Modal Verb Manual - Complete

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चा हये , म या िनयम दखाने के िलए योग कया जाता है अिनवाय संभावना जताने के िलए
योग कया जाता है फज अतीत क संभावनाओं को जताने के िलए योग कया जाता है
Strong obligation & compulsion
You must stop when the traffic lights turn red.
You must ensure completion of work allocated to you.
You must visit us soon. Must + have
To score better marks, must work harder. •He must have taken a
Logical conclusion. taxi to reach the station.
You must be joking.
He must be at least 70.
Certainty •Mary must have locked
He must be very tired. He's been working all day long. the door and left keys
Have + to inside the car.
You have to make it fast if you want to catch the train.
He has to complete his work by tomorrow to ensure that he
doesn’t get fired from the company.

must not prohibition

You must not smoke in the hospital.
can - समथ होना सकना, इजाजत दे ना, अचरज
जताने के िलए %& म' उपयोग कया जाता है
I can swim. •Offers and invitations:
•Can I help you?
My friends can speak any language.
•Can I do that for you?
This car can take five passengers.
This box can only take these much clothes.
I can smell something fishy in this .
Can’t you smell gas?
I can tell you just by looking at her face that she is lying.
Can I use your phone please?
Can I smoke in this room?
able to
You can't smoke here, but you can smoke in the garden. The animals are able to move around, and they can all lie down.
You can go if you promise to be nice next time. We were not able to give any answers.
to indicate surprise, disbelief We were unable to afford the entrance fee.
What can he doing all this time?
You cannot be serious.
Smoking can cause cancer.
It can be very cold in winter. (= It is sometimes very cold in
You can easily lose your way in the dark. (= People often lose
their way in the dark)
%वाचक *या, सका, कर सकता
ability in the past or permission Possibility of past
When I was younger I could run fast. Don't eat it. It could be poisoned.
The person sitting in the corner is a legend in athletics, when he was He was appointed in February last year, and could be promoted in
young, he could jump farther faster than anyone else. March this year.
Illiteracy was rampant in mid 70’s and a lot of people could not read It could be very cold in winter. (=Sometimes it was very cold in
or write. winter.)
Till 1950'S only men could vote in USA. You could lose your way in the dark. (=People often lost their way
in the dark)
tentativeness / polite permission
Excuse me, could I just say something? Imaginary
Could you come over here? If I could win a jackpot, I could go and buy a car straightaway.
I could be wrong.
Could I ask a question please?
Could we go home now?
Possibility Could Have
could + have : for possibility of something being true in the
It could rain tomorrow! past, although it was not in fact true.
If we could we would. •The brawl could have been far more violent, had not police arrived
You know that if Martin could actually help, we would surely in time.
do. •He could have made a fortune as a lawyer. could have for
I could go but I'm not going to
possibility of something being true in the past, although it was
not in fact true.
I could complete the report by next Monday if you provided me •We could have enjoyed a little more, had it not rained so heavy.
all the required inputs.
He could have made a fortune as a
may होगा शायद , संभावना /ीण करने के
आ,ा पाये रहना, संभव होना, आशा िलए योग कया जाता है , यह जताने
करना संभवत: यह भी संभावना जताने के िलए उपयोग कया जाता है क कोई
के िलए आदमी वह नह2ं कर रहा है जो उससे
अपे3/त है
permission asking/ offering polite permission
May I take another piece cake? Yes, you may.
Might I suggest an idea?
May I use your phone please?
May I come in please?
May I help you? I might go on holiday to Australia next year.
May I interfere on this issue ? He might not enjoy having continental cuisine.
Possibility/ probability / Forecast Probability
It may rain tomorrow!
I thought I might find you here;
He may not join us today as he said that he had to complete
some papers. He might join if you offered him a better deal.
Express contingency, esp. in clauses indicating condition, Polite Suggestions
concession, purpose, result, etc.)
You might like to read this and see what you think.
strange as it may seem
Let us concur so that we may live and work in peace. I think it might be better to switch off your phones.
Bless/ Wish Might + have
May you live a long and happy life. Rupert didn't join us at drinks today. He might have been busy
May god bless you. with his cousins.
May + have
I may have been a little unfair to you.
भ4व5य-सूचक आ8ह या अिभ ाय म' उपयोग कया जाता है इ9छा जताने के िलए उपयोग कया जाता है
इस 3;थित को दखाने के िलए कया जाता है क वह सामा<य है , ऐसा िनयिमत >प से हो रहा है
Make the future tense. Promise or resolve
He will come back next week. I will send you the information when I get it.
I will travel with the group for presentations. I will translate the email, so Mr. Smith can read it.
I will buy that radio if it's the last thing I do. Will you help me move this heavy table? Will you make
Express compulsion, as in commands
I will call you when I arrive.
You will report your findings to me tomorrow.
If I am elected President of club, I will make sure everyone
You will not enter my room without permission
has access to all facilities of club.
Express capacity or ability
I promise I will not tell him about the surprise party.
Do not worry this rope will support that big a load.
Don't worry, I'll be careful.
We will be able to meet the deadline. I won't tell anyone your secret.
Express probability or expectation Indicate willingness or desire
That will be Jim telephoning.
Will you help me with this problem?.
Express customary practice or inevitability I will not do your homework for you.
Boys will be boys. I won't do all the cleaning myself!
Express desire: usually in polite requests
Stay if you will. Express a Prediction
The year 2222 will be a very interesting year.
India will be the next Champion.
The movie “Lord of the Rings" will win several Awards.
जोर दे कर कहने म' उपयोग कया जाता है
Express desire or intent Express presumption or
She said she would meet us at the corner. expectation
He said he would be leaving at ten in the morning That would be Steve at the door.
I asked if he would join in and elaborate the concept Indicate uncertainty
to the clients.
He would seem to be getting better.
I asked him to do it, but he would not
I thought you would have finished your work by now. Express repeated or habitual
Express a wish action in the past
Would that we had gone with you! Every morning we would walk in the garden.
After a statement of desire, request, or advice When I was in school, I would walk to school with my
I wish you would stay.
Make a polite request
Something that will, may or
Would you go with me?
might happen
Would you just mail this letter for me? I would have come to the party if I had been invited
To express a possibility or I would be happy to help you.
likelihood Express a preference, opinion
If I had enough money, I would buy a car.
We would have gone to the beach, had the weather
etc. Politely.
been good. I would do it this way
If I asked her to the party, would she come? It'd be a shame to lose the opportunity
I'd prefer to go tomorrow rather than today.
गा, गे, गी ित,ा अथवा ?ढ़ इ9छा कट करने म' सवाल के >प म' 3जसके जवाब
म' फैसला जताने क ज>रत हो हु*म के >प म'
Plan to or intend to
I shall go later. Inquiring and offering options
We shall be late for the dinner. What shall we offer them as their commission?

