Cognition & Emotion

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210° Levine and Editi Tan, D Anderson, A Ky Rigs Ls Caplin JB 8 Moser, M. (2008 Imnedlne memory caneqenes ofthe eft Of emanation fees Laomang ad Moma 35, 172-182 ‘amir, My & Robeon, MCD. GIT happy seh Pose dane lec stenion to evan inlormson Peony ad Sal Pony Ban 33,24 136 ‘Touran 8. Ry Matin, DE &€ Shima, AP. (2007 Es of mpi otal tus en stave menor fo pep famntion Nom, ieisee, Watkin, B & Tease. D. 201) Rupiaon and ove grea mene ia “Svein. Journal of Abra Prclogy, 10 383-387 est, 8 Mechel, H, (198) Menor far teat ders and that ieevanr usm de os Cognito ad Eman 12, 38-108 Wat Ura de Reo, Py Se Mech, H, (200) Dilereta eal of “nal and psp Urals of eos sds no abl penemeno, Memory 8, 95108. Yee, 0 My & Don, J. (1908), The elation of sent of ina "apy fab oman. Jounal of Compare Neurology and Piya, ule & Baye J. (1998), The impact of aumatic ves 0 eevee ‘mers Eins mmo Theta ond ppd porpeci pp. 15 {, Nakwab, Nf pence En Armoces e ‘gui 1967). On Bohed snd sed se Te W.D. i (EA Sowcboo of Gs pychaegy pp. 300314 New Yok Husa rs, Seapets USA, Eons eine ‘eis e Se sey te recep erence an te SSR See 7 The effects of emotion on attention: A review of attentional processing of emotional information Jenny Yiend University of Oxford, Oxford, UK INTRODUCTION ‘what has emotion got 1 do with tenon? Why does the interface [eeween these two watrantadonl empirical and theoreti eomsidest son? The answer lis in the many interactions that can oscar becveen {motion and stention and tht would others he overload by ether field in lation. Ther interactions are inportaae to hase seach. They ‘ust e reconced with exiting theoie of emotion and atenton and may Slo tiger new teoetal insights. Equally important, research at this feerace ean inform both the andersanding and teeaenent of various pachopathologis. This then, the rationale for our topic. The body af cried evidence a thie interfce confirms thatthe conoeceon between ‘tention and emotion is a robust, reliable ad imporent one Focus ofthe review 1 wil ceview the evidence from behavioural experimental smdes on mation and atention. Throughout the body ofthe review the primary ‘oous willbe de efece on atemonal processing of varying the emasoal tone ofthe information being processed, This contrasts with work that Serks to ‘examine ow manipulating. selective tenon might ale Emotional responses (eg Koster, Fox, & MacLeod, 2009; Raymond, Fenske, & Tatanol, 2003). When sadying the effec of "emerion” on ‘sortie tient, the term ation” can refer to he rotonal quality of the stale oe othe emotional sate of the individ nthe fist case, the term “tention o emotion” ed ln the second eae, speci reference is made roa mood state, personality predisposition al} relia disorder (DSM-IV; American Psychic Association, 1994), Investigations invol- ‘ing an individual auending to thee own intel emotional tate, wi isondes ate nr the subject ofthis eve. “The review considers research in the general population and how these findings are gualifed by individual differences im psychopathology and vulnerability to psychopathology. When investigating psschopatholopes 212. Vien sesechetsofen mak of xtreme arto in peony tat within the nonin! population to prowde aconvenet wndom ort lise evtormance espe the ery sagen of hypothe testing Sg [Rie ae smal found al le coma tong hoe ith igh lees of wat ane, depen, or ber dood» cet review found no sgeifeane diffrence beween the Based stetenl rocesing shown by high eat ves incaly sons indus ha Fis et ay 2007), Comune sate ood hogit to eaerbte te tes of any tie vlerbity i a itracne fashion (Bendbene 8 Beoadtene, 198; Farin, Hl, Unwin, Wes 8 Davy 2008, Roving, 1999), There therefore ac ump ta hes alegre exhibit diferencs of dee athethan kind fom lal poplaon ee Rosen & Sculkin, 198, for» bologclacsunt of the cosy of pepchoptoloy)"Comtnt wi ths wewy the empl eridece teviewed will incorporate aero beth populations ican aural {ndindaced varatioe ase nood we “The main ame of the review ae st provide cen with an versie ofthis rately comple el free, which wl ee an Strodcron to and cc, ently egg themes and under Crploed ehniqac so encourage thos more expensed inte fl to ‘let on curentrcchendevoa nd fre poorer teve Sars by describing and eating the ain consi ise ht ve dominated te Bel, followed bys conieration of ey thier ted fo Sccount for the data Theorie range rom sists sppoaches fo Slee ateaton to gh specie coun of steno fancon Ia indndalpaychopahloge. The empl rvew tha fallow i fo te once onriew of alder wos desetng te seni cosesis Sang elected ey cestons. As tis bes el dened prvi ey Mathews. © Mactend, 199; Wiliam, Wats, Maclsod, ke Mathews, 1985; Wiliams, Wat Macleod, & Mathews, 1997, 0 nae Ba hee ped sources 1 nt sch to provide an cca reitaon of th Teer, ot instead to provide an acca refkcion of most Important corte comes more rent monk fam te nt decade vl be considered in greater detail to highlight chllengr tothe ‘Stabe pera ences e cet ines Both the mevon 0m thers andthe cmp evr wll cenier sentonl prceing fenton! infnation nthe penn! popelton nd comer how ths guled by wort on rd diferenses povchopatology (and vuleabry to it.The. two apposches to tnvetgaingatentonal proeing of enotoninfasason hove gown Sp largly spre with ile ron ren thn Ie hoped ae iy comiderng them ogee in heen, erarchers working pines shin ooe domain wl be ecouraped ope te concent he lin of axeson to omoton he gnc popdton he Iain question tere ar bon the eet to whch enna ati 7. The effete of emotion om attention 213 (and more specially negative o postive] may be processed different 0 eel mater Uslly no spect cnederaton i vent the pombe presence or impact of peychopatholgy or related vulnerabilities In ties [tattonton to emotion ix pycbopatology the purpose i to characterise the atensonal processing of emotional infomation im samples wi ihe tingaosed cinal daoeder or kaown vloersblty to i. Speiclly, tovional mateal matching individuals’ emotional characterises (e, fexercevant mateal for the generalised anxety disorder patent seal threatening information forthe mca! phobia patent) found 10 be vended diferenty (oer given pion) fom non-enrional (neste) ‘material Tis effet nor apparent in matched contol "These psychopathoogy-eaed ffs ave commonly called “attentional baie and are tele to a8 emotion congruent” resin the Tike lerween the emotional miteal, which ec te ntentonal eect 2nd the deorder or vulnerality ofthe sndividsl. Emotion congruent final biases have Bonn copied a being of cre than pang leer trecauseof thei possible role in maining and causally contibuting to luordecdaflecve states, such 5 anvey and depression, For example a8 fenced tendency to select thetenng tes for processing, is key 0 lead to an artificially increased peteeption ofthe extent of threat nthe ovironnent thereby enhancing anions mood (Mathews, 1990), Emp {sl evidence confirms thatthe stentonal bases ceviewed here pene fngntive velneabliies for boos anwiery (Bevers & Carver, 2003: Jose, Talbot, 8€ Gat, 2007; MacLeod, Camptel, Ruheior, 8 ‘Wilsoa, 2004 Yend 8 Mackintosh, 2006) and depression (helps, in Carrasco, 2006), Exclosions ‘There ate inevitably some areas that, while fling within che broad heading of emotion and attention, cannot be considered either for reasons of space tnd coherence o¢ because the methodology falls ouside the pesee focus tnbehavioural wor. These are described now inorder plice the wor 0 be discard within an accurate content and are referenced t0 poole Stabe pont of ener to hese erature, Executive perfomance det i ance sovolvirg tention to all ype of mater are not