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Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance

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edTPA and Physical Education: Tips for Success for

All Stakeholders

Sheri M. Treadwell, Jay L. Cameron & Mara Manson

To cite this article: Sheri M. Treadwell, Jay L. Cameron & Mara Manson (2017) edTPA and
Physical Education: Tips for Success for All Stakeholders, Journal of Physical Education,
Recreation & Dance, 88:5, 39-45, DOI: 10.1080/07303084.2017.1294511

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Published online: 28 Apr 2017.

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edTPA and
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Tips for
T here may be similarities in people’s feelings about veg-
etables, exercise and the Education Teacher Performance Assess-
ment (edTPA) — not everyone likes them equally, but they can
all be good for physical educators. Of course, no single vegetable
or one type of exercise alone can make a person healthy, and the
same can be said of teacher performance assessments and methods of measur-
ing teacher effectiveness. As part of a balanced approach, the edTPA can be a
useful tool for student teachers, cooperating teachers, supervisors and physical
education teacher education (PETE) programs. This article will present tips for
for All
gaining the greatest benefits from the edTPA for all stakeholders in physical
education. A subject-specific understanding of the edTPA in physical education
can help improve the effectiveness of teacher candidates, teachers in the field,
and teachers in PETE programs relative to the National Beginning Teacher
Standards (SHAPE America – Society of Health and Physical Educators, 2017).
The edTPA is a performance-based assessment designed to evaluate a pre-
service teacher’s readiness to plan lessons, instruct, and assess student learn-
Sheri M. Treadwell
ing. A teacher candidate is required to complete a “context for learning” and Jay L. Cameron
commentaries related to planning, instruction and assessment. For each com- Mara Manson
mentary associated with these three tasks, supporting documents (lesson plans,
unit plans, instructional materials, samples of assessments, samples of students’
work, etc.) and video(s) are uploaded. Each section of the edTPA (i.e., plan-
ning, instruction, and assessment) is evaluated with five different rubrics for Sheri M. Treadwell ( is an assistant
a total of 15. Each rubric is based on a 5-point scale, and some states have professor in the Department of Kinesiology, Sport Studies
established current passing scores that range from 38 to 42. Even though the and Physical Education at The College at Brockport, the State
University of New York in Brockport, NY. Jay L. Cameron
initiative behind the edTPA may trace all the way back to the Nation at Risk is an assistant professor in the Department of Health, Physi-
report (D. P. Gardner, Larsen, Baker, Campbell, & Crosby, 1983), and experts cal Education, Recreation and Coaching at the University of
at the Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity (SCALE) have Wisconsin–Whitewater in Whitewater, WI. Mara Manson is
utilized current best practices related to performance or authentic assessment, an associate professor in the Department of Exercise Science,
Health Studies, Physical Education and Sport Management
it is the acceptance and implementation of the edTPA that will determine if this
at Adelphi University in Garden City, NY.
is a beneficial process in teacher candidate assessment. Some have argued that

the edTPA is the “tail wagging the dog” and that it will result in to teach (Ball, 2013). Some institutions use the edTPA for program
requiring teacher candidates to use rudimentary or extremely basic evaluation or student remediation, while others use the assessment
teaching methods rather than a models-based approach (Metzler, for graduation requirements and/or state licensure.
2014). National scorers for the edTPA are all from physical edu- The range of edTPA stakeholders is broad and includes teacher
cation backgrounds and are mostly PETE professors, university candidates, physical education teachers, school administrators,
student-teaching supervisors, or cooperating teachers in physical PETE faculty, and perhaps even state education department of-
education. As such, the scoring is done in accordance with the ru- ficials. Specific tips for successful implementation are presented in
brics by subject-specific scorers who appreciate and understand the next section. The advice that follows has been pulled from the
quality, standards-based pedagogy. combined experiences of the authors as (1) PETE faculty members
The purpose of this article is to share perspectives and tips implementing edTPA components in their curriculums, (2) trained
from three PETE professors who teach, administrate and supervise evaluators who have accumulated insights from contrasting suc-
teacher candidates — and who have also completed the training to cessful and unsuccessful materials submitted for evaluation, and
be edTPA national scorers and were employed as part-time scorers (3) student-teaching supervisors who interact with cooperating
during the first years of implementation. These perspectives come teachers and student teachers as they tackle the edTPA.
from nine years of combined experience implementing the edTPA.
One objective of this article is to share time-saving tips, accrued
benefits, and deeper understandings from which further successes Advice for Stakeholders
can emerge for all parties involved. Teacher candidates may be bet- There is no group for which the edTPA has greater importance
Downloaded by [West Virginia University Libraries] at 11:05 03 January 2018