Event that will take place or exist in the How much shall I give him?
future Shall we go?
We shall arrive tomorrow. Which book shall I buy for you?
She shall preside over the meeting on weekends Shall I give him this book, or shan't I?
Shall I talk in a Scottish accent during the meeting?
Will have to or is determined to (in laws,
What shall we talk about?
directives, etc.) must
Shall I open the window for you?
You shall do it. He shall do it.
Council meetings shall be public.
You shall suffer for your misdeeds.
The financial penalty shall not exceed 10% of the amount
not paid on time.

Something that is inevitable:

The doomsday shall come.
Man shall never give up the exploration of the universe. He shall
not be held back.
Should / ought to
चाहूंगा, करना चा हए था, यह DयE करने के िलए क कुछ होने वाला है , आFय या दख ु जताने के बाद उपयोग
होना है , कसी 3;थित के बाद उपयोग होता है , चाहत जताने के िलए उपयोग होता है , कसी आFयजनक घटना
क अिभDय4E के िलए उपयोग होता है ,

Past tense of shall

I thought I should never see you again. Should / ought to + have + participle
50 % obligation To expect something to have
happened already.
I should / ought to see the tutor. I have some issues in this assignment.
•You should have heard by now that
I should be at work before 9:00. We should return the video before the video rental store closes.
I'm not accompanying you.
Advice/ recommendation •It's mid noon, so they ought to have
completed the files.
You should / ought to revise your lessons
You should ensure a mete out equal treatment to all employees.
To say that something was
You should always be careful while handling fire. expected to happen, but did not
We should not invest in this venture. happen.
•Bags which should have gone to
Logical conclusion
Rome were sent to New York.
He should / ought to be very tired. He's been working all day long. •The project ought to have finished by
They started at 0600 in the morning. They should be in Chandigarh by now. now.
expressions of sorrow, surprise etc.
Should / ought to + be: .
I am surprised that you should think so. Expectation
(with I or we) used to state that something was possible. •You use should or ought to to say that
you expect something to happen.
I should prefer staying at home if your friends are coming to the party.
•We should be there by dinner time.
Opinion •It ought to get easier with practice.
I think, we should invest some more time on this project.
I do not think, they should continue with same terms and conditions.

