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Psychological Bulletin Copyright 1993 by the American Psychological Association, Inc.

1993. Vol. 113. No. 2, 229-246 0033-2909/93/S3.00

Evaluating Holland's and Gati's Vocational-Interest Models:

A Structural Meta-Analysis
Terence J. Tracey and James Rounds

In a recent review, Gati (1991) criticized Holland's model of vocational interests and concluded that
his own hierarchical model was superior. A major problem with Gati's comparison of his and
Holland's models was that it was based on an incomplete specification of Holland's model. The
relative validity of Holland's order and circumplex models and Gati's 3-group partition model as
they fit 104 published (1965-1989) correlation matrices is evaluated. Using 3 separate structural
meta-analytic techniques (Hubert & Arabic's, 1987, randomization test of hypothesized order rela-
tions, confirmatory factor analysis, and individual-differences cluster analysis), the fit of Holland's
and Gati's models to the data were compared. Holland's order and circumplex models were found
to be adequate representations of the structure of vocational personalities and work environments
and were found to be superior to Gati's model.

Almost a century ago, Parsons (1909) proposed the tripartite who provided a model for easily understanding the relation of
model of choosing a vocation that has formed the basis of most both vocational interests and occupations.
work in vocational psychology. The three aspects were (a) self- Holland's (1959,1966,1973,1985) theory of vocational per-
analysis of one's abilities, aptitudes, interests, ambitions, and sonalities and work environments is widely considered one of
resources, (b) occupational analysis of work requirements, the most influential career development theories and occupa-
tasks, and opportunities, and (c) the use of "true reason" to tional taxonomies in vocational psychology (Borgen, 1986;
relate the self and occupational analyses. Vocational interests Brown & Brooks, 1990; Osipow, 1983; Watkins, Bradford, Lew,
were viewed as a key aspect of occupational selection, satisfac- & Himmell, 1986). Central to Holland's theory is the idea that
tion, and performance. Early attempts to understand and assess both people and work environments can be meaningfully clas-
individual differences in vocational interests occurred in con- sified into six types: realistic (R), investigative (I), artistic (A),
junction with initial work in the area of intelligence and ability social (S), enterprising (E), and conventional (C; RIASEC). Hol-
assessment (Dawis, 1992). One of the first studies focused on land's RIASEC model has had considerable impact on voca-
interests was conducted by Thorndike (1912) and examined tional-interest measurement and the classification of occupa-
their correlation with ability. The pioneering work of Kuder tions. The most widely used vocational-interest inventories de-
(1939), Paterson and Darley (1936), Strong (1943), and Thur- veloped scales for the six Holland types, for example, Strong
stone (1931) in the development of interest inventories pro- Interest Inventory and American College Testing Program, or
vided career counselors, placement specialists, and individuals procedures to translate interest scales into RIASEC scales, for
with information to use in making vocational decisions. example, Kuder General Interest Survey (Kuder & Diamond,
The second aspect of Parsons's tripartite model, occupa- 1979; Zytowski, 1985) and U.S. Department of Labor (1979)
tional analysis, has generally been addressed through the col-
Guide for Occupational Exploration. Furthermore, the RIA-
lection and dissemination of vocational information. Extensive
SEC model guided Holland's translations of the 12,860 occupa-
work has been placed into the collection of occupational infor-
tions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (Gottfredson &
mation as represented by the government's Occupational Out-
Holland, 1989). Thus Holland's model provides a means of in-
look Handbook (U.S. Department of Labor, 1990) and the Dic-
tionary of Occupational Titles (U.S. Department of Labor, tegrating both individual vocational interests and occupations.
1977). However, these two areas of focus, assessment of individ- However, and perhaps more important, Holland's model also
ual differences in vocational interests and the collection and specifies a structure among the six personality and work envi-
provision of occupational information, remained fairly inde- ronments, that of a circular order of relations as shown in Fig-
pendent until the work of Holland (1959, 1966, 1973, 1985), ure 1 (read clockwise, R-I-A-S-E-C), called the hexagonal model.
The types that are closer to each other are more similar than
those that are more distant. This hexagonal structure of the six
Terence J. Tracey and James Rounds, Department of Educational types has implications for (a) stability and predictability of inter-
Psychology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. ests (i.e., consistency), where people with interests more proxi-
We appreciate the suggestions provided by Louise Fitzgerald,
Lawrence Hubert, and Jeff Tanaka as well as Phipps Arabic's assis-
mate on the hexagon should demonstrate greater stability in
tance in using INDCLUS. interests and vocations than those with less proximate interests
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Ter- and (b) satisfaction and performance in vocations, where peo-
ence J. Tracey, Department of Educational Psychology, 210 Education ple in vocations who have a better fit (i.e., congruence) between
Building, University of Illinois, 1310 South Sixth Street, Champaign, their interests and the occupational environment should have
Illinois 61820-6990. better vocational outcomes (e.g., fewer job changes and greater



Figure 1. A representation of Holland's (1973,1985) circular model and Gati's (1979,1982) three-group
partition model for the RIASEC personality types. (R = realistic, I = investigative, A = artistic, S = social,
E = enterprising, C = conventional.)

vocational achievement and satisfaction) than people who have Gati's models on a data set of 104 published RIASEC correla-
a lower degree of interest-occupation fit. The hexagon struc- tion matrices, using three methods: first, Hubert and Arabic's
ture of types and work environments proposed by Holland thus (1987) randomization test of hypothesized order relations,
provides an easily grasped means of understanding and inte- which allows a direct test of Holland's and Gati's order predic-
grating interest and occupational information with respect to tions; second, confirmatory factor analysis, which provides a
the similarity of types and occupations and provides as well test of Holland's circumplex structure; and third, cluster analy-
predictions regarding optimal person-environment match. sis, for a direct evaluation of Gati's discrete representation of
In a recent review of the structure of vocational interests, Holland's six personality types. We end with a discussion of the
Gati (1991), however, concluded that his hierarchical model implications of the structural meta-analytic results for research.
was superior to Holland's (1973,1985) hexagonal model in ac-
counting for the relations among the RIASEC types. In support
of this conclusion, Gati discussed several conceptual problems Model Specification
with Holland's model, reviewed the compatibility of additional Holland's Order and Circumplex Models
research with the hierarchical model, and presented a reanaly-
sis (from Gati, 1982) of 15 data sets that supported the fit of his Holland's (1973,1985) structural hypothesis, formally called
hierarchical model in relation to both Holland's model and the calculus assumption (but also referred to as the hexagon),
Roe's (1956; Roe & Klos, 1969; Roe & Lunneborg, 1990) model. states that six personality types—realistic (R), investigative (I),
We contend that the representation of Holland's model, the artistic (A), social (S), enterprising (E), and conventional (C)—
hypothesis-testing strategies, and the analyses in Gati's review are arranged in a circular order as shown in Figure 1 and that
were suspect, raising questions about the conclusions reached. the interpoint distances for the types are "inversely propor-
The goals of the present article are (a) to critically review tional to the theoretical relationships between them" (Holland,
Gati's presentation of Holland's model and Gati's hypothesis- 1985, p. 5). It follows that the magnitude of relationships among
testing strategies and methods used to evaluate the fit of Hol- types has a predictable order if the circular structure is appro-
land's and Gati's structural hypotheses and (b) to conduct a priate: The correlations for the six adjacent types (RI, IA, AS,
structural meta-analysis, a structural analysis on published SE, EC, and CR) should be greater than the correlations for the
data matrices, that directly evaluates the fit of these two mod- six alternate types (RA, AE, ER, IS, SC, and CI), yielding 36
els. The present article is organized as follows: We begin by order predictions; the correlations for the alternate types
presenting Holland's and Gati's structural hypotheses to pro- should be greater than the correlations for the three opposite
vide a framework for discussion of the task of comparing these types (RS, IE, and AC), yielding 18 order predictions; and, by
two models. From Holland's writing, we can identify two forms implication, the correlations for the adjacent types should be
of his RIASEC model: Holland's order model and the circum- greater than the correlations for the opposite types, yielding 18
plex model, each requiring a different method of analysis. predictions. These 72 order predictions for the calculus as-
Next, we discuss the quantitative integration (i.e., meta-analy- sumption are shown in Table 1.
sis) of existing studies on RIASEC structural relations. Then, The rows and columns of Table 1 represent the 15 correlations
we conduct a structural meta-analysis to evaluate Holland's and among the six RIASEC types that make up the correlation