ter able to appreciate that the test is both a measurement of teaching than teacher candidates. Forty-two states use the edTPA in one form
performance and also a tool for reflection. Cooperating teachers and or another, but 14 states have already adopted the edTPA as part
school administrators may understand more clearly ways in which of teacher certification processes (American Association of Colleges
the certification process has changed and what aspects of teaching for Teacher Education [AACTE], 2015). It is or will be a culminat-
are of current greatest value. Physical education teacher education ing, high-stakes test for an increasing number of graduates from
instructors and programs overall can use results from their candi- teacher education programs and may impact the graduates’ ability
dates to perform gap analyses and program review to ensure that to attain licensure. The tips and suggestions that follow are a result
the important aspects of teacher preparation are being met. of more than two years of piloting and implementing the edTPA
Wiggins (1993) argued that authentic assessment could more at the authors’ own universities, as well as their experiences as na-
accurately assess domains of performance and better measure tional scorers for the edTPA. Advice in this section falls into three
higher-order thinking and learning than traditional forms of as- areas: organization, procedures and understandings (see Table 1).
sessment. Using an authentic assessment such as the edTPA may Organization.  One skill that can significantly decrease the
help to demonstrate how and why PETE programs are being ef- teacher candidates’ stress level while completing the edTPA is or-
fective and allow for comparisons with alternative certification ganization. The first tip in organizing the edTPA is to use a binder,
programs in preparing candidates for an effective career. If the either physical or electronic, to collect and save all materials. Time-
edTPA is looked at only as the latest imposition, there may be lines, handouts, letters to classes and cooperating teachers, returned
little positive educational impact. It may be equivalent to giving permission slips, assessment forms, the Context for Learning, all
a fitness test to students and never doing anything, either before commentaries, and other documents must be carefully collected.
or after, with the scores. The tips presented here are intended to Organization can also apply to ways in which a teacher candidate
increase the edTPA literacy of teacher candidates, teachers and ad- (TC) aligns standards, objectives and tasks. This should not be left
ministrators in schools and in PETE programs. For readers who to chance. Teacher candidates who find ways to let a scorer know
are not currently using the edTPA, the tips can also be helpful with that they consciously considered how they would link tasks, objec-
other forms of teacher performance assessments and for improving tives, and SHAPE America’s National Standards for K–12 Physical
practice in general. Education (SHAPE America, 2014) will do better. The SCALE en-
When measuring teacher candidates’ readiness to teach, a tool listed the help of Pearson, the textbook publisher, to administer and
such as the edTPA may get closer to authentically evaluating the score the edTPA, so TCs must understand how to upload all com-
relevant and desirable skills of teacher candidates’ pedagogical mentaries, artifacts and documents according to the Pearson server’s
content knowledge and class management across planning, in- requirements. Universities that use Internet portfolio management
structing and assessing tasks with students in the gym compared programs, such as TaskStream or TK-20, provide TCs a platform
to the Educational Testing Service’s (ETS) Praxis II Physical Educa- to submit their edTPA to Pearson through the campus portfolio
tion Content Knowledge test or the New York Teachers Certifica- system. Regardless of the method of submission (whether directly
tion Exam (NYTCE) in PE. Ensuring that teacher candidates leave to Pearson or through TaskStream or TK-20), candidates should
PETE with the skills and knowledge necessary to teach on day one save all electronic documents and artifacts with easily identified file
of their career may be partially but perhaps more validly linked names to help the TCs keep the files organized on the computer. For
to passing scores on the edTPA. Examining the link between TPA example, when saving the Context for Learning, TCs should label
performance and teaching effectiveness is an important next step in the file “Task1PartA” since that is how Pearson identifies the Con-
the research on teaching, but for now the edTPA sets a bar that will text for Learning on its platform at the time of submission.
help guide certification and perhaps hiring of teachers. Ball (2013) Procedures.  It is important for TCs to plan to complete their
argued that too many teachers are graduating from mediocre pro- edTPA in the first half of their student-teaching experience. In
grams lacking in basic essential pedagogical skills, and, as a result, states where candidates have one placement, they should complete
student learning has been compromised. She has advocated that their edTPA in the first eight weeks of that semester. In other states,
the edTPA could be one measure in the overall assessment process where there are two required placements, the edTPA should be
to help ensure that entry-level teachers leave their programs ready done in the first placement. This way it gives the candidate more

