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Biol. Rev. (2011), pp. 000–000.

Journal Name
Manuscript No. B Dispatch: August 22, 2011
Author Received:
Journal: BRV
No of pages: 21 TS: David
doi: 10.1111/j.1469-185X.2011.00198.x

1 1
3 Are all intertidal wetlands naturally created 2
4 4
equal? Bottlenecks, thresholds and knowledge 5
7 7
8 gaps to mangrove and saltmarsh ecosystems 8
9 9
10 10
11 11
12 Daniel A. Friess1,2,∗ , Ken W. Krauss3 , Erik M. Horstman1,4 , Thorsten Balke1,5 , Tjeerd J. 12
13 Bouma5,6 , Demis Galli2 and Edward L. Webb2 13
14 1 Singapore-Delft Water Alliance, National University of Singapore, Engineering Drive 2, Singapore 117576 14
15 2 Department 15
of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore, Science Drive 4, Singapore 117543
16 3 US Geological Survey, National Wetlands Research Center, 700 Cajundome Boulevard, Lafayette, LA 70506, USA 16
17 4 17
Water Engineering and Management, University of Twente, PO Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands
18 5 Marine and Coastal Systems, Deltares, PO Box 177, 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands 18
19 6 Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW), PO Box 140, NL-4400 AC, The Netherlands 19
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26 Intertidal wetlands such as saltmarshes and mangroves provide numerous important ecological functions, though they 26
27 are in rapid and global decline. To better conserve and restore these wetland ecosystems, we need an understanding of the 27
28 fundamental natural bottlenecks and thresholds to their establishment and long-term ecological maintenance. Despite 28
29 inhabiting similar intertidal positions, the biological traits of these systems differ markedly in structure, phenology, life 29
30 history, phylogeny and dispersal, suggesting large differences in biophysical interactions. By providing the first systematic 30
31 comparison between saltmarshes and mangroves, we unravel how the interplay between species-specific life-history 31
32 traits, biophysical interactions and biogeomorphological feedback processes determine where, when and what wetland 32
33 can establish, the thresholds to long-term ecosystem stability, and constraints to genetic connectivity between intertidal 33
34 wetland populations at the landscape level. To understand these process interactions, research into the constraints to 34
35 wetland development, and biological adaptations to overcome these critical bottlenecks and thresholds requires a truly 35
36 interdisciplinary approach. 36
37 37
38 Key words: colonization, dispersal, establishment, gene flow, life history, propagule, restoration, salt marsh, sea level rise. 38
39 39
40 40
41 41
42 I.Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 42
43 II.The current distribution of mangroves and saltmarshes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 43
44 III.Temporal and spatial hierarchies in wetland dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 44
45 IV. Bottlenecks and thresholds to wetland colonization and establishment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 45
46 (1) Pioneer traits to cope with physically harsh intertidal environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 46
47 (2) Diaspore availability as an ecological bottleneck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 47
48 (3) Hydrodynamic forces at the pioneer zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 48
49 (a) The importance of inundation period in determining system-scale thresholds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 49
50 (b) Wave and current thresholds to single-plant scale establishment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 50
51 (c) Facilitation between saltmarshes and mangroves to overcome wave and current thresholds . . . . . . . . 10 51
52 V. Physical thresholds for long-term wetland ecology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 52
53 (1) Accretionary status over the long term . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 53
54 (a) Physical and biological variables contributing to intertidal surface elevation change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 54
(b) The impact of surface elevation change on saltmarsh-mangrove ecotones: a case study . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
55 55
(2) Hydrodynamic thresholds in well-established ecosystems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
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* Address for correspondence (Tel: +65 6516 7836; E-mail:

Biological Reviews (2011) 000–000 © 2011 The Authors. Biological Reviews © 2011 Cambridge Philosophical Society
2 Daniel A. Friess and others

1 VI. Reproductive bottlenecks to long-term ecosystem maintenance and connectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1

2 (1) Pollination as a limitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2
3 (2) Diaspore dormancy and dispersal—what are the implications for habitat fragmentation? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 3
4 VII. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 4
5 VIII. Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 5
6 IX. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 6
7 7
8 8
9 I. INTRODUCTION biogeomorphological feedback processes via surface elevation 9
10 movement, sediment accretion and erosion. The two ecosys- 10
11 tems have widely differing plant growth forms; saltmarshes 11
Coastal wetlands, specifically arctic to temperate saltmarshes
12 are dominated by herbaceous vegetation such as forbs and 12
and subtropical/tropical mangroves, provide numerous
13 clonally growing graminoids (Allen, 2000), while the man- 13
ecosystem services (reviewed by Zedler & Kercher, 2005).
14 grove ecosystem is characterised by trees with a limited 14
However, coastal wetlands are suffering severe and long-
15 herbaceous understorey in undisturbed systems (Snedaker 15
term global degradation due to land conversion and altered
16 & Lahmann, 1988; Ellison & Farnsworth, 2001). However, 16
hydrodynamic and sediment conditions, and will be further
17 both ecosystems exist in comparable physical settings (low- 17
lost throughout the 21st Century (e.g. Duke et al., 2007).
18 energy intertidal areas), despite such vegetative differences. 18
Accelerated sea level rise (SLR) poses a serious threat of
19 To what extent are critical bottlenecks and thresholds sim- 19
‘ecological drowning’, as a rising tidal frame increases the
20 ilar in saltmarshes and mangroves? Have similar vegetative 20
physical parameters of inundation frequency and period
21 mechanisms evolved to overcome the physical and ecologi- 21
above a threshold of species-specific vegetation tolerance.
22 cal constraints imposed by their comparably physically harsh 22
SLR is a particular threat for systems that are unable to
23 coastal locations? Furthermore, what are the facilitative rela- 23
keep their relative position in the tidal frame by landward
24 tionships between saltmarsh and mangrove vegetation in 24
migration to higher elevations due to topographical or phys-
25 regions where both ecosystems adjoin and interact in the 25
ical barriers (such as sea defences), suffer reduced accretion
26 intertidal zone? These questions apply to all stages of wet- 26
due to sediment starvation, or are unable to adjust through
27 land system evolution, from early establishment to long-term 27
other shallow-surface mechanisms to keep pace vertically
28 ecosystem maintenance. 28
with SLR (Cahoon et al., 2006). In conjunction with anthro-
29 Ecological interactions, facilitation by fauna, ecosys- 29
pogenic pressures, a 1 m rise in relative sea level could
30 tem services, growth optima and physical processes have 30
threaten as much as 70% of the world’s coastal wetlands
31 been discussed extensively in previous reviews of the salt- 31
(Nicholls, 2004). To maintain, restore and create new coastal
32 marsh (ecosystem processes: Odum, 1988; marsh ecology: 32
wetlands in the coming decades, it is essential to identify criti-
33 Adam, 1990; Saintilan, 2009b; morphodynamics: Allen, 33
cal physical, biogeomorphological and ecological bottlenecks
34 2000) and mangrove literature (botany: Tomlinson, 1986; 34
and thresholds that govern their establishment, development
35 seedling establishment: Krauss et al., 2008; faunal distur- 35
and long-term ecological functioning, and to understand
36 bance: Lindquist et al., 2009; energetics: Alongi, 2009; mor- 36
how these constraints may be affected by future SLR.
37 phodynamics: Woodroffe & Davies, 2009). However, there 37
Bottlenecks and thresholds are important features in
38 has been surprisingly little comparative review of the key 38
ecological system dynamics. Bottlenecks are a constraint
39 points in mudflat colonization and later ecosystem develop- 39
on system success due to a limited number of components,
40 ment of saltmarshes and mangroves. Such a review requires 40
individuals or resources, such as poor propagule availability
41 41
(Simberloff, 2009). By contrast, a threshold corresponds to a an interdisciplinary view of both physical and ecological
42 42
limit beyond which a state change is ensured. Examples of bottlenecks and thresholds to wetland success.
43 43
thresholds include overharvesting leading to fisheries collapse In this review we pursue four objectives: (i) to identify
44 44
(Hutchings, 2000) and nutrient loading in lakes and reservoirs the dominant biological bottlenecks and physical thresholds
45 45
above which eutrophication occurs (Carpenter & Lathrop, that govern vegetation establishment, development and long-
46 46
2008). Thresholds are fundamental to alternative stable-state term ecological maintenance of saltmarshes and mangroves;
47 47
theory, in which a threshold is surpassed for state changes to (ii) explore to what extent bottlenecks and thresholds are
48 48
occur in order to establish a new steady state multiple times defined by differences in organism traits of both wetland
49 49
(see Scheffer et al., 2001). Recent studies suggest that coastal ecosystems; (iii) highlight the role of hydrodynamics in
50 50
vegetation may conform to alternative stable-state theory by governing similar or differential ecosystem success between
51 51
surpassing seedling biomass or density thresholds to enhance these systems; and (iv) discuss how ecosystem-specific
52 52
seedling survival and facilitate later ecosystem success (Bos & adaptations to bottlenecks and thresholds play a role in
53 53
van Katwijk, 2007, van Wesenbeeck et al., 2008). facilitation between saltmarsh and mangrove ecosystems, at
54 54
As saltmarsh and mangroves both inhabit dynamic latitudes where both coastal wetland ecosystems overlap.
55 55
intertidal environments, our understanding of bottle- This review allows us to identify the critical questions that
56 56
necks and thresholds is complicated by the many bio- need to be resolved in order to progress management and
57 57
physical interactions between water and vegetation, and restoration of these valuable coastal ecosystems.

Biological Reviews (2011) 000–000 © 2011 The Authors. Biological Reviews © 2011 Cambridge Philosophical Society
Bottlenecks and thresholds to intertidal wetlands 3

