maker to take
over the making of treatment decision upon eventual
c. settle personal financial and legal matters
d. participate in treatment decisions
e. consider possible enrolment in research programmes and
participate in informed consent process
3. When informing the diagnosis, the doctor needs to take into
account the patient and family’s prior knowledge and their
perception of the problems. The doctor should also be mindful
of the impact the diagnosis can have on the patient’s life and
family relationships. The communication should therefore be
conducted sensitively and empathically, and should include a

discussion on treatment options and available support services
both in the hospital and the community.
4. After the diagnosis has been communicated, the patient and
family should be given time to process the information and to
come to terms with it. They should be given ample opportunity
to ask questions and seek clarification from the doctor.
5. The objectives of truthful disclosure of diagnosis to patients
with dementia are to empower the patient with: the courage to
request for information, the cognition to understand
information and the strength and resources to cope with the
burden of information.

7.6 Restraints
1. Restraints, whether environmental, physical or
pharmacological, are used in the management of patients with
dementia to restrict or control the patient’s movement or
behaviour that may compromise the safety of the patient and/or
2. However, the use of restraints is not without potential
a. Risk of harm and injury
b. Decrease in ability to perform cognitive and physical
activities, thereby resulting in cognitive and functional
decline, and ultimately loss of independence
c. Loss of freedom, leading to loss of confidence and self-
3. The preferred choice should therefore be to avoid the use of
restraints. Restraints should not be a substitute for a proactive
search for reversible precipitating factors for patient’s
behavioural problems, or for good communication with the
4. If restraints have to be used on a patient, it should be seen as a
temporary means and should be stopped as soon as the
indication is no longer present. Excessive use of restraints
should be avoided - any restraint should therefore be instituted
for the minimal period of time and at the minimal strength or
degree needed to achieve the intended outcome for the patient.
The patient should also be carefully monitored while on

7.7 Living alone
1. Many patients diagnosed to have dementia continue to insist on
living alone. In some of these patients, cognitive decline arising
from dementia leads to poor compliance with medical treatment,
lack of safety awareness and poor judgement. All these can pose
a risk to the safety and well-being of the patient. The patient
may also be exposed, as a result, to mistreatment, fraud and
exploitation by others.
2. A diagnosis of dementia does not automatically mean that the
patient is incapable of living alone. This decision should be
based on an assessment of the patient’s decision making capacity
with respect to placement, and ability to continue living alone in
the community without posing too much risk to self and to
neighbours. Considerations should also be given to the potential
negative social and physical impact of moving from a familiar
environment to institutional care.
3. If the patient is assessed to have adequate decision making
capacity and insists on living alone, the health care professionals
should then support the decision by simplifying the daily tasks at
home and using available community resources. The patient
should also be reassessed as the dementia progresses and erodes
both his decisional capacity and ability for self-care.
4. If the patient has doubtful decisional capacity, then there should
be an assessment, preferably with the occupational therapist, on
the following: safety to self and to neighbours when carrying out
activities of daily living and tasks such as food preparation,
handling of monies, laundry and compliance to medication.
5. The final objective is to provide the patient with dementia with a
safe, familiar and comfortable living environment, and to avoid
premature institutionalisation.

8 8 Cost-effectiveness

There are currently no local data on cost effectiveness of

pharmacological agents, non-pharmacological methods and
complex caregiver intervention programmes in dementia.

Due to the different healthcare funding mechanisms in other

countries, we are thus unable to extrapolate from cost-effectiveness
studies from overseas countries.

9 Clinical Quality
Clinical Quality Improvement

The following clinical audit parameters, based on recommendations

in these guidelines are proposed:

1. Percentage of patients whose caregiver report subjective

memory complaints underwent cognitive evaluation with
subsequent appropriate management.

2. Percentage of patients newly diagnosed with dementia who had

subsequent multi-pronged strategy to dementia management
that encompasses education of patient and caregiver, non-
pharmacological measures and comprehensive caregiver
psychosocial intervention.