40  Volume 88  Number 5   May/June 2017

ter. This allows for time to receive scores and possibly complete a
Table 1. resubmission if required. It is less stressful for TCs to concentrate
edTPA Tips for Teacher Candidates on improving pedagogy in the second half of their student teaching
if they have completed their edTPA. Student-teaching programs in
1. Complete your edTPA during the first half of student states where the edTPA is used will supply TCs with the neces-
teaching. sary information to be successful. These documents include the
2. Create an edTPA-specific binder (electronic or edTPA Physical Education Assessment Handbook (SCALE, 2016),
physical or both) to collect and back up all work. Making Good Choices: A Support Guide for Candidates (SCALE,
3. Label and save documents and videos with clear file 2015a), and Using Rubric Level Progressions (to be explained
names to facilitate uploading. later; SCALE, 2015b), as well as the submission procedures and
dates. Candidates should not put off reading the assessment hand-
4. Pay for your edTPA early to force commitment.
book. They should be proactive in making a plan for completing
5. Use an edTPA-aligned lesson plan and unit plan form. their edTPA in the first half of student teaching so they can submit
6. Create a five-lesson learning segment out of your unit before the end of their student teaching.
(five is better than three in meeting all requirements). Many teacher preparation programs have created a separate
edTPA lesson-plan template for candidates so there is an increased
7. Understand how to set up and use the video
likelihood of having key information on the plans. Teacher candi-
equipment with enough depth to be able to teach
dates should use these resources that are made available to them
the cooperating teacher how to use it and practice
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by their programs. If the program does not have a specific lesson-

videotaping your teaching before student teaching.
plan template, then the teacher candidate should be sure to read
8. Watch videotaped lessons the day they are recorded the handbook closely and include the required components in their
and take notes using a video worksheet to mark clips planning (i.e., objectives in two to three domains, state standards,
for Tasks 2 and 3. assessment, and academic language).
9. Videotape all lessons in your unit (at least three, but Utilizing technology to record the learning segment can be a
five or six is better). challenging task. It is vital that the candidates understand how to
10. Before beginning your edTPA unit, know how and use available video equipment and, if at all possible, how to use a
when assessments of student learning will occur. wireless lavalier microphone to capture all interactions between
the candidate and students. Recording instructional experiences in
11. Make sure to have connections between standards, schools can be complicated, and simply handing a camera to a co-
objectives and tasks in all three domains. Explain operating teacher is unlikely to be successful. Teacher candidates
these connections clearly and concisely in must practice with video recording their classes and must provide
support and instruction to their cooperating teachers. It may also
12. Utilize the “Understanding Rubric Progressions” be wise to let students know that video recording will be occurring
document from SCALE to self-assess your edTPA so that they are conditioned to having a camera in class. Teacher
before submission. candidates are encouraged to video record every lesson of the en-
13. Use a remote or lavalier microphone with the video tire unit to be assured that they will have enough video footage to
camera to increase chances of being heard. This is choose from when determining their 3–5 lesson learning segment.
absolutely required when teaching outside; otherwise, The TC should then watch the day’s lesson each night to determine
the candidate will need to transcribe what is being whether that lesson meets the required criteria. This will eliminate
said throughout the lesson. the need for the TC to view all of their lessons in a single sitting
as they are planning for other lessons in their placement. This also
14. Back up and save all of your edTPA-related work in at
helps to reinforce the importance of reflection as a way of improv-
least two places.
ing teaching practice.
15. Scan and create copies of student assessments, Teacher candidates should also create a learning community
feedback given to students on written work or exit with their peers via social networking. Meuwissen and Choppin
slips, etc. Downloading the CamScanner application (2015) found that TCs rely heavily on their peers throughout the
for smartphones helps. edTPA process. Many candidates supported one another through
16. Related to academic language: know the differences text-messaging groups and online discussion as a way to clarify
between a language function, discourse and syntax. handbook instructions and share strategies for planning, teach-
Create learning tasks that have students in your PE ing and assessment, which strengthened their knowledge of and
classes using all three. performance on the edTPA. Social networks can help candidates
17. Present your best professional disposition in all provide much-needed emotional support to one another.
edTPA materials. Understandings.  Understandings are often difficult to define
but are deeper on Bloom’s taxonomy than simple knowledge or
comprehension (Bloom, 1956). It is very important for candi-
dates to have a clear understanding of Bloom’s taxonomy because
academic language is evaluated throughout the three tasks of the
time to refine the commentaries and to make sure all criteria are edTPA. How well TCs are providing instruction linked to the Na-
met before the end of student teaching; if there is a problem during tional Standards for physical education may be physical educa-
the learning segment, the candidate has time to troubleshoot the tion’s primary focus, but how they support language arts and math
issues and to do it over if necessary before the end of the semes- are also important. Thoughtfully integrating physical literacy with