covered is ‘desi bur wil be mentioned and relerenced in posing (eysenc, Derakshan, Santos, Calvo, 2007; Willams e¢ al, 1997. Bilogal spproaches at and theory) wil not be conser in any det. This most fbwioaty icles «growing body of working functional nearing to investigate maton leant infoanation proesing ia both healthy (Anmony etal, 2000; Compton etal 2003; Davidson, 2000) andy to 2 lesser exten, sinial and subciaicalpopulatons (Davidson, 1398; Davidson, 2002 Davidson, Pizaal, Nish, 8 Puttar, 2003). Otee notable arorenstic approaches ling erent Om emotion ad 7. The eft of emtion om attention 215 allecation of anention towards competing epesenttins is infuenced and Sinarly determined by a arable composite of boeton-up and top-down, froeesies. Tha, the expere of perceptual sources by agen simul i [enced not only by the charac of the tls el but als by thos ofits competitors 5 wel as by higher conta yteme acting pon he representations of simul. Anentional eleson i therefore determined by the tcome of compestion between there multiple and. potently Shed” representations, 214 Vind attention inca paycopbysiolgical and ERP satis (Eimer Se Hones, 2007; Palermo & Rhodes, 2007; Vallemie, 2002). ‘Nether tit possible o give compechensive aicouns pertaining | specie clneally Socdered population, although T ma dito and cat {his lterature by way of ileeraion. Detaled empiccal and theo onsidestion hrs already been giten tthe cole of atetion inex “isorders (Faunce, 2002 Lee 8 Sharan, 2004 Willson, Mule, Regs |S Thaw, 1999), panic and phobias, obese compalsive disorder (Male '& Roberts, 2005, soil airy (Dogels 8 Mansell, 2004 Ledley imberg, 2006; Tork, Lerner, Heimbers, S© Rapee, 2001; Weary Edwards, 1998) and, mos reendy,efes ia childhood and adaeen Prychopathoiogy (Fela, Cartwright Harton, Reynols, & Crest, 2008, Poatco 8 Kendal, 2006. "There are other areas of rated specialised erature. These inl astatonal defi sesociated with the dsorders of ADHD (S00 & Bley 2006), the tic spectrom (Beira, Korg, 8 Kocge, 2004) a ‘shispivenin(Bentll, 1984; Gold & Thaker, 2002 Langdon & Colter 2000; Solow, Schonaver, & Aro 2001), 36 well as vestigations of tttentona detenorstion i ageing poplation (Lawn 2001), biaser a ‘ther phenomena succated with addictions (Cox, Fada, & Poon Soe) aad the inlgnce of senton onthe perepion and experience pai Ecleston & Cromber, 199s Pines & Morley, 2001; Rodos, rey esger, 8 Vagyen, 2002, cienting Although simile co selection, oveming is moce mesic and could be sidered one example of how selecson may oor Selection could be thought ofa ares wheres otenting ie 2 mechanism that the cosine system can tse fo achieve selection. Onetng isthe procst of moving ‘renion to locaton, whether that i location in space spall ocean) fr, ls commonly, inte (temporal orienting). Attentional may Be triested to pacar sims dimensions which cooceur inthe same Spatial location at the same time (0 the colour or content ofa word). nesting implies that stimoli or signals at given locaton become plied (hehe for ineral, endogenous reasons, or de to exter, ‘xogenoo fee) and this gg the detection of and orienting towards possibly significant event. A longstanding concepe in arertion, it hat ‘ecely been of pile itezet within emotion td ation, hence Separate considerason bere. "The viewing of spatial atenson has been divided ino thee key components diengaging, aiing and engaping (eg Poser, Walker, Fredich,& Rafal, 1984). "Engagement taken to mean evidence of Section’ and facilitated processing of given simular or locaton Silng” i taken to mean the spatial relocation of atention aco he vial (or other modality) fel. “Disengagement” is taken to mean the proces hy which selection and facilitated procesing of gen sim oF Iccton is withdrawn or inhibited. Tere evidence of dint near Ssbwratr foreach of thee chasis the parca lobe the midain area andthe polvnar nucleus, respectively (Posner & Perro, 1990) ‘Researchers applvig these concepts to emotion tend tobe somewhat oo inthe se of terminology. For example "shift of attention” can, on closet inspection ofa method eat more to the above notion of “engagement ‘vith 2 particle seals of location than the ides of the movement of Selctvesenionacoes pace (whith can be clove othe wer “ira Iiny, also widely used by those inrreed im atention to eon), Likewise “dwell time” and “holding” an be symous with the notion of disengagement. For cary only the tems define above wil be used re, i necesnry oreriing authors’ own erinoloy. concerts Given that phenomens in emotion and atetion are linked in at lens he ‘ways outlined above, dow allo thatthe important concep ee ‘heteia ae sly the sum of hose fom the pacer plies? The eee {ovis question no. Many of the concept ha are relevant for ateston feeatchers ave alan dominated esearch int the relation Beween emai fl ateation, Far feer have transfered from mites zescarch Of ‘mocon I ow inzodace the mor portant of thse Selection Pechaps the concept most central eo atetionfemotion interactions i at ‘tseleton. The idea tha rom the msplicy of aps bombard the ogitive stem, cerein items ae augled ut as being appropiate or [roaring a any one te, while te ret ae rejected. The key qusions [Ee vecarch have thas been how and st wha pint thi lection exis ds esearch on emocon and atesion, defining the characters of ‘seotionl stimu that may infaence tis. The current prvaling ie ‘hat of iste compestion (Desimone & Duncan, 1995) whereby the 216 Vien Attending versus responding Ait dtinesion in al ses of cognition tha erween he ogniine res andthe respons ott tht anu to ref te pce ENG) Stowe tena two vem nied soa ‘procs of emotional sum an thse ove nop apo {othe smal ee of which igh be aed bythe pacar ak Parameters. Cog researches se to kas te sk “pron pat ‘sich inthis te means avoiding at much ponte, fs on opens process, so that ference can Be sete fo ateatonal eee {engi proven) alone Reson bins ae in een ni Understanding the poeta tgp allow thi comamintng le be minimised. Fist reponse bases icy when te responses este ‘of print ae dhemcvescfectally vanced lor ample peg barons beled postive” and “hpi. Ths ne way to ee ‘eaporse bias toe only neutral sponse opions or example ea" for potive and" for epee, pone bases an Be ede by ensuring respon re lied in the ave of any vale natal Being preset atthe ine of responding. The sed for example, nea tase here epoca are the orate of igo the deny os ee {ths 2desing thei po) and hi ak lee fre cnn stimulus preemation har ceased, Ths ow cre Tegument a seio “proces pure” mesures of sent fring emotion ae) tal reponse pts ad no lee mates peor at hein ot ‘pong Hower, diferent terrence ce inccence ich ie iger onemetonal than seta tray but mo elated to sacra fits mead by she ra deg) ean sil cer even when the sore {vo condons are merce Ved & Mathews 200, and Mog, Hla (Gr Bradley, 200, fourier Scio of th on Thc arguably, abo be lated ta repose bas” shouph be er “eso. tated ierience ec” would be» ioe acct dina, Appears unpredictable andthe ost eecve means of preening csc emans + queson fr fre wore —e 7. The cfc of emosion om tention 217 liportance of valence (postive versus negative emotional materia wih some of the beter tai conroling forte potently confounding ees of sous, nensiy (whether the relative intensity of the emotional ‘Sater depicted influences attentional slesion) and biological evan (Comparing atesiona section of bolgiesly prepared fxr smal ach sakes and spiders with acquit lee simul noch a weapons). Others ‘peas of simul coment ate alo important to the eld. For example, ‘ers of stimulus materials (faves, pte vide cis) call to Slow generalisation of conclsione