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Expansion & densification network description

 Can you describe the area on which Alcatel must commit on the
KPI? (*)
 What is the relief? (Mountains, flat ... etc) (*)
 How many BSC / sites / cells / TRX do we have? Pls provide the
figures for each phase if applicable. (*)
 Where are the sites distributed (ie X % in the capital / Y % in
cities ... etc) (*)
 Can you provide the ratio cell distribution per clutter type
 Pls provide per clutter type, the average NB of TRX per cell(*)
 Pls provide any maps or image who could help at understanding
the area.
 What are the antenna types which will be implemented on the
network especially the horizontal and vertical aperture? (*)
 What are the other BSS suppliers of the network ? where will
they be located ? and what will be the ratio of each supplier on the
network ?
 What are the types of data services offered to the subscriber?
 Do we plan to use Satellite links in the transmission design? (ie
for connecting BSC to BTS or other parts of the network)
 Which BSS release(s) will be implemented on the network?
 What is the bandwidth? In case of multiband network, precise
the bandwidth available in the different bands.
 Is there any known problem of external bandwidth "pollution"?
Pls describe.
 What are the suppliers of other elements of the network (SGSN,
GGSN, NGN, ..) ? Pls provide any documents which could help at
understanding the overall topology of the network (architecture graphs
 What is the traffic forecast of the operator?
 Which traffic value has been used in the design assumptions?
 Which BSS features have been sold and then can be activated?
 What is the roll out planning? (Nb of sites per month / pls provide
the details per area & per phase)
 Is the tool chain RNO/NPA sold? if yes, how many stations and
where are they implemented (in case of Alcatel network) ? To how many
stations Alcatel teams can have free access?
 What are the acceptance criteria? (ie at which moment can we
consider that the KPI are passed ?)
 Is Alcatel responsible of the radio planning and optimisation until
the acceptance? If yes, pls provide the description of the service package
& the resource plan (nb of RNE engineers, drive test teams, tools ...etc)
 What is the financial payment scheme?
 What is happening if we don't manage to reach the KPI on time?
Do we have financial penalties? What is the financial penalty scheme?
 Who will be in charge of making the network design? -> Alcatel,
the customer or a third party?
 Can you please provide the following information:
o KPI list, definition & target
o For each KPI, precise if this should come from OMC-R metric or
field test
o For OMC-R metric KPI, please precise the formula versus the
counters and how this must be computed (daily, weekly, busy
hour …etc)
o For field test KPI, please precise the measurement protocol if
o Please precise if Alcatel should commit only on the sites of the
densification or extension projects or all the sites of one area
 Pls provide the current & historical values of the KPIs :
o Daily evolution on one month history + monthly evolution
on 2 years history -> If RNO/NPA tool chain is available:
Alc_Mono_call and Alc_Mono_GPRS_Telecom reports
o Please provide this data for the area on which Alcatel is
committing and also for the other neighbour area if

In case of KPI already predefined by the operator (for example

within a RFQ):
 Can you please provide the RFQ annexes referring to the KPI
technical description and targets?
 Can you pls provide the RFQ parts & sections referring?
o Radio services (RNP / RNO)
o KPI description
o Acceptance
(*) : please provide the answer for the current area part and for the new
extension or densification area.

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