other subjects is a form of best practice that may help in meeting
learning needs across multiple intelligences (H. Gardner, 1993). In Table 2.
physical education, reading and writing may not be on the top of edTPA Tips for Cooperating Teachers,
the priority list except in situations of reading task cards or com-
Administrators and College Supervisors
pleting assessments. In states that have adopted the Common Core
State Standards (CCSS) teachers have the responsibility of teach- 1. Communicate early with your student teacher about
ing reading, writing, speaking, listening and other language skills which units will be covered during student teaching to
across all disciplines. Physical education teachers are not exempt. provide them with extra planning/preparation time.
Literacy skills can enhance learning in physical education and si- 2. Help student teachers select an edTPA class that
multaneously prepare students for success in English language arts will have a high percentage of student and parental
(James & Manson, 2015). The edTPA leads TCs to meet some of consents.
the language arts aspects of the CCSS through the implementation
3. Request and review any edTPA materials provided by
of academic language. Teacher candidates are challenged by the
the student teacher or PETE program.
inclusion of academic language in their unit and lesson plans, and
most struggle to make sense of it (James & Manson, 2015). 4. View the YouTube video posted by the University of
There are a variety of ways to successfully implement literacy Wisconsin – Whitewater to learn the basics on how
skills in daily physical education lessons. The edTPA requires cooperating teachers can support candidates (https://
teacher candidates to think about the language functions that will youtube/Jp9wXOLBbrg).
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be embedded and expected from students in lessons throughout 5. Discuss edTPA tasks with student teachers; ask them
their units. Some language functions include analyze, contrast, de- to explain their choices related to student learning
scribe, interpret, sequence and signal. The following are examples and pedagogical decisions.
of how to include academic language in physical education: jour- 6. During video recording, focus on the student teacher
nals, reflections, and exit slips; peer and self-assessments; written as much as possible and, if using a camera’s built-in
fitness plans; word walls; graphic organizers; task cards; and other microphone, stay in close proximity to the student
related readings. It should be understood that academic language teacher.
in the edTPA is important. Field-testing data from the initial im-
plementation of the edTPA indicate that academic language is the 7. Attempt to link edTPA tasks to current aspects of
weakest area for TCs’ performance out of all three tasks (AACTE, accountability in your state and school; make it real
2015). Teacher candidates may not have had examples of embed- and relevant for your student teacher (for example,
ding language functions in physical education, but they must find Annual Professional Performance Review in New York
ways to add them to their learning segments. or Educator Effectiveness in Wisconsin).
8. Video-record lessons prior to the edTPA learning
segment to familiarize yourself with the technology.
How to Support Teacher Candidates 9. Know who the teaching candidate’s focus students
The SCALE and Pearson provide documents to scorers that out- are so you can be sure to record those interactions.
line the rubric-based scoring procedures and decisions. These are 10. Encourage school districts to include video
known as the “Thinking behind the Rubrics” and were strictly requirements for student teachers in the district’s
off limits for TCs during the first year of implementation in 2013. existing video-recording parental permission form.
However, as the edTPA has matured, a very similar set of docu- A sample statement could read: “Your child may
ments called “Understanding Rubric Level Progressions” has been have a student teacher in one or more classes this
distributed and made available to TCs. Teacher candidates who year. All student teachers are required to submit
wish to be successful should have an in-depth understanding of video segments of their teaching as part of the state
how they will be evaluated and should take time to self-evaluate licensure process. These videos are used to evaluate
their completed edTPA using this document prior to submitting to the student teacher’s performance for educative
Pearson (see Table 2). purposes only, and will not be made available
Communication with Administrators. In the two years since publically on any social media site; your child’s
the edTPA became consequential in the authors’ states, it was privacy will be protected at all times.”
surprising how little administrators knew and understood about
the edTPA when the teaching candidates arrived at their schools
for student teaching. Administrators were largely unaware of the
changes in certification, and very few understood the new, more
rigorous expectations placed on teaching candidates. Therefore, smooth transition and will alleviate any issues or concerns between
communication and collaboration with administrators play a key the university/college and the school district.
role in helping to ensure the smooth planning of the edTPA tasks Because all TCs completing the edTPA, regardless of discipline,
— specifically, video recording. Administrators can confirm the are required to video record their lessons, one of the barriers that
procedure to allow video recording and give permission for any has been observed in completing the edTPA is getting enough video
necessary paperwork. Communication between the administrator consent forms returned to complete the video portion of the learn-
and the college/university begins at the time of placement request. ing segment. Many programs require specific video consent forms
An explicit explanation concerning completing the edTPA in a to be signed by parents so they are fully aware that their child’s
school district must be clearly laid out and accepted prior to the image will be captured on video and sent to Pearson for evalua-
TC beginning their student-teaching experience. This will ensure a tion. The focus of the video recording is the candidate and his or

