Create Recurring FI Document Entries in SAP

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Recurring Entries

Periodically recurring entries posted by the recurring entries program based on recurring entry
documents. This process is comparable to the standing order you give to your bank to deduct
your rent, premium payments, or loan repayments.

Recurring entries are business transactions that are repeated regularly, such as rent or
insurance. The following data never changes in recurring entries:
 Posting key
 Account
 Amounts

You enter this recurring data in a recurring entry original document. This document does not
update the transaction figures. The recurring entry program uses it as a basis for creating
accounting documents.

The system uses the recurring entry original document that you enter as a reference. It is not an
accounting document and therefore does not affect the account balance.

In the recurring entry document, you define when a posting is to be created with this document.
You have two options for scheduling. Postings can be made periodically or on a specific date:
For periodic postings, specify the first and last day of execution, as well as the interval in

If you want to specify certain dates, enter a run schedule in the recurring entry original

Information for the IT Department:-

‘Run Schedules’ have to be maintained in the following path in SPRO.

Choose Financial Accounting Global Settings Document Recurring Entries Define Run
Schedules/Enter Run Dates .

To post recurring entry documents, you have to set up a separate number range for the
company codes that use them. You have to use key X1 for the number range. The system takes
numbers for the recurring entry original document from this number range.
Program SAPF120 creates accounting documents using the recurring entry original documents.
You have to run the program at regular intervals. It checks each recurring entry original
document to see if a document should be created.

Cross-company code transactions cannot be posted with the recurring entry program.

Steps involved in Posting Recurring Entries

1. Create a recurring entry document in transaction FBD1 and note the document number.
2. In transaction F.14, create the BDC session for posting the transaction documents.
Input the company code, document number and fiscal year.

The settlement date input must match the next run date of the recurring entry document.
Consider the following example.

First run on’ date : 01.07.2016

Last run on’ date : 31.12.2016
Interval months :2
Run date : 11

The first time a transaction document is created, the input settlement period should be
11.07.2016. After that document is created, the settlement period input should be

This program can be scheduled to run periodically.

3. In transaction SM35, process the session created by F.14 (When the inputs are correct,
F.14 creates a BDC Session). Processing the BDC session can be automated by
scheduling the program RSBDCSUB.

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