1 II. THE CURRENT DISTRIBUTION edge of their respective biogeographical ranges, especially 1
2 OF MANGROVES AND SALTMARSHES the Southern US, Australia and New Zealand (Saintilan 2
3 et al., 2009). These ecotones are composed of the pioneer salt- 3
4 When considering constraints to intertidal wetland estab- marsh species Spartina alterniflora and the mangroves Avicennia 4
5 lishment and stability, it is pertinent first to consider the germinans and Laguncularia racemosa in Louisiana and Florida, 5
6 constraints that delimit the global distribution of such ecosys- USA (Patterson et al., 1997; Stevens, Fox & Montague, 2006; 6
7 tems. It is also important to highlight regions where these Krauss et al., 2011), and multiple saltmarsh species with Avi- 7
8 ecosystems overlap, and where subsequent inter-system facil- cennia marina in SE Australia (Saintilan & Williams, 1999). 8
9 itation or competition may affect adaptation to a bottleneck The tolerance and life-history factors described through- 9
10 or threshold. out this review play a particularly important role at latitudes 10
11 Mangrove distribution is constrained primarily by latitude, where both ecosystems overlap and inter-specific interactions 11
12 temperature, and to a lesser extent, aridity (Patterson, McKee may occur. 12
13 & Mendelssohn, 1997; Saintilan, Rogers & McKee, 2009; 13
14 Spalding, Kainuma & Collins, 2010). Mangroves are found in 14
15 tropical and subtropical regions; Duke, Ball & Ellison (1998a) 15
16 described the relationship between the 20◦ C winter sea- IN WETLAND DYNAMICS
17 water isotherm and the biogeographical limit of mangrove 17
18 distribution (with the exception of mangroves in Australia 18
19 To understand the interplay between physical and ecological 19
and the east coast of South America due to localised warm-
20 bottlenecks and thresholds, we must identify the hierarchal 20
water currents). Whilst there is great uncertainty inherent
21 scaling relationships that exist among coastal processes. To 21
in figures of large-scale mangrove extent (Friess & Webb,
22 date, most scaling treatises have focused on morphological 22
2011), recent figures report global mangrove cover up to
23 and ecological processes (Odum, 1996; Cowell et al., 2003); 23
137 000–150 000 km2 (Spalding et al., 2010; Giri et al., 2011).
24 however, a holistic understanding of coastal wetlands 24
By contrast, saltmarshes occur predominantly in arctic
25 requires the incorporation of other physical processes (Fig. 1). 25
through to temperate regions [see Adam (1990) for a latitu-
26 Hierarchy theory states that behaviour at any one scale 26
dinal classification of saltmarsh communities]. Saltmarshes
27 results from higher order processes at smaller temporal and 27
appear to be less constrained by climate compared to man-
28 spatial scales, and is constrained by lower order processes that 28
groves, being also found in the subtropics and tropics in
29 operate over longer temporal and spatial scales (Cowell et al., 29
localised areas where mangrove development is precluded,
30 2003). Thus, changes occurring at a lower hierarchical level 30
or as a component of a saltmarsh-mangrove ecotone (Adam, (i.e. mangrove stability) affect developments at higher order
31 1990). Information regarding the global distribution and 31
32 levels (diaspore availability for establishment). Processes 32
extent of saltmarshes is poor (Saintilan et al., 2009), espe- occurring at a smaller scale are often the focus of research,
33 cially outside the temperate regions. Extensive, species-poor 33
34 but those processes may not be governed by the same factors 34
saltmarsh exists in tropical Northern Australia (Bridgewater at larger scales. For example, point-specific sedimentation is
35 & Cresswell, 1999; Saintilan, 2009a), dominated by species 35
36 influenced by local water flow patterns and plant structure 36
such as the grass Sporobolus virginicus, and members of the on m2 scales, yet broader sedimentation patterns are related
37 genus Tecticornia (Salicornioideae), a succulent plant related 37
38 to sediment supply from upland land use, erosional processes 38
to the saltmarsh colonizer genus Salicornia in NW Europe. and water flows at km2 landscape scales. Hydrological
39 Costa & Davy (1992) describe saltmarsh development in sub- 39
40 manipulations, storms, and SLR are processes that may 40
tropical Latin America. Whilst saltmarsh species in tropical directly impact the ecological character of intertidal wetlands
41 Asia are poorly described, mention of saltmarsh in India can 41
42 over all of these time classes (e.g. Kolker et al., 2009). 42
be found (Kathiresan & Rajendran, 2005). Beds of Salicornia The temporal scale of wetland dynamics is particularly
43 brachiata are found along the coast of Gujurat, west India, in 43
44 important, as different physical, biogeomorphological and 44
hyper-saline areas unsuitable for mangroves (Jagtap, Bhosale ecological processes act during (i) initial wetland colonization
45 45
& Nagle, 2002). Suaeda and Salicornia spp. can be found in (Section IV), (ii) ecosystem maintenance (Section V), and (iii)
46 46
areas of degraded mangrove along the Krishna Delta in long-term reproductive success (Section VI).
47 47
east India (Blasco & Aizpuru, 2002). Therefore, traditional
48 48
maps of coastal wetland distribution probably underestimate
49 49
the overall area of saltmarsh found in the tropics, leading
to the presumption that latitude is the overriding constraint
dictating marsh (temperate) versus mangrove (sub-tropical to
53 53
This review focuses on mangroves and saltmarsh from as
54 54
much of their global distribution as is described in the litera- Knowledge of the major mechanisms influencing intertidal
55 55
ture, i.e. it is constrained by the geographical bias of previous vegetation establishment is crucial to understanding plant
56 56
research effort. We also discuss (predominantly subtropical) community organisation and its restoration (McKee, Rooth
57 57
locations where mangroves and saltmarsh overlap at the & Feller, 2007b). Environmental and physiochemical

Biological Reviews (2011) 000–000 © 2011 The Authors. Biological Reviews © 2011 Cambridge Philosophical Society
4 Daniel A. Friess and others

1 1
2 2
3 3
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29 29
30 30
31 31
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34 Fig. 1. Temporal scales of mangrove and saltmarsh ecosystem processes, including linkages between physical and ecological 34
35 processes (arrows). Based on: Brommer & Bochev-van der Burgh (2009), Holling (2001), Stive (2002), Temmerman et al. (2007), 35
36 Twilley (1998) and Van de Koppel et al. (2005). 36
37 37
38 constraints to colonization have been reviewed previously saltmarshes are species-poor [only 45 species are found in 38
39 (e.g. salinity, light and nutrient controls on mangrove saline areas in Britain (Adam, 1990)], with two pioneer 39
40 colonization by Krauss et al., 2008). The following sections genera evolving mechanisms to effectively colonize bare 40
41 describe the main pioneer genera in saltmarshes and intertidal surfaces (Table 1). 41
42 mangroves (Section IV.1), and focus on the pioneer traits that 42
43 are essential to overcoming the two greatest constraints to (1) Species comprising the genus Salicornia are annual 43
44 intertidal wetland colonization, namely diaspore availability 44
succulent herbs found throughout NW Europe, the
45 (Section IV.2) and hydrodynamic forcing (Section IV.3). We 45
Mediterranean, the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea,
46 further discuss hydrodynamics in terms of tidal inundation 46
the Arabian Gulf (Davy, Bishop & Costa, 2001) and
47 thresholds at the site scale, and associated uprooting by 47
North America, and in the latter are found in disturbed
48 hydrodynamic forces at the single-plant scale. Without 48
patches free from Spartina species (Ellison, 1987). As
49 sufficient diaspore material, and if bare intertidal surfaces are 49
described previously, the genus Salicornia may also be
50 hydrodynamically unsuitable, colonization cannot occur. 50
found in subtropical wetlands of India (Jagtap et al.,
51 51
2002). The closely related chenopod genus Sarcocornia
52 52
is found in southern Australia (Saintilan, 2009b),
53 (1) Pioneer traits to cope with physically harsh 53
southern Africa (Steffen, Mucina & Kadereit, 2010)
54 intertidal environments 54
and the east coast of South America (e.g. Alberti et al.,
55 55
The physiological adaptations needed to persist in anoxic 2010). Due to insufficient study, and since these genera
56 56
and tidally inundated soils means that only a few specialized along with Salicornia are monophyletic (Kadereit,
57 57
species successfully colonize intertidal mudflats. Temperate Mucina & Freitag, 2006), it is assumed that those

Biological Reviews (2011) 000–000 © 2011 The Authors. Biological Reviews © 2011 Cambridge Philosophical Society

Table 1. Bio/ecological characteristics of selected saltmarsh and mangrove pioneer species

Saltmarsh grasses/herbs Mangrove trees

Species trait Spartina spp. Salicornia spp. Avicennia spp. Sonneratia spp. Laguncularia racemosa
Distribution USA, NW Europe, China NW Europe, Mediterranean, SE Asia, Australasia, Africa, SE Asia, Australia, east Florida, Central America,
Australia1 , South Africa Black Sea, Caspian Sea, neotropics3,∗∗ Africa3 Atlantic South America, W
(see text)∗ Arabian Gulf, some parts Africa3
of Atlantic North
America2 , India (see text)
‘Classic’ traits4
Shade intolerant Yes5 Yes6 Yes5 Yes7 Yes8,9
Superficial rooting Yes depending on elevation Yes, <10–20 cm depth2 Yes, large lateral spread11,12 Yes11,12 No information available
High fecundity Yes (Poaceae) Presumed Yes11,12 , most fecund of all Yes11,12,13 Extensive carpets of
(Section IV.2) mangroves seedlings11,12
Dormant seeds, seed Poor (though some) seedbank Some persistent seedbank, No dormancy, No dormancy or Recalcitrant, no dormancy16
Bottlenecks and thresholds to intertidal wetlands

bank, no recalcitrancy persistence, especially compared to recalcitrant18 , seedbank11

recalcitrant14,15,16,17 other marsh species15,17 no seedbank
Wetland-specific traits
Halophytic Yes, though Yes, adaptations (e.g. Yes, (salt excretion Yes21,22 Yes, can survive in
greatest germination in succulence), though glands)11,18,21 hyper-saline lagoons, salt
fresh water19 greatest germination in excretion glands, induced
fresh water20 leaf succulence11,21
Tolerance to regular Characteristic of the lower Characteristic of the lower Characteristic of the lower Characteristic of the lower Characteristic of the lower
inundation (Section intertidal zone23 intertidal zone2,4 intertidal zone11 intertidal zone11 intertidal zone, rapid
IV.3) sinking to take advantage
of short neap-tide
Resistance to Stiff, but thin and long Succulent—large surface Moderate - rapid root growth Can be clonal 11 Greater tolerance than
hydrodynamic (wave) structure - high forces can area, short length initiation after stranding A. germinans12
energy (Section IV.3) be endured24 , clonal (T. Balke, unpublished
Seed/fruit dispersal and Hydrochorus, also clonal Hydrochorus, short dispersal Hydrochorus, Hydrochorus, seeds within Hydrochorous11
clonal spread spread25 distance2 cryptoviviparous large fruit, potential for
propagules11 clonal spread11

1 Kriwoken & Hedge (2000); 2 Davy et al. (2001); 3 Spalding et al. (2010); 4 defined by Swaine & Whitmore (1988); 5 Snedaker & Lahmann (1988); 6 Ellison (1987); 7 Smith (1992); 8 Saenger
& Bellan (1995); 9 Ball (1980); 10 Bertness (1985); 11 Tomlinson (1986); 12 Delgado et al. (2001); 13 Ren et al. (2009); 14 Wang et al. (2009); 15 Erfanzadeh et al. (2010); 16 Farnsworth (2000);
17 Dixon et al. (2008); 18 Osborne & Perjak (1997); 19 Mooring et al. (1971); 20 Ungar (1979); 21 Parida & Jha (2010); 22 Ball & Pidsley (1995); 23 Bouma et al. (2009b); 24 Bouma et al. (2005a);
25 Nehring & Hesse (2008).
∗ Spartina anglica hybridised in the UK, introduced to China and Australia.
∗∗ The distribution of Avicennia extends to the neotropics, though may not be found in the pioneer zone.