Table 1
Predictions ofGati Three-Group Partition and Holland Order Models Regarding the Relative
Magnitude of Correlations in a Correlation Matrix
1 3 4 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

1. RI
Gati —
Holland —
2. RA
Gati <
Holland <
3. RS
Gati <
Holland <
4. RE
Gati <
Holland <
5. RC
Gati <
6. IA
Gati <
7. IS
Gati <
Holland <
8. IE
Gati <
Holland <
9. 1C
Gati <
Holland <
10. AS
Gati ?
11. AE
Gati <
Holland <
12. AC
Gati <
Holland <
13. SE
Gati <
14. SC
Gati <
Holland <
15. EC
Gati ?
Note. R = realistic, I = investigative, A = artistic, S = social, E = enterprising, C = conventional. Row
values are the first value, so > means row value is greater than column value. ? = no prediction made.

matrix (e.g., RI in Table 1 represents the correlation between the unique predictions that can be made, because the predictions
realistic type and the investigative type). Any entry or cell in above and below the main diagonal are redundant; for example,
Table 1 represents the hypothesized value of the row correlation the RI correlation is hypothesized in Holland's model to be
in relation to the column correlation. For example, the > cell for greater than the R A correlation (above the main diagonal), and
RI Holland row and 2 column indicates that the row correla- the R A correlation is hypothesized to be less than the RI corre-
tion between R and I is hypothesized to be greater than the lation (below the main diagonal). The cells in Table 1 therefore
column correlation between R and A in Holland's model. Table represent the structural hypotheses drawn from Holland's
1 is thus a 15 X 15 matrix that summarizes all possible correla- theory (as well as Gati's theory, discussed below).
tion order predictions that can be generated from a 6 X 6 corre- As shown in Table 1, Holland's calculus assumption generates
lation matrix. Because the main diagonal of Table 1 is meaning- 72 order predictions out of the 105 possible predictions, with 33
less, as each correlation is equal to itself, there are 210 possible of Holland's conjectures being equality predictions. The equal-
order predictions that can be made. However, there are only 105 ity predictions are drawn from Holland's (1973, 1985) depic-

tions of the six types as forming an equilateral hexagon. The correlations for alternate types, which were in turn greater than
hexagonal structure (or a circle with equidistant points around correlations for opposite types.
the circumference) adds additional constraints on the calculus Inspection of Table 1 shows that (a) Holland and Gati made
assumption: The interpoint distances are equal for types within 27 identical order predictions instead of the 18 common order
adjacent categories, alternate categories, and opposite catego- predictions given by Gati, (b) 45 order predictions were unique
ries. The latter equality constraints meet the requirements for a to Holland's order model instead of the 36 predictions claimed
circumplex (Guttman, 1954): a circular order of variables for by Gati, and (c) 9 order predictions were unique to the Gati's
which correlations between adjacent variables are equal, corre- model instead of the 18 predictions claimed by Gati. Therefore,
lations between alternate variables are equal, and the correla- Gati (1982,1991) incorrectly credited his three-group partition
tions between adjacent variables are more highly correlated structure with 9 order predictions that should have been repre-
than correlations between alternate variables. The fact that sented as predictions common to both models. Given previous
Holland's model meets the requirements of a circumplex has studies of Holland's order model, the 18 transitive predictions
not gone entirely unnoticed (Fouad, Cudeck, & Hansen, 1984; were more likely to be confirmed than the remaining 54 order
Hogan, 1983; McCormick & Kavanagh, 1981; Trapnell, 1989). predictions, because it is rare to find an inconsistent circular
Holland's model, therefore, has taken two forms: the order (cal- ordering of the RIASEC types (e.g., Gati, 1991; Prediger, 1982;
culus assumption) model and the circumplex (hexagon). The Rounds, in press). If the preceding analysis of the two models is
distinctions between Holland's order and circumplex models accepted, it follows that the empirical results generated by
have been ignored by many authors. Although Gati (1991) Gati's (1982,1991) model comparisons do not completely repre-
refers to Holland's model as a hexagon, the focus of his research sent a satisfactory test of the model-data fit of Holland's and
has been more directed at evaluating the less restrictive form, Gati's models.
the order model, than the more restrictive circumplex. There are several other salient points regarding the relative
merits of Holland's and Gati's hypothesized order relations.
Gati's Order Model First, an obvious but important observation is that Holland's
model generates order predictions for all possible pairs of corre-
Gati (1979) proposed a hierarchical model that was based on lations, with the exception of the 33 equality constraints for
the results of cluster analysis. As it relates to Holland's six per- adjacent, alternate, and opposite pairs. In comparison, the
sonality types, however, Gati's model shown in Figure 1 repre- three-group partition generates much fewer order conjectures,
sents the RIASEC types by a three-group single partition: (R, leaving 69 possible predictions unspecified. Thus, Holland's
1), (A, S), (E, C). Gati's (1982) model predicts (p. 172) that the model is more fully specified, providing a stronger set of the
correlations within cluster (i.e., R with I, A with S, and E with C) conditions that should exist among the six personality types.
should be greater than the correlations between the other 12 Second, comparison of the 36 order predictions generated by
pairs of types (R A, RS, RE, RC, IA, IS, IE, 1C, AE, AC, SE, and Gati's partition structure with the same 36 order predictions
SC). Table 1 is a depiction of the 36 predictions yielded from the generated by Holland's order hypothesis shows that none of
three-group partition for the 15 RIASEC correlations. Of the these predictions are diametrically opposite order conjectures.
105 possible order predictions, Gati's model accounts for 34% of Holland and Gati made 27 identical order predictions. For the
these predictions. By not accounting for the relations among remaining nine comparisons made by Gati, Holland's order
the other 69 pairs of types, it is implied that these relations are model generates no predictions, and Holland's circumplex
inconsequential in accounting for structural variation. model predicts that these pairs of correlations (adjacent pairs
on the circumplex) are equal. Therefore, the three-group parti-
tion model does not offer a completely alternative structure to
Comparing Holland's and Gati's Structural Models
Holland's order model or circumplex model (Hubert & Arabie,
When Gati (1982, 1991) made comparisons between the 1987), and in fact, the partition structure could be viewed
three-group partition structure and Holland's order model, he merely as suggesting nine additional order relationships that
specified three types of order predictions: (a) 18 predictions that might be present within the general form of the Holland struc-
were common to both models, (b) 36 predictions that were ture. In such a case, a slightly more specified structure than
unique to Holland's model; and (c) 18 predictions that were Holland's order model can be proposed, the Hollgat.
unique to Gati's model. These three types of predictions, how-
ever, were based on Gati's (1991, p. 311) adoption of Wakefield Hollgat RIASEC Model
and Doughtie's (1973) incomplete representation of Holland's
order predictions. Wakefield and Doughtie—when proposing a The union of order predictions from Holland's and Gati's
binomial test for Holland's order predictions, a statistical test models (abbreviated Hollgat) begins with the 27 order predic-
recently shown to be based on an inappropriate inference pro- tions common to Holland's and Gati's theory, then adds Hol-
cedure (Hubert & Arabie, 1987)—specified 54 Holland order land's 45 predictions where Gati's model generates no predic-
predictions, omitting the 18 transitive predictions from the set tions, and finally adds Gati's 9 predictions where Holland's
of 72 order predictions. These 18 transitive order predictions order model generates no predictions, yielding a total of 81
(i.e., the predictions that the correlations for the six adjacent RIASEC order predictions. It is apparent from the above com-
types were greater than correlations for the three opposite parison of models that a comparison of Gati's 36 order predic-
types) were implicitly generated by Holland's specifications tions with Holland's 72 order predictions can only provide a
that the correlations for the adjacent types were greater than global comparison of predictive efficiency for the two models.

