Latha Sri Chap 1

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Industrial relations (IR) alternatively know as labour relations a place of importance’s

between employee and employers. IR is a system by which woke place actives are
regulated; the agreement and the staff of organisation come together to engage in
productive activity.
The scenario of IR is perceived differently in different countries; say
in European nations IR is related to say conflict; in Asian countries, it is view as mutual
co-operation and in developed countries it is view as competing interesting of various
groups. And it is differs from country to country industry to industry.
If we observe the IR scenario throughout the globe the eastern
European country have the best relation and coming to Indian scenario is very typical
and when compared to other (European and developed nations) in the terms of number
of disputes number of man days lost is very high in India. And, coming to the Indian
scenario the overall position is very alarming that the relations between employers and
employees is totally unsatisfactory, and the following details presented below depicts
the real scenario of IR in India.
During 2015 (Provisional), there were 178 industrial disputes (Strikes and Lockouts) in
both State and Central Spheres resulting in work-stoppages, which involved 623,161
workers with a time-loss of 2,760,996 or 2.76 million man-days as against 167 disputes
involving 1,060,208 workers with a time-loss of 3,811,070.
In 2015, the Public Sector accounted for 0.78 million man-days or 28.28 per cent of the
total time-loss. The State and Central Spheres taken together, Andhra Pradesh alone
was responsible for a time-loss of 0.97 million man-days or 35.07 per cent followed by
Kerala, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh with 0.62, 0.17 and 0.17 million man- days
or 22.36, 6.25 and 6.03 per cent respectively of the total time-loss.
Amongst the various industry divisions, Manufacturing Division (Ind. registered a
time-loss of 1.93 million man-days or 70.01 per cent followed by Mining & Quarrying
and Financial and Insurance Activities with a time-loss 0.33 and 0.23 million man-days
or 11.97 and 8.40 percent of the total time-loss.
Wages & Allowances ‘was the main cause amongst the cause group registered a time-
loss of 1.17 million man-days or 42.26 percent followed by Charter of Demands ‘and
Indiscipline ‘with 0.63 and 0.27 million man-days or 22.70 and 9.72 per cent
Employee welfare is an area of social welfare conceptually and operationally.
It covers a broad field and a state of well-being, happiness, satisfaction, conservation
and development of human resources and helps to motivation of employee. The basic
propose of employee welfare is to enrich the life of employees and to keep them happy
and conducted. Welfare measures may be both statutory and non-statutory laws require
the employer to extend certain benefits to employees in addition to wages or salaries.
Welfare of the people was given prime importance even in monarchial form of
Government where “king can do no wrong” concept was prevalent. But time changed
the political scenario of the world. Monarchies and aristocracies have given way to
democracy. The concept of “WELFARE STATE” was also enshrined in the
constitution of India, the largest democratic country of the world. Therefore, the
development of any industry, factory or Government is directly proportional to the
Welfare activities undertaken by it. In condition of the worker/people in terms of socio
economic cultural grounds, legislation’s galore were enacted in India.


The International Employee Organization in its Resolution of 1947, defined

“Employee Welfare” as, “such services, facilities and amenities as adequate canteens,
rest and recreation facilities, arrangements for travel to and from work and for the
accommodation of the workers employed at a distance from their houses and such other
service amenities as contribute to improve the conditions under which workers are

The Oxford Dictionary Employee welfare as, “efforts to make life worth
living for workers”. The employee Investigation committee defined employee welfare
work as, “anything done for the intellectual, physical, moral and economic betterment
of the workers, whether employers, by Government or by other agencies, over and
above what is laid down by law or what is normally expected as part of the contractual
benefits for which the workers may have bargained”.

A project study was considered at RINL steel pant VSPT for a period of 4 weeks
on title ”employ welfare measures “during my study to complete it more scientifically
with of my guide sanjeeva rao (DGM, HR) we have constructed a questionnaire on
welfare measures provided at RINL. Before filling up the questioners I have studied
about the various welfare measures (statutorily and non statutorily )provided at RINL.
After that for conducting my project study I have chosen sample size out of the total
population at RINL. Once the sample size is determined I have chosen continuous for
collecting the data . and the data that is collected is from two sources first primary data
and second is secondary data .

Once the data is collected it is properly analyzed by using percentage analysis

and there fore drawn some reconnection from the study it clearly observed that at
RINL, the welfare measures provided can be divided in to statutorily and non statutorily
measures . most of the respondents opined that they are totally satisfied by the welfare
facilities provided. The present study was conduced to examine the persecution of
employees to rewards the labor welfare measures of the FINL in Visakhapatnam. the
project study has been organelle sparked off by identifying the project objectives in
chapter1 and fin the chapter 2 the company and industry profile is described . and
chaper3 article reviews preside study’s in the form of literatures reviews is described .
and chapter4 mainly discussed the level of satisfaction to words the welfare measures
and its overall analysis was clearly discuss, and followed with necessary findings and
recordation related to the study

Finally for centrist labor was not considered as an important recourse of society
with the advent of industrial revelation the role of labor from commodity to resources
has taken place and the employees also given prime importance in creating welfare to
their employees which intern is the motivating factor for both industry and
organizational success.

The, concept of welfare plays an important role in an industry. Because labor always,
has been recognized as a separate factor of production. The purpose of this study is to
explore the impact of welfare measures on the employees RINL, Visakhapatnam steel
plant. In order to reach our purpose of the project the following main objectives are
formulated: -

1. To understand the extent and type of Welfare – Measures provided by RINL

2. To know the level of awareness of employees about the various welfare
measures provided to them.
3. To study how the Welfare facilities provided help in increasing the productivity
and job satisfaction.