3. Percentage of patients newly diagnosed with dementia,

institution of cognitive enhancers such as acetylcholinesterase
inhibitors or N-methyl D-aspartate antagonists, was made in
consultation with the patient and family after careful
consideration of the expected magnitude of benefit, side
effects, co-morbidities and costs of treatment.

4. Percentage of patients newly diagnosed with dementia with

significant behavioural problems, appropriate non-
pharmacological management was instituted prior to
consideration of pharmacological agents.

5. Percentage of patients newly diagnosed with dementia with

significant behavioural problems despite non-pharmacological
management, institution of antipsychotic therapy was made in
consultation with the patient and family, after careful
consideration of the benefit, adverse-effects and co-morbidities.

6. Percentage of patients newly diagnosed with dementia who had

a referral to community resources to meet the care needs of the
person with dementia and his caregivers.

Annex 11

Diagnosis and treatment

1 Alexandra Hospital 378 Alexandra Road Tel. 64768828
Geriatric Medicine Singapore 159964 (Appointment)
Clinic 63793420
(M Clinic)
Fax: 63793880

2 Changi General Hospital 2 Simei Street 3 Tel. 68503333

Memory Clinic Singapore 529889 Fax: 67872141

3 Institute of Mental 10 Buangkok View Tel. 63892200

Health Singapore 539747 Fax: 63851075
Psychogeriatric Clinic

4 National University 5 Lower Kent Ridge Tel. 67795555

Hospital Road Fax: 67795678
Neuroscience Clinic Singapore 119074

5 Singapore General Outram Road Tel. 63214377

Hospital Singapore 169036 (Central Appt)
Dept of Neurology Fax: 62203321Fax:
Geriatric Medicine Unit

6 Tan Tock Seng Hospital 11 Jalan Tan Tock Tel: 63578013

Geriatric Medicine Seng Fax: 63578682
Clinic Singapore 308433

Dementia day care centres

1 Alzheimer’s Disease Blk 157, Toa Payoh Tel: 63538734

Association Lor 1 #01-1195 Fax: 63538518
(New Horizon Centre – Singapore 310157
Toa Payoh)
(Has an Early Dementia

2 Alzheimer’s Disease Blk 511, Bukit Batok Tel: 65659958

Association St. 52 #01-211 Fax: 65652257
(New Horizon Centre – Singapore 650511
Bukit Batok)
(Has an Early Dementia

3 Alzheimer's Disease Tampines Polyclinic Te. 67865373

Association - (New (Level 3) Fax: 67849587
Horizon Centre- 1 Tampines Street 41
Tampines) Singapore 529203

4 Apex Harmony Lodge 10 Pasir Ris Walk Tel: 65852265

Singapore 518240 Fax: 65852982

5 Sunlove Dementia Day 70 Buangkok View Tel: 63873593

Care Centre Singapore 534190 Fax: 63863716

6 Sunshine Welfare 5 Sembawang Walk Tel: 62576117

Action Mission Singapore 757717 Fax: 67548443
(SWAMI) Dementia
Day Care Centre

7 Thong Teck Home for 91 Geylang East Tel: 68460069

Senior Citizens (Day Avenue 2 Fax: 68460396
Care Centre) Singapore 389759

8 Yong-en Dementia Blk 335A Smith Street, Tel: 62251002

Day Care Service #03-57 Fax:62255218
Singapore 051335

Nursing homes with dementia facilities
1 Apex Harmony Lodge 10, Pasir Ris Walk Tel. 65852265
Singapore 518240 Fax:65852982

2 Ju Eng Home for Senior 205 Jalan Kayu Tel. 64846891

Citizens Singapore 799436 Fax: 64846892

3 Ling Kwang Home for 156 Serangoon Garden Tel. 62875466

Senior Citizens Way Fax: 62843567
Singapore 556055

4 Lions Home for the 41 Toa Payoh Rise Tel. 62529900

Elders Singapore 298101 Fax: 63535725

5 Peacehaven Nursing 9, Upper Changi Rd Tel. 65465678

Home for the Aged North Fax: 65461831
Singapore 507706
6 Sunshine Welfare 5 Sembawang Walk Tel. 62576117
Action Mission Singapore 757717 Fax: 67548443
(SWAMI) Home