The Hollgat model, when compared with Holland's order of comparative model fit, that can be used to integrate the
model, however, provides a way to evaluate Gati's 9 unique findings. The statistical methods of Hubert and Arabic's (1987)
order predictions. order tests, confirmatory factor analysis (Bentler, 1989;
In summary, previous specifications of Holland's order pre- Joreskog & Sorbom, 1986), and individual-differences cluster
dictions have been incomplete, leading to incorrect order com- analysis (Arabic, Carroll, & DeSarbo, 1987) meet these criteria.
parisons between Holland's and Gati's models. Two forms of When applied to covariation results such as correlation or co-
Holland's model were identified, an order model and a circum- variance matrices from published studies, these methods, simi-
plex structure; and a third model, the Hollgat—which com- lar to Glass's (1976) definition of meta-analysis, are a "statisti-
bines the order predictions from Holland and Gati—was pro- cal analysis of a large collection of analysis results from individ-
posed. The order predictions from Gati's three-group partition ual studies for the purpose of integrating the findings" (p. 3).
structure were specified. The order predictions from Holland's Prediger (1982) made one of the first attempts to use quanti-
and Gati's models, and the Hollgat allow a direct comparison of tative methods to summarize the RIASEC structural literature.
which model better represents the RIASEC relations. Holland's He applied Cooley and Lohnes's (1971) factor program, a prin-
circumplex structure, a stronger version of the order model, is cipal-component technique that extracts factors to fit a speci-
the preferred model, because it specifies all possible RIASEC fied target matrix, to 24 published correlation matrices from
relations. seven different RIASEC inventories. Prediger reported, after a
visual examination of each of the 24 two-dimensional factor
Quantitative Methods for Integrating plots, that the RIASEC circular arrangement was found for 23
Covariation Results of the 24 data sets. Trapnell (1989) separately evaluated 11 matri-
ces from five RIASEC inventories for the fit of each to a cir-
After Holland and his associates at the American College cumplex using MULTICORR (Steiger, 1979). He reported that
Testing Program reported finding that the Vocational Prefer- the circumplex demonstrated adequate fit to the 11 RIASEC
ence Inventory scales (Holland, Whitney, Cole, & Richards,
matrices. Although the box scores (vote counting) from these
1969) and the Strong Vocational Interest Blank Basic Interest
studies support Holland's model, neither Prediger's nor Trap-
scales and Occupational scales for both men and women were
nell's methods examined variation across matrices or provided
organized in a similar circular fashion (Cole, 1973; Cole & Han-
an aggregate measure of fit for the total set of matrices. Rounds
son, 1971), researchers and testing specialists began to assess
(in press) used three-way multidimensional scaling(MDS) anal-
the generalizability of Holland's RIASEC structure. Two re-
search directions emerged: (a) Commercial test developers be- ysis to integrate 60 RIASEC correlation matrices. The results
gan to apply Holland's definitions of the RIASEC types and for an unconstrained MDS analysis demonstrated that a RIA-
structure to vocational-interest items from existing measures SEC circular arrangement existed over the 60 matrices and that
(Campbell & Holland, 1972; Hansen & Johansson, 1972; the interpoint distances among the six types met all 72 of Hol-
Rounds, Davison, & Dawis, 1979) as well as to the development land's order predictions. Rounds, then, constrained the MDS
of new vocational-interest inventories (Hanson, Prediger, & analysis to Prediger's (1976,1982) circumplex representation of
Schussel, 1977; Harrington & O'Shea, 1982; Johansson, 1976, the RIASEC relations. Results indicated that Prediger's cir-
1986), and (b) a concerted research effort was begun to assess cumplex model was a reasonable approximation of the rela-
the generalizability of Holland's RIASEC structure across sam- tions among RIASEC types and that existing RIASEC invento-
ple characteristics such as sex and educational status (e.g., Crab- ries varied in how well they were explained by a circumplex
tree & Hales, 1974; Tuck & Keeling, 1980; Wigington, 1983) model. In summary, Prediger's, Trapnell's, and Rounds's stud-
and cultures (e.g., Hansen, 1987; Lokan & Taylor, 1986; Meir & ies indicate that existing multivariate techniques can be used to
Ben-Yehuda, 1976). integrate the findings from previous RIASEC covariation stud-
By the mid-1980s, over 40 studies had been published exam- ies to make sense of the conflicting interpretations of the ex-
ining one or more structure-of-interest models, but opinions panding structure-of-interest literature.
varied on how well the Holland, Roe, or Gati models fit the In the present study, we used three statistical methods to
data and on the generalizability of these models (e.g., see Gati, integrate results from existing correlational studies of RIASEC
1991; Hansen, 1984, 1987; Holland, 1985; Prediger, 1982; types to evaluate the model-data fit of Holland's spatial repre-
Rounds, in press; Rounds & Zevon, 1983; Spokane, 1985; sentation and Gati's discrete representation. Three analytical
Weinrach & Srebalus, 1990, for reviews). Typically, reviewers procedures were used, because three different kinds of repre-
relied on a few selected studies, subjectively gave more weight to sentations were hypothesized by Holland and Gati. In terms of
studies that supported their point of view, and used narrative Holland's and Gati's order predictions, these models can be
approaches to arrive at conclusions—criticisms that have been directly compared using Hubert and Arabic's (1987) methods of
made of traditional literature review practices (Wolf, 1986). It evaluating order hypotheses within proximity matrices. To eval-
seems that a quantitative approach to integrating the structural uate Holland's circumplex, we used confirmatory factor analy-
findings is needed, a meta-analytic strategy that can more pre- sis (see Wiggins, Steiger, & Gaelick, 1981, for a similar ap-
cisely and systematically evaluate findings across a variety of proach), and to evaluate Gati's three-group partition, we used
measures, samples, and data-analytic techniques. an individual-differences cluster-analytic technique. The latter
For structural integration procedures to be useful, they two statistical procedures can analyze three-way data (i.e., more
should provide a global test of model fit across results from than one matrix), therefore allowing a global test of overall
covariation analyses or an index of fit for each study, a measure model-data fit. For the factor and cluster analyses, we pro-

