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The Role of a Teacher in

Personality Development

Submitted by:
Mr. Abdur Rahman
Master in Education
ID: 10753

Supervised by

Dr. Muhammad Asif Khan

Qurtuba University of Science and Information

Technology Peshawar KPK

Session: 2016-2017

Title of thesis: “The Role of a Teacher in Personality Development” Prepared and

submitted by Mr. Abdur-Rahman Khalil, ID: 10753. Dissertation accepted by the

Department of Education, Qurtuba University of Science and Information

Technology, Peshawar in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Master in Education session (2016-17).

Research Supervisor Dr. Muhammad Asif Khan

Department of Education

Qurtuba University of Science

And information Technology,

Peshawar Campus.

External Supervisor ___________________________

Dated: -------------------------------------


The dissertation “The Role of A Teacher in Personality Development.” Submitted

by Mr. Abdur-Rahman Khalil, Master in Education, ID: 10753 to the Department of

Education, Qurtuba University of Science and Information Technology Peshawar, in

partial fulfillment for the degree of Master of Education session (2016-17) has been

completed under my supervision. I am satisfied with the quality of his research work.


Dr. Muhammad Asif Khan

Department of Education
Qurtuba University of Science
And Information Technology,
Peshawar Campus.

Dated _______________________


I, Mr. Abdur-Rahman S/O GUL-Haider Khan, ID.NO: 10753, as student of M.Ed

at the Department of Education, Qurtuba University of Science and Information

Technology, Peshawar Campus so hereby solemnly declare that the thesis entitled

“The Role of a Teacher in Personality Development.” Submitted by me in partial

fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master in Education is my original

research work and had not been submitted or published earlier and shall not be

submitted in future by me for obtaining any degree from any other University,

Institution or Department


Mr. ABdur-Rahman Khalil

Master of Education
Qurtuba University of Science
And Information Technology,
Peshawar Campus.

Dated: ___________________


First of all, all glory be to Allah who gave me courage and patience for

conducting this research dissertation.

No one ever accomplishes much of anything alone. I would like to thank a

number of people for providing me with their support which I needed to complete this

study. First and foremost, my supervisor Dr. Muhammad Asif khan, who helped and

encouraged me while conducting this study. Without his helpful comments and

valuable advice would have remained incomplete.

I would also like to thank a number of my colleagues at Qurtuba University

who acted as sounding boards for various ideas in this study


APPROVAL SHEET .................................................................................................. II

FORWARDING SHEET ......................................................................................... III
DECLARATION....................................................................................................... IV
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ....................................................................................... V
TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................... VI
ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................ VIII
CHAPTER-1 ................................................................................................................. 1
INTRODUCTION AND THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK .................................. 1
1.1 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM ............................................................................ 5
1.2 PURPOSE OF THE STUDY...................................................................................... 5
1.3 METHODOLOGY .................................................................................................. 6
1.4 DELIMITATIONS .................................................................................................. 6
1.5 CASE STUDY ....................................................................................................... 6
CHAPTER-2 ................................................................................................................. 8
REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE ........................................................................... 8
2.1 CHILD DEVELOPMENT ........................................................................................ 8
2.2 TEACHER’S ROLE ................................................................................................ 8
2.3 PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT ............................................................................. 8
2.4 GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF DEVELOPMENT ......................................................... 10
2.5 DIFFERENT ASPECTS OF PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT .................................... 10
CHAPTER-3 ............................................................................................................... 12
METHODOLOGY .................................................................................................... 12
CHAPTER-4 ............................................................................................................... 15
DATA ANALYSIS ..................................................................................................... 15
STUDENT-1: AMJID ................................................................................................... 16
STUDENT 02: KHALID ............................................................................................... 18
STUDENT 03: TAHIR .................................................................................................. 20
COMPARISON ............................................................................................................ 22

CHAPTER-5 ............................................................................................................... 23
CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATIONS .......................................................... 23
5.1 CONCLUSION..................................................................................................... 23
5.2 RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................................................................... 24


Education is a continuous process. It is not a means to an end; It is an end in

itself. The basic aim of education is developing personality of an individual and

equipping him/her with basic knowledge. Keeping this aim of education in mind. The

researcher investigated the role of a teacher in personality development.

Education also denotes the act of teaching. This study throws light on the

principles and methods of teaching. As we know, teaching is an art, a creative

reflective process. It is not a value free activity. It creates all other professions.

Teaching affects and motivates learning of children as they are not aware of their

faculties. It is the job of a teacher to develop and foster the faculties and powers

possessed by children. To become such a teacher, we need to know about our


The role of a teacher in personality development has always been a focal point

in every society interested in education. Now-a-days personality development is a

global concern. This study will add to literature already---------.The sole purpose of

educational psychology is personality development. In personality development,

working on all aspects such as cognitive, effective, physical, social and spiritual of

development of students is the focal point. It is the foremost responsibility of a

teacher to help individuals realize their full potentials in order to take their place as

responsible citizens with over-powering personalities.

The aim of this research is to provide an understanding about the role of a

teacher in personality development. It is, therefore, necessary for a teacher to develop

an understanding of different aspects of personality development. Above all,

personality is everything.

This study will guide new as well as experienced teachers to understand their

role in personality development.

The result shows that a teacher could play a role in shaping personality of an

individual by working on different aspects of personality development.

It is also recommended that further and more detailed studies may be

conducted regarding cognitive and effective development of an individual.


