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Q.1 what do mean by Human Resource Management (HRM) its role and importance in
an organisation?

HRM is process of bringing people and organisations together to so that the goals of each are
met. It is that part of the management process which is concern with the management of
human resource is an organisation. It tries to secure the best from people by winning their
whole hearted co-operation. In short, it may be defined as the art of procuring, developing
and maintaining competent work force to achieve the goal of an organisation is an effective
and efficient manner.

Human resource management (HRM) is the strategic and coherent approach to the
management of an organization’s most valued assets - the people working there who
individually and collectively contributes to the achievement of the objectives of the business.
The terms "human resource management" and "human resources" (HR) have largely replaced
the term "personnel management" as a description of the processes involved in managing
people in organizations. In simple sense, HRM means employing people, developing their
resources, utilizing, maintaining and compensating their services in tune with the job and
organizational requirement.

According to Flippo, “Human resource management is the planning, organizing, directing

and controlling of the procurement, development, compensation, integration, Maintainance
and separation of human resources to the end that individual, organisational and social
objectives and accomplished.”

According to Invancevich and Glueck, “HRM is concerned with the most effective use of
people to achieve organisational and individual goal.”

Role of HRM:
Human resource managers, nowadays, wear many hats. They perform mainly three different
types of roles, while meeting the requirement of employees and customers, namely
administrative, operational and strategic.

 Administrative role.
 Operational role.
 Strategic role.

Administrative role:
The Administrative role of HRM includes Policy maker, Administrative expert, Advisor,
Housekeeper, Counsellor, Welfare officer and Legal consultant, etc.

Operational role:
These roles are tactical in nature and include requiting, training and developing employees,
coordinating HR activities with the action of managers and supervisors throughout the
organisation and resolving difference between employees.

Operation role of HRM includes Recruiter, Trainer developer, motivator, Coordinator/linking

pin, Mediator, Employee champion.

Strategic roles:

Strategies increasingly depend on strengthening organizational competitiveness and on

building committed work teams, and these put HR in a central role. In the fast changing,
globally competitive and quality oriented industrial environment, it's often the firm's
employees – its human resources – who provide the competitive key. And so now it is a
demand of the time to involve HR in the earlier stages of development and implementing the
firm's strategic plan, rather than to let HR react to it. That means now the role of HR is not
just to implement the things out but also to plan out in such a manner that the employees can
be strategically used to get edge over the competitors, keeping in mind the fact that this is the
only resource (HUMANS), which cannot be duplicated by the competitors.

Importance of HRM:
when any organization start to visualise their business, their first priority is to hire competent
work force means right person on the right job after that this man power decide about other
tangible and intangible resources, where to get? How to get? How to manage efficiently?
What modification required? Essence, other resources depends on human resource without
which they are worthless because if there would be no human then who will plan, organize,
or monitor the other resources. The manager is recognized as a holder of organization by his
knowledge and art.

The running of the arts and knowledge needs supporter which called staffs and are human
resource of the organization.

HR can improve the level of management, be helper to increase the efficiency, and let the
manager to be effective.

How can manage the HR would be a very important rule during period of management. So,
Human resource is strategic asset of an organization.

Q.2 Elaborate the difference between Human Resource Management (HRM) and Human
Resource Development (HRD)?


Human Resource Development deals with the training and the developmental aspect of
employees. Most HRD curriculums include classes like Training and Development


It deals with the day to day operations of the Human resources department. This curriculum
would include business law, compensation, employee relations, benefits, and medical.

Difference between HRM and HRD:

Points of distinction HRM HRD

Orientation Maintenance oriented Development oriented
Structure An independent function Consists of inter-dependent
with independent sub parts.
Philosophy Respective function. Proactive function, trying to
Responding to events as and anticipate and get ready with
when they take place. appropriate response.
Responsibility Exclusive responsibility of Responsibility of all
personal department. managers in the organisation.
Outcomes Improve performance is the Better use of human
result of improved resources leads to improved
satisfaction and morale. satisfaction and morale.
Motivators Emphasis is put on monetary Emphasis is on higher-order
rewards needs such as-how to design
jobs with stretch, pull and
challenge: how to improve
creativity and problem
solving skills, how to
empower people in all
respects, etc.
Aims Tries to improve the It tries to develop the
efficiency of people and organisation as a whole and
administration. its culture.

This is the main difference between human resource management and human resources

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