The Study is being taken up to understand the extent to which the welfare
measures are provided by Visakhapatnam Steel Plant VSP towards the employees, to
know the level of awareness of employees about the various welfare measures provided
to them, to measure the impact of the Welfare facilities in increasing the productivity
and job satisfaction along with building a stable work force for the Organization.

By taking up the study, there is an opportunity for me to offer some useful

suggestions to the organization for improving the effectiveness of the welfare measures
being provided presently.

The aim of the study is to learn the welfare activities are partly humanitarian to
enable workers to enjoy a fully and rich life and partly economic to improve the
efficiency of the workers and partly civic to develop among them the sense of
responsibility and dignity and thus make them worthy citizens of the nation. Another
objective of labor welfare is to fulfill the future needs and aspirations of work force.

The present study is unique in many respects. In order to fulfilment the above objectives
of the study; basically the field survey method was adopted. The data was collected by
administering questionnaires / interview schedules to three sets of respondents(50). The
questionnaires / interview schedules for RINL steel plant from various departments in
English were translated in to telugu since the respondents were comfortable in regional
language (telugu).

A formal letter from the research guide was taken which explains the purpose of the
research and requests the managers and the higher cider employees extend necessary
help to the researcher for conducting the project study. Whenever, the researcher visit
to managers for necessary information and permission to interview the respondents,
some of the IR system and the HR at RINL denied to giving the permission for
conducting the study on RINL steel plant employs. But majority of
employees/managers granted the permission after researchers’ assurance to keep the
information confidential and to use it for academic purpose only.

The present study is primarily based on convenience sampling. As RINL STEEL

PLANT is a bigger industry I have chosen most important departments in the plant .as
the time period and the plant is too big I have chosen convenience sampling method.

Sources of Data Collection:

The present study has used both primary as well as secondary source of data-
[I] Primary Data: - Primary data has been collected through structured questionnaires
and in-depth interview of the selected respondents. The additional information was
sought through interview with the persons knowledgeable or expert in various areas of
human resource management and industrial relations. The researcher also used
discussion and observation method to gain first hand insights into certain IR aspects.
(a) Questionnaires (Interview Schedules)- For the study, three set of structured and
detailed questionnaires (interview schedules) were prepared and a pilot study was
conducted to pre-test the validity of the questions.
(b) Discussion and Interviews- Apart from above questionnaires, the detailed
discussion with persons directly and indirectly related to the various aspects of IR
resource in particular and human resource in general were conducted. In interviews,
open-ended questions were asked to gather the information (that was rather difficult to
collect with the help of questionnaires) the interviews thus, conducted were

[II] Secondary Data:-The secondary data necessary for this investigation, which was
collected from several sources. A review of literature on human resource management
and theoretical conceptual data was also done by secondary source from different
sources like:-

Sample Design A sample is a smaller representation of the large population so as to

restrict the scope of spade work. The sample must fulfil two basic requirements namely
(i) It must be representative and (ii) It must be adequate.

Coverage and Selection of Sample: This study is primarily based on a sample survey.
 Web sites
 RINL maximins
 Google information

The following Table 4.1 shows the employee details of different departments


1 Krishna Rao Jr. Manager FMD

2 Ramamohana Rao Jr. Manager FMD
3 Srinivas Rao General Foreman FMD
4 Sastry P J J AGM CMS
5 Narayana Asst. Executive CMD
6 Nookaraju General CMD
7 Krishna Reddy Charge men(w) CMD
8 Rama Rao Jr. Manager DNW
9 Ramana Murthy Ass. Manager DNW
10 Bangara Raju Addition DNW
11 Ramana Y V N Jo. Electrician DNW
12 Venugopal P AGM QA & TD
13 Tatji P V Jr. Manager QA & TD
14 Krishna Veni Sr. Charge men QA & TD
15 Eswara Rao Asst. Executive SMS
16 Konda Babu Jr. Manager SMS
17 Krishna General Foremen SMS
18 Somu Naidu JD. Mech SMS

Selection of Sample: The sample respondents were selected by using ‘ convenience

sampling ’ technique for the present study.
Convenience sampling: it is a non probability sampling technique where subjects are
selected because of there convenient accessibility and proximity to the researcher.
This study is by no means an exhaustive one, as it is carried out with many constraints,
some of them arising out of human element, an essential part of research. Following are
the main limitations and constraints of the study under which the researcher worked.

1.The present study is confined or restricted to the RASHTRIYA ISPAT NAGAM

2.The study is limited to human resource (manpower) and IR of selected employs
welfare activates .

3. There was limited free access to all the records or documents, which though
mostly confidential were valuable for study.
4.Up to date information about employee welfare and the industrial relations

5. Being individual research study project; the researcher is likely to come across
few constraints in the terms of time, efforts and money.

The entire study is presented in the following five Chapters.

Chapter I:
The first chapter consists of introduction, need, objectives, methodology, limitations of
the study and the frame work.
Chapter II:
This chapter mainly deals with industry and company profile.
In the profile a detailed study is made to understand the overall steel industry scenario
in Indian context.
In the profile the overview process and main dept.’s were carefully studied.
Chapter III:
Third chapter deals with the conceptual Frame work of Employee Welfare measures.
Literature review
By collecting various articles published by reviewing the literature the concept is better
understand needs, and the articles, reported journals both national and international.

Chapter IV:
Analysing and identification of the data that is observed in the RINL STEEL PLANT.

Chapter V:
The fifth chapter consists of findings and suggestions based on analysis and a detailed
summary of the study is also presented.

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