Education is a continuous process. It is power. It is not a means to an end. It is

an end in itself. In fact, one of the aims of education is to develop personality of an

individual and to equip every child with basic knowledge. Keeping in view the

personality development of a child, the researcher will investigate the role of a teacher

in personality development.

Personality development being at the apex of all psychological studies is the

central point. The development of personality is the main objective of present day

education. However, in defining personality there are some misconceptions. In

common language, the term is used to indicate physical appearance. We tend to

associate personality with gorgeous looks and an impressive bearing and dismiss an

ugly person as devoid of personality. This cannot be the complete meaning of

personality. Appearance is only a part of personality (M.A Haq, 1990).

In simple terms, personality consists of the following approaches.

1. The way we look

2. The way we dress.

3. The way we talk

4. The way we act.

5. The skill with which we do things.

6. The way we maintain our health.

In fact, personality is derived from the Greek word persona. There are at least

four distinct meanings of persona. These include:

1. As one appears to others.

2. The part that one plays in life.

3. As assemblage of personal qualities that fits a man for his work.

4. Distinction and dignity.

After passing through different stages in the course of time, the word

ultimately became personality.

Some general characteristics of personality are as under

1. It is dynamic.

2. It is a product of heredity and environment.

3. It is a product of inner aspects and outer ones.

4. It is the end product of learning.

5. It is unique (if it is not unique, it cannot be called a personality)

Personality covers the whole nature of the individual (Crow, 1973) personality

is not a passive entity but a dynamic character of the individual which finds

expression through his conduct and activities (Dennis Coon, 2007). Personality is a

set of traits influencing the behavior of an individual. It is all that a person is (Allport,


As for as personality development is concerned, it results from a combination

of inherited and environmental factors, at birth, we are endowed with a complex set of

genes that provide potential for development.

On the other hand, the word development is distinguished from the term

growth. The terms growth and development mean the changes that take place in

human behavior particularly in a child after conception right from the womb to the

tomb. The terms mean the same thing and have been used interchangeably. But in

reality and from the point of terminology, they are two separate terms having different

meanings. Let us see the meaing and difference of both growth and development

(Javed M.I, 2010).

1. Development is internal in nature. It can only be felt. It can indirectly be

measured. It is function-based. It means working of the internal organs and

their functions. However, development as such is a comprehensive term. It is a

life-long process.

2. Growth is external in nature. It is measurable, it can be directly measured. It is

size-based. It means increase or addition in size or weight. Its chief concern is

with the physical aspect of an individual. Growth stops at a particular age.

Growth and development are inter-related. Both are inter-dependent and

influence each other. When growth stops because of illness or there is premature

stoppage of growth, development is equally effected.

In fact, it is true that there are only benefits and no disadvantages to having

personality development. Some of the benefits are as under: -

1. One of the key benefits of personality development is the over-shine that is

brought about in a person after undergoing personality development.

2. It develops many traits that form his/her charming whole and there is

sharpening of personality for the better.

3. Another key benefit is confidence boosted.

Now-a-days, personality development of student is a global concern. The sole

purpose of educational psychology is all about it. The goals of educational

psychology are to understand and to improve the teaching learning process.

Educational psychologists develop knowledge and methods: they also use the

knowledge and methods of psychology and other related disciplines to study learning

and teaching in everyday situations. Both in the past and today, educational

psychologist strive to improve educational practice.

In personality development, working on all aspects such as cognitive,

emotional, physical, social and spiritual of development of students is the focal point.

Above all, personality to a man is like fragrance to a flower (Charles M. Schwab).

Teaching is an art ------ a creative reflective process. (Schon, 1983) teaching is

not a value free activity (Elizabeth Hatton, 1998), it creates all other professions. It is

not just a skill or a job. It is a way of life. It is not confined to class-rooms. It occurs

everywhere on this green planet. Teaching effects and motivates learning. Nobody

can learn for another; students create their own knowledge and skills. The teacher’s

role is to orchestrate materials, tasks, environments, conversations, and explanations

that encourage and support learning and the increasing independence of their students.

To become such a teacher, you will need to know about your students. Becoming an

expert teacher takes time and experience (Schon, 1983). Our Holy Prophet has been

sent as a teacher to this world. He was asked to teach people the Holy Quran and to

push back the boundaries of ignorance and to expand the corpus of knowledge

forever. In fact, Allah is the teacher of the entire universe. All sacred books have been

revealed on God’s Holy Messengers who were in broader sense teachers of the people

in their times.

A teacher plants seeds of knowledge and seeds of the future. He/she is the real

builder of a nation. He/she is the person who has the ability to shape individuals. It is

the foremost responsibility of a teacher to help individuals realize their full potential

and take their place in society as responsible citizens. This is possible upon utilizing

different strategies to shape personality of students. My teachers have shaped my

personality. They have left no stone unturned to support me through thick and thin

and never left me in the lurch. Upon graduation from Islamia College Peshawar, i was

unable to continue my education due to fiscal problems. I was asked at home to earn

an honorable living. My teachers in general and our English teacher in particular

supported me to pursue higher studies at prestigious University. As a result, I am

grateful to my teachers and I salute them from the core of my heart. Now, I offer my

services in government high school with handsome package. I am able to fend for

myself and my family.


The researcher investigated the role of a teacher in the personality

development of these growing children. The role of teacher was investigated in

developing these growing children and to help them realize their potentials and

faculties in order to emerge as the responsible citizens of the society.