42  Volume 88  Number 5   May/June 2017

her teaching behaviors and practices, not the students participating that the cooperating teacher is not completely aware of changes
in the class. The edTPA scorers are trained to evaluate only the to the certification process in their state, and they will need to be
TC’s teaching behaviors related to instruction, management and informed of any recent changes to state policy.
routines, as well as student responses to those behaviors to evalu- Many programs provide timelines for TCs and college super-
ate teaching effectiveness. The students appearing in the video are visors to follow, and it is suggested that cooperating teachers be
not evaluated in any way by the scorers. In fact, teacher candidates provided the same timeline to help keep the TC accountable and
need to take steps to ensure the students’ confidentiality and refer on track for completing the learning segment in a timely manner.
to the students only by first name. When the teacher candidate One of the first items on this timeline should be to schedule a
uploads the documents to Pearson, all identifying factors such as meeting between the candidate and cooperating teacher as soon
school, teacher preparation affiliation, cooperating teacher and as the placement has been made so the two can communicate
student names should be removed to ensure the confidentiality of regarding the unit that the student teacher will design and imple-
participants. This point must be made clear to parents by cooper- ment for the edTPA.
ating teachers and school administrators. If discussion of the teaching unit happens prior to the student-
One easy way to overcome this barrier is for the university to teaching experience, the student teachers can begin to create their
petition the district to have the existing district video consent form block plan, lesson plans and assessments before they begin to
modified to include a short statement that informs parents about teach. Student teachers are highly stressed when completing their
the new state and/or program requirements for all teacher candi- edTPA, and this tactic can help alleviate the problem of time con-
dates. Many parents balk at signing additional forms, especially straints and allow the student teacher to submit their edTPA in a
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when they perceive they have already given permission for their timely manner (Meuwissen & Choppin, 2015). It is essential to un-
child to be video recorded. They do not realize that the existing derstand that the cooperating teacher is not allowed to edit any of
forms cover their child’s image to be used in district materials, and the TC’s written work or suggest video clips to be used for submis-
not for student teachers’ licensure. This specific purpose must be sion of the edTPA. It is advised that the cooperating teacher take
addressed to avoid possible litigation. Video consent forms can be some time to read through the assessment handbook and rubrics
given out and collected prior to the start of the student-teaching and have discussions with the candidate regarding the edTPA re-
experience. This takes the pressure off of the student teachers and quirements and expectations so the cooperating teacher can appro-
allows them to begin their experience with all of the preparation priately support the candidate. During this process, cooperating
work completed. teachers should be able to see how the edTPA relates to his or her
Cooperating Teacher Support.  It is imperative that TCs receive own teaching evaluations, especially if the district uses Danielson’s
appropriate support throughout their student-teaching process, framework for teaching (2013) as a method of teacher evaluation.
especially when they are in the midst of completing their edTPA Many districts have adopted Danielson’s framework as a primary
segment. This support should come from both the cooperating source of systematic observation for teaching effectiveness. The
teacher and the college supervisor. The authors recommend that framework includes four domains: (1) planning and preparation,
time during the initial visit between the TC, cooperating teacher (2) classroom environment, (3) instruction, and (4) professional
and college supervisor be spent discussing what the edTPA is, as responsibilities (Danielson, 2013). Cooperating teachers should
well as the appropriate nature of support the candidate can re- discuss these similarities with their student teacher to prepare them
ceive while the edTPA learning segment is being taught. It is likely for future evaluations once they get a teaching job.

