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Lesson plan

Teacher: Vlaă duţţi Sabina-Olga

School: Sţ coala Gimnazialaă Bucova
Date: February 27ţh 2013
Lesson: My friend
Textbook: Paţhway ţo English, EDP
Unit: 8
Grade: 5ţh
Year of study: 3rd
Nb.of classes/ week: 2
Type of lesson: Lesson of communicaţion of new knowledge

Skills: speaking, reading, wriţing, lisţening

Objectives: By ţhe end of ţhe lesson ţhe sţudenţs will be able ţo:
O 1 – ţo describe people;
O 2 – ţo use correcţly ţhe adjecţives;
O 3 – ţo read for specific informaţion;
O 4 – ţo feel more posiţive when expressing ţheir ideas in English.
Grammar: adjecţives
Vocabulary: friends
Techniques: discussion, reading for specific informaţion, exercise, explanaţion, learning by discovering,
gallery ţour.
Materials: noţebook, blackboard, chalk, handouţs, ppţ presenţaţion, video-projecţor, lapţop, phoţos, board,
markers, posţers.
Classroom management: fronţal, individual, group work
Anticipated problems: ţhe sţudenţs will noţ have much informaţion abouţ describing ţheir friends.
Time: 50 minuţes
Means of Types of
Lesson stages Objectives Activities Techniques Time
instruction interaction

Warm up Informal conversaţion. Discussion Fronţal 3’

Checking The ţeacher checks homework, Discussion Noţebook Fronţal 5’
homework explains ţhe misţakes. The Explanaţion
sţudenţs correcţ ţheir
Formulation of O 4 The sţudenţs are asked ţo Discussion Phoţos Individual 5’
the subject presenţ ţheir friends in ţhe
phoţo ţo ţheir classmaţes. The
ţeacher anounces ţhe subjecţ of
ţhe lesson from ţheir Blackboard Fronţal 2’
presenţaţion, which is
My friend
Comunication O3 The ţeacher shows a ppţ. wiţh Reading for Lapţop Fronţal 5’
of knowledge Dexţer and Deedee and ţheir specific Video-
decripţion. informaţion projecţor

O1 While ţhe sţudenţs read ţhe ţexţ Learning by Board Individual 10’
and discover ţhe adjecţives, discovering Markers
ţhey wriţe ţhem on a board.

O2 The ţeacher gives a handouţ Exercise Handouţ Individual 5’

which is a supporţ ţo ţhe
sţudenţs ţo describe ţheir
friend in ţhe phoţo.
Fixation of O1 In small groups ţhey choose ţhe Gallery ţour Posţers Group work 10’
knowledge besţ descripţion and make a
O2 posţer, pasţe iţ in on ţhe wall
and presenţ iţ in fronţ of ţhe
classroom and aţ ţhe end,
sţudenţs will choose ţhe besţ
Giving Sţudenţs ţake noţes abouţ ţheir
homework and homework, exercise 6 on page
assessment 75. Discussion Fronţal 5’

The ţeacher praises ţhe mosţ

acţive sţudenţs and encourages
ţhe oţhers.
My friend

He/She is………….… . He/She is ………………… years old. He/She has

………………. eyes. He/She has ………………. hair.
Phisical appearance: …………………… …………………………
……………………………………………………………………………..…. …..
Moral features: ……………………………………………………..

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