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Roman Haberstock

Mr. McConnell

English 9

November 30, 2017

Courage in To Kill a Mockingbird

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is a great source of courageous characters. J.R.R.

Tolkien (writer of The Hobbit) once said, “Courage is found in unlikely places.” In this novel,

courage is found in characters you wouldn’t expect, like in Dill Harris (Charles Baker Harris).

Dill, Atticus, and Jem in part one of this novel have shown great courage in numerous ways.

Dill Harris, a small shy kid who lives with his aunt in Maycomb, is very underrated for

the courage he shows in this novel. First, when he walks up to the Radley house, it took every bit

of courage he had. “Dill and Jem were simply going to peep in the window with the loose shutter

to see if they could get a look at Boo Radley.” (Lee 69). Second, he was willing to lie to Atticus

to save his friends from getting in trouble, even if he was going to get in trouble as well. Dill

used the excuse, “’We were playin’ strip poker up yonder by the fish pool.’” (Lee 73). Equally

important is Jem’s courage.

Atticus Finch, the loving father of Jem and Scout, is the most known for his courage.

First, the obvious event where he shows courage is when the mad dog is slowly limping toward

his house. He digs up something he buried for a long time, his shooting skills, and uses it to

protect his family. “…he wouldn’t shoot till he had to, and he had to today.” (Lee 130). Second,
he gives a great sacrifice everyday that nobody notices. He decides to be a literate and educated

man instead of the tough and fierce men in Maycomb to set a good example for his children.

“Our father didn’t do anything.” (Lee 118). However, the most courageous character in part one

is Jem.

Jem Finch, Scout’s older and protective brother, shows more courage than Dill. First, he

was the initial person who peeked through the window at the Radley house. “He crawled to the

window, raised his head and looked in.” (Lee 71). Second, Jem stands up to Ms. Dubose when

she calls his dad trash like the n----- he defends by destroying her flowers. “…he had cut the tops

off every camellia bush Mrs. Dubose owned.” (Lee 137). Finally, Jem had enough courage to

back to the yard he demolished and apologize. “’I cleaned it up for her and said I was sorry…’”

(Lee 140). That is why Jem is the most courageous character in part one of To Kill a


Courage is shown in many ways by three people. Dill, Atticus, and Jem show courage

through the section of the book. Whether it is shooting a dog or lying about strip poker to save

your friends. These three characters are the definition of J.R.R. Tolkien’s quote. They are three

unexpectedly courageous people of Maycomb.

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