Biological Reviews (2011) 000–000 © 2011 The Authors. Biological Reviews © 2011 Cambridge Philosophical Society

6 Daniel A. Friess and others

1 species of the genera Sarcocornia and Tecticornia with (3) The pioneer Laguncularia racemosa is restricted to 1
2 a life history and morphology analogous to Salicornia the neotropics (Florida, the Caribbean and Latin 2
3 spp. act similarly during colonization. America, and the east coast of South America) 3
4 (2) Spartina spp. are perennial grasses that colonize and western Africa (Tomlinson, 1986; Spalding et al., 4
5 bare intertidal mudflats throughout the temperate 2010). L. racemosa most commonly colonizes low- 5
6 zone, in regions as disparate as NW Europe, SW elevation shoals in riverine environments (Delgado 6
7 Mediterranean (Castellanos et al., 1998), the Gulf and et al., 2001), and is often a dominant tree species in 7
8 east coasts of the United States (Bertness, 1985; young forests (<100 years: Chen & Twilley, 1998) until 8
9 Travis & Grace, 2010), South Africa (Lubke et al., replacement by more shade-tolerant species. 9
10 1997), Australia (Kriwoken & Hedge, 2000) and 10
11 China (Ren et al., 2009). The wide geographical There is some debate over the role of Rhizophora in the 11
12 distribution of the genus Spartina is due in part to the lower intertidal zone, specifically in the neotropics, so it is not 12
13 artificial introduction of Spartina anglica to many regions discussed here in the context of pioneer species. Rhizophora 13
14 for shore stabilisation purposes. It has subsequently spp. are generally considered opportunistic gap species rather 14
15 spread and established elsewhere due to its pioneer than primary colonizers (López-Hoffman et al., 2007). A com- 15
16 characteristics of fast growth and the ability to spread parative study of Laguncularia racemosa, Avicennia germinans and 16
17 both vegetatively and by seed (Nehring & Hesse, Rhizophora mangle by McKee (1995) distinguished R. mangle 17
18 2008). Clonal spreading is likely to explain Spartina as non-pioneer, and L. racemosa and A. germinans as pioneers, 18
19 spp.’s greater resistance to regular tidal inundation because the latter two species exhibited classic pioneer traits 19
20 and water movement compared to Salicornia spp. This of partitioning a greater proportion of resources to leaf area 20
21 mechanism, potentially along with observations of and rapid shoot growth. 21
22 higher root porosity (fraction of root volume occupied The wetland pioneer genera Salicornia, Spartina (saltmarsh), 22
23 by air space) in Spartina spp. (Justin & Armstrong, Avicennia, Sonneratia and Laguncularia (mangrove) represent a 23
24 1987), means that Spartina spp. vegetation can often be range of colonization strategies, with each having distinct 24
25 found lower in the intertidal zone than Salicornia spp., biotic traits that enable them to establish successfully in 25
26 where hydrodynamic pressures are greater. physically dynamic coastal environments. Many of these 26
27 traits are similar to those classically ascribed to the terrestrial 27
28 Similarly, mangroves are also species-poor for a tropical pioneer guild (defined by Swaine & Whitmore, 1988), such as 28
29 ecosystem, consisting of 70 vegetation species or hybrids high fecundity and rapid stem growth (Table 1). Some traits 29
30 globally (Duke et al., 1998a). Spalding et al. (2010) gives an in- (specifically tolerance to high salinity and frequent inunda- 30
31 depth overview of the distribution of 65 mangrove species. tion, and high fecundity compared to other intertidal species 31
32 While many true mangrove species exhibit pioneer-phase within the same system) are similar for all the pioneer genera 32
33 listed, irrespective of wetland system, and are therefore inter- 33
characteristics to some extent (Alongi, 2008), we consider the
34 preted to be essential for colonization of intertidal mudflats. 34
three main mangrove pioneer genera.
35 However, there are some clear morphological differences 35
36 between these pioneer herbaceous marsh and woody man- 36
(1) Avicennia spp. are well known globally as the first grove tree species. Diaspore size is often larger in mangroves
37 colonizers of many tropical mudflats, with A. alba 37
38 than saltmarsh plants [small marsh herb/grass seeds ver- 38
dominating in SE Asia (Thampanya, Vermaat & sus larger (crypto)viviparous mangrove propagules], though
39 Duarte, 2002a; Wong, 2005), A. marina in east Africa 39
40 contradictory examples can be found. Spartina spp. spikelets 40
and Australia (Clarke, 1993) and A. germinans in the (groups of seeds) can be up to 21 mm in length (Marchant,
41 Americas (Perry & Mendelssohn, 2009). Colonization 41
42 1967), and Sonneratia spp. fruits contain a large number of 42
of Avicennia spp. in disturbed patches within existing small seeds a few mm in length. There is a further difference
43 43
forests is poor, and is dependent upon the demography in seed dormancy and subsequent soil seedbank presence,
44 44
of shaded patches when developing in an existing which affects species ability to regenerate rapidly after distur-
45 45
understorey (López-Hoffman et al., 2007). bance. Most mangrove species have evolved (crypto)vivipary,
46 46
(2) Sonneratia spp. are well-known mangrove pioneers where the seed germinates while still attached to the par-
47 47
throughout their range (Tomlinson, 1986; Tham- ent tree to allow rapid seedling growth after dispersal; such
48 48
panya, Vermaat & Terrados, 2002b; Wong, 2005; propagules are recalcitrant and do not persist in the seed-
49 49
Ren et al., 2009), which for S. alba stretches from East bank. By contrast, seeds of Salicornia spp. (and to a lesser
50 50
Africa to the Pacific Islands groups of Melanesia and extent, Spartina spp.) show some potential for soil seedbank
51 51
Micronesia (Tomlinson, 1986; Spalding et al., 2010). production (Dixon et al., 2008; Erfanzadeh et al., 2010).
52 52
In SE Asia, S. alba may be associated spatially with
53 53
Avicennia spp. in the pioneer zone (Thampanya et al.,
54 (2) Diaspore availability as an ecological bottleneck 54
2002a), although it can also be found further seaward
55 55
due to the ability of Sonneratia spp. to spread vegeta- Mudflats are only colonized when sufficient diaspore material
56 56
tively in a manner similar to Spartina spp., especially is available in the water column to be deposited on a surface
57 57
on muddy substrata. that exists within key physical boundaries (see Section IV.3).

Biological Reviews (2011) 000–000 © 2011 The Authors. Biological Reviews © 2011 Cambridge Philosophical Society
Bottlenecks and thresholds to intertidal wetlands 7

1 Diaspore availability is therefore a potential bottleneck for a zone below a threshold of tidal inundation, associated 1
2 successful colonization. Ecological characteristics relating to with surface elevation in both saltmarsh (Adam, 1990) 2
3 species fecundity and dispersal capacity (see Section VI.2) and mangrove ecosystems (Watson, 1928; Smith, 1992). 3
4 affect the potential number of recruits to be transported. Furthermore, wetland communities will only establish 4
5 Saltmarsh community recruitment is based on a larger successfully if the hydrodynamic pressures on colonization 5
6 number of smaller diaspores compared to mangroves due remain below critical threshold values. While many authors 6
7 to plant form (chenopods/graminoids versus trees). Diaspore qualitatively discuss the inhibiting role of hydrodynamic 7
8 numbers produced by the mangroves Avicennia, Sonneratia action on the large-scale establishment of mangrove pioneer 8
9 and Laguncularia spp. are considerably lower than those of seedlings (Clarke, 1995; Delgado et al., 2001; Huisman & 9
10 saltmarsh pioneers, though still high relative to non-pioneer van Langevelde, 2009), little quantitative data exist on such 10
11 mangrove species (Tomlinson, 1986). hydrodynamic thresholds (Lewis, 2005). Previous research 11
12 While fecundity determines the potential number of dias- has focused on growth, productivity, and physiological 12
13 pores available to transport, physical factors dictate the proficiency of saltmarsh and mangrove species at different 13
14 potential route of diaspore transport, and include hydro- hydroperiods (Morris et al., 2002; Krauss et al., 2006, 2008). 14
15 dynamics, tidal circulation and distance from the nearest Here, we focus on how inundation and hydrodynamic forcing 15
16 diaspore source. Medium/long-distance diaspore dispersal is influence initial colonization success. 16
17 rare in saltmarsh systems except in extreme weather events 17
18 (Chang, Veeneklaas & Bakker, 2007), due to species-specific (a) The importance of inundation period in determining system-scale 18
19 constraints (described in the context of long-term ecosys- thresholds 19
20 tem maintenance in Section VI.2). While most mangrove 20
21 propagules are not exported from their source population, Inundation frequency is a function of both intertidal surface 21
22 there is potential for long-distance transport due to their high elevation (lower surfaces are flooded more frequently than 22
23 buoyancy characteristics. For both ecosystems, diaspore dis- higher areas) and local tidal characteristics. The spring- 23
24 persal probability is inversely related to distance from source neap tidal cycle allows a number of days to pass with no 24
25 population, so distance between neighbouring patches is inundation, depending on surface height. Krauss et al. (2006) 25
26 important (Wolters, Garbutt & Bakker, 2005), especially state that the positioning of intertidal wetlands marginally 26
27 when the neighbouring mudflat is accreting into the appro- above mean sea level means that most natural mangrove 27
28 priate hydrodynamic conditions. Tidal and current patterns forests and saltmarshes are flooded less time per year than 28
29 dictate how diaspores traverse this distance, determining they are drained. Hydrographs of mangrove forests in Tampa 29
30 whether patches act as diaspore sources or sinks. Bay, Florida (Lewis, 2005) and mangroves and saltmarshes 30
31 If a wetland restoration site is far from potential dias- occurring within 4.3 km of each other in Naples, Florida 31
32 pore source populations, location-specific planting may be illustrate this point (Fig. 2). 32
33 required to overcome a propagule-availability bottleneck. Only basic system-scale inundation thresholds have been 33
34 This is particularly true if species composition must be con- described for intertidal wetlands. Watson (1928) described 34
35 trolled (Field, 1998) or if rapid vegetation cover is required to broad inundation classes for a shallow-sloping mangrove 35
36 reduce erosion (Garbutt et al., 2006). However, many coastal under a diurnal tidal regime on the west coast of Peninsular 36
37 wetland restoration trials have shown that if restoration sites Malaysia, with Avicennia and Sonneratia species colonising in 37
38 are located close to existing wetlands, diaspore availability is areas flooded 45–59 times per month. Other mangroves are 38
39 typically not the primary limitation to colonization for both flooded 30% of the time at sites in Tampa, Florida (Lewis, 39
40 temperate (Garbutt et al., 2006; Elsey-Quirk, Middleton & 2005), 29–53% of the time for sites in southwest Florida 40
41 Proffitt, 2009) and tropical wetlands (Lewis, 2005), if physical (Krauss et al., 2006), and as little as 9% along the Klong Ngao 41
42 site conditions are appropriate. estuary in west Thailand (reported in Lewis, 2005). Similarly, 42
43 Thus, diaspore availability is a potentially important bot- mangrove community establishment at a site in Vietnam was 43
44 tleneck for the colonization of sites at a distance from 44
45 propagule source areas, though is not insurmountable, as 45
46 high fecundity is an important marsh/mangrove pioneer 46
47 trait (Table 1). Therefore, if diaspore availability is not the 47
48 greatest limiting factor to establishment, more insight is 48
49 required into the physical process thresholds that influence 49
AQ3 diaspore, and later seedling loss (Bouma et al., 2009b). 50
51 51
52 (3) Hydrodynamic forces at the pioneer zone 52
53 53
Energetic hydrodynamic conditions impose multiple stresses
54 54
on pioneer diaspores during initial colonization, and
55 55
on seedlings during subsequent establishment, especially Fig. 2. Mangrove and saltmarsh hydrology relative to soil
56 surface elevation (0 cm) in Ten Thousand Islands National 56
(i) repeated tidal inundation, and (ii) drag forces from
57 Wildlife Refuge, Naples, Florida, USA. 57
hydrodynamic energy. Intertidal vegetation establishes in

Biological Reviews (2011) 000–000 © 2011 The Authors. Biological Reviews © 2011 Cambridge Philosophical Society
8 Daniel A. Friess and others

