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Rise of the Dead Season 3 Episode 11

“A moment’s Rest...sort of”



the camera showed a cement back road and it showed a 1986 doge ram
wagon white in color driving down the road and as it was driving the camera
jumped inside the car. Roy was in the drivers seat, Gloria was sitting in the
seat next to him. Dazman and Hank were in the middle seats, Captain Peyton
Ian, and Alex were all in the back seats.

As they were driving Roy spoke to Gloria and as he did he said.

Roy Welson: Hand me the walkie talkie.

as he said that Gloria pulled out a walkie talkie from a back pack next to her
and as she did Roy turned it on and he flipped through different channels and
as he did he spoke into it.

Roy Welson: Lisa were approaching the complex are you and the

as he said that Lisa voice was heard from over the walkie talkie and everyone
in the car could hear them and as they could Lisa said.
Lisa Benderson: were all doing good here we’ve been driving these past few
weeks all over the country and haven’t found a safe place to live yet maybe
we’ve gotten through the hard part and this is it.

as she said that Roy spoke into the walkie talkie and as he did he said.

Roy Welson: Maybe this is it...we’ll contact you when we know this area is
clear over and out.

as he said that Lisa said.

Lisa Benderson: Over and out.

as she said that Roy turned off the walkie talkie and he handed it back to
Gloria and as he did she put it back in the back pack next to her and once
she was done with that she said.

Gloria Welson: there it is.

as she said that everyone looked out the windshield and as they did Roy
pulled the car to the side of the road. Once he stopped the car he took the
key’s out of the ignition and as he did everyone got out of the car.
As they were waling out onto the middle of the street Alex said.Alex Cardel:
Why are we getting out to get to this place instead of driving straight up to it.

as he said that Hank said.

Hank Masters: in your old group you might have been able to do that but in
our group we like to check people out before we go right up to them and ask
them to join our group.

as he said that Alex said.

Alex Cardel: Why.

as he said that Roy said.Roy Welson: it’s a perceptive thing we don’t always
trust the people on the other side of the fence.

as he said that Dazman pulled out one of his 3 swords and as he did he said.
Dazman Hodge: quiet...were a few feet away from the wall.

as he said that they all stopped talking and as they did the camera showed
the wall and it was about 10 feet tall in height and as they saw this Captain
Peyton said.
Captain Peyton: Not very tall.

as she said that Ian walked right up to it and he saw that it was made out of
bricks and as he saw this he said.

Ian: and not very steady either.

as he said that they all looked at the main entrance and as they did it was a
10 foot high fence surrounded by bricks. And as they saw it Gloria said.
Gloria Welson: Well only one thing to do.

as she said that she walked up to the gate and she tried to open it but as she
did it wouldn’t budge and as it would’t Roy said.
Roy Welson: Stop...and look.

as he said that she looked at a pad lock on the front of the gate and as she
did she said.
Gloria Welson: shit.

as she said that Roy looked at the top of the wall and as he did Dazman had
his ear pressed up against the fence and as he did Roy said.
Roy Welson: Looks like were going up and over.
as he said that Dazman said.

Dazman Hodge: get your weapons ready we’ll have company on the other
as he said that the camera jumped inside the complex and as it did it showed
the small group all inside the wall. As they were Roy was the last one to jump
over the wall and as he landed on the ground he said.
Roy Welson: Son of a bitch.

as he said that he looked around the inside of the complex and saw over 30
houses and they were all empty. Half of them had there doors left open and
half of them had dead rotting corpses on there porches. For those houses
who had porches.

As Roy saw this Gloria and Dazman took care of the rotters there were 15
rotters total and as they finished killing them Roy said.
Roy Welson: Is that all of them.

as he said that Gloria said.

Gloria Welson: all of the one’s that were out here.

as she said that Dazman said.

Dazman Hodge: She’s right who know’s how man of them are in here the wall
around this complex could have been breeched.

as he said that Ian said.

Ian: Well were behind the wall what do you want us to do now.

as he said that Roy looked around the complex and as he did he said.

Roy Welson: OK we’ll split up into teams and go and look for ammunition for our weapons we need it after that
fight we had with the boss and his men.