posed alternative representations of the RIASEC model to as- RIASEC Correlation Matrices
sist in evaluating model-data fit.
We located 104 RIASEC matrices in 58 published and unpublished
sources (see Appendix for source references). The samples sizes for
these matrices ranged from 44 to 2,621; 96 of the matrices were based
Method on sample sizes greater than 100 subjects, and 54 of the matrices were
based on samples greater than 300 subjects. The total sample size for
Sample the 104 matrices was 47,268. Selected characteristics of the 104 RIA-
SEC matrices are shown in Table 2.
The sampling unit was a RIASEC correlation matrix. RIASEC Table 2 shows that the 104 RIASEC matrices came from 11 invento-
scales were identified using two criteria: (a) an author's claim that the ries. Measures constructed by Holland, Vocational Preference Inven-
six scales were developed to assess Holland's RIASEC personality tory and Self-Directed Search, accounted for 51 matrices, approxi-
types and (b) empirical evidence that supported the inference that the mately 50% of the total. The remaining matrices largely came from the
RIASEC scales under consideration measured Holland's types. The editions of the Strong Interest Inventory (n = 22) and versions of the
latter information was principally drawn from correlational studies of American College Testing Program interest inventories (n = 18). The
the presumed RIASEC form with the Vocational Preference Inventory majority of matrices were generated from people residing in the United
and the Self-Directed Search, Holland's benchmark measures of the States. The surprising number of matrices from Australia was due to
RIASEC personality types. the Australian Council for Educational Research and their efforts to
We, therefore, began by identifying measures of Holland's types. develop Australian versions of the Vocational Preference Inventory
Although a number of measures are well known, for example, General and Self-Directed Search (Lokan & Taylor, 1986). On the other hand,
Occupational Theme scales of the Strong Interest Inventory, an at- we located a number of RIASEC structural studies from Canada (e.g..
tempt was made to identify less commercially successful RIASEC Rachman, Amernic, & Aranya, 1981) and Israel (e.g., Feldman & Meir,
forms: Reviews of interest measures were read from the Eighth and 1976), but correlation matrices were not reported. Finally, Table 2
Ninth Mental Measurement Yearbooks (Euros, 1978; Mitchell, 1985). shows the breakdown of sample by sex and age. The upper bounds for
Out-of-print RIASEC inventories were identified during the actual the age groups were chosen to represent the transitions from high
literature search for matrices. school to postsecondary schooling to work. Essentially, the age groups
represented samples of Grade 8 to Grade 12 (14-18 years), postsecond-
ary schooling, usually college (19-22 years), and employed adults (age
23 and on).
Search Procedures

Once a RIASEC inventory was identified, current and former edi- Table 2
tions of test (technical) manuals were searched for matrices. Because
the first alternative RIASEC inventories were not developed until the
Selected Characteristics of the 104 RIASEC Matrices
early 1970s, our search concentrated on the period of 1970 to 1989. In Characteristic n
the case of the Vocational Preference Inventory, however, the search
extended back to the seventh edition, published in 1965. Inventory
Bibliographies in test manuals, annual reviews in the Journal of Vocational Preference Inventory 34
Vocational Behavior (1976-1989), and Making Vocational Choices: A Self-Directed Search 17
Theory of Vocational Personalities and Work Environments (Holland, Strong Vocational Interest Blank 5
1973,1985) were searched for relevant references. An article-by-article Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory '7
search was made for the 1970-1989 issues of Journal of Vocational ACT Vocational Interest Profile 6
ACT Interest Inventory 2
Behavior, Journal ofCounseling Psychology, Measurement and Evalua- ACT Interest Inventory, Unisex Edition 10
tion in Counseling and Development, Journal of Applied Psychology, Career Assessment Inventory, Vocational 2
Vocational Guidance Quarterly, Educational and Psychological Measure- Career Assessment Inventory, Enhanced 2
ment, and Journal of Occupational Psychology. In two cases, an effort Career Decision-Making Interest Survey 4
was made to search sources of limited circulation: American College Queensland Career Information Index 4
Testing Program Research Reports (Nos. 1-86) and dissertations cited A Vocational Interest Survey . 1
in published sources that contained data on samples located outside Country
the United States and samples (e.g., ethnic-racial and vocational coun- United States 77
Australia 15
seling) that are underrepresented in the published structural literature. Guyana 4
The reference lists of studies examining RIASEC structural properties Republic of China (Taiwan) 4
were also inspected for relevant articles. New Zealand 3
In the case in which authors reported RIASEC matrices separately Mexico 1
for females and males and for age groups, these matrices were used Sex
instead of a matrix that combined the samples across subject charac- Male 44
teristics. Coding matrices by sample characteristics allowed an evalua- Female 41
tion of the generality of Holland's and Gati's models. When a study had Mixed-sex sample 19
two matrices that were based on the same sample, that is, the same Age
14-18 years 41
subject sample completed two RIASEC measures, one of the two matri- 19-22 years 20
ces was selected for inclusion. The initial search and data entry were >22 years 18
conducted by graduate assistants. Errors common to quantitative re- Mixed-age sample 25
views (Wanous, Sullivan, & Malinak, 1989) were minimized by having
the second author reconduct the complete literature search and proof Note. RIASEC = realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising,
the data entry from original sources. conventional; ACT = American College Testing.

Results and Discussion Hollgat model. Given that the Hollgat model was identical to
Holland's order model except for the addition of the nine
Analysis of Order Predictions unique predictions made by Gati, the lower correspondence
index value of the Hollgat model in relation to Holland's order
Typically, examinations of RIASEC order predictions use the model provided information on the validity of the nine unique
binomial test proposed by Wakefield and Doughtie (1973; e.g., predictions. These nine predictions resulted in a lower corre-
Bobele, Alston, Wakefield, & Doughtie, 1976; Bobele, Alston, spondence index for the Hollgat model and so appeared to not
Wakefield, & Schnitzen, 1975; Gati, 1982; Rounds et al., 1979; fit the data as well.
Tuck & Keeling, 1980). Hubert and Arabie (1987) pointed out To further understand the differences among the models, we
that the use of the binomial test to examine order hypotheses is examined three submodels: a model consisting of the 9 unique
inappropriate because it includes the untenable assumption of predictions made by Gati, a model consisting of the 27 predic-
independence of order predictions. As a more appropriate al- tions shared by Gati and Holland, and a model consisting of the
ternative to the binomial test, Hubert and Arabie proposed the 45 predictions unique to Holland. We found the correspon-
randomization test of hypothesized order relations. The ran- dence index for Gati's unique 9 predictions to have a mean
domization test of hypothesized order relations yields the exact value of .32 (SD = .37), which was significantly lower, ?(103) =
probability of obtaining the predicted order among the correla- 12.63, p < .001, than the correspondence index values for the
tions in a specific data set under the null conjecture that the six Holland-Gati 27 shared predictions (M= .75, SD = .18) or the
RIASEC types are reordered at random. In this test, all possi- 45 unique Holland predictions (M = .56, SD = .24), /(103) =
ble ways of rearranging the rows and columns of the correlation 5.10, p < .001. The fit of Gati's model to the data therefore
matrix are done, and the fit of the hypothesized model to all appeared more attributable to the 27 predictions that it shared
these reorderings serves as the distribution against which the fit with Holland's order model than to the 9 unique predictions.
of the hypothesized model to the original data is compared. The meta-analytic literature (cf. Bangert-Drowns, 1986;
This randomization test is described with examples of applica- Hedges & Olkin, 1985; Hunter, Schmidt, & Jackson, 1982; Ro-
tions to RIASEC matrices in Rounds, Tracey, and Hubert senthal, 1984) has demonstrated the importance of sample size
(1992). on effect-size estimates. If a differential relation of model fit to
The randomization test was conducted using RANDORD sample size were true, the aggregation of these fit indices across
(Tracey, 1991) to examine the extent to which the hypothesized matrices without taking account of sample size could lead to
order relations held within the RIASEC correlation matrices invalid conclusions. To examine this potential bias, the corre-
for the Holland order, the Gati three-group-partition, and the spondence indices from Gati's and Holland's order models were
Hollgat models.1 The distribution of the exact probability val- correlated with sample size. Both correlations were low, posi-
ues for each of the models across the 104 RIASEC matrices are tive, and significantly different from 0 (r = . 18 for Gati's model
presented in Figure 2. Ninety of the p values for Holland's order and .26 for Holland's model), indicating that each model fit
model and 95 for the Hollgat model were less than .05. None of better to matrices that were larger and more stable. In addition,
the p values for the Gati model were less than .05. However, this the differences in the Gati and Holland correlations with sam-
failure of Gati's model to significantly fit the data was largely ple size were examined by means of a t test for differences
attributable to the relatively few predictions made. Even with between two correlation coefficients from correlated samples
perfect fit to the data, the best probability level that could be (Steiger, 1980), and they were not found to differ from each
achieved using Gati's model was .07 because so few of the total other, ;(101) = 1.30, p> .05. As a further examination of this
number of possible predictions were taken into account. potential bias, the means of the correspondence indices
Clearly, with respect to the probability of obtaining hypothe- weighted by relative sample size for each of the models were
sized orders in the data under a null conjecture of a random calculated. The weighted correspondence index means were
reordering of the six types, Holland's order and the Hollgat .68 for Gati's model (compared with an unweighted mean of
models demonstrated good fit to the data. .64), .69 for Holland's order model (compared with an un-
Hubert and Arabie (1987) proposed a correspondence index weighted mean of .63), and .65 for the Hollgat model (compared
to enable comparison of hypothesized order fit between mod- with an unweighted mean of .60). As expected, the weighted
els. The correspondence index was the number of agreements means of the correspondence indices were slightly higher than
of data with model predictions minus the number of disagree- the unweighted ones, but similar relative relations held.
ments divided by the total number of predictions made, which We evaluated the generalizability of the three models across
yielded information on the utility of the predictions. The corre- the variables of nationality, inventory, sex, and age. The means
spondence indices from each matrix were examined for the and standard deviations of the correspondence indices for
three models, and the means and standard deviations of these these variables also are reported in Table 3. Although it would
indices are presented in Table 3. The repeated measures analy- have been desirable to also examine ethnic-minority status dif-
sis of variance conducted on the correspondence indices across ferences in the fit of the models, there were not enough matri-
the three models (Gati, Holland, and the Hollgat) yielded a
significant result, F(2,102) = 147.24, p < .0001, indicating that
there were differences in the correspondence indices for each 1
RANDORD is a FORTRAN program to conduct Hubert and Ara-
of the models. Post hoc pairwise t tests revealed that the fit of bic's (1987) randomization test on RIASEC matrices. Copies of the
Gati's model, r(103) = 3.15, p < .002, and Holland's order program can be obtained from Terence J. Tracey by enclosing a 3.5-in.
model, /(103) = 7.71, p < .001, were greater than that of the or a 5.25-in. DOS formatted disk with the request.