1 Table 2. Average inundation thresholds for Spartina spp. 1

2 2
3 Submergence at seaward 3
4 Location Spartina spp. extent (hours year−1 ) Reference 4
5 Mariager Fjord, Denmark S. townsendii and S. anglica 3100 Christiansen & Møller (1983) 5
6 Poole Harbour, UK S. anglica 5800 Ranwell et al. (1964) 6
7 Bridgewater Bay, UK S. anglica 6760 Morley (1973) 7
8 Poole Harbour, UK S. anglica 7372 Reported in Hubbard & Partridge (1981) 8
9 Davis Bay, Mississippi, USA S. alterniflora 7645 Eleuterius & Eleuterius (1979) 9
10 Invercargill estuary, New Zealand S. anglica 7873 Hubbard & Partridge (1981) 10
11 11
12 12
13 not possible in areas inundated for >13 h per day (Van up to mid-high intertidal elevations (Stagg & Mendelssohn, 13
14 Loon, Dijksma & Van Mensvoort, 2007). Similar to Watson 2010). 14
15 (1928), pioneering work was conducted in British saltmarshes Unfortunately, many mangrove restoration projects, 15
16 by Wiehe (1935), who recorded a lack of establishment of especially in SE Asia, have proven unsuccessful because of a 16
17 Salicornia europaea in areas of low elevation on a riverine mismatch between inundation (surface elevation) and species 17
18 saltmarsh flooded on average >12 h per day. Studies tolerance. Donor-funded mangrove restoration projects in 18
19 describing the inundation threshold for various Spartina SE Asia often support large-scale mangrove planting on 19
20 spp. are shown in Table 2, with most suggesting that the the fronting low-elevation mudflat, where mangroves either 20
21 limit of Spartina spp. tolerance is approximately 5800–7800 did not previously exist, or because non-pioneer, but 21
22 inundated hours per year. Christiansen & Møller (1983) commercially attractive species—e.g. Rhizophora spp.—were 22
23 attribute the reduced inundation tolerance of their studied planted in the pioneer zone (Lewis, 2005; Samson & Rollin, 23
24 Spartina townsendii and S. anglica populations (3100 hours per 2008). Thus, knowledge (and acknowledgment) of the correct 24
25 year) to unusual local tidal dynamics and frost damage adding surface elevation and its control on hydroperiod and water 25
26 an additional stressor. By contrast, low water turbidity in the depth is one of the most important factors determining the 26
27 Invercargill estuary, New Zealand permitted sufficient light success of mangrove restoration (Lewis, 2005; Gilman & 27
28 to penetrate the water column, allowing Spartina anglica to Ellison, 2007). 28
29 establish at lower elevations (Hubbard & Partridge, 1981). 29
30 These examples suggest that thresholds of inundation period (b) Wave and current thresholds to single-plant scale establishment 30
31 and frequency may be influenced by location-specific factors 31
(Van Loon et al., 2007). So, while statements regarding the Single-plant establishment requires significantly longer than
32 32
broad inundation tolerance of Spartina spp. can be made from the average period free from inundation over a lunar tidal
33 33
Table 2, further studies are required to show the impact of cycle, so the emerging seedling can develop sufficient root
34 34
differing location and coastal regimes. anchoring to withstand a threshold drag force by hydro-
35 35
Restored wetlands are an experimental opportunity to dynamic energy when inundated. Wiehe (1935) showed
36 36
study the importance of adequate surface elevation for col- that 65% of Salicornia europaea seedlings established during
37 37
onization. In NW Europe, saltmarsh has been created by inundation-free periods of 2–3 days. The mangrove pioneer
38 38
‘managed realignment’, where sea defences protecting pre- Avicennia germinans requires approximately five days to anchor
39 39
viously reclaimed agricultural land are breached to allow (Rabinowitz, 1978). As a contrasting example, rooting success
40 40
the formation of saltmarsh between the former, and new, of the non-pioneer mangrove Xylocarpus granatum is greatest in
41 41
more landward defences (Dixon et al., 2008). However, such the upper intertidal zone due to reduced tidal action (Allen,
42 42
sites are often lower in elevation than the surrounding inter- Krauss & Hauff, 2003). Therefore, successful colonization
43 43
tidal zone due to compaction, organic matter oxidation will only occur where the surface elevation is high enough
44 44
in reclaimed agricultural soil, surface reprofiling and cur- relative to the tidal frame, and the lunar tidal cycle allows
45 45
tailed sediment input following their original closure to tidal for an adequate inundation-free period for seedling rooting,
46 46
exchange (Crooks et al., 2002; Dixon et al., 2008). Hence, pio- dependent on species-specific characteristics.
47 47
neer saltmarsh colonization was often less successful (in terms Pioneer characteristics such as rapid anchoring and growth
48 48
of percentage vegetation cover) for early trials on old recla- enable plants to establish during short periods of calm
49 49
mations with the lowest elevations, even though saltmarsh hydrodynamic conditions or no tidal inundation. While
50 50
vegetation surrounded the site. Restoration efforts have been some work has characterised root architecture of saltmarsh
51 51
most successful at sites with a shorter reclamation history, and (Bouma et al., 2001a, b) and mangrove species (summarised
52 52
therefore high site surface elevation for colonization (Wolters by Tomlinson, 1986) there is a distinct lack of data on early
53 53
et al., 2005). In some cases, the surface to be restored can root growth rates. Such a knowledge gap is surprising, given
54 54
be artificially raised to an elevation appropriate for vegeta- that information on rooting is critical to understanding the
55 55
tion development; the productivity of marsh macrophytes success of early establishment.
56 56
in a restored site in Louisiana was maximized when sedi- Post-colonization dislodgement occurs when the drag
57 57
ment slurries were added to the soil surface to bring them forces by waves and currents exerted on the seedling exceed

Biological Reviews (2011) 000–000 © 2011 The Authors. Biological Reviews © 2011 Cambridge Philosophical Society
Bottlenecks and thresholds to intertidal wetlands 9

1 its root anchorage to resist this force. Several wetland pio- 1

2 neer species exhibit rapid root emergence and development, 2
3 with associated sediment binding and dewatering increas- 3
4 ing local soil shear strength around the seedling [shown for 4
5 Salicornia spp. and to a lesser extent, Spartina spp. in salt- 5
6 marshes (Pestrong, 1969), and Avicennia and Sonneratia spp. 6
7 in mangroves (Augustinus, 1995)]. After anchoring, seedling 7
8 survival is dependent on resistance to dislodgement by higher 8
9 Exposed 9
energy events (e.g. spring tides and storms). Dislodgement roots
10 is well studied for macroalgae and benthic organisms that 10
11 anchor on subtidal rocky shores (Denny, 1994), but thresh- 11
12 old values for saltmarsh and mangrove dislodgement at the 12
13 single-plant scale are poorly understood. Existing studies tend 13
14 to be qualitative or comparative. For example, Wiehe (1935) 14
15 described how Salicornia europaea seedlings at lower elevations 15
16 Scouring 16
did not show lower growth rates but were more likely to be 5 cm
17 dislodged by ‘tidal action’ compared to individuals at higher 17
18 elevations. The seedlings of the pioneer genera Avicennia and 18
19 Sonneratia are better able to withstand water movement than Fig. 3. Self-scouring of Salicornia europaea. Photograph by 19
20 Rhizophora spp. (Thampanya et al., 2002a) because of their T. Balke. 20
21 below- and above-ground morphologies. Such root mor- 21
22 phologies include long star-shaped cable roots (in plan view) Whether similar scouring occurs with mangrove seedlings 22
23 extending across the mudflat, and are shared by Avicennia, is not known in the literature. Research can be designed to 23
24 Sonneratia (Augustinus, 1995) and Laguncularia spp. determine whether mangrove seedlings possess a morphology 24
25 While quantitative data on the threshold for dislodgment that inhibits self-scouring (e.g. smaller surface area, only 25
26 are scarce, the biological factors that contribute to drag one shoot), or whether dislodgment occurs quickly and/or 26
27 force (and plant adaptations to them) are better understood. without obvious signs of scouring. 27
28 The drag force applied by current or wave action to a Vegetative propagation is another independently evolved 28
29 seedling is proportional to seedling surface area in the strategy to increase establishment success in hydrodynam- 29
30 water column, which is mitigated by shoot stiffness (Bouma ically energetic areas that would otherwise limit diaspore 30
31 et al., 2005b; Bouma, De Vries & Herman, 2010). Small anchoring. The hybrid Spartina anglica has spread along the 31
32 seedlings with low above-ground biomass and flexible stems coast of NW Europe [and later introduced to areas as dis- 32
33 experience low drag forces, which increase non-linearly parate as Australia and China (Kriwoken & Hedge, 2000)] 33
34 as the plant adds above-ground biomass. Pioneer species since the introduction of the exotic S. alterniflora to the UK 34
35 have evolved growth form and life-history characteristics to in the mid 1800s, and its subsequent hybridization with the 35
36 reduce drag force and reduce dislodgment in hydrodynamic native species S. maritima. S. anglica has been a particularly 36
37 environments. Avicennia marina seedling stems are flexible effective invasive species primarily due to its ability to spread 37
38 compared to terrestrial tree seedlings, owing to the presence vegetatively after initial diaspore introduction, at elevations 38
39 of aerenchyma tissue (Ashford & Allaway, 1995), with foliage 39
lower in the tidal frame than many native saltmarsh species
40 predominantly at the tip of the seedling. These adaptations 40
can colonize. Vegetative spread allows colonization in areas
41 allow for significant stem bending and reduced drag, 41
where diaspore material may otherwise be unable to settle
42 respectively. Herbaceous saltmarsh species such as Salicornia 42
and anchor sufficiently. Despite a vastly different morphol-
43 spp. have independently evolved the same solution of high 43
ogy and life-history strategy, the mangrove Sonneratia alba
44 stem flexibility. However, for succulent Salicornia spp. this 44
has independently evolved vegetative spread, with 37 m long
45 adaptation is counterbalanced by a high relative stem height- 45
clones of S. alba being discovered (Holbrook & Putz, 1982).
46 width ratio compared to long and thin mangrove seedlings, 46
Similar to Spartina spp., Sonneratia alba can establish at low
47 which may increase susceptibility to erosion. Self-scouring 47
elevations along the seaward edge of a mangrove forest
48 due to hydrodynamic energy is often evident around Salicornia 48
(Tomlinson, 1986; Ball & Pidsley, 1995). Vegetative spread
49 individuals, especially at the end of the growing season when 49
by roots at shallow depths means that Sonneratia species such
50 50
biomass is highest, and contributes to the dislodgement of as Sonneratia caseolaris probably perform better than other
51 51
established seedlings/yearlings (Jefferies, Davy and Rudmik, mangrove species when colonizing areas with very high
52 52
1981; Fig. 3). This interesting biogeomorphological feedback sedimentation rates (Thampanya et al., 2002b), and S. alba
53 53
may not play an important role on an ecosystem scale, growth has shown to be compromised in eroding environ-
54 54
although it is important for individual mortality, and may ments (Krauss et al., 2007). Vegetative spread is a viable
55 55
aid in seed dispersal. Self-scour is a mechanism that remains method of establishment for both Spartina spp. and Sonneratia
56 56
poorly studied for coastal vegetation, despite its known spp. in areas where inundation period and hydrodynamic
57 57
importance for riverine vegetation (Bouma et al., 2009a). forces are above a physical threshold that constrains seed

Biological Reviews (2011) 000–000 © 2011 The Authors. Biological Reviews © 2011 Cambridge Philosophical Society
10 Daniel A. Friess and others

