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Messages from

“The Last Call”

March 16, 2012 - February 5, 2017

22 Adar 5772 – 9 Sh’vat 5777

In the Beginning YHWH GOD created the

Heaven and the Earth…
1. From the Broken Heart of Father ……………………………………………………………….1
2. A Calling to MY Bride from Father God……...……………………………………………...…...4
3. A Calling to MY Bride to Fast from Father God….……………………………………………....9
4. A Warning from your Father God for the West Coast…………………………...…………….….....11
5. A Warning from your Father God for the East Coast....…...…………………….……………….…..13
6. A Message Close to My Heart for MY Bride………………..…………………………………....15
7. A Message to MY Bride about Agape Love……….…………..……………..……………….…..18
8. Let MY Bride Arise With GLORY…………………..……………………………………….…22
9. How to Become the End Time Army of YHWH.……………………………… ………………....25
10. The Coming Storms and the Hope of My Calling in YOU…………………….……………….…...28
11. MY Bride – The Beatitudes………………………………………………...……………….......31
12. The Son of Perdition Shall Soon Rise.………………………………………. ………………......34
13. REPENT – For the Kingdom of GOD is at Hand........……………………… ………………......37
14. Darkness, Destruction and GLORY.………………………………………………………….....40
16. Woe Unto the Whore of Babylon Because She Has NOT Obeyed.…………….. ……………….......45
17. Seek Me so I May Seek You.……………………………………………….. ……………….....46
18. Judgment Comes –It No Longer Delays…………………………………….……………….......48
19. Time is Up!!! Come to Me in Fasting and Consecration....…………………… ………………......51
20. THE DAY OF THE LORD IS AT HAND...………………………………..……………….... .56
21. BEHOLD YOUR BRIDEGROOM COMES....…………………………… ……………….......63
22. My People, My Beloved, MY Bride – Build Me My Tabernacle……………...……………….........68
23. Beloveds Please Fast and Pray…………………………………………….…………………...72
24. My Loves My Tabernacle is Almost Ready, Is Yours?....……………………… ……………….....74
25. Come My Beloved 144,000 and MY Bride~Come…………………………..…………………….78
26. Beloveds Build It and They Will Come…………………………………....…………………......81
27. MY FINAL WARNING: FAST AND PRAY……………………………....…………….….....85
28. MY WORDS OF JUDGMENT…………………………………………...……………….......93
29. I Shall Now Pour My Spirit Out: Beloveds Please Fast and Pray for Wales... ………………….....113
30. I Am Calling 40 Days of Prayer, Fasting and Repentance....……………. ……………………....122
31. DEATH OF AMERICA………………....……………………………….…………….....…...126
32. A CLARION CALL~FOR THIS IS YOUR KAIROS, BRIDE...…………… ……………….....129
33. A Letter To The People of Wales………………………………………….………………........135
34. MY CLARION CALL…………………………………………………………………..…….140
35. Beloveds Please Fast, Pray and Repent…………………………………………………………148
36. Journey of MY Bride ~ MY Bride is Ready…………………………………………………….152
37. Halloween, Harvest Parties, Hallelujah Parties~ARE NOT OKAY………….…………………...154
38. YHWH WORD 2016 AND BEYOND……………………………………………………….158
39. The Clarion Call of YHWH ~Fast, Pray and Repent……………………………………………170
40. THE CLARION CALL OF YHWH GOD………………………………….………………….175
41. The Two ‘Witness’ Operation: America……………………………………..………………….186
42. Two Prophetic Oracles From Heaven……………………………………….………………….192
43. Prophetic Oracle of YHWH GOD from Heaven Above……………………….………………….201
44. A Final Thank You! Special Love and SHALOM Message From YHWH……………………..213-222

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