Gati Model
u Holland Model

Hollgat Model


T i
.05 .10 .15 .20 .25 .30
Probability Level

Figure 2. Frequency distribution of the exact probability values of the Gati, Holland,
and Hollgat models for the 104 matrices.

ces to warrant an examination here. The analyses of variance to the 104 matrices was not found to vary across the important
conducted on the correspondence indices across nationality variables of inventory, sex, or age.
(United States vs. other countries) revealed that the Gati model The examination of the fit of Holland's order model across
fit the data equally well for each group, F(l, 101) = 0.32, p > .05, the variables of nationality, RIASEC measure, sex, and age did
although there was significantly better fit for the Holland order, reveal some interesting differences. Nationality was related to
F(\, 101) = 40.80, p < .001, and the Hollgat, F(l, 101)= 32.25, the adequacy of fit for Holland's order model. U.S. matrices
p < .001, models for the U.S. matrices compared with the non- were better represented by Holland's model than were non-US,
US, matrices. Because of nationality differences and the lack of matrices, raising questions of (a) the adequacy of using U.S.
homogeneity in the non-US, matrices (they included many RIASEC measures with non-US, populations, (b) the adequacy
countries, such as Guyana, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand; of non-English RIASEC measures, and (c) the adequacy of the
some used English inventories, and others did not), we re- circumplex model in non-US, cultures. However, the poorer fit
stricted subsequent examinations of source characteristics to of Holland's order model to non-US, matrices was limited by
the US.-only matrices. the heterogeneous nature of the non-US, matrices. These matri-
For the US.-only matrices, the analyses of variance con- ces were composed of very different cultures and tended, as a
ducted on the fit correspondence indices across RIASEC mea- set, to be of the poorest quality of the 104 matrices in terms of
sure were not significant, indicating that there were no differ- sample size and sampling procedures used. Obviously, the most
ences in the model-data fit for the three models across the immediate focus should be on generating adequate measures to
major RIASEC measures. The analyses of variance conducted use with non-US, populations before rejecting the circumplex
across sex and age also were not significant for the Holland as a theoretical representation of the structure of interests.
order or for the Hollgat models. The Gati model, however, dem- Within US. matrices, Holland's order model was found to
onstrated significant differences in the correspondence indices yield similar fits to the data across the variables of sex, RIASEC
across both sex and age. Gati's model was found to fit female measure, and age. This lack of a sex difference did not support
matrices better than male matrices, F(l, 60) = 4.05, p < .05, and previous conclusions that males demonstrate a better fit to the
18-22-year-olds better than those younger or older, F(2, 57) = RIASEC structure (Edwards & Whitney, 1972; Feldman &
3.90, p < .05. Meir, 1976; Gati, 1991; Rounds et al, 1979; Tuck & Keeling,
Overall, the Holland's order model yielded the best fit to the 1980); rather, the multiple matrices examined in this study pro-
data because (a) it was found to be a statistically adequate repre- vided support for the claim that Holland's model represents the
sentation of the data in almost every case, (b) it demonstrated interests of both sexes equally well. The similarity in the fit of
superior fit to the Hollgat model in the examination of the Holland's order model across inventory was somewhat surpris-
correspondence indices, (c) the unique predictions made by ing, given the number and variety of items used. The lack of
Holland's model fit the data better than the unique predictions difference in fit across age supported the utility of Holland's
made by Gati's model, and (d) the fit of Holland's order model model with a wide variety of age groups. Suggestions that

Table 3
Correspondence Indices for the Order Predictions Made by Gati's Three-Group Partition,
Holland's Order, and the Hollgat Models Over 104 RIASEC Matrices
Gati Holland Hollgat
Variable n M SD M SD M SD

Total 104 .64 .19 .63 .18 .60 .17

U.S. 77 .65 .20 .69 .14 .64 .14
Non-U.S. 26 .63 .18 .46 .18 .46 .16
f(l, 101) 0.32 40.80** 32.25**

U.S. samples only

VPI 22 .71 .22 .71 .13 .67 .14
SDS 11 .70 .16 .63 .13 .61 .12
ACTP 18 .60 .15 .71 .14 .65 .12
SH 18 .65 .22 .72 .15 .68 .14
F(3, 73) 1.26 1.12 0.68
Male 31 .60 .19 .70 .15 .64 .14
Female 31 .69 .16 .70 .11 .66 .12
f(l,60) 4.05* 0.01 2.34
14-18 25 .63 .19 .68 .16 .64 .14
18-22 15 .77 .16 .75 .12 .72 .13
>22 20 .62 .17 .68 .13 .62 .12
F(2, 57) 3.90* 1.45 2.73
Note. RIASEC = realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, conventional; VPI = Vocational
Preference Inventory; SDS = Self-Directed Search; ACTP = American College Testing Program (includes
Vocational Interest Profile, ACT Interest Inventory, and ACT Interest Inventory, Unisex Edition); SII =
Strong interest inventories (Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory and Strong Vocational Interest Blank).
*p<.05. **p<. 001.