Carers support groups

1 Alexandra Hospital 378 Alexandra Road Tel: 63793420
Geriatric Centre Singapore 159964 Fax: 64714508
(Support Group in

2 Alzheimer’s Disease Blk 157, Lorong 1, Tel: 63538734

Association Toa Payoh Fax: 63538518
(Support Groups in #01-1195
English, Mandarin and Singapore 310157

3 O’Joy Care Services 701 Geylang Road Tel: 67490190

(Support Group in Teambuild Centre
Mandarin) #03-03
Singapore 389687

Training in dementia
1 Alzheimer’s Disease Blk 157, Lorong 1, Toa Tel: 63538734
Association ( including Payoh Fax: 63538518
domestic helpers) #01-1195
Singapore 310157

2 TSAO Foundation 5, Temasek Boulevard, Tel: 64332740

Singapore #12-06 Suntec Tower
Singapore 038985

Home-based care
1 Aged Psychiatry 10 Buangkok View Tel. 63892175
Community Assessment Singapore 539747 Fax: 63851051
and Treatment Service
Institute of Mental
Department of Geriatric


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Self-assessment (MCQs)
Self-assessment (MCQs)
After reading the Clinical Practice Guidelines, you can claim one CME
point under Category III (Self-Study) of the SMC Online CME System.
Before you login to claim the CME point, we encourage you to evaluate
whether you have mastered the key points in the Guidelines by
completing this set of MCQs. This is an extension of the learning process
and is not intended to “judge” your knowledge and is not compulsory.
The answers can be found at the end of the questionnaire.

Instruction: Choose either “True” or “False”.

True False
1. Dementia assessment and evaluation should be performed
in the following group of patients:
A) Subjects with memory and other cognitive † †
complaints (either self-report or caregiver-report)
B) Routine screening for all older subjects † †
C) Subjects with progressive forgetfulness † †
D) Subjects who arouse the physician’s suspicion of † †
cognitive impairment during interview despite
absence of memory or cognitive complaints
E) Subjects with strong family history of dementia † †

2. Diagnosis of dementia
A) Dementia can be diagnosed clinically using DSM- † †
IV criteria for dementia.
B) The patient can be diagnosed with dementia if he † †
has memory impairment and deficits in one other
cognitive domain (agnosia, aphasia, apraxia and
executive functioning) although these cognitive
declines do not impair social or occupational
C) Brief bedside screening instruments (such as † †
ECAQ, AMT, CMMSE) may be used to aid in the
diagnosis of dementia.
D) Neuropsychological testing is useful in detecting † †
subtle cognitive difficulties not picked up by brief
screening instruments.
E) Potentially reversible causes of dementia should be † †
excluded in all patients who meet DSM-IV criteria
for dementia.

3. Complications of dementia
A) Patients with dementia may present with anxiety † †
and depression in the early stages of their illness.
B) Caregivers of dementia patients with significant † †
behavioural problems may experience coping
difficulties and caregiver stress.
C) Patients with dementia first experience difficulties † †
in home functioning.
D) Behavioural problems occur uncommonly in † †
patients with dementia.
E) Depression, agitation, anxiety, paranoia, † †
hallucinations and sleep problems should be asked
for routinely in patients with dementia.

