Group 2 Report Session 5

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SESSION 5 Breakout Group Discussion

Group 2

 supply chain innovations may offer significant benefits in terms of easing current and
future impediments to timely delivery of nutritious food to urban poor in megacities;
investments to take 10 years (after initial pilot phase)
 SA – SEA cooperation in food trade and food security currently low but large potential for
increased linkages and sharing of lessons based on national and regional experience.

Guide questions

With respect to international food trade and domestic food supply chains of Southeast
Asian countries:
1. What are the most serious impediments, both current and emerging/future, to providing food
for the poor based on a diet that is affordable, safe, and diversified?
2. What are policies, institutional arrangements, and innovations, that can possibly
address these impediments in a significant way?
3. What constrain the widespread adoption of these innovations? Are there any practical
steps stakeholders can take to promote such innovations? Consider only short-term (1 – 2
years) and medium term (3 – 5 year) interventions.

1. Serious impediments to food trade and domestic food supply chains of Southeast Asia

2. Policies, institutional arrangements, and innovations

3. Constraints to adoption
Steps/Interventions: Short-term and Medium-term

Open forum

Ramesh/FAO -- Food accessibility and poverty

AFA - Ss should be given support but small percentage of trade should be supported
Kyoshi – agri investment important but infrastructure need to be built to facilitate private sector
Dada summary points

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