PETE faculty can embed the edTPA into peer teaching in methods classes
to give their students practice opportunities with each of the edTPA tasks.

The University of Wisconsin–Whitewater has published a video
on YouTube specifically addressed to cooperating teachers in that Table 3.
state. Even though the video addresses Wisconsin requirements, it edTPA Tips for PETE Faculty
does share accurate information that is useful to any cooperating
teacher. As the candidate teaches the edTPA learning segment, the 1. Understand that learning experiences related
to edTPA tasks are already part of most PETE
cooperating teacher should ask the candidate why certain content,
management and pedagogical decisions were made. This will help
the TC to be able to think through the process, reflect on practice, 2. Buy into edTPA as a positive exercise in performance-
and more concisely and correctly complete their commentaries. based assessment of teaching.
It is likely that recording the TC’s learning segment on video 3. Use the data provided by edTPA.
will be the responsibility of the cooperating teacher. When video
4. Perform a gap analysis of the PETE program that is
recording the lessons, it is important to practice using the video
informed by edTPA tasks.
camera in the days leading up to the learning segment to ensure
proper use of the technology. Simple reminders, such as remem- 5. Embed edTPA components throughout the PETE
bering to make sure the microphone is turned on and the lens cap program to allow for time to practice and build
is removed, are vital. More importantly, the purpose of the video understandings.
segment is to capture the candidate’s interactions with students 6. Create a timeline for student teachers, cooperating
and to see how students respond to instruction. For this reason, the teachers and supervisors so everyone knows what
Downloaded by [West Virginia University Libraries] at 11:05 03 January 2018