from early atuies bel lon ‘xcisively on words or ee Paychopathology specifiy i of parscla interest in stad oflncal ‘or walperable populations, where the question aries to what extent Sremtonal biases are speiic to the disorder snder nvetigtion, OF ate ‘Sammon arom various prychopatholgis, This hat eda sade of wide ‘ange of specie pechopathooges sith thow covered here ncading Akpession, general anatery and social ansiety. The speiiy to psjchopahology usually ineracts wth the speiicty of the mates, ‘which reflected in the term “emetioncongrnce™(neresing the match ‘ith indvdaah’ concerns intense atetonal podteatea). Eaton fongroet apeifciy has amated considerable evidence. Thu while benerlly emotion congruent material ef negative sen suffice tlci psychopathology rated eles, ronge tet are usally sec the ‘wear the match of materials with the concer relevant tthe Paychopithology (for example generally annus partcipants tend 10 Show anger atensional biases towards social than phys threat ‘emul. The question of pychoputhology specifiy and enton con _rsece is insporeantbeeste of the aetiological agumente oad above ‘The more specie the bases, the more likely they ate to elt caus matting mechanisms forthe disorders themelvs, Aastomaticiy Arention research on sill acqsisiion and practice fees shows that combinations of tasks that are intily hard to perform can, tough ‘epeiton, become fst and apparently efforts. A asic example would be de compler co-ordination of behiviour aod cognitions lnvlved in dling a ca A key concepe that processing i oeted, and can shi, Along continaum between a “sate” operation performed bya limited “apace system to an “aisomatc™ one proseding largely independent of ‘sich mits (Posner 8 Snyder, 1975; Sehnede 8 Shifrin 197; Sif & Scheider, 1977). Exactly where effects of emotion on stenton le on this entnnum hasbeen the topic of mach research sty Fathers Aisintion can be drawn fetveen the “innate” automaticity of cern ‘cogntiv proces eg the many computations hand by the percepual ‘yptem) andthe “squire” automaticity ofthe kind of proses decid Specificity “Speci” refers ro the degree to which bss attentional procesing of _gnotonal information is moderated by additonal factory o species ‘Thee specifies father delineate the conditions under which bised attention is oberved. There are to main eatgorics af spect evant ‘othis review. These are ithe simul content othe erosional atria (stimelas specificity; and (i) in paychopathology populations, the igs oss of vulnerability preset (osyebopathology specifi) Stimulus specifiy (also cled comer pectic eer to the specific ‘ype of enetional information under investigation. Work bas examined the 218 Yim shove involhing extended practice. There is room for debate concerning trimtber patems of automane amentonl sletity involving tres ‘mul result fom more innate or more acquired fms of automatic, indeed rom some combination ofthe "The meaning of the term “automatic” has lf been the subject of deta (see Moors 8 De Houwer, 2006, forthe latest analysis alo Saneangelo& Spence, 2008). Most agre that core featres incl see, ‘operation in parallel, minimal reosre requirement, oxsring bel the ‘hreshold of consis awareness, eng rsstat eto ontal and being inevitable or obligatory. The diferent fentre of Sutomacity do aot always covocut and Twill heefore always sperify ‘he sense in which te tem is used The feature of acomaticty ost fen jest empincal inexgation within the Rl of attention to emotional information tas bow tht of ewarencen, in partcalar wether Basel rtnton to emcional materiel occurs subimialy. Thi hs ally bem infered) by ‘using very bref ipicaly < 14m) backwardy_ masked presents of stimu. Fally the concept of automaticity i lose Felted othat of pre-atenive (in conras fo poseatente) processing ah features henvily tn some theories (ee below). Preatenve procesing ‘crus tay peor io atentonal slsion ad is parle and a thereoed species forthe notion of utomticy within the eld fatention To of the remaining concepts related to suromaticiy, contol and capacity, ‘warant separate consideration due ¢o thie potential importance with ‘wor on anton to emotion. Control “The concep of contol canbe peoblematie, since some argue ths merely postpones an explanation of the mechanisms inden the excatie eomtole” (Aller, 1980; Posner 8 Snyder, 2008; Seen, 197) “However eet years ches best ne increatngly tenable concept both empiial and theoretical work, thanks in part tothe avalabilty of ‘Bllopcal measures sat can provide move objective dependent measites, ‘Gonwol has been defined it varios ways. Weaser and Bargh (198) propose that contol happens whea some occurrence i ot random, but fnmesd is infoened in a crn section. Bargh (1994) proposed that “contol” refers oan individual's ably to ale or sop a proces once i har stared and is cloely related to Dot dint from stenonality, which feet the ndvidaal' silico initiate process, Moore and De Hower (2006) in an impesive i-deph anal, proposed that cont ivales Si inva pursuing aod aching rosa gosh, that iy goal about ‘the proces tat being tied. For nance, a pocsexconeole the {goal to stop the proces scully leads to he termination ofthe proces ‘Osher proximal goals are the goal to start or alter the proces. Theit ‘efnion is thus Broader one than Bargh's and maps more csey 1 7. Th effects of emotion om atention 219 corzet usage of the em in ongoing empirical work for example ties of “emution regulation ee Kole, 2009, fora review). "The view tha control may of may ot be conscious i consistent with “Moors and De Hower (2006) anal, Some researchers have ive fatedcontolcsing explic instructions to vary atenton to emotion (Gros, 2002; Ochsner & Geos, 2005), whereas oters have uid task ‘manipulations or otber implicit means of implementing conol[Yiend ft al, 2008). In pychopathology the breakdown of contol has been Saegested wo ‘underle te sft fom. ubcinieal pathology co clinal order (Mathews, 1990), and correspondingly that previous consrains fn eaensive procrsing of emotional information are fos. Capaciey leis generally assumed that there ea cen poo! of resourses, which sailed flexibly during ateasonal operations aconling eo procesing Tore, bat that hete rrourcer are limted a0 that under nme intone capacity will be exhausted and performance decrement wil follow Johnston & Heinz, 1978; Kakneman, 1973, Wickens, 1984 The similarity of two eats bas sometimes append toe 2 more important factor than resource demand leading to suggestions of separate, maltiple systens of resources applicable to specie type of operation (eh Allport, 1980; Hancock Orom-Gilad, & Selma, 2007, Humphreys 8. Reval, 1984; Wickens, 1984), Thus f wo tasks tap into diferent, tesource systems, then there wil be litle competion for resources whereas tasks ae ag, lnteference acca ee Allport, 198, for ree For emotion and aenion there are wo important coals ofthe capacity” concept Fit information procening resources wil bei cxced according fo the particular condone and simul ofthe tsk. In particular, emotional infomation thought to place heavier demands on ‘sourees than san-emotonal information at evidenced By wieseesd, eer imerference ees. Second, capacity is charactersicaly depleted {m prychopahology. Higher individual levels of emotion {eg Anxious ‘nood} are thought co consume resources in some gener way (ef mination aboot carret worries, which likly to impact upon tse rformance as well ay impacting on the ably to deploy vop-down fontrol: Deficits arising om eapaciy limitations and thei impact on the Eonttol of emotion procesing are therefore a ey feature in some theories (lysenck 8 Calvo, 1992 Ejenck