1 colonization, or may dislodge established seedlings. Clonal Shrubby saltmarsh species above a certain stem density 1
2 spread may also facilitate later establishment by providing may exclude mangrove seedlings through shading [for 2
3 structures that protect seeds and seedlings, and improve the example, species of the saltmarsh chenopod genus Tecticornia 3
4 chances of permanent seedling anchoring. can exclude Avicennia marina seedlings in Australia (Rogers, 4
5 Wilton & Saintilan, 2006)], or saltmarshes can raise the 5
6 (c) Facilitation between saltmarshes and mangroves to overcome wave surface elevation to favour other saltmarsh species (Rogers 6
7 and current thresholds et al., 2005b; Saintilan et al., 2009). Established mangroves 7
8 may also exclude saltmarsh seedlings by shading (Kangas & 8
9 Saltmarshes and mangroves have so far been considered Lugo, 1990). 9
10 independently in terms of their tolerance to hydrodynamic A discussion of the facilitative role of marsh vegetation 10
11 thresholds, in keeping with their generally separate global for mangrove seedling establishment also begs the question: 11
12 distribution. However, a saltmarsh-mangrove ecotone is why do mangroves not facilitate the establishment of salt- 12
13 formed over large areas of the tropics and subtropics (Section marsh plants? McKee et al. (2007b) attribute this one-sided 13
14 II). Mangroves and saltmarshes can co-exist as a mosaic relationship to the fact that some marsh nurse species are 14
15 or remain spatially separated by inhabiting different zones already better adapted to hydrodynamic constraints due to 15
16 within an ecotone, depending on broad geographic location vegetative spread, while mangroves (with the exception of 16
17 and local site conditions, e.g. (i) Avicennia spp. along creek Sonneratia alba) rely overwhelmingly on seedling production 17
18 banks in estuarine sites, with Spartina spp. at lower interior for regeneration. Saltmarsh vegetation also contributes more 18
19 elevations, (ii) Spartina and Juncus spp. behind mangroves on to facilitation due to the rapid growth of annual/perennial 19
20 hypersaline soils, or (iii) the vegetative spread of Spartina spp. herbaceous vegetation, and its establishment at higher stem 20
21 at lower elevations fronting the mangrove margin (Burns densities. Marshes thus buffer wave energy more effectively at 21
22 & Ogden, 1985; Patterson et al., 1997; Rogers, Saintilan & shallow water depths equating to mangrove seedling height. 22
23 Heijnis, 2005b; Saintilan et al., 2009). It is thus biotic adaptations to hydrodynamic thresholds that 23
24 In saltmarsh-mangrove ecotones, initial colonization of predispose a species to positively affect the establishment of 24
25 the lowest intertidal zone by saltmarsh vegetation has an other vegetation types that lack sufficient biological adapta- 25
26 important facilitative impact on mangrove vegetation. Estab- tion, and the dominant community type, or the proportion 26
27 lishment and successional processes of Florida mangroves is of marsh versus mangrove that exists at a particular location 27
28 often facilitated by the initial colonization of marsh nurse is a combination of temporally variable physical factors, the 28
29 species such as Spartina alterniflora (Lewis, 2005). Saltmarsh species present and their life-history mechanism. 29
30 vegetation acts as a nurse species by two main mecha- 30
31 nisms. First, dense saltmarsh vegetation physically traps 31
32 mangrove propagules (Stevens et al., 2006). Observations 32
and manipulative experiments on a saltmarsh-mangrove V. PHYSICAL THRESHOLDS FOR LONG-TERM
34 ecotone in Belize, Caribbean, showed marsh species Dis- 34
35 tichlis spicata and Sesuvium portulacastrum promoting mangrove 35
recolonization by trapping buoyant Rhizophora mangle, Avicen- Natural intertidal habitats often exhibit broad community
36 36
nia germinans and Laguncularia racemosa mangrove propagules, zonation [see Watson (1928) for mangroves, Adam (1990) for
37 37
whereas mangrove seedlings on bare surfaces were quickly saltmarshes] once pioneer species have colonized and other
38 38
removed by tidal exchange (McKee et al., 2007b). This wetland species can establish. Zonation is a recurrent feature
39 39
facilitative mechanism is species specific: Distichlis spicata of intertidal communities, and is a culmination of physical
40 40
trapped a higher number of mangrove propagules due to its processes such as tidal inundation frequency (described pre-
41 41
greater vegetation height and stiffer structure. Secondly, viously, Adam, 1990) and edaphic factors that change along a
42 42
saltmarsh vegetation attenuates incoming hydrodynamic gradient from seaward to landward. Species positioning in the
43 43
energy, providing calmer physical conditions for rooting tidal frame is often determined by (i) continued thresholds to
44 44
by mangrove species and structural support to mangrove physical processes at their seaward limit, and (ii) competitive
45 45
seedlings requiring upright posture. Furthermore, the short ability at their upper range (Pennings & Moore, 2000).
46 46
height of saltmarsh vegetation provided structural sup- The physical forces constraining intertidal vegetation
47 47
port (facilitation), while not shading mangrove seedlings establishment continue to act once a mudflat has been
48 48
(inter-specific competition). Such facilitative interactions are successfully colonized and as it develops into a stable eco-
49 49
important for mangrove restoration, and it has been sug- logical unit. The scale of biogeomorphological interactions
50 50
gested that marsh nurse species should be planted alongside also changes. Whereas short-term processes such as drag
51 51
mangrove seedlings in sites where hydrodynamic thresholds forcing at the single-plant scale are most important dur-
52 52
may be too high for mangrove establishment alone (Lewis, ing early colonization, surface elevation change relative to
53 53
2005). SLR and feedbacks between vegetation and hydrodynamic
54 54
There is a (currently undefined) threshold where facili- forces increase in importance at the ecosystem scale and
55 55
tation of mangrove seedlings by marsh nurse species turns over the long term. Importantly, these factors do not act
56 56
to competition, and mangrove seedling survival is reduced in isolation, and the strength of interaction will vary across
57 57
even with preferential fertilization (McKee & Rooth, 2008). space.

Biological Reviews (2011) 000–000 © 2011 The Authors. Biological Reviews © 2011 Cambridge Philosophical Society
Bottlenecks and thresholds to intertidal wetlands 11

1 (1) Accretionary status over the long term to surface elevation change (and hence potential wetland 1
2 resilience to SLR) are spatially heterogeneous, range from 2
The relationship between surface elevation and vegetation
3 regional to highly site-specific, and are affected by four main 3
presence crucial to pioneer establishment is not static over the
4 tectonic, geomorphological and biological processes: 4
long term. The intertidal surface elevation changes through
5 5
time by physical processes of tectonic activity, accretion
6 (1) Vertical wetland movement operates under boundary 6
and/or erosion, shallow and deep subsidence, and biogeo-
7 conditions imposed by long-term tectonic and deep 7
morphological interactions of sediment trapping and root
8 geological movements. Surface elevation change by 8
zone expansion, while the tidal frame moves due to SLR.
9 deep tectonic processes is due to (a) large-scale isostatic 9
Intertidal ecosystems must maintain their relative position in
10 adjustment in response to the last glacial maximum 10
the tidal frame by (i) lateral migration landward to higher
11 [see Shennan & Horton (2002) for the effect of isostatic 11
elevations (Egler 1952) and/or (ii) vertical substratum adjust-
12 adjustment on the coastline of the UK], and (b) 12
ment by sediment accumulation and accretion (McKee,
13 low-frequency, high-magnitude tectonic events over 13
Cahoon & Feller, 2007a), or else exceed a threshold beyond
14 smaller spatial scales. The 1964 Alaskan earthquake 14
which vegetation succumbs to increasing tidal inundation
15 caused uplift of 1.8 to >3 m along the coast, suddenly 15
(Fitzgerald et al., 2008) and reverts to pioneer vegetation
16 shifting areas of saltmarsh above the spring tidal height 16
or bare intertidal surface. Excluding changes in sediment
17 and significantly changing inundation characteristics 17
supply, the ecological consequences of SLR are greatest for
18 (Reimnitz & Marshall, 1965). Similarly, areas of 18
coastal wetlands in micro-tidal locations where SLR is pro-
19 Rhizophora spp. mangrove in the Andaman Islands 19
portionally larger compared to the tidal frame (Stevenson,
20 increased significantly in elevation due to tectonic 20
Ward & Kearney, 1986; Kirwan & Guntenspergen, 2010),
21 movement after the 2004 Asian tsunami, and are 21
such as Baltic and Mediterranean saltmarshes in Europe
22 expected to be replaced by terrestrial flora due to their 22
and mangroves in the Caribbean, Pacific and Middle East
23 disconnection from tidal inundation (Alongi, 2008). 23
(Alongi, 2008).
24 Another (anthropogenic) cause of negative surface ele- 24
In locations where landward system migration is restricted,
25 vation change of importance to coastal wetlands is 25
long-term ecosystem survival is primarily a balance between
26 deep, non-tectonic subsidence due to natural resource 26
rates of SLR and positive vertical surface elevation change
27 extraction (The Netherlands: van Wijnen & Bakker, 27
(Fig. 4). The difference between these rates determines a
28 wetland’s ‘accretionary’ or ‘sedimentary’ status (French et al., 2001; Mississippi delta: Coleman, Robert & Stone, 28
29 1995), a threshold determining wetland loss, stability or 1998). This further exacerbates the accretionary deficit 29
30 expansion over the long term. experienced by systems such as the Mississippi delta 30
31 that may already be suffering from the effects of 31
32 reduced sediment input and SLR. 32
33 (a) Physical and biological variables contributing to intertidal surface 33
34 elevation change 34
As per hierarchy theory (Section III), smaller scale sedi-
35 While SLR occurs at the regional-global scale and is mentological processes act within boundaries set by larger 35
36 completely physical in nature, the variables contributing scale tectonic processes, and are the focus of most study. Sur- 36
37 face elevation change within such boundaries is determined 37
38 by vertical sediment accretion on top of the mud surface 38
39 (point 2 below), plus below-surface soil expansion (point 3), 39
40 minus processes contributing to shallow subsidence (point 4). 40
41 41
42 42
(2) Vertical accretion is controlled by long-term sedi-
43 43
ment availability and accumulation, especially for
44 44
allochthonous systems. The magnitude of vertical
45 45
accretion is thus determined by: (a) Sediment supply. Sed-
46 46
iment supply on a small scale is a function of intertidal
47 47
surface elevation; lower surfaces are inundated more
48 48
frequently and experience greater sediment deposi-
49 49
tion, so show greater accretion over the long term
50 50
(van Wijnen & Bakker, 2001), if hydrological connec-
51 51
tions are maintained. On a larger scale, sediment is
52 52
inputted into the broad coastal system from rivers, cliff
53 53
erosion or the reworking of offshore sediments (Allen,
54 54
2000) and may vary seasonally. Upstream land use
55 55
Fig. 4. Conceptual classification of wetland stability by and coastal management decisions impact upon sed-
56 accretionary status. SLR, sea level rise. Modified from Stevenson 56
iment availability from these sources. Extensive levee
57 et al. (1986). 57
construction and river damming reduces terrestrial

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12 Daniel A. Friess and others