camera should be set up in an area of the gymnasium or field that will happen and when.
enables the TC and as many students (who have consent forms) as 7. Have teacher candidates grant permission for edTPA
possible to be in the frame. A key component to Task 3 (assessing materials to be used as exemplars for future students.
student learning) is to provide evidence of differentiated instruc-
8. Set student teachers on a path to success by using
tion for various skill levels, so TCs must select three students as
intensive pre-student teaching edTPA preparation
“focus students.” The cooperating teacher should capture video
to avoid having it monopolize all student-teaching
of each of the three students during lesson activities throughout
seminar time.
the learning segment. When the teaching candidate moves to give
specific feedback to one of the three identified focus students, it is 9. Clearly state upfront what student teachers will need
beneficial to zoom in on the interaction so the scorer can clearly see to do to remediate poor edTPA sections.
what is happening. When the interaction is done, the cooperating 10. Decide how edTPA scores will become part of
teacher can return to the wide angle. Cooperating teachers should certification, licensure and graduation processes.
keep it simple and should stay focused on what is happening on 11. If not already part of the program, teach students to
the floor so all interactions are recorded. One basic item for coop- design and teach tasks in all three domains.
erating teachers to remember about video recording is to be sure
to set up the camera so it is not facing the sun or windows, as this
would cause the video to be very dark, and it may be difficult for
the scorer to see what is happening.
The College Supervisor as Facilitator. The university/college together to help lead the student teacher to success, the edTPA
supervisor is another key facilitator in the edTPA project. The su- project can be an excellent tool to help new teachers achieve suc-
pervisor has the responsibility of making sure that both the coop- cess and become highly effective practitioners (see Table 3).
erating teacher and student teacher know what is expected of them
throughout the edTPA project. It is important that a meeting be set
up at the very beginning of the student-teaching experience with What Teacher Preparation Programs and
the supervisor, cooperating teacher and student teacher to discuss Faculty Can Do
all aspects of the edTPA and to answer any questions. It is helpful The path to implementation for institutions of higher educa-
for the supervisor to come prepared with an outline of all three tion in states where the edTPA is already a high-stakes exam for
edTPA tasks and to clearly and concisely review all the steps to teacher certification has not been without its challenges. Change
successfully complete the project. Throughout the entire student- is not easy, and when the change is dictated at the state level, it
teaching experience, the supervisor and cooperating teacher should sometimes is a harder pill to swallow. The purpose of this section
have ongoing conversations concerning the edTPA. Some teaching is to provide tips for PETE faculty who may be in the beginning
programs have provided a “Frequently Asked Questions” guide to stages of implementation and do not have a full understanding of
cooperating teachers to help them understand the purpose of the the purpose or intent of the edTPA, or who understand only the
edTPA better. Depending on the cooperating teacher’s knowledge negative aspects of what has been reported in the media.
of academic language, supervisors should be prepared to discuss Perform a Gap Analysis.  Some PETE programs do a better job
this important focus of the edTPA. There should be no “guess- than others preparing their teacher candidates to plan, instruct and
ing” about the project. Having questions answered and confusion assess their teaching, and anyone who has ever taught an under-
cleared up can only help with smooth completion of the edTPA. graduate methods course knows how hard it is to teach under-
Cooperating teachers, administrators and university/college su- graduates to effectively reflect on their practices. It is important to
pervisors all play a key role in the successful completion of the look for the similarities between the curriculum and the edTPA. It
edTPA project. Clear communication between all parties takes the is highly recommended to meet as a faculty to analyze gaps and
guesswork out of the process and lessens stress. When cooperating overlaps in the curriculum, but when these meetings occur, it is
teachers, administrators and university/college supervisors work suggested to try to have a positive outlook on the process. An hon-

44  Volume 88  Number 5   May/June 2017

est evaluation of the PETE curriculum may show where edTPA- documenting and providing evidence of planning, instruction and
related concepts are missing. If gaps are identified, then professors assessment.
should look for meaningful ways to embed edTPA components in
the curriculum so that it becomes a part of the class and not just
“teaching to the test.”
Those who work closely with TCs in their student-teaching Simply knowing why exercise is important is rarely sufficient
seminars should create timelines for the candidates to follow and to effect behavior change. Knowing how to exercise is more likely
instruct the candidates to share them with their college supervisor to have an impact. Knowing why the edTPA is important is good,
and cooperating teacher so everyone in the student-teaching triad but knowing how to do it well is better when considering ways to
is on the same page as the learning segments unfold. It is also ad- improve long-term effective teaching habits. The tips and sugges-
vised to devote a full day or two prior to the first placement to give tions shared in this article are the result of the three authors’ expe-
the TCs intensive training on each task of the edTPA. This is essen- riences with successful edTPA implementation at their respective
tial, especially for those first groups of students who may not have campuses. It should be emphasized that the majority of success re-
had components of the edTPA embedded in their courses. This will garding the edTPA was due to getting all stakeholders on the same
allow for later seminars to be devoted to other relevant topics and page. It is too soon to tell whether the edTPA can be the educative
issues that TCs face within their student teaching. and evaluative tool it claims to be with regard to educational re-
Create an edTPA Boot Camp.  When designing intensive train- form, accountability, and integrating Common Core into physical
ing times between the student teacher and supervisors, it is im- education, but if all stakeholders work together to understand this
assessment tool, it stands to reason that teaching candidates who
Downloaded by [West Virginia University Libraries] at 11:05 03 January 2018

