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Multi-Factored Evaluation

Student Name: Warren Smith

Date of Birth: 8/2/01
Chronological Age: 16
Evaluator: Caroline Reel
Title: Intervention Specialist

Student Interview Data:

Getting to Know You (Form 4.3): The student is asked to mark how they enjoy spending
his/her time, talents he/she has, strengths, any topics of interest he/she would like to learn
more about, the best way he/she learns and preferred classroom activities. Warren loves sports
and truly enjoys spending time outdoors. He plays golf and gets a thrill out of riding quads on
the weekend with his friends and extended family. Playing Xbox is one of Warren’s favorite
ways to relieve stress and he is constantly listening to hip hop music. He is most proud of his
recent golf skill gains and hard work pursuing personal athlete goals.
Warren expressed that he enjoys subjects like science and math more so than reading.
Accordingly, Warren wants to learn about science topics and encounter rebellious characters
during tutoring sessions.
Warren very openly discussed how uncomfortable he is with his reading skills and proceeded
to highlight things he wanted to work on during reading strategy sessions. He expressed his
need for structure and how knowing the session rationale and schedule is beneficial. He
described himself as patient, loyal, hark working, honest, organized and imaginative. After
working with Warren, it is clear he has a solid sense of self. Warren prefers speech classes and
debates, content relevant movies, science field trips, projects and other teacher-led instruction
as teaching strategies and opportunities. Warren dislikes group work. He has had bad
experiences with group work in the past and organization is a key component to his learning.

Student Learning Survey: The student is asked to decide if a characteristic related to studying
and interests is like him/her or not.
After analyzing Warren’s learning survey, he is clearly a kinesthetic learner. He actively
participates in spots, building with materials, and project based assessments. Any work
involving creative writing, extensive reading, or presenting these literacy based skills in class
are not favored by Warren. Again, Warren explained how organization and time management
are not a concern.

Reading and Writing Interest Inventory: The student is asked to reflect on his/her reading
interests and learning preferences and write his/her answers to a variety of questions.
In the Reading and Writing Interest Inventory, Warren expressed little familiarity or practical
practice with reading and writing. He couldn’t tell me the last time he read a book or where he
would begin when answering comprehension based questions.

Perception of Executive Functioning Strengths and Weaknesses

Executive Skills Questionnaire for Students (Form 2.5): The student is asked to rate
themselves between 1 (big problem) and 5 (no problem) on a variety of items related to their
behavior, study habits, and frustration on work tasks.
Response Inhibition:
I act on impulse – 5
I get in trouble for talking too much in class – 3
I say things without thinking – 3
Total - 11
Emotional Control:
I get annoyed when homework is too hard or confusing or takes too long to finish – 4
I have a short fuse/am easily frustrated – 4
I get upset easily when things don’t go as planned – 4
Total - 11
Task Initiation:
I put off homework or chores until the last minute – 5
I run out of steam before finishing my homework – 5
I have problems sticking with chores until they are done – 5
Total - 15
My backpack and notebook are disorganized – 5
My desk or workspace at home is a mess – 5
I have trouble keeping bedroom tidy – 5
Total - 15
If the first solution to a problem doesn’t work I have trouble thinking of a different one – 4
It’s hard for me to deal with changes in plans or routines – 4
I have problems with open-ended homework assignments – 4
Total - 12
Working Memory:
I say “I’ll do it later” and then forget about it – 5
I forget homework assignments or forget to bring home needed materials – 5
I lose or misplace belongings such as coats, notebooks, sports equipment, etc. – 5
Total - 15
Sustained Attention:
I have difficulty paying attention and am easily distracted – 5
I run out of steam before finishing my homework – 5
I have problems sticking with chores until they are done – 5
Total - 15
I have trouble planning for big assignments – 5
It’s hard for me to set priorities when I have a lot of things to do – 4
I become overwhelmed by long-term projects or big assignments – 4
Total - 13
Time Management:
I have a hard time estimating how long it takes to do something – 5
I often don’t finish homework at night and rush to get it done in school before class – 5
I’m slow getting ready for things – 5
Total – 15
I don’t have effective study strategies – 4
I don’t check my work for mistakes even when the stakes are high – 5
I don’t evaluate my performance and change tactics in order to increase success – 5
Total – 14
Goal-directed preferences:
I can’t seem to save up money for a desired object – 4
I don’t see the value in earning good grades to achieve a long-term goal – 5
If I should be studying and something fun comes up, it’s hard for me to make myself study – 5
Total – 14
Relative Strengths: Time management, task initiation, working memory, and sustained
Relative Weaknesses: Response inhibition, flexibility, and emotional control

Curriculum Based Measurement

3-Minute Reading Assessment: Words correct/ total words read orally – 137/148 = 92.5%

Normative Measurement
Test of Silent Word Reading Fluency (TOSWRF):
Raw score – 81
Percentile rank – 7%
Standard score – 78
Descriptive rating – poor
Age equivalent – 9-9
Grade equivalent – 4.2

What critical needs are identified and targeted for intervention? Describe the goals of the

Emotional control – Warren needs to be prompted with reminders that foster patience as he tries
to gain new reading strategies.

Flexibility – Warren expressed difficulty when working with other students or in groups.
Working one-on-one with me will promote flexibility.

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