1 sediment input into the coastal zone, contributing to century time scales during periods when SLR (upwards 1
2 accretionary deficit for deltas such as the Mississippi of 5 mm year−1 ) far exceeded present-day eustatic 2
3 (Coleman et al., 1998) and Yangtze (Yang et al., 2006). rates (McKee et al., 2007a). In many systems such 3
4 Short-term, high-magnitude sedimentation events can as Caribbean mangroves that are disconnected from 4
5 also contribute significantly to accretionary status. Ero- fine sediment input, organic below-ground produc- 5
6 sion caused by Hurricane Mitch completely buried tivity is the main driver of positive elevation change 6
7 some adjoining mangroves with sediment in Hon- (Cahoon et al., 2006). By contrast, many saltmarsh 7
8 duras (Cahoon et al., 2003), while Hurricane Wilma systems, such as those of NW Europe and East- 8
9 deposited 42.8 mm of soil at one study site in south ern Canada are highly minerogenic (Allen, 2000; 9
10 Florida (Whelan et al., 2009). In some instances, a sin- Davidson-Arnott et al., 2002), so accumulate propor- 10
11 gle event may introduce an order of magnitude more tionally lower levels of soil organic matter. Therefore, 11
12 sediment into a field location than typically deposited under similar conditions of sediment input, minero- 12
13 in an entire year or longer. (b) Sediment trapping and con- genic marshes may be more likely to exhibit accre- 13
14 solidation by vegetation. Complex above-ground root and tionary deficits than mangroves or biogenic saltmarsh 14
15 stem morphologies can attenuate tidal flow velocity systems such as those in the Mississippi River delta, 15
16 and wave height sufficiently for sediment particles to USA (Nyman et al., 1993), which exhibit much faster 16
17 fall out of suspension, increasing sediment deposition rates of organic matter accumulation. Further compar- 17
18 (Morris et al., 2002; Krauss, Allen & Cahoon, 2003; ative research focusing on below-ground productivity 18
19 Cahoon et al., 2006). Vegetation also reduces sediment between saltmarshes and mangroves is required to 19
20 resuspension, as reduced tidal flow velocities do not inform attempts at modelling subsurface processes 20
21 exceed a threshold bottom shear stress force [espe- underlying medium- to long-term surface elevation 21
22 cially on the flood tide (Webster & Lemckert, 2002)]. change and ecosystem vulnerability of both ecosystems 22
23 Vegetation-accretion dynamics have been well quan- to SLR. 23
24 tified experimentally: Langlois, Bonis & Bouzillé et al. (4) Surface elevation change also includes negative pro- 24
25 (2003) showed higher accretion on a Puccinellia mar- cesses related to soil properties such as shallow sub- 25
26 itima saltmarsh compared to a bare intertidal surface sidence caused by soil autocompaction, dewatering, 26
27 at the same elevation within close proximity. Increases sediment settling, water table depth and organic mat- 27
28 in production and biomass of the saltmarsh species ter oxidation (van Wijnen & Bakker, 2001; Cahoon 28
29 Spartina alterniflora in North Carolina, USA has also et al., 2006; Rogers et al., 2006; Fitzgerald et al., 2008). 29
30 been shown to increase sediment trapping, thus facil- Dewatering and sediment compaction can account 30
31 itating surface elevation increase (Morris et al., 2002). for a large proportion of negative elevation change in 31
32 The degree of hydrodynamic attenuation (and hence minerogenic systems with high rates of vertical accre- 32
33 sediment deposition) varies with vegetation structure tion (van Wijnen & Bakker, 2001). Mangroves and 33
34 and density; for example, Rhizophora spp. prop roots biogenic marsh systems, on the other hand, are vul- 34
35 caused greater sediment deposition, and ultimately nerable to net subsidence caused by greater organic 35
36 accretion compared to pencil-shaped pneumatophores matter oxidation (Cahoon et al., 2006; McKee et al., 36
37 in a Micronesian (Sonneratia alba: Krauss et al., 2003) 2007a), if rates of soil expansion cannot compensate. 37
38 and Singaporean mangrove (Avicennia alba: D.A. Friess, 38
39 The relative importance of each of the tectonic and 39
unpublished data). It is currently unknown whether
40 biogeomorphological processes described above will differ 40
one ecosystem is more effective at trapping sediment
41 according to location. Importantly, in areas with high 41
than the other within a saltmarsh-mangrove ecotone.
42 rates of shallow subsidence, measurements that consider 42
Perry & Mendelssohn (2009) showed that Avicennia ger-
43 only accretion will overestimate the magnitude of positive 43
minans trees moving into marshes in Louisiana were too
44 surface elevation change. Precise data on true surface 44
young to establish structurally complex root systems
45 elevation change is crucial for the accurate determination of 45
to affect sediment deposition significantly more than accretionary status, which is especially important in assessing
46 saltmarsh vegetation. However, research is required to 46
47 potential vulnerability of wetlands to SLR. 47
compare the relative sediment-trapping efficiency of
48 coexisting mature mangrove and saltmarsh vegetation. 48
49 (3) An ecological component to surface elevation change (b) The impact of surface elevation change on saltmarsh-mangrove 49
50 ecotones: a case study 50
that has implications for differential responses of
51 51
marshes and mangroves to SLR is soil expansion due We have shown that accretionary status can be affected
52 52
to organic matter accumulation by below-ground pro- by ecosystem-specific traits such as sediment trapping
53 53
ductivity (McKee et al., 2007a; Perry & Mendelssohn, and below-ground productivity. Changes in accretionary
54 54
2009). Soil expansion by root biomass and organic status can in turn explain observations of dominance shifts
55 55
matter production has been demonstrated to be an within saltmarsh-mangrove ecotones. Coastal wetlands in
56 56
important process in mangroves (Rogers, Saintilan SE Australia are showing a shift to a mangrove-dominated
57 57
& Cahoon, 2005a), allowing mangroves to adjust over ecotone, by their landward encroachment onto areas of

Biological Reviews (2011) 000–000 © 2011 The Authors. Biological Reviews © 2011 Cambridge Philosophical Society
Bottlenecks and thresholds to intertidal wetlands 13

1 saltmarsh (Saintilan & Williams, 1999; Rogers et al., 2005b). 1

2 Indeed, encroachment of Avicennia marina has been the leading 2
3 cause of widespread saltmarsh loss in SE Australia since 3
4 the 1930–50s (Saintilan & Williams, 2000). While there 4
5 are a range of variables that could promote mangrove 5
6 dominance, the main determining factor is assumed to 6
7 be surface elevation and inundation (Rogers et al., 2006). 7
8 Areas of minerogenic saltmarsh in Western Port Bay (Rogers 8
9 et al., 2005b) and the broader SE Australia region (Rogers 9
10 et al., 2006) that exhibited high rates of accretion also 10
11 experienced high subsidence due to autocompaction, which 11
12 was not compensated for by below-ground productivity. Net 12
13 elevation in these locations was either static or decreasing 13
14 (‘accretionary deficit’) relative to current and anticipated 14
15 SLR. Areas experiencing an accretionary deficit were more 15
16 suitable for Avicennia marina establishment (Rogers et al., 16
17 2006), potentially due to its higher threshold to inundation Fig. 5. Hydrodynamic energy attenuation within and between 17
18 compared to the local saltmarsh species. Saltmarsh species vegetation patches. 18
19 such as Tecticornia spp. were more competitive in areas 19
20 experiencing accretionary surplus (Rogers et al., 2005b). 20
vegetation characteristics such as stiffness, density and
21 These observations suggest that in SE Australia, further 21
standing biomass (Bouma et al., 2005b, 2010). It is gener-
22 mangrove encroachment will be aided by future accelerated 22
ally acknowledged that tall, stiff and structurally complex
23 SLR over the long term (Saintilan et al., 2009). 23
mangrove vegetation is capable of attenuating waves of
24 Surface elevation does not control ecosystem dominance 24
greater heights compared to saltmarsh vegetation (Wolanski,
25 in saltmarsh-mangrove ecotones in other locations in the 25
2007; Koch et al., 2009). The mechanism of wave attenua-
26 subtropics, but is species specific. For example, in the Gulf of 26
tion by mangroves changes from seaward to landward. In SE
27 Mexico the flood-tolerant Spartina alterniflora is found at lower 27
Asian mangroves, wave height drops rapidly as short pioneer
28 elevations than Avicennia germinans (Saintilan et al., 2009). 28
seedlings of Avicennia and Sonneratia species absorb incoming
29 Thus, shifts in ecotone composition over time rely on the 29
hydrodynamic energy due to their complex canopy struc-
30 interplay between surface elevation change and inundation 30
tures and large surface areas (Quartel et al., 2007). In the back
31 thresholds described in Section IV.3a. 31
mangrove, the complex aerial root structures of Rhizophora
32 32
spp. further attenuate hydrodynamic energy. The interaction
33 (2) Hydrodynamic thresholds in well-established 33
between hydrodynamic energy and vegetation can decrease
34 ecosystems 34
wave heights from 1 m at the seaward edge to 0.05 m in
35 35
Intertidal vegetation attenuates incoming hydrodynamic the back mangrove along a 1.5 km width of mangrove for-
36 36
energy over an entire system due to friction caused by the est (Mazda et al., 1997), or by 9.45 cm km−1 of mangrove
37 37
accumulation of individual-level drag forces (Möller, 2006 for during a storm surge (Krauss et al., 2009). In contrast to
38 38
saltmarshes; Mazda et al., 1997 for mangroves). Established mangroves, short, herbaceous and woody saltmarsh plants
39 39
vegetation produces a positive feedback; its very presence tend to be found in higher density stands. The structural
40 40
reduces incoming hydrodynamic energy, creating calmer characteristics of saltmarsh vegetation thus force sheet flow
41 41
hydrodynamic conditions for subsequent plant establish- over the top of the vegetation layer. Within the vegetation,
42 42
ment. Modelling of coastal wetland development shows that hydrodynamic energy is effectively attenuated. However, a
43 43
such positive feedback ultimately results in self-organizing distinct water-level threshold exists, above which vegetation
44 44
landscapes (Kirwan & Murray, 2007; Temmerman et al., does not interact with water flow, and wave attenuation
45 45
2005, 2007). Hydrodynamic attenuation occurs non-linearly capacity is decreased (Möller, 2006).
46 46
(Koch et al., 2009) and at two scales, within and between Finally, site-specific characteristics of established intertidal
47 47
patches (Fig. 5). At the single-patch scale, drag forces are wetlands affect the attenuation of hydrodynamic energy,
48 48
highest at the edges and are reduced within the patch (Bouma especially ‘normal’ waves, as opposed to high-magnitude,
49 49
et al., 2010). In a multiple-patch scenario, the fronting low-frequency storm surge or tsunami waves. For example,
50 50
patch(es) attenuate a larger proportion of hydrodynamic stem density can vary greatly within a mangrove stand
51 51
energy, ‘protecting’ patches behind. Mid-back-zone wetland as a function of natural gap dynamics or human-induced
52 52
species with a potentially lower hydrodynamic threshold disturbances. Modelling efforts have suggested that there
53 53
compared to pioneer species may be better able to estab- is a nonlinear relationship between stem density and wave
54 54
lish in the protected area, so it can be assumed that the energy dissipation in mangrove forests (Massel, Furukawa &
55 55
modification of hydrodynamic energy is self-sustaining. Brinkman, 1999). This implies that stem-density reduction
56 56
The magnitude of hydrodynamic attenuation by vegeta- may have important implications for wave attenuation by
57 57
tion differs according to vegetation type and site-specific degraded mangrove forests. It seems plausible that because

Biological Reviews (2011) 000–000 © 2011 The Authors. Biological Reviews © 2011 Cambridge Philosophical Society
14 Daniel A. Friess and others