eal, 2007; Mathews & Mackintosh, 1998) and, increasingly, In emplcall work (Ansan, Derakshan, & Richaeds, 2008; Hayes, isch, & Mathews, 2008; Mathews, Vie, 8 arenes, 200 220. Yiend "THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES 7. Th effects of emotion om atetion 221 ‘deny the dicrepant one ak quickly as posible (ote dhe silarity with ‘sal search fr discrepant facial expressions, below). They ae jst 8 fas to dewcea urge distinguished bya unique feature (eg, olor} bo mater Jw many cstacer tems ae preset ees for ore complex ore, the lager the aray the slower the espses as atenton Is presumed 0 Sremavcally search trough items. Typwly reaction timer are pote gust increasing ary sz (amber of diez) andthe “search slope tne eating graphs charcerstiaiy ft for targets that “pop ot" Itlined for tho regeing atensonal selection (Tresman & Grade, 1980 These slopes ae taken to represent fst, pall and slow seria search processes, respectively and are sed to quay the extet of parallel [rocesing. The quston for emotion and atenton i thas how emtionl fatal prosned within tha mode of stenton: ab a gh salen Cinjncsion of features that nevertheless “pops out” fom the visual Sivironent (as evolutionary views of emotion may suggest) O° ab 2 nore complex piece of infomation requting selection eo ascertain is notional signficancs? The dita‘on emotional pop out reviewed ler Sages Something moe towards the former ofthis continuum. “Theoresal undertandng of how emerion influences atention can be Aided so evo broad domsinn (1) those which sek to account fp Sstentional ffs toward sient material wheter doe t it enotonl ‘ature, some other character) and (2) thane accounting specify for peschopathology-elatd individual dilerences in the ocosing, ‘emotonal, stally emocon congruent, material “Theories of attention to emotional materi Interest from mainstream copnitve researches in atenton 0 emotion although rapidly growing empirically, sll infancy theoretical “The processing of emotional material an be ied wo there of stein by taking emorional material a one example of highly salen information, However, new ares of research interest sich av this tart hy borrowing ‘ssting theo and adapting theo explain the new pepomens, Here Specify in general terms ow two important theorir of atenton ci be Felted to atentinalprocesing of emsioal information “Theories of selectieatecion can account for the general Sng that high-intensity emosional infomation Is often pivised for stent processing fone adds he simple essumpion that emotional inoraton 2 specific cue of a highsaence stimulss. One problem i tat thee theories do nr zticlte how and why this sles tbed othe ‘motional material in the fst plac, but coe may cider invoke ot fccouns to do thi, sach asthe biological prepredaes of some scm {es dangerous animal signal fear; excrement os ss and th Ssefuited meaning of others (eg weapons acqure an association Wi ‘anger, or borzow a “valence evaluator” mechanism from theo of pachopashoogy Biased competition ‘This isthe carey peeereed spproath within the atentonal liearae counting for attentional secon between competing ems (Buchmann ‘& Deco, 2008; Desimone & Duncan, 1995; Duncan, 2006; Kastner Ungersder, 2000, 2001). Our miet-capacieyproceming sytem deals sth an overload of informatio which maybe oth internal and exe by competion for atenton beeen tepesenttions ofthat information. ‘Bosh bowam-up and top-down actors can inuence the relative activation of any represettin, thereby "basing the compesin. This ests in 2 Section of what imporant and rejection of the remainder In the Soorest of atenion 10 emotion, inherent characteristics of emotions Imari, sich as enhanced perceptual distinctiveness and. bologal Ieparedney can be thought f as acing to increase relative salience, [ending to ftom anentionalprioisation. Silay topown factor, such a envonmentl context, past experience oF pot knowledge could ‘eres compete basing nflences, Several more specie moselsof Sention and emotion in aychopsthology coeered low ete notion tise competion at 2m stgral pat heir amenonk ‘Oae important impiation of Basi-compettion model (ncloding ‘modes using this concept sich a5 shat of Mathews & Mackintosh, 198, Tread below) that evidence of seectvestentional effec il oay be sen when sinalis peeentation conditions allow competion. Thus, Focoting «single eheional sinules sod comparing 2 reacon-ine ‘esponse berwen hi and a singly presented neutral stimulus, shoal not test n evidence of sletive atestion to either, whereas presenting the Feature integration theory “This lassi theory (Tresman & Gelade, 1980 of visual ateton describes Iho certain perceptual characteristics (suchas oentation or colt te processed automaticaly (alls senses) apd prior 0 any atentonal Selection occuring. Attention is conceied as the proces by which "epresenatons of more complex stimulate formed throug the combing ‘om of indval feats ("onjanction of features”). Searching the i "vironment for comple argets(eonjuncion search) i therefore a slows process of serial earch reing repeated steno selection, presi Sh tejetion unl he ages ound: Other snar models include hos of ‘Wolfe (Wolfe, 1994: Woole, Cave, & Franz, 1989) In clasc visual search expenmeas, cited i support of sac theories paripants are presemed with am atay of stimuli abd asked to Jcate of 222 Yiend to stim sltaneousy (and therefore in direct competion) shoal “This disecation it boc predicted by biased competion and related models and supported by the empnicalevicene. Specially sly ‘nly under conditions of competition Beoween simul that one see Preferential tention to emotional over neal information, Both inthe {eneal population (Clk, Nemmenmas 8 Hye, 2008) ann tltion| to india diferences MacLeod & Mathews, 1991 Mathews & Miloy, 1934), This patern of results iples that tmoton-elated. eens sndelying ational elects depend on variations i processing eine of ‘exactly the sore hat ised-competion theory pedis “Theories of attention to emotional material in psychopathology “The most pei theores of emotion and aeation ae those that sek 0 {ccount forthe pater of tieed nsnonal procning of emotionally ‘ongroen mater n mood disordered oe subclinical individuals, Emotion congruent biases in ateson ypcally comprise those with anxiety, “preston, or other cial related states daplaying enhanced stent tonegatve matesal a partial tat match ther partcular mood bate ice “specie” aecnons) andor reduced attention f0 poste Tuer, Theories about these biases therfore need to take account of the emotional nate of the material Being proceed aswel the emioal ate of the disordered individuals thems. "Two eaty theories used to explain the emerging empirical daca were ‘hose of Bek (1976) and Bower (1981, 1987) Bek proposed the essence fof neative dsfnctoal schemata [eet of elted belie and ates Shout the sell, the world snd the future}, which Bias informason Processing, while Bower sed an abocativenetwork model in which Spreading activation from emtion pods increases access to matt of Sie coment. Although bot remain sient today in other demas, they no longer malice to explain the potern of Samed cognition sence ‘wth dors, primarily beaae ther common prediction, that all ors {finformaion processing wl be biased similarly across all disorders has ot ben supported by te empirical erdence, Rater, «double dssocinton becate apparent, whereby ei anxiety was more ley related o biased {tenon then baved eal wit be revere patra found in depres tern now farther guaiflod by she duration of preenstion of sins Irateral, a8 deserted later. Ie was thee findings that triggered he {velopment of theft theory