younger samples would yield a different structure (e.g., Gati, other correlations were constrained to be equal (labeled g) and
1991) were not supported. lower in value than any of the other parameters. Although Gati
made no assumption that these other, nongroup, correlations
Analysis of Spatial Structure were equal, he did propose (Gati, 1982, p. 172) that they were
uniformly lower than the correlations within the three groups.
The method of examining circumplex models was described Setting these other correlations to be equal and lower was in
by Joreskog (1974) and involves viewing the RIASEC types as keeping with their lack of salience in accounting for the data
six factors and establishing constraints on the values that can distributions discussed earlier.
exist among the factor correlations. Three parameters are used Because Gati (1991) proposed combinations of his three-
to describe the relations that exist among the six types. This group-partition model with the circumplex model, two compos-
three-parameter circumplex model is displayed in Table 4 and ite cluster-circumplex models were also examined. Spatial rep-
consists of one parameter (a) to represent correlations between resentations of these two combined circumplex-three-group-
adjacent variables (e.g., RI and IA), one parameter (b) to repre- partition models, along with the circumplex model, are
sent correlations among alternate variables (e.g., RA and IS), presented in Figure 3. The first modified model is similar to
and the third parameter (c) to represent correlations between the Hollgat model above in that it accounts for the nine unique
opposite variables (RS and IE). Each parameter is constrained order predictions generated by Gati in addition to those of the
to be equal (i.e., all as are equal, as are all bs and all cs); as are circumplex. Here it was labeled the combined circumplex-three-
assumed to be greater than bs, which are greater than cs. This group-partition model and was operationalized identically to
three-parameter model describes a circular ordering of the the circumplex model except that one extra parameter was
types with equal spacing around the circle. added to account for the differences among the adjacent pairs
We also examined adaptations of Gati's three-group-parti- that belonged to Gati's three clusters and those that did not.
tion model and the Hollgat model; these adaptations are also Specifically, the correlations among grouping pairs (RI, AS,
represented in Table 4. Gati's three-group-partition model was and EC) were constrained to be equal (labeled as h in Table 3)
adapted using a four-parameter model, with the correlation and greater than those between the other adjacent pairs (I A, SE,
within each of the three groups representing one parameter and CR, labeled 0- The other parameters concerning alternate
each (RI labeled d, AS labeled e, and EC labeled /); all the pairs (labeled j) and opposite pairs (labeled k) were unchanged.

Table 4 biased test statistics, biased parameter estimates, and biased

Parameters Assumed Within an RIASEC Correlation Matrix standard errors of parameter estimates. It is more desirable to
for the Four Models Examined use covariance matrices because problems of scale invariance
do not then arise. However, rarely do authors include correla-
Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 tion matrices, much less covariance matrices (or a correlation
Circumplex and 3-group-partition models 8 matrix with means and standard deviations) in their research
reports. Regardless, the problem of violation of scale invariance
1. Realistic a b c b a is not relevant here because all of the specific models examined
2. Investigative d — a b c b
3. Artistic g g — a b c were scale invariant and thus yielded identical results with ei-
4. Social g g e — a b ther correlation or covariance matrices. Other models, how-
5. Enterprising g g g g — a ever, may not be scale invariant, which is why it is important to
6. Conventional g g g g / — include means and standard deviations along with correlation
Combined circumplex-3-group-partition and combined circumplex- matrices in published reports.
unequal-3-group-partition models'" The parameters of each of these four hypothesized models
(circumplex, three-group partition, combined circumplex-
1. Realistic — h J k j /
2. Investigative / i k three-group partition, and combined circumplex-unequal-
— J j
3. Artistic o n — h j k three-group partition) were constrained to be identical across
4. Social P 0 m — i j all correlation matrices. This identical parameter constraint
5. Enterprising 0 P o n — h yields conservative indices of fit as each data matrix is com-
6. Conventional n o P o / — pared against one single, empirically derived model matrix.
Note. Identical letters indicate that the parameters have equal values; To provide a referent model, a "free" model, allowing all 15
otherwise, the following relations are assumed among the parameters correlations to be empirically estimated across the 104 matri-
(a>b> c), (d>g),(e>g),(/>g),(h>i> j>k),and(/> m> n> o> p). ces, was also analyzed. The only constraint placed on this free,
* The circumplex model parameters are displayed above the diagonal; 15-parameter model (1 parameter for each entry in the correla-
the three-group partition model parameters are displayed below the tion matrix) was that the parameters were constant overall 104
diagonal. b The combined circumplex-three-group-partition model
parameters are displayed above the diagonal; the combined circum- matrices, as in all the other models. The free model provided a
plex-unequal-three-group model parameters are displayed below the benchmark against which the above four, more restrictive, mod-
diagonal. els could be compared.
The fit of each model to the data is summarized in Table 5.
Although the chi-square goodness-of-fit statistics were signifi-
This modification kept the circumplex structure but captured cant for each model, this was expected, given the very large
the hypothesized higher relation among the three group sample size, the large number of matrices, and the conservative
members. nature of fitting each matrix to the identical single set of param-
The other modification of the circumplex was proposed by eters. Even the free, 15-parameter model was found to be signifi-
Gati (1991, Figure 3, p. 318) and was labeled the combined cant, attesting to the variation in correlation values over the 104
circumplex-unequal-three-group-partition model. Gati recog- matrices. More information about the relative fit of the models
nized that the relation within the AS group was not as high as it is provided by the Bentler and Bonett (1980) normed fit index
was within the other two groups (RI and EC) and as such pro- (BBNFI), the Tucker-Lewis index (TLI; Tucker & Lewis, 1973),
posed a modified circular arrangement of the RIASEC types the goodness-of-fit index (GFI; Joreskog & Sorbom, 1986) and
but with the two groups, RI and EC, being more highly related the parsimonious goodness-of-fit index (PGFI; Mulaik et al.,
than AS, which was more highly related than the remaining 1989). The BBNFI and TLI yielded information on the fit of
adjacent types. The combined circumplex-unequal-three- each model, in relation to a null model of six independent fac-
group-partition model was identical to the above combined tors, across the whole 104 matrix data set, whereas the GFI and
circumplex-three-group-partition model except that it took ac- PGFI are provided for each sample matrix. The BBNFI, TLI,
count the lower correlation within the AS group than within and GFI are all analogous to variance accounted for, whereas
the RI and EC groups. So it had an extra parameter to represent PGFI also takes account of model parsimony (i.e., the number
the AS correlation to the combined circumplex-three-group- of parameters estimated). The BBNFI and TLI both indicate
partition model. All other relations were defined as identical to that there is relatively little difference in fit among the circum-
the circumplex resulting in five parameters (in order of size of plex and two modified circumplex models and that none of
correlation): / = RI and EC; m = AS; n = I A, SE, and CR; o = all these models were that different from the 15-parameter free
alternate pairs; and p - all opposite pairs. model. The main difference in the models existed between the
The analysis of the relative merits of these models was exam- three-group partition model and the other three models. The
ined by means of LISREL (Joreskog & Sorbom, 1986) on the mean GFIs from the individual matrices yielded a similar con-
104 correlation matrices with the maximum likelihood method clusion. The circumplex, whether as originally described or as
of estimation. Cudeck (1989) argued that although useofcovari- modified by the inclusion of some of Gati's concepts, fits the
ance modeling—as was done here—on correlation matrices data best. However, the utility of adding an extra parameter for
was common, even typical, it was undesirable because of issues the combined circumplex-three-group-partition model (in-
relating to scale invariance. If the assumption of scale invar- formed by Gati's three-group-partition model) or of adding two
iance is untenable, the use of correlation matrices can result in extra parameters for the combined circumplex-unequal-three-

Circumplex Combined Circumplex/

Three-Group Partition

Combined Circumplex/Unequal
Three-Group Partition

Figure 3. A representation of the circumplex model and the two combined circumplex-three-group-par-
tition models. (R = realistic, I = investigative, A = artistic, S = social, E = enterprising, C = conventional).