1 establishment of vegetation is a positive feedback for further pollen vector. Saltmarsh species are pollinated by wind and 1
2 establishment and wave attenuation, reductions in stem a wide array of invertebrate pollinators, with no species 2
3 density may also produce a positive feedback, where loss of known to be vertebrate-pollinated (Pojar, 1973; Mackay & 3
4 vegetation increases erosion (by not sufficiently attenuating Whalen, 2009). Mangroves are almost exclusively animal- 4
5 wave and current energy below a species-specific threshold), pollinated; it was once thought that Rhizophora had the 5
6 thus underlying a non-linear trajectory towards an accretion potential for wind-pollination, but flowers within this genus 6
7 deficit. To date there has been no empirical or modelling produce nectar, are linked with invertebrate visitation, 7
8 research that addresses possible non-linear, positive feedback and lack a suitable stigma for the reception of wind- 8
9 of vegetation loss on wave attenuation. However, given borne pollen (Tomlinson, 1986). One would expect similar 9
10 the widespread degradation of coastal ecosystems globally general constraints to pollen movement within and among 10
11 (Valiela et al., 2009), such research would be critical to populations of insect-pollinated mangrove and saltmarsh 11
12 wetland protection and restoration efforts. species, specifically limitations to invertebrate movement. 12
13 Other mangrove species are pollinated by vertebrates such as 13
14 nectarivorous birds (Bruguiera gymnorrhiza: Tomlinson, 1986; 14
15 Noske, 1993) and bats (Sonneratia spp.: Coupland et al. 2006). 15
16 Vulnerability of pollination syndromes—i.e. resistance to 16
17 negative effects caused by habitat loss or isolation through 17
18 fragmentation—is strongly dependent on the syndrome 18
19 employed and the specificity of the pollinator-plant rela- 19
20 Once successfully established and maintained, the contin- 20
tionship. Saltmarsh species that utilize wind as a primary or
21 ued maintenance of single populations, and the further 21
alternative pollen vector may at first be thought to be rela-
22 spread of wetland habitats over the long term requires 22
tively resistant to habitat fragmentation, as wind patterns are
23 the exchange and dispersal of genetic material within and 23
somewhat independent of patch distance. However, there
24 between populations. Reproductive success and genetic 24
maintenance over long timescales is limited by ecological is still a maximum distance that pollen can be transported
25 by this vector, dictated by a probability curve; thus, wind- 25
26 bottlenecks associated with pollinator availability and dias- 26
pore dispersal. Differing pollination and dispersal strategies dispersed species can also be pollen-limited, with implications
27 in fragmented landscapes (Koenig & Ashley, 2003). Salt- 27
28 between saltmarshes and mangroves could cause differen- 28
tial vulnerability to large-scale habitat dynamics such as marsh and mangrove species that have non-specific inverte-
29 brate relationships may also be more resistant to the impacts 29
30 fragmentation. Within-patch genetic exchange is limited by 30
pollinator availability, while between-patch genetic exchange of habitat fragmentation, as they can potentially switch their
31 pollen vector. However, mangrove species pollinated by ver- 31
32 is limited by patch isolation, which may reduce the flow of 32
pollinators and diaspores. tebrates show highly specific plant-pollinator relationships,
33 such as the pollination of Sonneratia spp. (especially Sonneratia 33
34 alba) by bats (Tomlinson, 1986) and pollination of Bruguiera 34
35 (1) Pollination as a limitation gymnorrhiza by nectarivorous birds (Noske, 1993). Owing to 35
36 a smaller pollinator array, it would be plausible to expect 36
Pollen limitation has been demonstrated experimentally in
37 that Sonneratia alba and Bruguiera gymnorrhiza would be more 37
both saltmarsh and mangroves through hand-pollination
38 vulnerable than non-specific insect-pollinated species such as 38
experiments (Bertness & Shumway, 1992; Coupland, Paling
39 Kandelia candel (Tomlinson, 1986; Sun, Wong & Lee, 1998) 39
& McGuinness, 2006). Limited evidence suggests that
40 to changes in pollinator-specific population fluctuations. For 40
many mangrove species are self-compatible to some degree,
41 example, habitat loss may reduce bat populations, leading 41
although almost all favour outcrossing (Tomlinson, 1986).
42 to reductions in pollination success (Henry, Cosson & Pons, 42
Adaptations to promote outcrossing include functional
43 2007; Meyer et al., 2008). In another example, the intro- 43
protandry/protogyny (where maturation of male and female
44 duction of the brown tree snake (Boiga irregularis) in Guam 44
sexual organs is asynchronous) and maternal regulation
45 resulted in extirpation of nectarivorous bird populations, 45
(abortion of self-fertilized fruits). Such adaptations are preva-
46 leading to a collapse in the reproductive output of Bruguiera 46
lent in genera such as Avicennia, Ceriops, Rhizophora and Sonnera-
47 gymnorrhiza (Mortensen, Dupont & Olesen, 2008). However 47
tia (Tomlinson, 1986; Kathiresan & Bingham, 2001). Equally,
48 in Singapore, where mangrove habitat declined from 13% 48
a number of saltmarsh species also favour out-crossing, even
49 to <0.5% of Singapore’s land area (Ng & Sivasothi, 1999), 49
if self-compatibility is possible (e.g. Bockelmann et al., 2003;
50 50
Steffen et al., 2010). Spartina patens and S. alterniflora are protog- populations of two sunbird species (Nectarinia jugularis and
51 51
ynous (Bertness & Shumway 1992), as are many Sarcocornia N. calcostetha) and two nectarivorous bat species (Cynopterus
52 52
(Steffen et al., 2010) and Salicornia spp. to varying degrees brachyotis and Macroglossus minimus) remain extant and con-
53 53
(Ferguson, 1964). Similarly, Limonium vulgare and L. humile are tinue to provide pollination services to Bruguiera spp. and
54 54
protandrous (Boorman, 1967). Sonneratia alba, even in highly isolated mangrove populations,
55 55
A preference for out-crossing requires both systems to as well as outside mangroves (D.A. Friess, E.L. Webb, per-
56 56
rely heavily on pollen movement between individuals. Pollen sonal observations). This may be due to two reasons. First,
57 57
transport within and among wetlands is a function of the the remaining vertebrate pollinators may be cosmopolitan

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Bottlenecks and thresholds to intertidal wetlands 15

1 and able to tolerate non-mangrove habitat. Secondly, ver- annuals that do not spread vegetatively). Seedbank com- 1
2 tebrate pollinators such as birds and bats have longer flight position is determined by existing vegetation composition, 2
3 distances than many invertebrates, increasing the poten- seed dormancy characteristics, seed size/mass and rates of 3
4 tial for long-distance pollen dispersal. For example, the bat seed production (Wang et al., 2009; Erfanzadeh et al., 2010). 4
5 Syconycteris australis has been tracked moving up to 5.8 km In contrast to the dormancy strategy of most saltmarsh 5
6 through a fragmented landscape in Australia (Law & Lean, plants, the majority of true mangroves produce diaspores 6
7 1999). Large Pteropus spp. bats associated with mangrove that undergo continual development (Clarke, Kerrigan & 7
8 habitat in SE Asia and Australia have been tracked travelling Westphal, 2001) with no strict dormancy phase in viviparous 8
9 12 to more than 61 km over a seven day period across mixed (and many non-viviparous) species (Burns & Ogden, 1985; 9
10 vegetation types, urban areas and open sea (Breed et al., Tomlinson, 1986; Clarke et al., 2001). Hence, genetic renewal 10
11 2010). from a dormant store is not possible for mangroves. 11
12 In some instances, when vertebrate pollinator populations To aid within- and especially between-patch dispersal, 12
13 decline, mangrove species may alter flowering to adapt to an saltmarsh species (especially Poaceae and Amaranthaceae) 13
14 alternative suite of pollinators. For Sonneratia alba, reductions produce seeds that are generally small and lightweight, 14
15 in bat populations in Kosrae, Micronesia may have provided and released annually in large numbers. However, dispersal 15
16 greater pollination opportunities by birds (e.g. Myzomela rubra- capability is generally low (Wolters et al., 2005) owing to a 16
17 tra); a crepuscular flowering habit by S. alba tends to support short period of buoyancy. Mangroves, on the other hand 17
18 this observation (James A. Allen, unpublished observations). produce a smaller number of larger and more buoyant 18
19 Pandit & Choudhury’s (2001) observations of diurnal flow- (Souza et al., 2007) propagules compared to saltmarsh 19
20 ering and nectar production in Sonneratia caseolaris —typically species (Table 3). Tomlinson (1986) describes particular 20
21 observed to be nocturnally flowering—were explained by modifications of the propagule to facilitate flotation, such 21
22 an ecotypic adaptation to maintain flexibility in pollinating as a fibrous mesocarp (e.g. Heritiera), a cork-like testa 22
23 agents. (Xylocarpus) and aerenchyma (Rhizophora). Fine hairs on 23
24 If pollen is limited, and pollination rates decline because Avicennia propagules may also trap air bubbles. Differences in 24
25 of changes in pollinator abundances, habitat area or plant buoyancy, flotation time and ultimately dispersal efficiency 25
26 populations, then there could be long-term feedbacks on within and among mangrove species are linked to diaspore 26
27 population growth rates. In saltmarshes, pollen limitation size and buoyancy. Across the Hawaiian archipelago, 27
28 was linked to an Allee effect (a positive correlation between Rhizophora mangle has colonized a number of islands in 28
29 population density and population growth rate) in Spartina this chain since its introduction, but Bruguiera sexangula has 29
30 alterniflora (Davis et al., 2004). By contrast, data collected not spread from the few locations on Oahu where it was 30
31 from populations of Avicennia marina at its range limit, and introduced in 1922 (Allen, 1998). Dispersal was a bottleneck 31
32 compared with core populations in Southeast Asia do not to B. sexangula expansion because it was less buoyant than 32
33 support an Allee effect for mangroves; in fact, it is suggested R. mangle, and because it is a back mangrove species and 33
34 that inbreeding may be advantageous because of higher therefore has a lower probability of export than R. mangle, 34
35 probabilities of mating success (Arnaud-Haond et al., 2006). which in Hawaii is found throughout the intertidal zone 35
36 Accordingly, Avicennia marina populations at range extremes (Allen & Krauss, 2006). 36
37 in Asia are maintaining high levels of genetic structure despite The morphological adaptations of mangrove propagules 37
38 inbreeding. Nevertheless, the Allee effect has been suggested allow them to disperse better and maintain viability during 38
39 as a possible threat to mangroves where populations occur dispersal [up to several months according to Clarke (1993)] 39
40 at low densities, such as Lumnitzera littorea at the edges of its in the water column, and lead to clear qualitative distinctions 40
41 range (Su et al., 2007). Low rates of pollen flow at the range between saltmarsh and mangrove capacity to disperse to 41
42 extremes for mangroves, where densities are lower, could new areas for colonization (see Section IV.2), and to disperse 42
43 make mangrove populations more vulnerable to habitat among existing wetland fragments. From Table 3 it is clear 43
44 degradation (loss of individuals from the population) than at that gene flow from diaspore exchange between saltmarsh 44
45 the centre of its distribution. populations will be constrained to a greater extent than 45
46 mangroves due to short flotation times, and hence a smaller 46
47 distance that diaspore material can travel between marsh 47
48 (2) Diaspore dormancy and dispersal—what populations (Erfanzadeh et al., 2009). As a result, saltmarshes 48
49 are the implications for habitat fragmentation? 49
develop most rapidly from a local community species pool
50 50
Wetland species are unique in that they utilize water as a (Wolters et al., 2008) such as an existing seedbank and/or
51 51
medium to disperse diaspores within and between wetlands. adjacent marsh, as opposed to mangroves in which site-
52 52
Diaspore characteristics differ markedly between saltmarsh specific species composition reflects a subset of the regional
53 53
and mangrove species, which suggests different dispersal species pool (Ellison, 2002). Dispersal of saltmarsh seeds
54 54
pathways and distances over which genetic material can be by methods other than hydrochory could overcome this
55 55
exchanged. constraint to a certain extent; a small proportion of species
56 56
Some saltmarsh species exhibit limited dormancy, so a (such as those belonging to Asteraceae) produce seeds that
57 57
seedbank can aid within-patch marsh renewal (especially of are dispersed aerially by wind, a dispersal trait not observed

Biological Reviews (2011) 000–000 © 2011 The Authors. Biological Reviews © 2011 Cambridge Philosophical Society
16 Daniel A. Friess and others

