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In the name of Allah, Ar-Rahman, Ar-Raheem

Donations Appeal
Wycombe Islamic Centre Project
My dear Muslim brothers and sisters
The Messenger of Allah – sallalahu alaihi wa sallam – said [as recorded in Sahih Bukhari]:
“Whoever builds a masjid, seeking the pleasure of Allah, Allah shall build for him a similar place in paradise.”
As you may know, the construction of the new purpose-built masjid in High Wycombe is progressing well,
alhamdulillah. The land has been bought for £225,000 and the builders have started work on the site. The
developers are sending us payment requests as construction progresses, with £400,000 paid so far. We
appeal to you to donate towards the next instalment of £157,000 payable in September 2008.
The site on Totteridge Road is in the heart of the Muslim community, and will enable us to provide:
• Daily congregational prayers, including Jumuah prayers
• Islamic education, Arabic and Qur’an classes for men, women and children
• Tuition classes to tackle educational underachievement
• Dissemination of Islamic information, funeral prayers, and much more.
The Masjid is on 2 floors and provides ~ 5000 sq ft of floor space.

The masjid includes a prayer area for ladies, class room, imam’s residence as well as wadhu areas, etc.
Please donate as much as you can for this project. Allah, the Most High, says:
“Those who spend their wealth by night and day (in Allah’s cause), in secret and in public, shall have their
reward with their Lord.” [Baqarah (2): 274]
1. Via the internet: You can make donations electronically to WISE via the internet using the secure charity
donation website at .
2. Bank: You may donate directly to the charity’s Barclays bank account (High Wycombe),
Account name ‘WISE (project)’, Sort code 20-40-71, Account No. 70188026.
3. Post: please complete the form below, making cheques payable to WISE:

In the name of Allah, Ar-Rahman, Ar-Raheem, I would like to support the Islamic Centre project.
Please find enclosed my contribution of † £25 † £50 † £100 † £500 † other ________
Name: _______________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________
† I am a UK taxpayer. I want to treat all donations that I have made since 06 April 2007 as Gift Aid
donations until I notify you otherwise (please tick if appropriate); I confirm that I will pay at least as
much income or capital gains tax in 2007/2008 (and ensuing years) as the charity will receive on my

Signature: ___________________ Date: ___________

For more information, go to or contact Amjad Iqbal on 07878 126099.
Send to: WISE, 17-18 Portland House, Arnison Avenue, High Wycombe, Bucks HP13 6DQ

WISE (Wycombe Islamic Society) is a UK charity, registration number 1001136.

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