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Assessment of Attitude and Perception of Undergraduate Students of Non-Health Allied
Sciences Schools in Saint Louis University towards breastfeeding of mother in public places

II. Background
Breastfeeding, particularly during the first six months of infancy,
conveys significant immunological, and nutritional benefits on
infants. Children in the Cordillera Administrative Region were
the most likely to be exclusively breastfed.1
While the prevalence of HIV and AIDS in the Philippines is still low, the country is one
of only seven countries globally where the number of new HIV cases has increased by over
25 percent from 2001 to 20091. HIV infection among 15-24 years old increased more than
ten-fold, from 44 in 2006 to 995 in 2015. The period of initiation to sex and drug use among
key affected populations is as early as from 14 years old2.
In this study, the researchers want to assess the extent of knowledge and attitude of
undergraduate students of non-health allied sciences in Saint Louis University towards

III. Objectives
General: To determine the extent of knowledge and attitude of undergraduate students in
Saint Louis University towards HIV/AIDS
Specific: To determine through the use of survey questionnaire the awareness on a) the mode
of transmission of the disease, b) prevention of the disease c) treatment of the disease

IV. Research Design

A cross-sectional study design will be used to evaluate the knowledge and attitudes of
undergraduate students of non-health allied schools of Saint Louis University towards

V. Population and Sample

Population includes undergraduate students of non-health allied schools of Saint Louis
University. Undergraduate students refer to those enrolled in the institution under non-health
allied schools limited to school of accountancy and business management, school of
engineering and architecture, school of humanities, school of computing and information
sciences, and school of teacher education. The sample will be randomly selected.

VI. Data Gathering tool

A questionnaire will be utilized to gather data needed to achieve efficacy of the study.

VII. Data Analysis

Initial analysis include frequencies that would be reported as counts, percentages and
means as appropriate. Descriptive analyses were conducted using chi-square tests to compare
the percentages.

VIII. References
1 1. Uniceforg. 1. Uniceforg. [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 11 September 2015
2 1. Cid systems solution services. 1. Unaidsorgph. [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 11 September 2015]

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