specially designed to account for biased ‘ogaton in psychopathalogy, considered next Wiliams era's no-stage theory (1988, 1997) “The theory proposed by Willams and collegues (Willams et al, 1988, 1997) distinguites “pining” Irom “elaboration” (Gra! & Mander, 7. The effects of emotion om artention 223 1984). Priming i concived aan eal automatic activation ofthe inter fepesenation ofa simul, which tempranlyenbance is accesiiy. ‘lms cal. lim that efi fini tit anery are gel de te proceses occuring at automatic (speiicallyinvolntary and uncon ‘Sins) stapes Elaboration isa lter statepe process, which erestes and Screngtenr interconaecsons between representation, thereby atecting proceses sich a8 cereal. Biases at laborason supposedly undede fmosoncongent elects in depression. The specieton ofthese (0 tnechanioms means dat any factor fafaccingprossing (ich a trait "nxt or depression) ned! no apply equally across al eypes of coi operation (for example memory or aention). This a erica ference fom the eater models of Beck (1976) and Bower (1981, 1987), which prediced that individ! ferences sould bas al types of cogition 38 [nccal manner (se above). Te gies the model explanatory power (0 sccout for findings implicating diferent cognitive processing biases in Aizen emotional disorders fr example depression associated more with bases in rec han anton, andthe reverse frre anxiety) Invermsof aeaton, which is our foes here, the pwostage cheory predicts that fenton tsk allowing oly cient pining of emotional sad noo ftmoconl material or example api pesntatons nt allowig sues {ime for elaboration) shold. show ‘bites in tat aney, but ot ‘epesin, whereas atentoal tasks allowing elaboatveproesing (for txample those using longer presentation tes allowing more elaborate rocesing te occur) should reveal sim biases in depression but ot ait ney a fst dee predicts have bees largely supported by the dts, ‘nowt otably he vay of evidence suggestive of wait anaiety-elated (bat ot depression) artenional Bie eft when simul prseeation dit tions are ery shor and more recent work demeontratngstentonal is In depression when elaborative tentionl procesing t made posible by ‘Seng longer presets duration “The tor is considerably more detled han there space expousd here, bor there sone atonal aspect important to note. Two Sucre se proposed within the model, he afecuve decision mechansm (ADM, which valine the valence of stimulus input andthe resource aloaton| Inechanism (RAM), which determines how proceung cexurce are AEployed arom incoming stimal. Transeo state emotion ae formed sr at on the ADM, lndiog for example to higher valence valuations (Ley more salient, highly activated stimulus representations) when ia curest anxious oF depressed. mood. Io contast, individual Aiferences in emotional sat predisposition afect the RAM, leading to beater procesing eources bong dred towards the procesing of ftmotoncongrant mater at priming inet ansety and at elaboration in epresion) This means that he explanation for ransent effects of stat ‘mood on atcnsion ees on the efaluation of simul, whereas that fo Dersonalcy tat effects ecles on the extent and iection of processing 224 Vind 7. The efece of emotion om attention 225 Mattews and Mackintosh (1998) “The mode proposed by Mathews and Mackawosh (1998) sugess thar Siva nfrmation represented na compete acivation newer I oul therefore be coniered an emotion spec example ofthe based [Gonpetion approach decribed caer, ho with spec application £9 indidsal diterences sm the procening of emotional information A "htesverluason sytem” iil t the VES and ADM of penny Gucased models) enhances the activation of any items "aged" a6 pect threatening thereby ineesing automatic selective tention fd procesing resources devote fo such tems. Atention wl therefore be Intel towards aches Invi ifleences are through the ef of mit ary o the threatevalation sytem, which eo ae fe ostpt Higher ansety, whether mood sae or personality tats wl hs lead 0 eater activation of threatening representations ofa given tials thereby [podicng enbanced competion’ with alterative oa, whic may be Aitfisent wo el ateatonal selection ofa threatening solu, Antiey ip he only indvdes-iferene dimension that the enodel explcly Stireser, and the welloes and tality of i extension (0 other ‘notion relevant dimensions has not yee been explored. A hey suena of ‘he models an additional eau accountng for posible top-down elects ‘on emotional procesing (ee Control above). The model des this exlicy ‘ivan efor tak demand” unt that can enbance the scvation of a7 Item within the compestive network. Within this framework all tinal, inclding emotional snd soremotonal oes consute separate terse fatons upon which the task demand mit may operate according fo tak fostrecionr or contertal condiioss, This farre gives the model Splanatory power fora range of eesults tht ober studies suogale 10 ‘sccount for sch s the patadonicl lineation of iss i the pesece of enuine tc (Ami tay 1996; Maes & Sebastian, 1993) Both this andthe preceding theoretical account converge on the assumprion that indvital ferences in atention emotional ate ae a rel of dferences in early simalus appraisal or evaluation, rather than inthe sllosation of resores forthe deployment of anton. This ie key theorescal ifleence trom the “worrtage theory” (Willams et a, 1997), which placer siferences in the disco of attention based 8 Aieenal esources athe hear of emorioncongroent bases ateaton “The cirrentconentar favour citer ofthe lat to models diseased (Mogg 8 Bray, 1998; Mathews &e Mackintosh, 199), withoat a clear preference feeween them. Wl the cognitive mosesioal analyse oles ‘rider explanatory ramewor (covering all alerve disorders, rather then fase ancety) and accountng fr most ofthe extant ats, Mathews and ‘Mackintosh (998) ale 2 crrenty favoured competion mechanism (which aves mathematical plementation) and allows foe both oto ap and top-down influences, ‘utes deployed Thi iq thot itincton his set the he 4a ror any eters nt gre and explant Powe Bena ‘ed coumeittine pedo ee ena” Cogitve motivational analyie Spa bec akan cat tain ung moet pte herag erie eae Pienvongeneasmraetres biological preparedness, the reactivity ofthe VES varies according to both Soa ten ee ee aac aaa sneer iene hac mriathcnare spameneer nomena {the vation of what emt stearate tha Ho te ecto ent oes Spt ttenty ener nema Soe rte rere Sas ag ate am ie ir andes haemo cad ht yar cedar ele gi cae aa ice antic dere Sane pe ace oes 226. Vind EMPIRICAL REVIEW: ATTENTION TO EMOTION IN GENERAL. [AND PSYCHOPATHOLOGY POPULATIONS, 7. The effects of emotion om tention 227 Fikering Dichotic tens Metbod Pehaps the eat example of an attentional ‘enon to emetion would be the eich listening technique (Chery, 1953; Conway, Cowan, 8 Banting, 2001; Har, Pashler, 8 Coburn, 2004; Moca, 1959; Wood 8 Cowan, 19853), Two simalancous auditory ressages ae pesete. Parpans ae ually asked to “shadow” (ep ‘bu load) one of them and ignore the other, ensuring ateton Fcc | nly one chanacl The ignored chanel is asuned to rssive very litle Shenton and experimenter ean compare the degree to whch difeest {ypes of still preseted on ths umatended channel intude Some Issue is made of interference prodced by the wnatended simul sich showing eros ‘Any empiri teratre i 2 some extent div by the avila of ‘alte methods to interrogate the phenomena of interest. attentions fmodon thee methods can be divided into Filtering, Sere, Cain, an ‘Multiple task paraigms (Cowan, 2005; Viend, Mathews, 8 Cowan, 2005}. This is more than jst 8 convenient way of dividing the emp ltratare. Each echnigue allows diferent