The aim of this research is to study/provide an understanding about the role of

a teacher in personality development. It will carry the reader through the available

knowledge about personality development in an orderly and common sense manner. I

thing this research will be a fair step to help teachers to fulfill the requirements of

generations of all ages and stages. It is, therefore, necessary for a teacher to develop

an understanding of how he/she could control the different aspects of personality


The research is qualitative in nature. It was carried out in a case study

style.Some03 students of my class were selected as the subject of this study, their

behavior in the class was observed, their level of achievement, their social relation

with other students and their level of participation served as three indicators for this

study. Under these 03 indicators, any change was recorded. For recording these

changes, I used class room observation check lists (see annexure-1), their

performance test scores in deferent subjects (see annexure-2) and to record any

change in their social attitude (see nnexure-3), change index record was maintained.

Personality development is a relative term. It is not an absolute term.

Personality development is a long process. It is a time-consuming and a herculean

task. It is not a matter of one day (short time) rather it is a matter of life (long time).

Attitudinal change does not occur over-night. This change takes place slowly and

gradually and is a result of tedious effort. It takes 20-30 years to shape personality of

an individual. Teacher is short of time and cannot spend the above-mentioned time

with an individual to measure development thoroughly. Due to lack of time, the

teacher could affect the cognitive, affective development of an individual.


The role of a teacher in this regard has a significant role in developing

different aspects of personality of students. His role is general not specific. It is a

complex role. Teacher must believe that all his students have the capacity to learn.

This is the basic commitment of teacher to student. Teacher must view himself as

teacher of all rather than as an instructor of the able (Elizabeth Hatton, 1998). A

teacher is he who can shape the personality of an individual. Three students of mine

who are now in grade six (6) were very shy and slow learners. They were afraid of

tests and failed to obtain even passing marks in weekly tests. They were suffering

from inferiority complex. Their parents were very upset with their low performance.

In future, the teachers would be determined to implement all their plans on these

students. I tried to give them friendly environment and spent more time with them to

strengthen their strengths and worked on their weaknesses. I had informal discussion

with them and encouraged them to face challenges and confront hardships boldly.

With God’s help, they improved day by day. Moreover, they were able to express

themselves in front of capacity crowd without any fear and hesitation. Their peers

considered them as their role models in the class. These learners progressed by leaps

and bounds.



As the children grow, they develop in several different ways. Child

development includes physical, intellectual, social and emotional changes.

Children grow and mature at different rates. There can be big differences in

height, weight and build among healthy children. Diet, exercise and genes are all

factors. Some children begin puberty or are close to it before they are teenagers.

Children start to become more independent from their family. They also look

outward to their friends who are usually of the same sex. Peer approval becomes very

important because your child may try new behaviors to be part of “the group”. This

can also be the time that parents or teachers recognize learning disabilities or

behavioral problems in children (Allyn and Bacon, 2002).


Teacher is the vital part of educational system. He is a source of professional

and educational enrichment. The role of a teacher in personality development has

always been the focal point in every society interested in education. A number of

critics have presented their views in this regard. The researcher aims to go through

various critics speaking about this role. It will be elaborated because the diversity of

education and variety in theories demand a microscopic inspection of the statement by

the people in the field.


Human personality is not something material to be comprehended by the

senses. It may be said that it is something non-material which has the capacity of

judgment. Personality is to be understood as an indivisible whole. Personality does

not end with the death of a person. Person dies and his/her personality remains forever

(M.A Haq, 1990). Personality (a structure of traits) is something dynamic and not

static. The word dynamic means that personality is growing and changing and not

something fixed. In addition to this, personality is not a haphazard collection of traits

of tendencies but a unified system where parts are related to each other and to the

whole. Character is often used synonymously with personality but the term character

is evaluative in nature. It refers to those traits of personality which are approved such

as honest, integrity, self-control and their opposites. A trait is a dimension of

personality which can be measured and must describe the consistent behavior of an

individual. A trait, in order to be a meaningful measure of the human personality,

must be a distinctive and enduring characteristic of an individual. Temperament is not

to be confused with personality. The term temperament is limited to those underlying

factors of personality which are in-born such as instinctive drives and certain other

tendencies (Javed M.I, 2010).

The term development in its most general psychological sense refers to certain

changes that occur in human beings (or animals) between conception and death. The

term is not applied to all changes, but rather to those that appear in orderly ways and

remain for a reasonably long period of time. A temporary change caused by a brief

illness, for example, is not considered a part of development. Psychologists also make

a value judgment in determining which changes qualify as development. The changes

----- at least those that occur early in life--- are generally assumed to be for the better

and to result in behaviuor that is more adaptive, more organized, more effective, and

more complex (Mussen, Conger, & Kagan, 1984).

1. People Develop at different rates.

2. Development is relatively orderly.

3. Development takes place gradually.

Personality development does not mean the characteristics and appearance of a

person which grows and develops as age proceeds. It means developing a personality

cult so as to create a strong positive impression about yourself. It is the development

of the organized pattern of behavior and attitudes that makes a person distinctive. The

teacher sets and organizes patterns of behavior according to the prevalent social

norms or religious philosophy and influences distinctive attitudes of a child by

helping him/her realize the potentials for future development. Personality

development occurs by the ongoing interaction of temperament, character and

environment. Personality consists of various elements like intelligence, physique,

temperament and patience etc. The word personality refers to the overall out-come of

what a man is.


Human Development can be divided into a number of different aspects.

Physical development, as you might guess, deals with changes in the body. Personal

development is the term generally used for changes in an individual’s personality.

Social development refers to changes in the way an individual relates to others.

