Appendix 07-08 Lesson Plan 2 - Dot Product Rev

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Appendix 07


Educational Unit : SMA Negeri Bali Mandara

Subject : Mathematics
Grade Level/Semester : X/ 2
Topic : Vector
Sub Topic : Dot Product of Two Vectors
Time Allocation : 2 lesson duration

A. Learning Objectives
1. Content Objectives
By discussing and solving the problems on the worksheet, student will be
able to:
1) determine the dot product of two vectors if the magnitude of the two
vectors and the angle between the two vectors are given
2) solve the problem related to the dot product of two vectors
2. Language Objectives
By discussing and solving the problems on the worksheet, student will be
able to:
1) define the terms dot product by the following sentence frame:
“Dot product of two vectors is a_________ (scalar / vector)”
“Let _________, then the dot product u and v is defined by u.v
2) use words and ilustration to describe the value of the dot product of
two vectors based on the magnitude of the two vectors and the angle
between the two vectors, by the following sentence frame:
“θ is__________(an acute / a right / an obtuse) angle if and only if
the dot product of vectors u and v is__________ (negative / zero /
B. Basic Competence
3.2 Explaining vector, operation of vector, the length of vector, angle
between vector in two-space (plane) and three-space
4.2 Solving the problems related to vector, operation of vector, the length of
vector, angle between vector in two-space (plane) and three-space

C. Indicators
3.2.1 Determining the dot product of two vectors if is given the magnitude
of the two vectors and the angle between the two vectors
4.2.1 Solving the problem related to the dot product of two vectors

D. Learning Material
Let u and v be two nonzero vectors in 2-space or 3-space, and assumed
these vectors have been positioned so their initial points coincide. By the angle
between u and v, we shall mean the angle θ determined by u and v that
satisfies 0  θ  π.
Definition: Let u and v are vectors in 2-space or 3-space and θ is the angle
between u and v, then the dot product u and v is defined by
 u . v cos θ if u  0 and v  0
u.v  
 0 if u  0 or v  0

E. Learning Method
1. Learning Model : SIOP (Sheltered Instruction and
Observation Protocol)
2. Learning Approach : Scientific
3. Learning strategy : questioning and answering activities

F. Learning Media and Equipment

1. Student’s worksheet
2. Dot product media by using geogebra
3. A video of dot product concept
4. Projector, laptop
5. White board, board marker, eraser
G. Learning Source
1. Buku Siswa Mata Pelajaran Matematika Peminantan Kelas X semester 2,
Kemdikbud, 2016

H. Learning Activity
Description of the Activity Time
Teacher Student Allocation
Preliminary 1. Greet the students, 1. Greet the teacher and 10 minutes
Lesson checking the students’ give information
Preparation attendance about their peers
2. Ask the student if they 2. Ask any questions
have any difficulties related to the previous
about the previous material
material (determining
the angle between two
vectors geometrically)

Building 3. Introduce the topic 3. Listen and pay
Background going to be discussed attention toward the
(dot product of two topic going to be
vectors) and link the discussed
topic with the students’
background/ experience
and the previous topic