inference tote made abot the mechanisms by which atenton i operating some olfering. gests prechon than others. Topeter they allow ws to Bald up a consrget pure of what exaclyis going on when people “attend to emotion There trey of course, ists eat cot arom the patclar method wed to Imecrogate attention. Some of thew have alieay bees highlighted nee the "concepts secon others wl be picked up en route, lei tasks invave presenting targets and Ustactes gehen panispant ability to suppres or ignore the later. The emotional Stoop {ask is pechape the mort obvious although contoresal ee Below) ‘example ofthis In Search tsk, participants mae find and cept on 4 ‘ariclar target in an array of dsuacters. One example is conser in {his review, namely visual search. When face atmol are wed thi allo enon asthe centered method. Cuong task nla methods a which simals or event trace attention os particular locatons) ands Followed by aarger tobe detced with atentonusalyeaured by the speed or accuracy of participant’ response. Ta Mute as, partcpais Imus allocate thie Imtedprocesing capacity to meet more than one ‘demand, as when having to report ono seguctal targets The example onsderedin this review isthe atertonal link method. Aen te one {nak tne, neat ther arin on awa ten Each typeof ask is dscused in sar, stating with a description ofthe specie echnique use, highlighting the leg bind andthe ieee ‘ade from it about atenton t emotional teal (Method. Any ele found inthe general population are surimaraed with reference o Sein and receat Iteratre (The general population) followed by sue Summary for result in populations sete to have elevance to poehi= Pathology (Psychopatology populations). The sigacane concept Ssues addressed fom eh pantcular domain of empireal stay ate highlighted (Concepua infroces). For some taka these ae very fe whereas for oter lage Body of erature has adresed many ite In the ase ease farther sabeacings aze sued to dings there ine with the ditinctons made ia Concepts The deans of each ak finishes With ‘evaluation ofthe literature to dae and ienscation of potential fe oneibutons (Evaluation). ering ask sed vo probe ‘Te general population aly finding indicate that epesily salon messages sucha ones ow ‘name (Moray, 1959) or taboo words (Nilsen & Sarason, 1981) produced {rors daring shadowing, Later cies ued the method described above 10 how this can ke atebated 0 atetonal interference specially tile of ‘enon and expacey imitation (Conway ea, 2001; Wood 8 Cowan 19953). Although stil widely ed to investigate attention to non motional material inthe general population, few if any of these studies include emotional atria Prychopatholoy popalations Dichotc listening was popula in erly investigations of paychopatology and atention emotional material. For example, Burge, Jones Rober Son, Kadelite and Emerson (1981) snd oa and McNally (1986) found hat ssioas patens were beter at detecting unattended anxiety evant ‘imal compared to neutal ones implying that eee imal were tcl eflecve ot commanding atentonl sources. An iefaenl Study by Mathews and MacLeod (1986) sidestepped the respose bas ‘roblems (ce Concepts seton} of echoing asks by comparing the {ects of emotional sed patra simul on pecormance of a independent tas, which al responses ae seal, They compared GAD patents and normal contrals by eguting them ro mabe speeded responte whenever they saw a “pres command appear on 2 screen in font of them wise Shadowing. They compared the elle of threat and non threat words occurring ae unatendd auditory channel on acon tne performance 228 Yew! 7. Theefecte of emotion om attention 229 to the vinsal tak, GAD pavens, bot not normal contol were slower ta ‘expond when the tak ctncded with trent (compared to mon ea) ‘word on the unattended channel tends inert varying degree, with the sped of olor naming In the orignal version sbjecs are particularly slow when the words ae the pte of colour, for example the word red” printed in is ink (S700, 1935). In the emotional Stoop the premise stat if grater attention tsecvely pid tothe content of partclar emotional words, then greater impairment of colour aaming performance thould be oberved on thee ‘ponds Consatent wih th, the apeed of colour naming emotion relevant ‘wor eg “disease” lr”) i eypicall slowed relative to the enor ing of matched neutral words, Conceptual inferences Dichoiclistening studies allow tsetement ofthe extent to which emotional information intrudes and drupe the processing of uta formation, Iniially ress were atwibted co the proesing of sles semantic information ouside awareness, However, later researchers have apa ‘tha awareness may momentarily switch beeween channels and now apt fester enter for making inferences aboot peripants’awateness of ‘arate, often iavoving ether expenmestlparadigme’ (Hole 1946) For example nthe Mathews and Macleod uy decibed abr sabsequent reception memory tess and unexpected peabing of mona: {ary awarenes was wed to Seengthen the inference tha ees were eo Intrterence fom semantc content thatthe artipants were Unaieo Father than voluntary switching of atetion berween chanel ‘The general population “Tere are few sis that specially report emoronal Stoop data in the eneral population, Pao’ and John (1991) used unslced. student ounters and found longer colour-namiag latencies for undesirable has Gescable wits replicated by. Wentua, Rothermundy and Bak (2000, Forever, mach of he Stoop erature address specie hyoshest that ae only tangentially related to selective atenton to emotional materi. (Questions have included identifying neural substrates (Compron tal, 2003; Enges eal 2007; van Hooft, Diez, Shama, & Bowman, 2008), bilagua ees Suton, Alas, Gianca, & Basighe Brows, 2007) cece of anxious mood (Sates Redneal Gentes, 8 Roemer, 207, Yorel & Mince, 2008}; attention to postive information (Seause Alles, 2006) and links between memory and attention (MacKay S [Akmtianoy, 2005) This dos not aecesarly mean that emotional Soop Innerference bs restricted to selected populations, but probably that ote feebigues have been chosen to investigate aention #0 emaion fn he ‘der popalation. For example, rlted phenomenon ie tha ofthe taboo Soop 'Sigr,1995), in which olor naming mes ae Toner fr taboo than for aewal words. The taboo Stoop appeats to be a fly robust phenomenon, the aetional fects of which anf t tr memory tak (Mackay et, 200) ‘A recent meta-analysis provides further information about emevinal Soop effect from cia conta and now-clinallw-ranerble oops (GacHsim, Lamy, Pergamin, Bokermans Kranenburg, & vam lencoorh, 2007), BarHaim apd collages found eidence of emotional Stroop lnuerteene, but only im blocked designs in which trial of 2 particule Taleace are groped together Tis quliiation, which has ben ported Chewhere in uncected samples (MeKenns & Sharm, 2004, may be dae to the cimlative exporure to valenond mul tha occurs tOuphoat lock, lading tan enhanced perception of tveat (consistent with the soe felting to itensty, discussed elsewhere. A parla ood review ‘the mo-emotional Stoop literature and i methodology is wien by Macksod (1991) and Macleod (2009, respectively. That there are 20 Evaluation ei surprising that so few sues have contnse toe this recigue pethap because of te interpretive problems highlighted. Is poe {har few could Be found spectialy examising atenton t0 emotional {nfoesaton i the geerl population, Hower, there versa creral al in which dchove bteningtcsiqes, and auditory amenon im peer oul contribute ew insights inco the attenonal processing of emotional Information. One might explore other aspects of automaticity Beyood “arenes (eg temporal characteris