Emotional development is a term referring to changes in emotions. Cognitive

development refers to changes in thinking.

The phrase cognitive development refers to growth in the ability to think; to

visualize objects not present, solve problems, make plans, deals with abstractions or

symbols. Reading, writing, arithmetic all require certain cognitive skills. Terms like

cognitive and cognition are often used to indicate “intelligence” or “conscious

awareness.”Effective development refers to the meaner in which we deal with things

emotionally such as feelings, values, appreciations, attitudes etc.000000 (Anita

Woolfolk, 2002).


The researcher selected 03 students as the subject of this study. I started

observing these three students for several days and I found them very shy and

isolated. They were not friendly and were not interacting with their class-fellow. They

were always silent and lazy. They were not cheerful in class-room. Slowly and

gradually, they were losing their interest in studies. They considered themselves alone

as they were living a life of loneliness and isolation. Besides this they were passive

listeners and their level of participation was not good. They were not participating in

class-room activities and postponed their assignments and skipped their writing home-

work. Moreover, they were not interested in curricular and co-curricular activities

.consequently all this has affected their level of achievement and their social relations

with other students badly.

Not being good achievers, they did not pass their tests with flying colors.

Obtaining passing marks was something very difficult for them. This caused

embarrassment for them in class-room and these pupils avoided meeting their class-

mates in society. Furthermore, the situation worsened day by day. Upon observing

this phenomenon, I decided to work with them and build their personalities. With

God’s help, I succeeded in building and developing their personalities to great extent.

Education is the formation of habits. To accomplish this end, I tried to mend

their bad habits regarding class-room environment. As far as their attendance is

concerned, it was very poor. They were not punctual students. Being absent from

school is not a good habit as this is the time of building their personalities. I tried to

convince them to stop absenteeism as this could damage their education and interest

in studies. I motivated them to attend school every day because attending school

everyday could help them in personality development

Apart from this, they were lazy doing their class-work and they were not

following discipline properly. In addition to this, they avoided doing their home-work

and not giving attention to cleanliness. They were also in the habit of construing and

not following teachers’ instructions properly. Keeping in view all these weaknesses, I

tried to help them to turn these weaknesses into strengths by showing to them some

clips on white-board using projector high-lighting the importance of an industrious

life. To be honest, they are satisfied with the services offered by the school. They

improved a lot by mending these weaknesses in order to emerge as well-rounded

personalities. Annexure No 1 shows their improvement in all the above-mentioned


Education is to bring positive change in behavior. Keeping this axiom in mind,

I worked with them to mend their behavior to build their personalities. As far as their

attitude is concerned, it was moving from bad to worse day by day. They were shy

and isolated in the class. They were dumb, reluctant and afraid of conversing with

other students. I found them that they were not obedient, helpful and caring. This

made me very upset as this was something very challenging for me. Finally, I held

informal discussion with Aftab khan, Naveed and Akhtar-Hussain individually and

talked to them to know their backgrounds. In addition to this, I tried to give them a

friendly environment in which they could feel comfortable and in which they could

express themselves in the best possible way. My focus was on personality

development. To accomplish this purpose, made many home visits on Sundays to

bring some change in their attitudes. I spent weeks working on their attitudes and

developing their social relations with other students. Annexure 03 shows the progress

in their attitudes.

Education is not preparation for life. Education is life and life is education. As

far as their level of achievement is concerned, it was not satisfactory. They were slow

learners. They were afraid of tests and failed to achieve even passing marks in tests.

Their performance in four subjects (English, Mathematics, Urdu and G. Science) was

very low and thus caught my attention. I had frequent discussions with them and tried

to know the cause of their low performance in these four subjects. I gave them extra

time and took them to computer-lab to catch up activities.

Besides this, with their parental consent, I took them to Directorate of

Archives and Libraries near Peshawar Museum to show them the house of wisdom

and information. They were very excited as they observed different people studying

different books, magazines and newspapers etcetera. We visited there on Sunday

May, 21 and observed all sections of this library. This visit developed their interest in

studies and enhanced their level of caliber. One Sunday I took them to Islamia

College (the mother of all universities) to tell them about its historic background. I

also told them about its historic background and the self-less leaders produced by this

College their happiness and excitement knew no boundaries. The purpose behind

visiting Islamia College was to develop their interest in studies and to boost their

confidence to face challenges and confront hardships boldly and to emerge victorious.

In a nutshell, I noticed some signs of improvement in their level of achievement and

performance day in and day out .The following annexure shows their performance in

these subjects respectively.


I am Abdur-rahman son of Gul-Haider Khan from Palosi Talarzai Peshawar. I

offer my services in Government High School Ahmad Khel, Peshawar. From my

childhood, I had a strong inclination for becoming a teacher because teaching is my

passion. 2015 the year that was is the year of my appointment .I have been teaching in

this school for two years. I am grade VI Form Master.

This year (2017) a lot of students got admission in different grades in our

school. Some students of them got admission in grade 06. Every student was issued

books, caps, badges and other accessories in order to equip the youth with knowledge

and information. After admissions, the teachers were tasked to resume classes.

Teachers were assigned various tasks to perform for the academic year. Every teacher

is bound to attend periods assigned to him. Every teacher is supposed to teach

according to the syllabus. As for myself, I was tasked to be grade VI Form Master.

Since the inception of academic year, I decided to teach in the best possible way. As

time passed, there were 03 students who were not interested in their studies. They

were in the habit of wasting their time and making a lot of noise. Their names are

Amjid, khalid and Tahir (pseudonyms). They are almost of the same age (12 years

old). They hail from poor families living in one village. The three students along with

their accounts are given below.