perative that each task is separately addressed in a clear, concise

manner. Preparing guides for the student teacher in addition to complete the assessment increase their chances for success com-
the publications that the SCALE provides (SCALE, 2015a, 2015b, pared to stakeholders who maintain the status quo.
2016) makes the transition to completing the tasks smoother and
without complications. For example, PETE professionals can cre- References
ate a guide for each task, laying out step-by-step directions regard- American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education. (2015, December
ing the completion of each task. Actual content must be designed 22). edTPA participation map. Retrieved from
and implemented by the student teacher, but having a guide to state-policy
stay on track has led to greater success and less stress. In addition, Ball, D. L. (2013, October). “Safe to practice” as the standard for licensure.
creating a guide for academic language has also led to a clearer un- Keynote address at the 2013 National edTPA Implementation Confer-
derstanding of infusing the CCSS and has offered student teachers ence, San Diego, CA.
a clear breakdown of the task. Bloom, B. S. (1956). Taxonomy of educational objectives. Boston, MA:
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Utilize edTPA Data for Program Purposes. A primary goal
Danielson, C. (2013). The framework for teaching evaluation instrument.
of the edTPA is to provide teacher preparation programs with
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2013). Universities are provided all scores for candidates (as long (1983). A nation at risk: The imperative for educational reform. Wash-
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allows Pearson to share their scores with their university), which Gardner, H. (1993). Multiple intelligences: The theory in practice. New
can then be used to evaluate their curriculum. The data regarding York, NY: Basic Books.
the breakdown of each rubric score can help professionals perform James, A., & Manson, M. (2015). Physical education: A literacy-based ap-
a gap analysis of their PETE program. For example, if candidates proach. Urbana, IL: Sagamore.
Metzler, M. W. (2014). Teacher effectiveness research in physical educa-
consistently score low on rubrics 4 and 14, which assess their abil-
tion: The future isn’t what it used to be. Research Quarterly for Exercise
ity to plan and to assess academic language, then PETE faculty can and Sport, 85, 14–19.
take steps to improve their instruction to prepare their candidates Meuwissen, K. W., & Choppin, J. M. (2015). Preservice teachers’ adapta-
to utilize academic language in their teaching. Looking for gaps tions to tensions associated with the edTPA during its early implemen-
where programs can embed edTPA content into their curriculum tation in New York and Washington states. Education Policy Analysis
will allow for a shift of course content that will lead toward more Archives, 103(23), 1–29.
effective teaching and edTPA success. Society of Health and Physical Educators. (2014). National standards and
Although success on the edTPA is clearly the goal, reality is that grade-level outcomes for K–12 physical education. Champaign, IL: Hu-
man Kinetics.
not every TC will be successful. Physical education teacher educa-
Society of Health and Physical Educators. (2017). National standards for
tion professionals need to think about how they will mentor and initial physical education teacher education. Reston, VA: Author. Re-
facilitate the redo of an unsuccessful edTPA. One helpful tip is to trieved from
make sure that TCs video record as much as possible so that they Standards-for-Initial-Physical-Education-Teacher-Education-2017.pdf
have a bank of video footage. Since a candidate may not use video Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity. (2013). edTPA sup-
that was previously submitted, they would not be able to redo the port and assessment program. Stanford, CA: Author.
task without the extra footage. This poses all sorts of problems Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity. (2015a). Making
and forces the candidate into repeating the entire edTPA. good choices: A support guide for candidates. Stanford, CA: Author.
Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity. (2015b). Using ru-
Teacher education program professionals should view the
bric level progressions. Stanford, CA: Author.
edTPA as one potential tool for measuring teacher effectiveness
Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity. (2016). edTPA
of those seeking certification. Effective teachers are engaged in physical education assessment handbook. Stanford, CA: Author.
tasks that happen to align with the edTPA. The only difference Wiggins, G. (1993). Assessment to improve performance, not just moni-
is that now, by going beyond a simple cognitive measure of con- tor it: Assessment reform in the social sciences. Social Science Record,
tent knowledge, teacher candidates are being held accountable for 30(2), 5–12. J


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