of iernion fests othe ef of ‘mental load) Thivand-oherparadigs could provide evidence fom the ditory modality the could etber converge with or challenge the evidence ‘accruing in the visual domain (see Spence Se Santangelo, 2008, fr a feriew):Fnally,dchose listening is being increasingly wed to explce ‘rostmodal phenomena (Satangeio, Ho, & Spence 2008), which ae of Interest in their own right and could yi added nights forthe ‘mechanisms underlying emotion eects on atenon Emotional Sroop Method [A Tange body of relevant evidence as built up around che ute of the ‘emotional Stoop tsk nth taskparczants have vo aame a qu as posnble the colour of nk in which words are printed. Is found that he ‘easing ofthe word il (hic mut Be ignored to ame ee ink cles) 230 Vind 7 Thectfece of emotion om attention 231 (Rutberfon, Macleod, & Campbell, 2004) asked whether attentional [Ese tac aniey were speci for negative mater extended tall Frovonal information, poutve and aegative. As ypotiesised they found flr elevated state anty produced interference on both poste and eps information, wheteas high weit asitypeoduced 8 more specific [Eb for egative over postive information. Consistent with emotion foerinatspecieity Sats. and Allen (2006) reported a bat for hih- isecsiy ponte (bat noe wineensty or neqative) words in hose reporting hig lees of pou afc specific reviews of the emotional Swoop in the general population unde [es the asence of dt, Prychopathology populations In comrast, the speed of clout naming pathology evant words eg, “diene”, “faire") has een used to reveal exacechated sc ‘emoton- 300m and upto 3000 ms; Posner 8 Caen, 1984). This thoupe co make atentonal election adaptive and efficient by Basing i avay fom rece selected Iocations toward noel ones Stoyanova, Prat, and Anderson (2007) wed far and neutral face aes with rations ranging fom S00 t0 1500 The cued location wat always Slowed compared tothe une nd never modlaed by fearful expcesion, leading the athorst conceit 1ORistriggered by event onset a not fnfoened by the aectve meaning of those events Fox et al (2002) incre cortarpet SOA co chet inhibien of run. Angry facet tlinnated the effect fr all parcipans and, in a separate experiment, threatrelated and ambiguous stimul iced fess inhibi in highest nse partcipanes. However, not all esuls have found anxer-rlaed Aferenes i non of return (ef Yend 8 Mathews, 2001, Exper Ineo 3) Reduced IOR effects have lo been found in depesion:Leyman {nd colegues(Leyman, De Raed, Schacht, & Koes, 2007) compared ‘Speed pacts with Healey contol wing angry and nesta peripheral curs peesened foe 1000 ms and eeprted edaced IOR fr snger i patients, ‘onntent with eater conclusions cocering attention sad depenion, Prychopabology populations For, Riso, Bowles aod Dutton (2001) and Yiend and Mathews (2003) tree among the fist to Bind support forthe bist dengagemert of ‘tention sing erphera aig (se ls a earlier ty by Dreyer) 8 Reed, 1994) Single ces fer pictures) were presented bie followed bya target ia the same rdffeent ations. There wee no anne eed Aierence when target followed inthe sme can asthe cae, ut ly Ivica thetening cues wee followed by target in diferent lation Th Ipc that thee were no difereces in engagement, but that anions individuals were slower to disengage anton fom the thresening sini Sn order wo find the target elsewhere Since then several farther studies have reported simi fects pleat {ng impaled dnngaging of ateton the moe contributor to ani ‘sled stetonal tat for threat. For, Ras, and Daton (2002) oS “herr, happy ad seul ficial expressions as peripheral cues, found Slowed diengagerent foc both emotions nigh teat anniey Anse, is Klumpp, and Preworst (2003) reported similar fen soil phobia for socal thea Woe, as dd Waters et al (2007| na specie repiation of Yiend and Mathews 2001) Conceal inferences (a) Intnity. Koster and clleage (2004) argued that he lack of evident foe theaecltedstentnal onenting effec in contol groups and in ely voluters ay be atibutabl to stds ong timo of insure threat value, Koster snd colleagues (2007) aed exogenous cuing with Evaluation ‘The current research wggets that bot engagement and diengagement ferences are seen in ateton to emotioeal mateal and that Both 248 Vend ‘mechanisms ae implicated in based attention in pychopatbology While Iiany cong studies have argued that sengagement of atenton i he ‘Pinar sta atetonal mechanism waderig previo reported Ehouor congue say elect in ateton, the viene rerdng ‘Sogunenr cin equal and few ser ave ed uct short SSE "Risow to allow socmum soni to engagement diferencee Forehermore, the dit from vival search tasks (ee above) appears to imple proces more shin to seeded cgagemens which sould urbe igs, More studies speiealy examining eagagemenedifer Cheese clearly warranted both in paychopathology and te gee] opalaion, “The crcumstances under which engagement andlor deoeazement effects are sun may Fe complex For example, both proce coud invave ‘Siening wo coment and, sparse o location. This as ye © be fly ‘Srrlored Canen dats hve ound dengagenent shen omen and Iecaton conere ar when a lation of actual, recent teat mun be isons conan engagements have heen mit obviowey Smowstrated when trent ayn stall be proven: Fete work could ‘Solve his datcton more senate "The single cung method to savesigate mechanisms of aueton to etional mater has generated much research ier ince it wit Smrodaced. However, ths as ao Nlged an inporant weaknes of the method. The cia fet can sometimes be confounded bya geal inerence fe, 10 which pachopathlogy groups are prone. Moms {nd coleapus (Mog, Holmes, Garter, 8 Bade, 2008) have explored ahs protic in some etal Specialy, procosing i wally Hower and trove er prone inthe presse of enoonallyPegtve information (Cgy Peed et aly 2006) and pechopatology group Tend to show Suit nesses cies bu fo a igricamyprester dee tan Sonttoh (egy Yond & Mathews 2001) Thon te pschopaboogy {soup is secant slowed o ll wal inwohing negate ct hen hs fener slowdown may arafealyexhance aparently slowed dene: Sfent om {and race speded engagement fo) negay in the sue Thee are currently atleast two responses to this problem. Theft x that mo all tudes in hese generic erfetence group diferentes Frpaning the sue: The second ts to teat the ireeence and spatial [nora eflectaeadve and to conta fo the former by subacion {cused in Mogg eal, 2008), Aird, ett Be apc soln frecarchert to devise a new experinetal method that doc ne 8 {Bective ampiomens on nepal valenced als While the examination Sse se her she eon nes may old promise there a3 to be am Inkerent mason on the Teel of err generated by Ci dso 7. The effects of emotion om attention. 