The first student who was not serious in his studies was Amjid son of Habib

Khan. He lives in Ahmad Khel. The school he attends is not far away from his home.

He is Khalid’s cousin. He considered himself useless. He had no interest in

developing his personality. I found him as a student having no aim in life. I advised

him a lot but to no avail. His performance in tests was not good. He was in the habit

of postponing everything. I talked to him in order to know his back-ground. After

school, he had no time to repeat and memorize his lessons and write home-work

assigned to him. He had to join his father who worked as a property dealer. His father

was illiterate and did not know the importance of education.

I visited their home where I was received warmly. I met his father in person

and we had a candid discussion for some time. He was not in favor of his son’s

education after matriculation. His attitude towards education was different. On the

other hand, Amjid was expected to look after his father’s business. I told his father to

support his son to pursue higher studies. I told him that education is the birthright of

every child. Every child is able to learn and lead a successful life. Finally, I convinced

his father not to spoil his son’s life and to support him to further his studies. During

school hours, I had informal discussions with Amjid in order to know his likes and

dislikes and his strength and weaknesses. I was trying to improve his performance in

school in one way or the other.

With course of time, I made my second visit to his house I was received

warmly by his uncle. His uncle was also illiterate and was a mechanic by profession.

We talked to each other. During interaction, he told me that he quitted education in

Grade 03 due to fiscal problems (due to poverty).His uncle was very sad. He promised

that he would leave no stone unturned to support their children receive education. As

time passed, Amjid showed some signs of improvement in test results and in writing

home-work properly.

As I made my third visit to take permission in order to go to Directorate of

Archives and Libraries. His parents became very happy and gave us permission. His

father said to me. (We will stand by our son till he becomes a stalwart



The second student who was not interested in studies was Khalid son of Zafar

Khan. He too lives in Ahmad Khel. It is the name of a village with a walking distance

from Air-port. He appeared to be living an aimless life. He used to take everything for

granted. I advised him a lot but he turned deaf ear to my advice and it went un-

noticed. This child did not take anything seriously. Finally, I decided to place him

with good students to build his interest in studies. His performance was not

satisfactory as he was not in the habit of taking anything seriously. He was not

following instructions properly. I talked to him and tried to know his back-ground.

After school, he could not find time to revise the lesson and write home-work. The

reason behind this was their shop in which he had to help his grand-father.

As time passed, I made my first visit to their home in person and talked to his

grand-father. I also said to him not to compel Khalid to run his shop after school.

Otherwise, he could not continue his studies. His grand-father agreed and asked

Khalid to work and study wholeheartedly in order to build his life. During school

hours, I had informal discussions with him and tried to provide him a friendly

environment in which he could feel comfortable.

Upon this I made my second visit to their home. This time his father who is

illiterate and works in a factory received me warmly. He is a full time worker. I spent

some time there and had a candid discussion with him. He told me that he could not

give much time to his son because of the nature of his work. I convinced him not to

spoil the life of his son who is in urgent need of proper attention. His father promised

me to help Khalid to emerge as a great person in the future. He promised to check his

school work every day as this could make him work hard to build his personality.

I made my third visit to take permission to visit Directorate of Archives and

Libraries. His parents became very happy and gave us permission. During

conversation, Khalid’s father said to me “

”. I told him that his son is second to none. Khalid said “I

would not waste my life because life is real”.


The third student who was not interested in studies was Tahir son of Asad

Khan. He too lives in Ahmad khel. He was not eager to continue his studies. At the

beginning, I advised him a lot but to no avail. His life was deteriorating day by day.

His performance was not satisfactory either. He was postponing his homework. He

was suffering from inferiority complex. I tried to know his problems. After school, he

had no time to repeat and memorize his lessons. Actually, his father is dead. He works

in a drugstore to earn money for his family. He is the only son of his father. His uncle

who works in WAPDA takes care of him.

I visited their home to know his back-ground in order to act accordingly. I met

Tahir and had a long discussion with him. He told me that it was hard for him to study

after school. I told him to seize every day and opportunity in order to build his life. I

told him to take books to the drug-store where he could study in free time. During

school hours, I gave him some extra time to boost his interest in studies. All eyes were

on Tahir who was expected to study hard to support his family.

As time passed, I made my second visit to his house. This time, his uncle who

works in WAPDA received me warmly. I informed his uncle of Tahir’s performance

at school. His uncle was ready to support the young generation to receive education

through-out life. I told his uncle to keep an eye on him and check his note-books

every day. This visit proved very fruitful. Tahir improved by leaps and bounds. He

started writing home-work and memorizing the lessons. He also bought an English

News-paper in order to enrich his information regarding English.

After some time, I made my third visit to take permission for Directorate of

Archives and Libraries. His uncle and mother got very happy and give us permission

happily. His uncle told me “I will support him till he receives complete education”.

We went to Central Library where we spent a lot of time and observed each and every

corner of this library. Tahir told me “I am determined to work hard to join Army”.

His uncle and mother were ready to help him turn his dreams into realities.


The three students Amjid, Khalid and Tahir got interested in their studies due

to the personal interest of the teacher. They changed their minds and became hard-

working students. All of them became obedient and followed instructions all the time

because I showed trust in them. The students attended the school (a place of

refinement not confinement) every day. All of them were determined to reach their

goals and destinations. The teacher helped them create a unique dream for themselves

with some extra efforts along with the regular duties of the teacher.