As he said that the group agreed with him and as they did Roy said.
Roy Welson: All right Gloria, Dazman Hank, And Alex your with me and were
going to search the houses on one side of the complex. We meet back here by
sun down all right everyone let’s go.

as he said that they broke out in there groups Roy and his group went to the
left side of the complex and Ian and Captain Peyton went to the right side of
the complex. As they did the camera stayed with Ian and Captain Peyton and
as it did they stopped at a house with a dead rotting body sitting right
outside it’s wide open front door. As they saw it Ian and Captain Peyton
looked at for a few seconds and as they did they pounded on the door for a
few seconds. Then they waited for rotters and Captain Peyton said.
Captain Peyton: if there were any of them in there they’d be out by now.

as she said that Ian said.

Ian: All right...ladies first.

as he said that Captain Peyton pulled out her pistol and so did Ian and she
rolled her eyes at his comment and she walked into the house first and as
she did she said.

Captain Peyton: Come on.

as she said that Ian followed her into the house and they left the door to the
house wide open.

the camera jumped to Roy and his group and they were checking out a garage
to a house on the left side of the complex and as they were Dazman stabbed
a rotter in the head that was on the ground and as he did he said.

Dazman Hodge: Got it.

as he said that each of the people in the small group had a garbage bag and
as they did they were putting supplies into there separate bags. As they were
Roy said.
Roy Welson: I still think I could have found a way to kill the boss and his men
if we stayed in Alaska just a few weeks longer.

as he said that as he said that Hank said.

Hank Masters: if we would have stayed any longer that bastard would have
killed more of us...if not all of’s a good thing we left when we did.

as he said that Roy said.

Roy Welson: I know it’s just’s just I don’t trust that I left him
alive...espically across a country that’s full of the dead and god knows what
and we can’t do anything to stop him if he choses to come after us.

as he said that Gloria said.

Gloria Welson: If he comes after us we’ll be prepared this time...we are all
properly trained on how to use gun’s now. We know how to fight...if he choses
to come after us he’ll be in for one hell of a fight.

as he said that they all went quiet and as they did Dazman looked around the
garage and as he did he said.
Dazman Hodge: Come on we picked this place clean.

as he said that they started to clear out of the garage and move onto another
house...the camera jumped back to Ian and Captain Peyton and as it did Ian
was walking through the up stairs part of the house on his own.
As he was he was checking one of the rooms that had a dead rotter body in it
and as he checked it he said.

Ian: Dam straight.

as he said that he was looking around the bed room he just walked into and it
looked like the master bed room. And as he was checking out the nice room
he saw family pictures on the wall and he started to look at them.

As he stared at them he didn’t notice a rotter open up the bathroom door that
was partially open already and start to slowly walk towards him with out
making a sound. Because it’s jaw was half gone.
As it was walking towards Ian...he kept staring at the pictures and the rotter
was right behind him and as it was the rotter grabbed him with both of it’s
hand’s and as it did Ian said.
Ian: Oh shit.

as he said that he pulled the trigger on his automatic gun and the bullets flew
past the rotter but it missed it and Ian tried to stop the rotter from biting him.
As he tried stopping it Ian said.
Ian: Captain Peyton...Captain Peyton.

as he was screaming her name the rotter used what was left of it’s mouth to
bite into his neck and as it did Ian screamed in pain. As he did the rotter was
busy biting into his neck Ian used that time to push the rotter off of him.
As the rotter was pushed off Ian it fell to the floor as it was getting up from
the floor it was coming back for Ian and Ian pointed his automatic at it and as
he was Ian pulled the trigger and the bullet’s flew at the rotters head and it
hit it and killed it.

as the rotter dropped to the ground Captain Peyton came running into the
room she had a back pack full of medical supplies and as she did she said.
Captain Peyton: I’m sorry I found a bunch of medical supplies that we
desperately needed and I thought you could handle it since it was just one.

as she said that she saw that he was bit on the neck and as she saw this she
Captain Peyton: Just stay here and I’ll go and get the others.
as she said that she ran out of the room down the stairs and out of the house
as she did the camera stayed with Ian and he dropped onto the master bed
and he held his hand as tight as he could to his neck which was bleeding


the camera showed Ian lying on the bed and as he was he was staring at the
ceiling and as he was...he was loosing blood quickly. As he was in the quiet
room he heard a familiar voice and as he did it was saying.