1 Table 3. Buoyancy and dispersal characteristics of selected saltmarsh and mangrove species 1
2 2
3 Ecosystem Species Flotation time Reference(s) 3
4 Saltmarsh Spergularia media 1–1.5 h (50% residence time) (max. 7 h) Koutstaal et al. (1987)
5 Saltmarsh Salicornia europaea 1.5–2 h (50% residence time) (max. 24 h) Koutstaal et al. (1987); Huiskes et al. (1995) 5
6 Saltmarsh Aster tripolium 7–15 days Huiskes et al. (1995) 6
7 Mangrove Lumnitzera racemosa <20 days (15 parts per thousand salinity) Ye et al. (2004) 7
8 Saltmarsh Spartina alterniflora 25 days Elsey-Quirk et al. (2009) 8
9 Mangrove Avicennia marina 25 days Clarke (1993) 9
10 Saltmarsh Elymus athericus 10% floating after 30 days Bockelmann et al. (2003) 10
Mangrove Laguncularia racemosa 31 days (median, salt water) Rabinowitz (1978)
11 Saltmarsh Atriplex portulacoides 45 days Koutstaal et al. (1987) 11
12 Mangrove Xylocarpus granatum 60 days (max.) Steele (2006) 12
13 Mangrove Bruguiera sexangula 12–63 days (10% floating after 63 days) Allen & Krauss (2006) 13
14 Mangrove Rhizophora stylosa 75 days (max.) Steele (2006) 14
15 R. apiculata 15 days average (max. 89 days) Drexler (2001) 15
16 R. mucronata 53 days average (max. 150 days) Drexler (2001) 16
R. mangle >80% floating after 63 days (estimated up to 302 days) Allen & Krauss (2006)
17 17
1 year (max.) Davis (1940)
18 Mangrove Heritiera littoralis 104 days (max.) Steele (2006) 18
19 150 days (15 parts per thousand salinity) Ye et al. (2004) 19
20 20
21 21
22 with heavier mangrove propagules. Anecdotal observations rare success of founders in establishing new populations 22
23 suggest that saltmarsh diaspores can adhere to the feet leads to genetic erosion (Sun et al., 1998). In contrast to 23
24 and plumage of saltmarsh waterfowl (Vivian-Smith & Stiles, saltmarshes however, mangroves—with greater buoyancy 24
25 1994; Figuerola & Green, 2002), such as the bar-tailed godwit and longer potential seed-dispersal distances (cf. Duke, Lo & 25
26 (Limosa lapponica), which can travel nearly 12 000 km across Sun, 2002)—can potentially exchange genetic material over 26
27 the Pacific Ocean, possibly in one flight (Gill et al., 2009). larger distances, even if this is still considered rare. It can 27
28 However, there is currently a large knowledge gap relating thus be hypothesized that the capacity for longer distance 28
29 to the distance that adhered saltmarsh diaspores could travel dispersal may reduce the effects of habitat fragmentation 29
30 by such a vector and remain viable. With the exception of on mangroves (meaning that ‘stepping stone’ patches can 30
31 humans (sensu Fourqurean et al., 2010), the role of animal be spaced further apart) if a sufficient number of mangrove 31
32 vectors in the dispersal of mangrove propagules is expected propagules are exported from remaining patches. This, in 32
33 to be minimal. turn, would be dependent upon local site conditions such 33
34 Saltmarshes and mangroves are naturally disjunct due to as community position (riverine, fringe, overwash), vegeta- 34
35 natural breaks and barriers such as estuaries, headlands and tion structure, currents, and population fecundity, as well as 35
36 beaches. Despite this, recent land conversion and subsequent transport probabilities between isolated patches. 36
37 fragmentation of saltmarshes and mangroves raises concern In summary, both systems appear to have the capacity 37
38 that already disparate, poorly connected (genetically) to maintain genetic connectivity among spatially dispersed 38
39 communities may be further isolated, leading to long-term populations up to a species-specific distance, determined 39
40 genetic degradation. However, there is a distinct knowledge by diaspore flotation characteristics. Diaspore dispersal is 40
41 gap regarding the implications of dispersal characteristics more likely to form a major constraint to genetic exchange 41
42 on gene flow among intertidal wetland populations, and in coastal wetlands that are spatially explicit or undergoing 42
43 therefore the impact of habitat fragmentation on the long- habitat fragmentation, if fragmentation increases the distance 43
44 term genetic maintenance of coastal wetlands. Research between populations beyond the capacity of diaspore disper- 44
45 addressing this subject requires genetic studies, of which sal. Along with the presence of seedbanks, gene flow between 45
46 there are currently few. Of these studies in saltmarsh fragments and the introduction of diaspore material to new 46
47 47
systems, most have concerned gene flow in Spartina spp. colonizable intertidal surfaces (Section IV) occurs at a smaller
48 48
Incremental ‘stepping stone’ gene flow between patches spatial scale in saltmarshes compared to mangroves, and may
49 49
(within the potential dispersal distance of this species) and increase the vulnerability of saltmarshes to fragmentation and
50 50
low probability of founder effects from geographically spread population isolation in the long term if key ‘stepping stone’
51 51
populations led to low genetic diversity across the species marsh patches are removed. Hydrodynamic modelling of
52 52
range, such as that observed in Spartina anglica populations local-regional current patterns in combination with accu-
53 53
across France (Baumel, Ainoche & Levasseur, 2001) and rate, standardized data on flotation characteristics would
54 54
S. alterniflora in the United States (Travis & Grace, 2010). help ecologists determine the potential dispersal kernel, the
55 55
Mangroves may also exchange genes in a ‘stepping stone’ importance of distance as a constraint to dispersal, and begin
56 56
manner, as there is still a low probability of extreme long- to identify locations where wetland habitat restoration is
57 57
distance dispersal (Duke et al., 1998b) and the relatively most needed from the perspective of habitat connectivity.

Biological Reviews (2011) 000–000 © 2011 The Authors. Biological Reviews © 2011 Cambridge Philosophical Society
Bottlenecks and thresholds to intertidal wetlands 17

1 VII. CONCLUSIONS relative contributions of pollination and diaspore dispersal to 1

2 gene flow for wetland species. 2
3 (1) This review took a comprehensive, interdisciplinary (5) This review has highlighted some important 3
4 and comparative approach to reviewing colonization, knowledge gaps that limit our understanding of key 4
5 establishment and long-term functioning in saltmarsh and processes in tidal wetland establishment and long-term 5
6 mangrove ecosystems, encompassing a wide temporal scale functioning; these gaps undermine current restoration and 6
7 and both physical and ecological thresholds and bottlenecks. management efforts. Two key gaps can be identified. 7
8 Wetland ecosystem science requires an interdisciplinary First, while the interactions between hydrodynamics and 8
9 approach; physical processes are the overarching control vegetation are understood at the single-plant scale, we have 9
10 on wetland establishment, although biotic traits greatly little quantitative knowledge of system-scale hydrodynamic 10
11 influence vegetation establishment and stability below the thresholds. What is the critical average current velocity 11
12 thresholds of tidal inundation and hydrodynamic energy. or wave height threshold over a whole intertidal surface 12
13 Thresholds to wetland ecosystems are mostly physical in that prevents colonization, and how does this change with 13
14 nature and crucial during early establishment and for long- coastal regime? It is surprising that so little attention has 14
15 term ecosystem persistence in the face of SLR. Bottlenecks been paid to this area since the pioneering work of Watson 15
16 often relate to biological traits (e.g. diaspore availability, (1928) in mangroves and Wiehe (1935) in saltmarshes. Such 16
17 pollination limitation) that play a crucial role in long-term knowledge will greatly improve wetland restoration success, 17
18 and large-scale ecosystem functioning. which fails especially for mangroves because hydrological 18
19 (2) Physical constraints are broadly similar for both thresholds are poorly understood (Lewis, 2005). Linked 19
20 habitats, as saltmarshes and mangroves occupy similar to this, we have little knowledge on aspects of single- 20
21 intertidal positions. However, morphological differences plant adaptations to hydrodynamic thresholds, such as rates 21
22 between saltmarsh and mangrove pioneers determine of rooting for different coastal wetland species. Can we 22
23 thresholds to vegetation establishment, above which an quantify dislodgement thresholds under different coastal 23
24 alternative stable state (e.g. mudflat) is reached. Tidal regimes? Secondly, more research is needed regarding 24
25 inundation and hydrodynamic forcing are considerable constraints to gene flow at the landscape level, especially 25
26 constraints to the establishment of both ecosystems, and potential and actual seed/propagule dispersal, and the 26
27 saltmarsh and mangrove species have evolved morphological impact of increasing habitat fragmentation and isolation. The 27
28 and reproductive mechanisms to cope with these thresholds. combination of accurate landscape-level hydrodynamic data 28
29 Hydrodynamic thresholds also act similarly through time with knowledge of diaspore properties will allow modelling 29
30 on both systems, with vulnerability to SLR depending on of diaspore dispersal, from which vulnerability to habitat 30
31 appropriate hydrodynamic conditions for biogenic versus fragmentation can be defined. Such information will help 31
32 minerogenic settings. This has major implications for wetland identify species at risk locally and regionally, and support 32
33 vulnerability assessment and modelling: it may be unwise to proactive conservation and management. 33
34 treat mangroves and saltmarsh surface elevation similarly (6) Against a background of large-scale accelerated SLR, 34
35 within a SLR vulnerability model, even if they have similar and with coastal wetlands increasingly threatened by 35
36 sediment inputs. anthropogenic forcing, a synthesis of knowledge relating 36
37 (3) The importance of facilitation to overcome constraints to important physical and biological constraints to the short- 37
38 to ecosystem success must be considered when examining term establishment and long-term success of tidal marshes 38
39 subtropical and tropical ecotones where both saltmarshes and mangroves will contribute to greater vulnerability 39
40 and mangroves intergrade. In many situations, saltmarsh assessment, protection and restoration of these important 40
41 habitats. It is crucial that wetland restoration and protection 41
nurse species play a crucial role in the succession of
42 first focus on establishing and maintaining acceptable 42
mangroves; the benefit of such interactions should be
43 hydrodynamic conditions for tidal wetland development, 43
considered during wetland restoration, where appropriate.
44 then follow by ensuring habitat connectivity at a landscape 44
We are though, as yet, unsure of the threshold at which
45 level. 45
facilitative interactions between saltmarsh and mangrove
46 46
vegetation become competitive.
47 47
(4) Major differences between mangroves and saltmarshes
are evident in reproductive traits; differences in pollination
49 49
syndromes and alternative dispersal strategies in particular
50 50
suggest that mangrove and saltmarsh ecosystems may We gratefully acknowledge A.K.S. Wee (National University
51 51
have differential vulnerabilities to habitat fragmentation. of Singapore), S.E. Travis (University of New England),
52 52
The scope for long-distance saltmarsh diaspore dispersal M.J. Osland (US Environmental Protection Agency), R.H.
53 53
is limited, so large-scale exchange of genetic material Day and K.L. McKee (both US Geological Survey) for
54 54
is potentially constrained by distance between saltmarsh helpful comments on all or parts of this manuscript. The
55 55
populations due to poor diaspore buoyancy and flotation comments of two anonymous reviewers greatly improved the
56 56
compared to mangrove propagules. Virtually no research manuscript. Funding was provided by the Singapore-Delft
57 57
exists on this topic, but it is essential to understand the Water Alliance, National University of Singapore. E.L.W.

Biological Reviews (2011) 000–000 © 2011 The Authors. Biological Reviews © 2011 Cambridge Philosophical Society
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