In a nutshell, a teacher who is sincere to his/her job can motivate individuals

and build their personalities.



The results clearly indicate that a teacher who is a vital part of educational

system can play a role in personality development of an individual. Every teacher can

groom personality of an individual to great extent. On the other hand, students are

unable to shape their personalities without a teacher because they are not aware of

their powers and potentials. A teacher has the power of fostering powers and

potentials possessed by the students. The study also investigates the predicaments and

problems faced by a teacher as personality development is a long process. At the

beginning, I was discouraged not to conduct studies on this topic as visiting pupils’

home is not considered something good in our culture. People try to harbor negative

thinking about a teacher because he/she could be interested in his students and not in

developing their personalities. Even the parents were hesitant to tell me about their

domestic environment which may directly affect the students’ performance. On the

other hand, it is a time-consuming and a herculean task. Teaching different subjects,

assigning and checking home-work, and designing tests etcetera take a lot of effort

and patience. In other words, attitudinal change does not occur over-night. This

change takes place slowly and gradually as it is the result of a tedious effort. A

teacher should not lose hope as he is a beacon of hope for learners. In addition to this,

a teacher can truly deliver if his focus is on personality development of learners.

Furthermore, a teacher is to teach for out-come not in-come. The study also shows

that a teacher can motivate students to overcome problems faced by them. The result

also shows that personality development of an individual is not something

unattainable, it is attainable. A teacher is to be optimistic and not pessimistic as a

teacher is not chasing rain-bow. He is chasing personality development which can be

chased. A teacher can earn minds and hearts of students by giving full attention to

teaching-learning process because teachers belong to students and students belong to

teachers. In a nutshell, for personality development, a strong attachment between a

teacher and students is inevitable.

Effort Never Dies


The role of a teacher has always been the focal point in every society

interested in education. On the basis of the results, some recommendations are made

for the present and coming teachers. A teacher should know about his students (their

strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes). Every teacher is supposed to be kind to

the students as they can exceed their teacher. He should give full time to every student

as everyone in the class matters. A teacher should help students realize their potentials

to emerge as responsible citizens of the society. Moreover, a teacher should have a

strong command over the subject he teaches. This is to motivate the students to follow

the teacher thoroughly for better results. He is a source of professional and

educational enrichment for students in all times. In addition to this, a teacher is to

think beyond his personal interests and focus on the personality development of

learners. Personality does not end with the death of a person. Person dies and

personality remains forever. Therefore, a teacher should leave no stone unturned to

support students through thick and thin to progress by leaps and bounds. A teacher is

to be a man of insight to over-come the bad attitudes exhibited by students. A teacher

himself is to be punctual if he wants to discourage students to refrain from

absenteeism. Students who are in the habit of absenteeism cannot focus on their

studies. They should attend school regularly. Moreover, there should be friendly

environment in which students can enrich and enhance their information and


A teacher should avoid using harsh words and simplify every topic using

various methods in order to shape personality of individuals. Moreover, female

teachers are not allowed to visit pupils’ homes in our culture.

The first and foremost duty of every teacher should be the development of

personality of students as it covers the whole nature of an individual. There should be

no stoppage to it. Students should not be rebuked upon making mistakes in front of

others as this can damage their education and personalities. Damaging personality is

easier than building it; for that would mean decomposition of the soul if not total

annihilation or death (M.A Haq, 1990). Moreover, a teacher should devise different

strategies to touch all aspects of personality such as cognitive, effective and

psychomotor domains. Above all, making frequent visits to their homes has a far-

reaching impact on personal grooming of students. It is also recommended to arrange

educational visits supported by school. A teacher should encourage students to

participate in curricular and co-curricular activities. Sometimes a teacher is supposed

to take students to historical places as this can strengthen the attachment between

students and teachers.


1. B. Campbell, John. Theories of Personality. Franklin & Marshall College

Pennsylvania: 2010.

2. Dr. Javed, Muhammad Iqbal. Study Guide on Education Psychology. Allama

Iqbal Open

3. University Islamabad: 2010

4. Dr. Abdul Haq, Mahar. Educational Philosophy of the Holy Quran. Institute

of Islamic Culture: 1990.

5. Rappoport, Leon. Personality Development. Kansas State University: 1972.

6. R. Shaffer, David. Social and Personality Development. University of

Georgia: 2005.

7. Woolfolk, Anita. Educational Psychology. The Ohio State University: 2002.

8. Hatton, Elizabeth. Understanding Teaching. Edith Cowan University

Bunbury: 1998.


Student Name: Amjid

Grade: 06
Week: 01
Date: 01/05/2017

Observation Check List

1) Classroom Observation

i) Attendance V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

ii) Class work completion V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iii) Classroom participation V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

)Cleanliness V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

v) Home work completion V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vi) Following discipline V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vii) Follow teacher instructions V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent


Student Name: Amjid

Grade: 06
Week: 01
Date: 01/05/2017

Observation Check List

3. Test Score
>40% 40% 50% 60% < 60%
i) English 

ii) Maths > 40% 40% 50% 60% < 60%

> 40% 40% 50% 60% < 60%

iii) Urdu

iv) G. Science > 40% 40% 50% 60% < 60%


Student Name: Amjid

Grade: 06
Week: 01
Date: 01/05/2017

Observation Check List

2. Change in Attitude

i) Friendly V. Poor Average Good Excellent


ii) Isolated V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iii) Shy V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iv) Helpful and caring 

v) Obedient V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vi) Harassed V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vii) Adjusted V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent


