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Driving and responding to change

1· I have been demonstrating ability to support innovation and organizational

changes which would improve effectiveness, Initiation and implementing organizational
change. Been successfully integrated into new Oracle Fusion / Cloud teachnology within
AP process.

2· Personally developing a new method or approach for random changes within

process. Been proposing new approaches, methods, or technologies which are helping
me in personal and professional life.

3· Working cooperatively with others to produce innovative solutions. Taking active

initiatives with reference to directions, policies or procedures. I have been Seizing
opportunities to influence the future direction of overall business. Been collaborating
with team members to develop a clear understanding of what they will need to do
differently, as a result of changes in the organization. eg: Been educating team members
about Oracle Cloud and its ERP.

4· Supporting various change in management activities (e.g., communications,

training , team development, coaching).

5· Been Facilitating team members through the problem-solving and creative-

thinking processes leading to the development and implementation of new approaches,
systems, structures, and methods.

2. Collaboration

6· I have been demonstrating ability to develop, maintain, and strengthen

partnerships with internal and external customers, who can provide information,
assistance, and support.

7· Asking the other person’s personal experiences in the Organization to learn new
approach and ability to tackle an issue. Been asking questions to identify shared
interest, experiences, or other common ground. and showing an interest in what
others have to say and acknowledge their perspectives and ideas.

8· I have been recognizing the business concerns and perspectives of others and
expressing gratitude and appreciation to others who have provided information,
assistance, or support.

9· Taking time to get to know coworkers, to build rapport and establish a common
bond.and been trying to build relationships with people whose assistance,
cooperation, and support may be needed.
10· Been providing assistance, information, and support to others to build a basis for
future reciprocity.

3. communiation

11· I have been paying Attention to Communication to ensure that others

involved in a project or effort are kept informed about developments and plans.

12· I have been emphasizing on updating important informations to shared

with my manager will be beneficial and others as appropriately .Sharing ideas
and information with others who might find them useful.

13· Using multiple channels or means to communicate important messages

(e.g., Pidgin, Trainings, meetings, electronic mail).

14· I have been keeping my manager informed about progress and problems
and ensuring that regular, consistent communication .

15· Good at speaking clearly and can be easily understood. Tailoring the
content of speech to the level and experience of the audience. Organizing ideas
clearly in oral speech.

16· Summarinzing my understanding of what others have said to verify

understanding and prevent miscommunication.

17· Expressing ideas clearly and concisely in writing. Organizing written

ideas clearly and signals the organization to the reader (e.g., through an
introductory paragraph or through use of headings). Using an appropriate
business writing style.

18· I have been identifying and presenting information or data that will have
a strong effect on others.

4. Competetive edge

19· I have been strategically analyzing the organization’s competitive

position by considering market and industry trends, existing and potential
customers (internal and external), and strengths and weaknesses as compared
to competitors.

20· Understanding industry and market trends affecting the organization’s

21· Have an in-depth understanding of competitive products and services
within the marketplace.

22· Developing and proposing a long-term (3-5 year) strategy for the
organization based on an analysis of the industry and marketplace and the
organization’s current and potential capabilities as compared to competitor

5. Leadership

• In my tenture with Oracle i have developed competencies Dealing with People and
ability to develop and communicate goals in support of the business’ mission. Acting to
align LOB's goals with the strategic direction of the business.

• I have been ensuring that people in the LOB understand how their work relates to the
business’ mission and Ensuring that everyone understands and identifies with the
unit’s mission.

• Providing Motivational Support to enhance others’ commitment to their work and

acknowledging and thanking people for their contributions.

• Fostering Teamwork - As a team member, i have the ability and desire to work
cooperatively with others on a team and the ability to demonstrate interest, skill, and
success in getting groups to learn to work together.

• Listening and responding constructively to other team members’ ideas. Offering

support for others’ ideas and proposals. I have been open with other team members
about his/her concerns.

• I have been providing assistance to others when they need it. Working for solutions
that all team members can support and Sharing my expertise with others. Seeking
opportunities to work on teams as a means to develop experience, and knowledge.
Providing assistance, information, or other support to others, to build or maintain
relationships with them.

6. mastering complexity

• At the time of issue i put myself into Analytical Thinking. So that i can tackle
a problem by using a logical, systematic, sequential approach.
I Try to make a systematic comparison of two or more alternatives. During that i
notice discrepancies and inconsistencies in available information. Then i identify a
set of features, parameters, or considerations to take into account, in analyzing a
situation or making a decision.

• I approach a complex task or problem by breaking it down into its

component parts and considering each part in detail. weigh the costs,
benefits, risks, and chances for success, in making a decision.

• I try to identify many possible causes for a problem and Carefully analyze
the priority of things to be done.

7. drive and execution

• I have the ability to focus on the desired result of work, setting challenging
goals, focusing effort on the goals, and meeting or exceeding them.

• I have been striving for challenging but achievable goals. Setting myself
clear goals for meetings and projects. I have been created commitment to
goals in the face of obstacles and frustrations.

• I have a strong sense of urgency about solving problems and getting work
done and setting up procedures to ensure high quality of work (e.g., review

• Periodically monitoring the quality of work and i verify information and

check the accuracy of my own and others’ work.

• I have been developing and using systems to organize and keeping track of
information or work progress. Carefully preparing for meetings and

• Orgainzing information or materials for others. Carefully review and chek the
accuracy of information in work reports provided by management,
management information systems, or other individuals and groups.

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