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How to Use Body Language to Improve Your Presentation
(YouTube 2010)

Hello, I’m Carmine Gallo, communications coach. When you speak, you represent a brand: the brand of
you. How you talk, walk and look reflects upon that brand. What does your body language say about
you? Does it say that you are authoritative, confident and competent -- or just the opposite?

Great business leaders employ 3 very simple techniques to work a room.

Technique number 1:
Maintain eye contact ninety percent of the time. Look at the person you’re speaking to. If you’re
addressing a small or a large group in a room, break up the room into three parts. For the first part, look
at one individual on one part of the room, make a point; direct or gaze to another part of the room, make
your point and then finish up with the rest of the room.

Watch Oracle CEO, Larry Ellison work a room with his eyes.

We’re promoting Linux to our other users who are not using Linux now, because we really think it’s the
best system. Best meaning cheapest, fastest, most reliable.

Do you see how he makes everyone feel important and included?

Now the second technique is to maintain an open body posture. This simply means you don’t put
anything in between yourself and the listener. This for example is closed.

Watch former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina maintain an open posture, especially with her hands.

The fact that we’re a technology company, that participates in printing and imaging, and enterprise
computing, and devices, and networking, and services means that we have the ability to deliver solutions
in a way that is truly unique.

Do you see how effective that is?

Now the third and final technique is to use hand gestures. People will often ask me, ‘Carmine, what do I
do with my hands, do I just hold them in my pocket?’ No, of course not, feel free to use your hands!
In fact, studies show that complex hand gestures, in other words using two hands during the course of the
conversation, reflects complex thinking. It actually gives us confidence in the speaker.

Watch Symantec CEO, John Thompson.

It’s becoming an irregulatory alphabet soup. GLBA, HIPPA, PEPITA, Basel II, you name it. Needless to
say, all of these bring their own cost and complexity for you to deal with.

So remember, maintain eye contact, an open posture and use those hand gestures.
By doing those three simple things, you’ll take your presentations to a whole new level.
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1. a brand une marque

2. reflects upon reflète sur
3. to work a room impliquer l’assistance / essayer de capter
l’intérêt du plus grand nombre
4. maintain eye contact garder le contact ‘visuel’
5. you’re addressing vous vous adressez à
6. break up the room divisez la pièce en…
7. make a point mettez en avant un argument
8. gaze fixer
9. CEO = Chief Executive Officer (PDG)
10. reliable fiable
11. maintain an open body gesture garder une posture corporelle ouverte
12. former CEO ancien, précédent
13. especially surtout
14. printing imprimerie
15. devices appareil, dispositif
16. to deliver solutions proposer, trouver des solutions
17. effective efficace
18. feel free to… n’hésitez pas à
19. in other words en d’autres termes
20. you name it et j’en passe
21. needless to say inutile de préciser que…
22. deal with gérer
23. you’ll take your presentations to a whole new level vos présentations monteront d’un cran (dans la

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