Macbeth Thesis

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Nathan Pudlo

Miss Skitich
20 December 2017
English 12: British Literature

"Macbeth" Thesis Paper

Shakespeare is known to have written some very bloody plays, that all seem to end with a

tragedy. Shakespeare was born in 1564, in England, and is credited in writing 37 plays up until

his death in 1616. Murder is a reoccurring theme all throughout “Macbeth” and all of

Shakespeare’s plays. Shakespeare infuses death in "Macbeth" by the murders of Banquo,

Macduff's family and Macbeth.

Shakespeare infuses death in "Macbeth" by the murder of Banquo and his son. When Macbeth

becomes the King of Scotland, he desires complete control over the whole country. When

Macbeth is planning the murder of Banquo and his son, Fleance, and he explains the

nonimportance they serve to him, “Fleance his son, that keeps him company, whose absence is

no less material to me, than is his father’s, must embrace the fate of the dark hour. Resolve

yourselves apart: I’ll come to you anon” (III. i.135-138). We see Macbeth start to start to have a

very strong desire for power. When planning the murder of Banquo and Fleance, Macbeth

refuses to tell Lady Macbeth of his attentions, “Be innocent of the knowledge, dearest chuck”

(III. ii. 44-45). Macbeth tells Lady Macbeth not to worry about what his intentions are involving

Banquo and Fleance. This is strange because as husband and wife you are supposed to tell each

other about their plans.

Additionally, Shakespeare infuses death in "Macbeth" by the murder of Macduff's family. The

witches make Macbeth paranoid by saying to beware Macduff, this point on Macbeth see’s

Macduff as a threat, “Macbeth! Macbeth! Macbeth! Beware Macduff! Beware the Thane of Fife.

Dismiss me: enough” (IV. i. 71-73). To make sure Macduff doesn’t pose a threat, Macbeth goes

after Macduff’s family. To make sure that once Macduff is gone that his family would not be a

further threat for him. When Macbeth fells that a person is at threat, he often targets their family

to make sure that their family does not seek further revenge. To make sure that Lady Macduff

and her son are no threat Macbeth sends murders to tell them that Macduff is a dead and a traitor.

Macduff’s son is suspicious when he is told these false rumors about his dad, “Thou li’st, thou

shag- eared villain!” (VII. ii.81). Soon afterwards Lady Macduff and her son get murdered by

murderers Macbeth has hired to do his dirty work.

Finally, Shakespeare infuses death in "Macbeth" by the murder of Macbeth. After hearing that

Macbeth had his whole family murdered Macduff starts to plot the killing of Macbeth, “and fall

of many kings” (VI. iii. 76-78). Macduff begins to think of his revenge when Malcolm tells him

that his whole family has fallen to the feet of Macbeth and his people. Macduff acts on the

corruption of Macbeth. Everyone wants Macbeth out of power, and Macduff is the only person

to act on the exploitations of Macbeth. Macduff finally gets his revenge on Macbeth, during an

invasion of his castle. Macduff tells Macbeth, “my voice is in my sword, thou bloodier villain

than terms can give thee out!” (V. iv. 5-6). This quote means that Macduff’s voice and thoughts

are going to act in the way that his sword would work.
Overall, Shakespeare permeates death in "Macbeth" by the murders of Banquo, and Macduff's

family and Macbeth. Shakespeare’s ability to incorporate death to the audience makes his one of

the best playwriters to have ever lived. Shakespeare’s ability to incorporate death often in his

writings is outstanding.

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