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Social Worker

Cry for Help,

Shouldn’t get ignored.
We are empathiser,
Not Sympathiser,
Believe in the say
Everybody is unique,
Irrespective of their Physique,
Let it be Poor or destitute.
Special attention for children, seniors
and women as they should be enlighten.
The mantra is to enable every individual,
teaching the art of fishing
We are motivators, we are counselors
& not analysers.
As we are not voluntary workers,
we are professional social workers
Jane Addams; our founder
& St. Teresa; our Icon
We amalgamate the visions of Gandhi ji and Amartya Sen.
Whole world is in our Horizon,
as long as human problems exists,
we will exist not to curb it,
but to de-root it.
The job is not so easy,
that’s why we are so busy
It is not single day sharing,
but a time taken caring.
It believes in empowering &
monitoring one’s esteem;
and decision making,
rather than spoon feeding.
It believes in eradicating crime not criminals.
For it suicide attempt and depression is society’s product
As it should be treated with right conduct…

Vijalalaxmi Dash
HOD, Dept. of Social Work
Chirst College, Jagdalpur

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