4. Display the content 4. Listen and pay
objectives based on the attention toward the
national curriculum and objectives going to be
the language objectives achieved
(both content and
academic vocabulary)
by the projector or
written on the
5. Emphasize the key 5. Pay attention on the
words including the teacher direction
content vocabulary (dot
product, multiplication,
magnitude) and the
functional vocabulary
(investigate, determine,
represent, obtain)
Description of the Activity Time
Teacher Student Allocation
6. Build background by 6. Pay attention on the
showing the students a video
video on dot product
Comprehen- 7. Inform the students 7. Pay attention on the
sible Input they will investigate the teacher direction
problems on the
worksheet to find the
definition of dot
product of two vectors
8. Give instruction to the 8. Students make group
students to make some based on the
groups instruction
9. Distribute the 9. Each group receive
worksheet to each the worksheet
Main Practice/ Application 45 minutes
Activity Questioning:
Strategies 10. Guide the student to do 10. Do questioning and
questioning and answering activity
answering activity, and and discuss in their
actively discuss the group about the
problem with their problems exist in the
peers in the group worksheet
Ask the following
question, “Are the
vectors belong to a zero
or non-zero vector?
Can you show
geometrically, what is
dot product? Are the
dot product a vector or
Interaction 11. Ask the students if they 11. Ask the teacher about
find any problems the problem in their
Practice 12. Reinforce the students 12. Do group activities,
to explore more about using geogebra to
the dot product by the construct their
learning media on comprehension
Description of the Activity Time
Teacher Student Allocation
13. Look around to each 13. Discuss and apply
group, provide what they are learning
opportunities to the through integration of
students to discuss and reading, writing,
apply what they are listening, and
learning through speaking
integration of reading,
writing, listening, and
Communicating 14. The chosen group
Lesson 14. Ask each group to present their
Delivery present their discussion result in
discussion’s result in front of the class,
front of the class. while the other group
listen and pay
15. Teacher organizes the 15. The students give
lesson to be focused on their opinion
the objectives and (agreement/
involves the students to disagreement) toward
actively achieve the what is being
objectives. presented by their
Review and Review/ Assessment
Assessment 16. Observe the students’ 16. Do the discussion
discussion to track the among the groups and
students’ progress, ask the teacher if they
giving reinforcement find any problems
and motivate the
17. Review key concepts 17. Listen and pay
and vocabulary to attention to the
ensure long-lasting teacher’s explanation
learning, make
adjustments to improve
student comprehension,
and reteach as needed.
Closing 18. Guide the students to 18. Make the conclusion 5 minutes
Activity conclude the material based on both the
based on both the content and the
content and the language objectives
language objectives and summarize the
and summarize the concept of dot
concept of dot product: product
 I learned...
 I discovered...
Description of the Activity Time
Teacher Student Allocation
 Dot product of two
vectors is a__
(scalar / vector).
 Let ___, then the dot
product u and v is
defined by u.v =___.
 θ is___ (an acute / a
right / an obtuse)
angle if and only if
the dot product of
vectors u and v
is____(negative /
zero / positive).
19. Give homework to the 19. Note the homework
students given by the teacher
20. Extend the next topic 20. Listen and pay
going to be discussed attention to the
on the next meeting teacher
about determining the
dot product of two
vectors if the
component of the two
vectors is given
21. Close the meeting by 21. Greet the teacher
greeting the students

a. Assessment Technique : Written test, observation
b. Assessment Procedure:
No Aspects of Assessment Time of Assessment
1. Affective Observation Along the learning process
a. Attending the class on and discussion
b. Being active on the
c. Accomplishing the
task on time
d. Having politeness
along the learning
No Aspects of Assessment Time of Assessment
2. Cognitive
a. Determining the dot Observation and test Accomplishing individual
product of two and group task
vectors if the
components of the
two vector are given
b. Solving the problem
related to the dot
product of two

Singaraja, March 2 2017

Teacher, Researcher,

I Kadek Santika, S.Pd. Ni Luh Okassandiari

NIP.- NIM 1313011026
Appendix 08


Subject : Mathematics
Topic : Dot Product of Two Vectors
Time Allocation : 20 minutes

Members of the Group :

2. ...................................................
4. ...................................................
1. Do the following tasks with your group by proposing your idea and giving
attention to each detail of the task
2. Ask the teacher whenever you find something unclear
3. Some groups will present their discussion result at the end of this part

Pay attention toward the following definition. Investigate, how does the dot product
of two vectors being obtained!
Let two vectors a and b, and θ is the angle between vectors a and b.

The dot product of a and b is based on the projection onto another.

a.b (read: a dot b) is defined as:
the product of the magnitude/length of b and the magnitude/length of
projection of a onto b (red coloured segment)
a.b = b c

If θ is the angle between vectors a and b, find the magnitude/length of projection of
a onto b ( c )! (hint: you can use the trigonmetric definition)

a.b = ..........................................................................................................................................
= ..........................................................................................................................................

Make your conclusion after investigating the problem above:

So that,
1. Dot product of two vectors is a_________ (scalar / vector)
2. Let___________________________________________________________
______, then the dot product a and b is defined by a.b
Pay attention that if the angle between a and b is θ, then θ satisfies 0  θ  180°
Further conclusion:
1. What happen to the dot product when a is a zero vector?
2. What happen to the dot product when b is a zero vector?
3. What is the sign of the dot product when θ < 90° (θ is an acute angle)?
4. What is the sign of the dot product when θ = 90° (θ is a right angle)?
5. What is the sign of the dot product when θ > 90° (θ is an obtuse angle)?

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