group partition model (proposed by Gati, 1991) is question- Analysis of Discrete Structure
able, as indicated by the lower PGFI values. The fits of these
combined models were only very slightly better than that of the Given that Gati's three-group-partition model was derived
regular circumplex, so it is not clear whether the proposed struc- using clustering methods (i.e., ADDTREE; Sattath & Tversky,
tural modifications were valuable additions. The circumplex 1977), that Gati viewed his model as a discrete hierarchical one,
structure proposed by Holland appeared to be the most parsi- and that Gati (1991) noted that the nonoverlapping basis of his
monious and adequate fit to the data. model might be a liability, we decided to assess the extent to
The fit of the circumplex model to the 104 matrices counters which similar results would be obtained using a clustering tech-
Gati's (1991) claim that the assumption of equality of correla- nique that enabled both overlapping or nonoverlapping clusters
tions among adjacent types is invalid. As examined here, the (Shepard & Arabic, 1979). We used INDCLUS (Carroll & Ara-
circumplex assumes equality of adjacent-type correlations but bic, 1982) to examine the discrete structure of the RIASEC
also equality of alternate-type correlations and equality of op- types because of its ability to examine three-way data, as well as
posite-type correlations. The support provided for this ex- to generate nonmutually exclusive clusters (Arabic et al., 1987).
tremely restrictive model is impressive given the wide variety of Given the "fuzzier" nature of our variables, it made sense to use
matrices, measures, and matrix characteristics included. cluster models that could incorporate overlap among the clus-

Table 5
Summary of Confirmatory Factor Analysis Fit Indices on the Five Models
Across 104 RIASEC Matrices
Model df x2 BBNFI TLI M SD M
Holland's circumplex 1557 13,940.57 .80 .81 .91 .05 .73
3-group partition 1556 20,817.74 .70 .71 .85 .06 .62
Combined circumplex-3-group
partition 1556 13,113.83 .83 .91 .05 .66
Combined circumplex-unequal-3-group
partition 1555 12,311.86 .82 .84 .92 .05 .62
Free 15 parameter 1545 10,645.75 .85 .86 .94 .05 .94

Note. RIASEC = realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, conventional; BBNFI = Bentler and
Bonett's (1980) normed fit index; TLI = Tucker-Lewis index (Tucker & Lewis, 1973); GFI = goodness-of-
fit index (Joreskog&Sorbom, 1986); and PGFI = parsimonious goodness-of-fit index (Mulaik et al., 1989).
" The standard deviations for the PGFI estimates are identical to those for the GFI estimates.

ters. Furthermore, given its ability to incorporate overlap, IND- rated from R. Because of (a) the relatively small difference in
CLUS could provide a more appropriate examination of an the VAFs between the three- and four-cluster unconstrained
overlapping circular structure in addition to the standard, mu- models, (b) the similarity of cluster composition involved across
tually exclusive cluster structure. the three- and four-cluster solutions, and (c) the added complex-
The fit of Gati's nonoverlapping-three-group-partition ity of adding another cluster for six objects, the three-cluster
model to the data as well as that of several other models was solution appeared to be superior and perhaps the best represen-
examined. If the circular ordering of the RIASEC types was tation of the data, given its fit and parsimony.
valid, then two alternative cluster solutions would be sug- The fit of Gati's nonoverlapping-three-group-partition solu-
gested. First, the reverse of Gati's three-group partition model, tion (VAF = .36) was not as good as any of the above models, nor
specifically the nonoverlapping-three-group partitions of IA, was it superior to the unconstrained two-cluster model (VAF =
SE, and CR, would be an informative alternative. If Gati's .36). Viewing the cluster structure in nonoverlapping terms is
model fit the data better than the reverse of his model, some simpler and clearer than the overlapping structure, but such
support would be yielded for the superiority of this specific simplicity may not be valuable when viewed in the light of data
three-group partition in relation to other conceivable ones. Sec- fit. Too much information is lost in the nonoverlapping struc-
ond, perhaps the best discrete depiction of a circular order ture. However, Gati's nonoverlapping-three-group-partition so-
among the RIASEC relations was one in which there were six lution was superior in data fit to the reverse nonoverlapping-
overlapping clusters that were linked in pairs: RI, IA, AS, SE, three-group-partition solution (VAF =.18). Note, however, that
EC, and CR. in the unconstrained three-cluster model, the only adjacent
Along with examining the fit of each of these three models in
a confirmatory manner (by constraining cluster membership),
we also used INDCLUS in an exploratory manner to identify Table 6
the optimal two-, three-, and four-cluster solutions for compara- Summary of the Individual-Differences Cluster Analysis
tive purposes. In these exploratory analyses, no constraints Across 104 RIASEC Matrices
were placed on cluster membership, and the INDCLUS pro-
gram used an iterative process to select optimal cluster mem- Variance
bership. Thus, six models were examined: Gati's nonoverlap- Model for (VAF)
ping-three-group partition, the reverse of Gati's three nonover-
lapping groups, six linked overlapping clusters, and the two, Unconstrained 4 cluster .56
three, and four unconstrained clusters. The composition and (a) S, E, C (b) I, A, S
variance accounted for (VAF) of each of these models as pro- (c) E, C, R (d) R, I
Unconstrained 3 cluster .48
vided by INDCLUS is presented in Table 6. (a) S, E, C (b) R, I, A
The best fit to the data was the six-linked-cluster solution. (c) E, C, R
The six-linked-cluster model approximated the circular order- Unconstrained 2 cluster .36
ing of the data. The next best fit existed for the three- and (a) S, E, C (b) R, I, A, S
Gati 3-group partition .36
four-cluster solutions, with VAFs of .48 and .56, respectively. (a) R, I (b) A, S (c) E, C
The three-cluster solution had the types R, C, and E serving as Opposite Gati 3-group partition .18
the linking cluster between the other two clusters. The only (a) I, A (b) S, E (c) R, C
difference between the three- and four-cluster solutions was Linked 6 cluster .63
that the fourth cluster was just a division of the RIA cluster in (a) R, I (b) I, A (c) A, S
(d) S, E (e) E, C (f) C, R
the three-cluster solution into two clusters, where A was sepa-