4. The following are common causes of dementia

A) Alzheimer’s disease † †
B) Normal pressure hydrocephalus † †
C) Dementia with Lewy Body † †
D) Creutzfeld-Jakob disease † †
E) Vascular dementia † †

5. Pharmacological management of dementia

A) Pharmacotherapy is the most important aspect in † †
dementia management.
B) A multi-pronged strategy is required for dementia † †
management, which consists of patient and
caregiver education, non-pharmacological
measures, pharmacotherapy and comprehensive
caregiver psychosocial interventions.
C) Oestrogen therapy should be considered for † †
prevention of cognitive decline in women with
D) Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors or N-methyl D- † †
aspartate antagonists for symptomatic treatment of
dementia should only be started after careful
consideration of expected magnitude of benefit,
side-effects, co-morbidites and costs of treatment.
E) Patients started on acetylcholinesterase inhibitors or † †
N-methyl D-aspartate antagonists do not require
regular monitoring and follow-up for side effects
and treatment response.

6. Management of behavioural and psychological symptoms
of dementia
A) Pharmacological measures should be instituted † †
initially for management of behavioural and
psychological symptoms of dementia.
B) Non-pharmacological methods to manage † †
behavioural symptoms of dementia entails
understand the aetiology of the behaviour and
addressing the problem at its root cause.
C) Antipsychotics (conventional or atypical) should be † †
used as first line in pharmacological treatment of
D) Antidepressants may be used to treat comorbid † †
depression in dementia.
E) Typical antipsychotics is more efficacious † †
compared to atypical antipsychotics.

7. Social and caregiver management of dementia

A) Psychosocial interventions in dementia are targeted † †
mainly at patients with dementia.
B) Family caregivers who face much negative † †
consequences as a result of long-term caregiving
need to be helped and supported.
C) Respite care can be offered to relieve the burden of † †
caregiving on the family caregiver.
D) In meeting the care needs of the person with † †
dementia and his/her carer, referral to community
resources should be considered.
E) Dementia daycare centres are useful in patients in † †
dementia in keeping them active, improve their
sleep and aid in reducing caregiver stress.

1 (a) T 5 (a) F
1 (b) F 5 (b) T
1 (c) T 5 (c) F
1 (d) T 5 (d) T
1 (e) T 5 (e) F

2 (a) T 6 (a) F
2 (b) F 6 (b) T
2 (c) T 6 (c) F
2 (d) T 6 (d) T
2 (e) T 6 (e) F

3 (a) T 7 (a) F
3 (b) T 7 (b) T
3 (c) F 7 (c) T
3 (d) F 7 (d) T
3 (e) T 7 (e) T

4 (a) T
4 (b) F
4 (c) T
4 (d) F
4 (e) T

80 80
Workgroup members
Workgroup members

The members of the workgroup, who were appointed in their personal

professional capacity, are:

Chairman Dr Chong Mei Sian

Department of Geriatric Medicine


Dr Christopher Chen Li-Hsian Dr Chin Jing Jih

Senior Consultant Consultant
Dept of Neurology Dept of Geriatric Medicine
Dr Philip Yap Lin Kiat
Prof Kua Ee Heok Consultant
Head, Dept of Psychological Dept of Geriatric Medicine
Medicine, AH
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine,
NUH Dr Chiam Peak Chiang
Chief & Senior Consultant
Dr Ng Li Ling Dept of Geriatric Psychiatry
Senior Consultant WH/IMH
Dept of Psychological Medicine
CGH Dr Francis Ngui Tet Shin
Medical Director
Dr Lim Wee Shiong Adam Road Hospital
Dept of Geriatric Medicine Dr Tan Kok Leong
TTSH Director
Singhealth Polyclinics-Outram

Subsidiary editors

Dr Pwee Keng Ho
Assistant Director (Health Technology Assessment)
Health Services Research & Evaluation Division
Ministry of Health

Dr Rajni Gupta
Executive (Health Technology Assessment)
Health Services Research & Evaluation Division
Ministry of Health


Dr Edwin Chan Shih-Yen

Head of Evidence-Based Medicine
Director of the Singapore Branch, Australasian Cochrane Centre
Clinical Trials & Epidemiology Research Unit

Dr Miny Samuel
Senior Evidence-Based Medicine Analyst
Co-Director of the Singapore Branch, Australasian Cochrane Centre
Clinical Trials & Epidemiology Research Unit

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ISBN 978-981-05-8095-7

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