Brian (The Boss’s 2nd in command)
: You had it coming...ever since you left
the safety of those walls. You knew you were going to get bit by one of the
dead...and here we are on your death bed...literally.

as he said that Ian leaned up and he looked at Brian and as he did Denise
appeared in the room out of know where and as she did she said.

Denise: Don’t listen to him were always prepared for what was out
here outside of the walls. Your a good strong man who has never done
anything wrong...I’ve trained you for this and you will make it through this to
see the light of day.

as she said that the camera jumped to Roy and his group who were searching
another house and as they were they were leaving it and as they were all
walking out the front yard they found the area where the complex was
breeched. And as they did there was a hold in the 10ft wall and there were
several dozen people bodies scattered throughout the forrest and there were
tire tracks leading away from the complex.
As there were Dazman was looking at all of this and as he was he said.
Dazman Hodge: We have to find a place to live.

as he said that they all looked at him and as they did Roy said.
Roy Welson: I’m sorry what did you say.

as he said that Dazman said.

Dazman Hodge: We have to find a place to live or else we’ll become just like
the people who did this to this place. And if we don't find a place to live a real
safe place with better walls then these then this is what making it is now.
And I don’t know about you but I’m getting pretty dam tired of living like this.

as he said that everyone was quiet for several seconds and as they were Roy
Roy Welson: And then were will you have us go then.
as he said that Dazman thought for a few seconds and as he did he said.
Dazman Hodge: Mackinaw Island.

as he said that Gloria said.

Gloria Welson: Why Mackinaw.

as she said that Dazman said.

Dazman Hodge: there’s been rumors that there are over 50 feet high cement
walls surrounding the island and that it’s a safe zone and there letting people
in...that’s why Mackinaw.

as he said that they were all quiet again and as they were Roy looked right at
Dazman and as he did he said.

Roy Welson: All right then...let’s go to Mackinaw Island then.

as he said that Captain Peyton was running towards them in the distance and
as she was they all turned towards her. And as they did She caught her breath
as she got to them and as she did Alex said.

Alex Cardel: Where’s Ian.

as he said that Captain Peyton said.

Captain Peyton: that’s what I came here to talk to you about Ian’s been bit.

as she said that they all looked at each other with concerned faces and as
they did Roy said.
Roy Welson: take us to him.

as he said that the camera jumped to Ian and as it did the master bed was
half covered in blood and as it was Brian and Denise were still in the room
with Ian and they were talking to him.

Brian: you know your going to die were bit right on the neck and
your going to die. The sooner you face the truth the better.

as he said that Denise said.

Denise: Shut up he docent have to face the truth because sometimes the
truth hurts...he may be right about the dying but you don’t have to face it and
you don’t have to face it alone.
as she said that Brian started laughing and as he did he said.
Brian: Your fucking crazy lady...were all born in this world alone and we all
die in this world alone.

as he said that Ian stood up and as he did he looked right at Brian and Denise
stood behind Ian and as she did Ian said.
Ian: I don’t have to listen to you...your dead...a dead died long ago I
know that because my group killed you. Now I know I’m dying...I know that
but I’m not going to die while I listen to you talk your ass off.

as he said that he vanished from the room and as he did the Ian stared at the
spot that Brian was sitting in for several seconds and as he did he faced
Denise and as he did he said.

Ian: I don’t want to die alone.

as he said that he cited and as he did Denise sushed him and as she did he
cried into her shoulder and she said.

Denise: I know and you won't I’ll be with you through every step of the way.

as she said that the camera jumped to Roy and his small supply group and as
it did they were all staring at Ian’s dead body laying on the master bed. As
they were staring at it Gloria checked out the body and as she did she said.
Gloria Welson: He died of blood loss.

as she said that everyone was upset about the loss and as they were Roy
kicked the dresser that was by the bed. As he did Dazman pulled out a pocket
knife and as he did he opened the knife part up.

As he did he walked up to Ian’s head and he stabbed it and as he did he said.

Dazman Hodge: It’s done.

(Side of dirt road)

the camera showed all of Roy’s group surrounded by a grave and Jeffery
fisher was reading a prayer out of a bible he had with him. As he did he
finished and the group slowly left and as they did Roy stayed behind.
As he did he stared at Ian’s body in the ground and as he did he grabbed the
shovel that was by the freshly dug grave and he started to burry Ian.

(Screen goes black)
(End Scene)

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