types (in terms of Holland's order and circumplex models) that structure of interests using Roe's (1956) fields. However, instead
were not included in the same cluster were A and S, demonstrat- of examining the merits of his model in relation to Holland's
ing the greater difference between these two adjacent variables model on RIASEC types and his model in relation to Roe's on
than between other adjacent variables. Roe's fields separately, Gati (1991) linked Holland's and Roe's
Given these results, in which A and S do not appear to belong models by labeling these two structures the hexagonal-circular
to the same cluster and the fit of the six-linked-cluster model is model, thereby creating the perception that criticisms of Hol-
superior, it appears that Gati's mutually exclusive model may land's structure were applicable to Roe's structure and vice
not be an adequate representation not only with respect to its versa. For example, Gati (1991) stated, "to conclude, the combi-
mutually exclusive nature but also because of the specific inclu- nation of the conceptual and the empirical problems faced by
sion of A and S into the same cluster. Gati (1991, p. 317) did the circular-hexagonal structure just discussed raises doubts
note that one way to improve his model would be to allow regarding the model's adequacy [emphasis added ] and indicates
overlap among the groups and that the artistic type might best the need for an alternative" (p. 312). Granted that both Holland
belong in a group by itself (although it is not clear what group and Roe proposed spatial models and that several attempts
social types would belong to if this separation of artistic types (Lunneborg & Lunneborg, 1975; Meir & Ben-Yehuda, 1976)
were to occur or how the resulting model would look). Overall, have been made to document that the two models parallel each
the results were not supportive of the three-group-nonoverlap- other, Holland and Roe had different vocational-interest catego-
ping-partition model of Gati. Although it was superior to the ries and measures to assess these categories, and most impor-
reverse nonoverlapping-three-group-partition model, it did not tant, researchers have yet to replicate Roe's hypothesized circu-
incorporate aspects of the other cluster models that demon- lar order of interest categories (Rounds & Zevon, 1983). In com-
strated superior fit to the data. So, even with an analysis that parison, it is rare to find a study that has not replicated
would favor the discrete structure of Gati's partition, little sup- Holland's RIASEC order (Gati, 1991).
port was found. Furthermore, when Gati (1991, p. 310) focused on Roe's
model, he failed to make it clear whether he was evaluating
Roe's circular structure or the different representation of Roe's
Summary and Implications
eight fields proposed by Meir (1973) and Lunneborg and Lunne-
Gati's (1991) conclusion that Holland's model was flawed borg (1975). And meanwhile, yet another inventory-based or-
and that his own three-g'roup-partition model of RIASEC types dering of Roe's categories has been proposed (Knapp & Knapp,
was superior is questionable on both empirical and logical 1984; Knapp, Knapp, & Buttafuoco, 1978). Usually, when a
grounds. To the contrary, we found considerable support for the theoretical model fails to fit the empirical data, the next step is
superiority of Holland's model. The results of the three separate to evaluate the measures developed to assess the constructs
analyses, each examining Gati's and Holland's models from (Cronbach & Meehl, 1955) rather than revise or reject the
varying perspectives, provide evidence of the superiority of theory. Because only a few studies (Gati, 1991) have been con-
Holland's models (both the order model and the circumplex ducted on Roe's model—using primarily the Ramak (Meir,
model) over Gati's three-group partition. Support for the superi- 1975), one of three vocational-interest measures proposed to
ority of Holland's models was provided using the methods ad- measure Roe's interest categories—it seems premature to revise
vocated by Gati (1991, p. 319) of testing predictions on the raw or propose yet another alternative model, such as Gati's hierar-
data itself (i.e., correlation matrices) and of using a variety of chical model. Instead, research should focus on how the eight
different types of analyses to obviate the idiosyncrasies of each interest constructs are being assessed.
analysis. Gati (1991) criticized Holland's model, and circular models
in general, with respect to the presence of a "hole in the mid-
Gati's Criticism of Holland's Model dle" (p. 311). Because there are two dimensions underlying the
circumplex model, he claimed there should be types that would
Gati (1991) posed a number of criticisms of Holland's model, lie in the middle of the spatial depiction (i.e., moderate on both
for example, issues of dimensionality, interpretation of dimen- dimensions instead of having all scores distributed in a circular
sions, inconsistency of Holland's ordering of types, and vari- order, equally distant from the origin). Gati's criticism was in
ance in the distances between adjacent types. For each criti- error in that it confused the factor space with the subject space.2
cism, Gati selected several studies to support his argument, The circumplex, or circular models in general, represents the
ignoring, in most cases, studies that were not supportive of relations among scales (or types as used by Holland) defined by
these criticisms. Although we differ with the interpretation and factors. In this factor space, any scale that would be depicted at
adequacy of these selected studies, it seems that most of these the origin would have no relation to the factors. However, if one
criticisms would have been better addressed empirically, using were plotting individuals with respect to their factor scores (i.e.,
a quantitative approach to synthesize the literature rather than a the subject space), points near the origin would indicate moder-
narrative one. Our analyses countered many of the problems ate values on the factors. Thus, because circular models seek to
with Holland's model claimed by Gati (1991). However, two account for the structural properties that exist among scales,
issues in Gati's criticism of Holland's model that merit com-
ment are his equating of Roe's and Holland's models and the
presence of the "hole in the middle" of the circumplex model. 2
We wish to thank an anonymous reviewer for pointing out this
Although we focused only on Gati's (1991) criticism of Hol- distinction between factor space and subject space in accounting for
land's model of RIASEC interests, Gati also examined the the hole in the middle.

the hole in the middle is a desirable property. If there were understanding how various prototypes relate, which is not typi-
scales or types found in the middle, these scales would not be cally provided in factor-list approaches. There are currently a
accounted for in the proposed structure, calling the proposed number of circumplex models in personality research (e.g., Ben-
structure into question. The hole that Gati saw in the middle is jamin, 1974; Conte & Plutchik, 1981; Kiesler, 1983; Leary,
not a liability, but an asset. 1957; Wiggins, 1979). Circumplex models provide predictions
regarding similarity and compatibility of different points in
Discrete Versus Spatial Representations space or types on the basis of relative proximity in the circum-
An important issue embedded in the present model compari- Most other circumplexes (e.g., Kiesler, 1983; Leary, 1957;
sons is the type of representation used to describe and examine Wiggins, 1979) focus exclusively on the interpersonal realm,
relations of personality traits, specifically discrete versus spa- and Holland's model could be viewed as describing similar be-
tial representations. The relative merit of discrete and spatial havior. Holland's model focuses on interests, what people like
representations has been extensively debated (e.g., Arabic et al., to do in a broader context than solely occupational interests
1987; Seller, 1990; Prusansky, Tversky, & Carroll, 1982; Sattath (Dawis, 1980). The interest area is strongly linked to interper-
& Tversky, 1977; Shepard, 1980). The spatial approach focuses sonal behavior. In his description of the RIASEC types, Hol-
on representing a set of objects in a continuous multidimen- land (1985, pp. 15-23) made it clear that there was an extensive
sional space with the relative distances representing the interpersonal component to each type. It is difficult to conceive
strength of the relation. Examples of the spatial approach are of interests, or even occupations, as removed from interper-
MDS and factor analysis. Discrete representations, such as sonal aspects. Schneider (1987) argued that people and their
those used in most cluster analyses, focus on classifying objects behavior determine occupational environments. Perhaps the
into discrete clusters. These clusters can be viewed as represent- reason both vocational interests and interpersonal behavior
ing common features. can be represented by circumplex models is that the same un-
At least as examined here, the spatial representation yields a derlying processes and constructs exist in each. Foa and Foa
better model in terms of goodness of fit and interpretability, the (1974) hypothesized that the interpersonal variables included
typical criteria of evaluation. It appears to be difficult to view in most circumplex models could be viewed as a set of cognitive
the RIASEC types as discrete types or groups of types. It is categories used for processing social information. If true, these
obvious from the present results that there is blending and mu- same cognitive sets might be used in processing vocational in-
tuality among the types and that a discrete representation formation also. The area of the similarity of vocational interests
seems overly reductive and incomplete. The spatial model, spe- and interpersonal traits warrants further examination. Typi-
cifically the circumplex, appears to best capture the data varia- cally, vocational interest assessment and personality assess-
tion. ment have remained fairly mutually exclusive.
Finally, the focus of this study has involved a comparison of
Circumplexes and Vocational Interests two explicitly stated structural models of RIASEC interests.
However, further analyses remain to be conducted. The spe-
Within personality assessment, there are two fairly distinct cific occurrences in which the order predictions of each model
models of conceptualizing traits: factor lists and circumplexes were not supported need to be examined to yield information
(Hogan, 1983). The delineation of the common personality on how these models may be modified, if at all. Similarly, the
traits (e.g., McCrae & Costa, 1987) represents the factor-list residual matrices yielded for the confirmatory factor analysis
model and involves the determination of the minimum number need to be similarly examined. These deviations in fit could
of independent underlying dimensions or factors that character- prove to be related to structure, sample, or instrument charac-
ize the space of personality differences. Typically, factor analy- teristics. Examinations of this sort are being conducted and
sis is used with a simple structure criterion. Underlying dimen- hopefully will prove useful in model modification. Regardless,
sions are viewed as independent and continuous. In the area of the presence of alternative, explicitly stated models in psychol-
vocational interests, the factor-list approach is well represented ogy is rare, and the focus here was on evaluating, using several
(cf. Guilford, Christensen, Bond, & Sutton, 1954; Hansen, methods of structural meta-analysis, the relative structural va-
1984; Jackson, Holden, Locklin, & Marks, 1984; Kuder, 1977; lidity of these alternative models.
Rounds & Dawis, 1979). Circumplex models, on the other
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