They should do something to improve the level of services being offered to the common man.
Difference in should, could and would
SHOULD Use COULD to make polite requests
Use SHOULD and SHOULDN’T for advice 4वनH अनुरोध
Here are some examples of using should and shouldn’t Could you please switch on the air condition? It’s getting
to ask for and give advice and suggestions: muggy in here.
“I’ve had a really bad cold for the past few days.” Could you talk a bit louder? Thanks.
“That’s bad – you should go to the doctor.”
Could you make 10 copies of this documents, please?
“I want to improve my English speaking and writing skills,
but I don’t know how.”
“First of all, you shouldn’t speak in Hindi. You should go Use WOULD to talk about unreal or unlikely
out and join come English language class or club!” situations
“I had a fight with my wife. What should I do?” (अवा;तव3◌क या असंभा4वत 3;थितय& के बारे म' बात करते हL )
“Hmm… I think you should take her out on dinner tonight.”
If I were the president of my company, I would raise the
COULD salaries of all the employees with immediate effect.
Use COULD and COULDN’T for ability in the past If people were more responsible, there wouldn’t be so
much pollution in our city today.
Could and couldn’t are the past forms of can and can’t:
She would meet all her friends if she had more free time.
When I was a child, I could climb a tree easily. Now I
cannot manage it at all! Use WOULD YOU LIKE to make polite offers
Yesterday, I couldn’t find my books anywhere – but my 4वनH अनुरोध
mom found them this morning.
would is often shortened to ‘d
Last year, he couldn’t speak English very well, but now he
can. “Would you like to have a tea, coffee or something cold?”
Possibilities in the future “Thanks, I would have A soda”, or
भ4व5य म' संभावनाओं A soda would be great. Thanks!”
“Do you have any ideas about how we should carry “Would you like to join us for dinner?”
out our publicity campaign?” “I’d love to, but I actually have other plans tonight.”
“Yes, I’ve got a few ideas. You could put use social “Would you like to watch the war movie I bought yesterday?”
media for cost effective advertisements. You could “Sure!”
also distribute handouts in your neighborhood.
Maybe Mr. Lokesh could even contact local
Marketing agents.”
Have to
कसी चीज को करने के िलए वचनबM होना
Present - That has to be Jerry. They said he was tall with bright red hair.
That must not be Jerry. They said he has blond hair, not red hair.
Past - That has to have been the right restaurant. There were no other restaurants on the street.
That must not have been the right restaurant. I guess there was another one around there somewhere.

Present - She has to read four books for this literature class.
She doesn't have to read "Grapes of Wrath." It's optional reading for extra credit.
Past - She had to finish the first book before the midterm.
She didn't have to write a critique of "The Scarlet Letter." She had to give a presentation to her class.
Future - She will have to finish the other books before the final exam.
She won't have to take any other literature classes. American Literature 101 is the only required course.
Difference between Must and Have to
Must Have to
The speaker thinks it is necessary. Someone else thinks it is necessary.
वEा सोचता है यह आवNयक है कसी और को यह आवNयक लगता है ।
I must thank my friend for the gift. I have to call my brother’s friend and
(He / she gave me a gift and I thank him for the gift he gave to me.
decide to do that.) (It is not my decision - my brother
asked me to do it.)
You must study harder, says the
teacher. I have to study harder.
(The teacher thinks it is (The teacher says it is necessary.)
necessary.) I have to call the travel agency.
I must ask my secretary to book a (My boss asked me to book a flight.)
ticket for me. I have to keep my dog on a leash.
(It is important for me not to forget.) (That's what the sign tells me to do.)
"Dogs must be kept on a leash."
(Written on a sign in the park = a
rule which
must be obeyed.)

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