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Department: Science Spring 2018

COURSE TITLE: Astronomy INSTRUCTOR: Mr. Alexander

EMAIL: PHONE: (678) 594-8190
CLASSROOM BLOG: Cell: 770-298-3640 Obs. Session

What is Astronomy?
Astronomy is the study of the universe, and objects such as stars, planets, galaxies, black holes and other exotic objects
in addition to the nature, beginning and ultimate fate of the universe. It is an interdisciplinary science drawing on
biology, chemistry, physics, computer science and mathematics.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Honors Astronomy is an introductory course to astronomy which will cover the scale of the
cosmos, the sky, origins of astronomy, cycles of the moon, modern astronomy, tools of astronomy, star life cycles, stellar
evolution, and cosmology, in greater detail from both a conceptual and mathematical viewpoint.

KEY STANDARDS: Size and Scale, Constellations and the Celestial Sphere, Light and Telescopes, Universal Laws,
Exoplanets, Stars and Stellar Evolution, Solar System & Origin, Galaxies, and Cosmology


Assignments Values
Quizzes 50
Lab/Observations Journal/EQ 100
Daily Performance/Homework 10-20
Tests 100

Topics Grades Weights

Constellations and the Celestial Sphere Final: 20%
Stellar Life Cycle Test: 30%
Galaxies & Cosmology Labs: 25%
Exoplanets, Solar System, ET Life Classwork: 25%
Light and Telescopes
Universal Laws (Kepler, Newton, Einstein)
Size and Scale
20 Astronomical Observations
Final Exam

Grading Scale/

A: 90-100, B: 80-89, C: 74-79, D: 70-73, F: 69 and below

Make-up Exams: See student handbook for make-up exam policy.

A - 100-90%
B - 89-80%
C - 79-74%
D – 70-73%
F - 69-Below

It is strongly encouraged that you keep your Synergy login information in a safe place and that you have access to the
information when needed. Parents should contact the Main Office to obtain password information.

Please note that when you are viewing grades in Synergy that a blank grade column for your child has no effect on their
grade. If the space is blank, then your student may not have turned in that assignment due to absence or the teacher
may not have entered grades for that assignment at that time. An “X” means that the student is exempt from an
assignment at the discretion of the teacher.


Observation Component

Astronomy is a primarily visual oriented course. There will be several viewing sessions throughout the school year as
we track the seasons, constellations, as well as sun and moon phases. School based observation sessions will tentatively
take place at a preselected site on campus TBD. Observation sessions will initially be naked eye in nature but will
eventually progress through the use of the telescope. Observation sessions are not required but are strongly encouraged.
You must have a total of 50 observations completed by the week before finals that should include a mix of solar, lunar,
and stellar observations.

 Starry Night observation (Anywhere time and space) - 2 observations .

 Constellations - 5 observations
 One constellation is one observation--individual stars do not count
 Planets -2 observations
 Moon Phase Project - 5 observations
 Change over time or place observations: -5 observations such as
o Sunrise and sunset observations
o Limiting Magnitude observation
o Sunspots - change in position over time
o Jupiter's moons -
 Free Choice – 1 observations (deep sky objects, weather, anomalous objects)
Film Component

During the course astronomy related films & documentaries will be viewed that are relevant to the topic at hand.
Accompanying the film will be student handouts that follow along with the film. Following each film, a two page report
summarizing the film and your views on the film will be due.

Laboratory Component

There will be a significant laboratory portion to the course. However due to the grand scale of astronomy, many of the
labs will be virtual in nature. There are a great deal of online simulations, animations, and labs available through the
internet that accurately depict the night sky, sun, and moon processes without the uncertainties of weather and time
constraints. Almost every chapter will have some laboratory component to it, as hands on interactions are the best way
to actually learn astronomy.

Smart Phone with a downloaded constellation app:
Colored Pencils
Computer access
Video Editing Software
A 3-4 subject spiral notebook for notes
Bound composition book for labs/observations
1 inch 3-ring binder for handouts
Scientific Calculator

Paper Towels, Glue

 Be in your assigned seat prepared to work when the bell rings.
 Follow all school policies.
 Contact me after your absence to receive the material missed in class.
 Participate in class discussions.
 Students will respect themselves, others, and school property.
 Students will be dismissed from class by the teacher and only when work areas are clean.


Class participation is an important component of the course. Much can be learned from the exchange of ideas that
occurs during class discussions. Frequent absences SERIOUSLY jeopardize your success in this class. The participation
grade will be based on the degree of student involvement in the learning activities, including attention to and
participation in written and oral exercises, class discussion, preparation for class, and homework. To reiterate: if you do
not participate in formal class discussions, you will not receive a passing grade for that activity.


Exams missed due to excused absences must be made up as soon as possible. It is the student’s
responsibility to arrange for any make-ups with the instructor. Essentially all students have 5 class
days to make up any missing examinations. Observations and most laboratory sessions cannot be
made up.


Homework: Homework will be given on a regular basis and will be collected and/or checked on the assigned
due day. Students may turn in homework 1 day late for 50% off of grade.

Test Retakes: Students scoring a 74 or below will have the opportunity to remediate and retest the exam.
The maximum grade that can be made on the retake is a 75%, regardless of score. Those scoring below a 70%
are mandated to take the retake and undergo remediation. Students must have an excused absence in order to
take the retake and be present on remediation days.


To avoid being counted tardy, students must be seated and ready for class when the bell rings. School policy will be
enforced as it applies to tardy individuals.


Afternoon Session: Wednesday and Friday: 3:30-4:30pm


As per the school’s policy, cell phones are not to be used during class time unless directed by the teacher for instructional
purposes. Students will receive a discipline referral after one warning to put away any electronic device (unless the
device is being used for instruction). Students are allowed to bring certain technologies to class (iPad, laptop, Kindle,
etc.), but it should NOT interfere with the teaching or other’s learning.

Cheating is considered a serious matter. Any student who is involved in cheating/plagiarism will receive a grade of zero
on the material, an unsatisfactory in conduct, and his/her parents will be notified.

For this course, cheating is defined as, but is not limited to, the following acts:

 Copying anyone's answers to questions, exercises, study guides, class work or homework assignments
 Taking any information verbatim from any source, including the Internet, without giving proper credit to the
author, or rearranging the order of words and/or changing some words as written by the author and claiming the
work as his or her own, i.e., plagiarism.
 Looking onto another student's paper during a test or quiz.
 Having available any study notes or other test aids during a test or quiz without the teacher's permission.
 Collaborating on assignments when independent work is expected.


See the class blog for any work and/or updates you might have missed, as well as supplemental information


It is clear to everyone that astronomy at all events compels the soul to

look upwards, and draws it from the things of this world to the other.

Disclaimer: As instructor, I reserve the right to alter the syllabus at my discretion should the
need arise. You will be notified before my doing so.

Student Signature _____________________________________ Date __________

Parent Signature _______________________________________ Date __________

Teacher Signature ______________________________________ Date __________


Celestial Events

Other Important Reminders

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