Holiday in Yogyakarta

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I am going to tell you about my Holiday Experiences in Yogyakarta at senior high School in the Event of
study tour. I went to Yogyakarta with my friend and family by BUS and we stayed overthere two days in
the hotel near to Malioboro which has spacious room and classical ornament. Actually Yogyakarta has
many places of interest which we can find overthere for instance Malioboro, Jogja kembali monument,
Prambanan temple, Parangtritis beach, and many more, but at that time I just visited Malioboro and
prambanan temple, and Jogja kembali temple because we haven’t much time. At the first day I and my
friend went to malioboro. In malioboro we can buy many things for the example classical chlotes from
Yogyakarta like batik, handycraft, Beside of that we can also find special food from Yogyakarta region
like gudeg which has palatable taste.

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