Student Name: Amjid

Grade: 06
Week: 02
Date: 09/05/2017

Observation Check List

1) Classroom Observation

i) Attendance V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

ii) Class work completion V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iii) Classroom participation V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iv) Cleanliness V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

v) Home work completion V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vi) Following discipline V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vii) Follow teacher instructions V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent


Student Name: Amjid

Grade: 06
Week: 02
Date: 09/05/2017

Observation Check List

3. Test Score
>40% 40% 50% 60% < 60%
i) English 

ii) Maths > 40% 40% 50% 60% < 60%

> 40% 40% 50% 60% < 60%

iii) Urdu

iv) G. Science > 40% 40% 50% 60% < 60%


Student Name: Amjid

Grade: 06
Week: 02
Date: 09/05/2017

Observation Check List

2. Change in Attitude

i) Friendly V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

ii) Isolated

V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iii) Shy

V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iv) Helpful and caring 

V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

v) Obedient

V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vi) Harassed 

vii) Adjusted V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent


Student Name: Amjid

Grade: 06
Week: 03
Date: 15/05/2017

Observation Check List

1) Classroom Observation

i) Attendance V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

ii) Class work completion V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iii) Classroom participation V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iv) Cleanliness V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

v) Home work completion V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vi) Following discipline V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vii) Follow teacher instructions V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent


Student Name: Amjid

Grade: 06
Week: 03
Date: 15/05/2017

Observation Check List

3. Test Score
>40% 40% 50% 60% < 60%
i) English 

ii) Maths > 40% 40% 50% 60% < 60%

> 40% 40% 50% 60% < 60%

iii) Urdu

iv) G. Science > 40% 40% 50% 60% < 60%


Student Name: Amjid

Grade: 06
Week: 03
Date: 15/05/2017

Observation Check List

2. Change in Attitude

i) Friendly V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

ii) Isolated V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iii) Shy V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iv) Helpful and caring 

V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

v) Obedient 

V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vi) Harassed 

vii) Adjusted
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent


Student Name: Amjid

Grade: 06
Week: 04
Date: 22/05/2017

Observation Check List

1) Classroom Observation

i) Attendance V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

ii) Class work completion V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iii) Classroom participation V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iv) Cleanliness V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

v) Home work completion V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vi) Following discipline V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vii) Follow teacher instructions V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent


Student Name: Amjid

Grade: 06
Week: 04
Date: 22/05/2017

Observation Check List

3. Test Score
>40% 40% 50% 60% < 60%
i) English 

ii) Maths > 40% 40% 50% 60% < 60%

> 40% 40% 50% 60% < 60%

iii) Urdu

iv) G. Science > 40% 40% 50% 60% < 60%


Student Name: Amjid

Grade: 06
Week: 04
Date: 22/05/2017

Observation Check List

2. Change in Attitude

i) Friendly
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

ii) Isolated
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iii) Shy
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iv) Helpful and caring
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

v) Obedient
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vi) Harassed
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vii) Adjusted
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent


Student Name: Khalid

Grade: 06
Week: 01
Date: 01/05/2017

Observation Check List

1) Classroom Observation

i) Attendance V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

ii) Class work completion V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iii) Classroom participation V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iv) Cleanliness V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

v) Home work completion V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vi) Following discipline V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vii) Follow teacher instructions V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent


Student Name: Khalid

Grade: 06
Week: 01
Date: 01/05/2017

Observation Check List

3. Test Score
>40% 40% 50% 60% < 60%
i) English 

ii) Maths > 40% 40% 50% 60% < 60%

> 40% 40% 50% 60% < 60%

iii) Urdu

iv) G. Science > 40% 40% 50% 60% < 60%


Student Name: Khalid

Grade: 06
Week: 01
Date: 01/05/2017

Observation Check List

2. Change in Attitude

i) Friendly
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

ii) Isolated
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iii) Shy
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iv) Helpful and caring
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

v) Obedient
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vi) Harassed
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vii) Adjusted
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent


Student Name: Khalid

Grade: 06
Week: 02
Date: 09/05/2017

Observation Check List

1) Classroom Observation

i) Attendance V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

ii) Class work completion V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iii) Classroom participation V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iv) Cleanliness V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

v) Home work completion V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vi) Following discipline V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vii) Follow teacher instructions V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent


Student Name: Khalid

Grade: 06
Week: 02
Date: 09/05/2017

Observation Check List

3. Test Score
>40% 40% 50% 60% < 60%
i) English 

ii) Maths > 40% 40% 50% 60% < 60%

> 40% 40% 50% 60% < 60%

iii) Urdu

iv) G. Science > 40% 40% 50% 60% < 60%


Student Name: Khalid

Grade: 06
Week: 02
Date: 09/05/2017

Observation Check List

2. Change in Attitude

i) Friendly
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

ii) Isolated
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iii) Shy
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iv) Helpful and caring

V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

v) Obedient
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vi) Harassed
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vii) Adjusted
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent


Student Name: Khalid

Grade: 06
Week: 03
Date: 15/05/2017

Observation Check List

1) Classroom Observation

i) Attendance V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

ii) Class work completion V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iii) Classroom participation V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iv) Cleanliness V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

v) Home work completion V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vi) Following discipline V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vii) Follow teacher instructions V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent


Student Name: Khalid

Grade: 06
Week: 03
Date: 15/05/2017

Observation Check List

3. Test Score
>40% 40% 50% 60% < 60%
i) English 

ii) Maths > 40% 40% 50% 60% < 60%

> 40% 40% 50% 60% < 60%

iii) Urdu

iv) G. Science > 40% 40% 50% 60% < 60%


Student Name: Khalid

Grade: 06
Week: 03
Date: 15/05/2017

Observation Check List

2. Change in Attitude

i) Friendly
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

ii) Isolated
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iii) Shy
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iv) Helpful and caring

V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

v) Obedient
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vi) Harassed
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vii) Adjusted
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent


Student Name: Khalid

Grade: 06
Week: 04
Date: 22/05/2017

Observation Check List

1) Classroom Observation

i) Attendance V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

ii) Class work completion V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iii) Classroom participation V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iv) Cleanliness V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

v) Home work completion V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vi) Following discipline V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vii) Follow teacher instructions V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent


Student Name: Khalid

Grade: 06
Week: 04
Date: 22/05/2017

Observation Check List

3. Test Score
>40% 40% 50% 60% < 60%
i) English 

ii) Maths > 40% 40% 50% 60% < 60%

> 40% 40% 50% 60% < 60%

iii) Urdu

iv) G. Science > 40% 40% 50% 60% < 60%


Student Name: Khalid

Grade: 06
Week: 04
Date: 22/05/2017

Observation Check List

2. Change in Attitude

i) Friendly
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

ii) Isolated
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iii) Shy
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iv) Helpful and caring

V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

v) Obedient
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vi) Harassed
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vii) Adjusted
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent


Student Name: Tahir

Grade: 06
Week: 01
Date: 01/05/2017

Observation Check List

1) Classroom Observation

i) Attendance V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

ii) Class work completion V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iii) Classroom participation V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iv) Cleanliness V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

v) Home work completion V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vi) Following discipline V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vii) Follow teacher instructions V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent


Student Name: Tahir

Grade: 06
Week: 01
Date: 01/05/2017

Observation Check List

3. Test Score
>40% 40% 50% 60% < 60%
i) English 

ii) Maths > 40% 40% 50% 60% < 60%

> 40% 40% 50% 60% < 60%

iii) Urdu

iv) G. Science > 40% 40% 50% 60% < 60%


Student Name: Tahir

Grade: 06
Week: 01
Date: 01/05/2017

Observation Check List

2. Change in Attitude

i) Friendly
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

ii) Isolated
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iii) Shy
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iv) Helpful and caring
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

v) Obedient
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vi) Harassed
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vii) Adjusted
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent


Student Name: Tahir

Grade: 06
Week: 02
Date: 09/05/2017

Observation Check List

1) Classroom Observation

i) Attendance V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

ii) Class work completion V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iii) Classroom participation V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iv) Cleanliness V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

v) Home work completion V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vi) Following discipline V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vii) Follow teacher instructions V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent


Student Name: Tahir

Grade: 06
Week: 02
Date: 09/05/2017

Observation Check List

3. Test Score
>40% 40% 50% 60% < 60%
i) English 

ii) Maths > 40% 40% 50% 60% < 60%

> 40% 40% 50% 60% < 60%

iii) Urdu

iv) G. Science > 40% 40% 50% 60% < 60%


Student Name: Tahir

Grade: 06
Week: 02
Date: 09/05/2017

Observation Check List

2. Change in Attitude

i) Friendly
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

ii) Isolated
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iii) Shy
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iv) Helpful and caring

V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

v) Obedient
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vi) Harassed
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vii) Adjusted
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent


Student Name: Tahir

Grade: 06
Week: 03
Date: 15/05/2017

Observation Check List

1) Classroom Observation

i) Attendance V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

ii) Class work completion V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iii) Classroom participation V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iv) Cleanliness V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

v) Home work completion V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vi) Following discipline V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vii) Follow teacher instructions V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent


Student Name: Tahir

Grade: 06
Week: 03
Date: 15/05/2017

Observation Check List

3. Test Score
>40% 40% 50% 60% < 60%
i) English 

ii) Maths > 40% 40% 50% 60% < 60%

> 40% 40% 50% 60% < 60%

iii) Urdu

iv) G. Science > 40% 40% 50% 60% < 60%


Student Name: Tahir

Grade: 06
Week: 03
Date: 15/05/2017

Observation Check List

2. Change in Attitude

i) Friendly
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

ii) Isolated
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iii) Shy
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iv) Helpful and caring
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

v) Obedient
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vi) Harassed
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vii) Adjusted
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent


Student Name: Tahir

Grade: 06
Week: 04
Date: 22/05/2017

Observation Check List

1) Classroom Observation

i) Attendance V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

ii) Class work completion V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iii) Classroom participation V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iv) Cleanliness V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

v) Home work completion V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vi) Following discipline V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vii) Follow teacher instructions V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent


Student Name: Tahir

Grade: 06
Week: 04
Date: 22/05/2017

Observation Check List

2. Change in Attitude

i) Friendly
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

ii) Isolated 

V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iii) Shy 

V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iv) Helpful and caring
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

v) Obedient

vi) Harassed V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vii) Adjusted V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent


Student Name: Tahir

Grade: 06
Week: 04
Date: 22/05/2017

Observation Check List

2. Change in Attitude

i) Friendly
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

ii) Isolated
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iii) Shy
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

iv) Helpful and caring

V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

v) Obedient
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vi) Harassed
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

vii) Adjusted
V. Poor Poor Average Good Excellent


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