249 ‘Malte task: Attentional blink Method In the atemiona blink tank, participants have to report evo sequential trgts ins rapid stream of smal ald rapid serial visual presentation; [RSVP the ages (TI presented fs followed by T2 peered second) fre slicer clone st presentation tine to each othe (pally 9 few deed millseconds apart) then the second (T2) is offen mised. The atersonal lak” eer to the finding a he efiency of detection of ‘Dis mowslated bythe te interval (ag) between T and T2, whch s ‘en defined in terms of the number of interning simsl in the resentation steam (Raymond, Shapro, 8 Armell, 1992). When T2 Ulecsom i plowed again lag a character atenation in T2 detection {or blink” of aention) ean be ven. This phenomenon ie Sought wo stem {oom an overineesment of stenonalreoarces in imal procesing {Olives &¢ Nieawenhus, 2006). Missing T2is thought to ocr because resources are ail deployed in procesing. and therefore insaficient {evoarces ae sll available atthe une of T2 tallow it be ientied Tn etional adaptations ofthis task i icra to be cleat abou the recite natre ofthe emotional maripelaon. This because predictions "ary Sepending on when the emosinal information presented fea 38 TT for 12) and extane studies ilfer markedly. The most typical emotional ‘Saptaton of thera st ook a the eee of esta targets identified at ‘Tron emotional verses nestral targets ieniied at 12. Under these Condon a attenuated steatonal bln would be expected when T2 wat ‘motional and therefore capable of commanding greater atentonal Ieeource, An akernaive fo examine the diferent effec of went ‘cmovonal versus neutral targets at TL on neutral T2 identification. It ‘emotional information procesing consumes atonal capacity, a8 might te expected, the atestonal Blink should be enbaaed when emotion informations proceed tT ‘The goneal population A few scuies have examined alfetive madslation of the emotions scenonl blink pheromencn ia the general population. For example, Kal snd Ihsen 2004) looked atthe elect of plessat, unplessan and neural woeds presented at T2. Both emotional categories enhanced scurscy of T2 Menaicaton, expecially at shor lags alhough not when ftmosional information ated low on arousal was used. Simul, Anderson (2005) found she attentional ln was redaced when emotional words twee preted at T2, even when ofher factors relied to diferent Aininctienes were contlled. He also reported that the enhanced 250 Yiend streotona fects were abutble othe arousal eather than the valence (of ce emoconal laformation In he emotional RSVP studi of Most and collegues (ako called “auentonalrobbereching"s Most Smith, Coote, Levy, & Za, 2007) coaly one target has to be reported and the fics on detection accuracy Sven it is preceded by an emotional tls are compared to those of ‘preceding neural simul (tty speaking, then, this does aoe valve Tolople taka). The authors ed seis of pears preened at 100 ms fer item sad siked paricpant to ently the ereastion of one rotated nape among a stream af upright ones. Accuacy dropped when tages sppeared after emotional compared to non-emotiotal mages (Most, Chan, Johnson Kich, 2006; Most, Chun, Widders 8 Zald 2005) resimaly ‘thir was abr ofthe spontaneous stentonal salience ofthe emotion, tathr than asa ret of prponeflsenton co given that ony T2 had tobe identified), The same group hs eepored sine effects with soung postive simul (Most ee al, 2007) and simu made negative tough {versve condoning (Smith, Mos, Newsome, & Zal 2006, Others ave reported sma alt salir, efecse tng emotional and petra words (Amel Kilmas, 8 Fav, 2007) ‘Mort recertly Mot and Junge (2008) epored intriguing reroactve ffs of unpleasant sninges on neta target images. Spell, they found thar trget detection accuracy Was impare een when the emtionl distacter image appeared on the cpl afer the age. A sma rest ‘was reported by de Jong. and Martens (2007), im which ange at T2 Inrereed with happy entiation at T. Them rar are consent th Shiconie memory account of be arersonal lin, whereby reprseaton (of sequeadal preseotations can billy coxst and mutually ier “Ths, biased competion of tansientrepresemations again coud provide the basis ofan explanation for these phenomena Peychopatology populations Emotional vations of the attentional blink have now been usd in seer seadies of pstchopatology. In one ofthe fist Rokke and coleapes [Rokk Arnel, Kec, 8€ Andrews 2002) Inked a low, mid and serese Ayaphora in 2 carfully controled experiment. Thre were 20 BPP Aiferences when reporsng single targets bur with two targets separated by ies than 500 sean atentonal blk occured a expected. This Bk 36 Sigaicany larger and longer for the severe dysphoric group. Aout revealing mood-reated aenional impairments, porte thes ata are notable to speak to emotion congrasn effects st emotional information twas not examined. Howerer Korte, De Rael, ibboel, De Jong, 28 Verschaee (2009) did wie emotional words in Selected high and low Aysphori group, Within 300s window T2 ideation ws impsized by negative words presented at TI in the high dyphorcs segs ah 7. The effets of emction om attention 151 ‘hanced atensonal blink. This sands in contrast to work on depesion tnd atenton from other methods given the relaely shor ine petiod Sealab for mols processing “The anenional Bink has ben examined more widely in ation eo snxiy. Fox, Russo, and Georgios (2005) manipulated the valence af T2 {nd found tha low trait and sate anxious individuals showed 2 stone Blink ec for feafl and happy faces whereas in high rat awit for fearfl expressions the Mink we sigfcany reduced. This i consistent with the general pater shrovghout this review of an anwiyrlaed| reatonal salience of fear and in tha parsedar wechnigue can Be Interpreted a an eet of reduced inkbion of threat, Barna Ramon, Bare, and Mackintosh (2008) lave repored similar findings where stateanwius particpants showed s larger blink than on anxious for fhretening word distactrs presented at T1- Contasting with these data, fe Jong. and Mares (2007) failed to find any exacerbation of the fenton Dlink for happy aed angry faces in acected high and ow Social ansious participant Thi i further example of atetiona fess in social arniesy not conforming tothe wider asiety literate, Fly “rippeand colleagues (Tripp, Hew, Heyl, echt, Miner, 2007) ‘samined the atertional linkin pide phobia bat xing nese TT targets ‘and varying the content of T2. All partiipan showed. a reduced Steatonal Bisk for emotional (porte and negative) T2 targets Sper hobs, however, showed 2 partiuany attenuated terion blink for Spider simul, detecting thee at T2 more freueatly than all ether 2 args. Evaluation “The dieton of the ee of emotions information on the attentional blink esiially depends on the type of emotional manipalation cried out Enosional information can act ether enhance or atenate the ble ‘pendent on wheter tis iene (ri ame tis merely presented) fv the fist or second target Current research suggest that emtional infoemation sgniiarly modeltes the stetonal Mink. Isso sugges ‘that emotional information ersten tention resources daring these tasks, consent with the panern of aterional biases seen in other saraigms, Soc effets have been found both in general samples and ‘racerhoted in psychopathology samples. Seadies ung tis echaigue sre feltively new to the fed and vepeason and eenson of tse findings ‘wb important. When partipants perform more than ote similar tsk st lance limited processing eapactin most be diibatedacrostthe tasks, Malpas are therefore eal placed investigate the automsticy of tortion procesing, secitcally whether and to wht extent resource ‘consume, 252. Yio DISCUSSION tention to emotion inthe general population In some paradigns och as dichotic litening and emotional Stoo, ther very Ie extant data from the geal popolstion. Indeed the dat rom TSsal seach methods in this group far cutweighe that from any ott Doradigm. These data suggest that peatentve "pop out” of megane Information ini scctest sense) docs-nol-ocat but hat search for gative information sigan faster and more efficient than tac zat foam nea ge gd mor en [ther chem or pctorl but oer simul af holga relevanes eb terra of speeded search It wll be important to gan eonvergent ‘hese conclusions and avoid eljng coiely on a sige ‘echo Guin studs are trig to provide conversing evidene conning the cxsee of atetional bases towards threat information ia the general ae aan appear necessary for their detection in these samples. One is_stimulus Teno se cen ata ace aes oe meg te Me meh ee eerie renee eel ae mes oe ee eh geet eas a Addl wo he tre ong cies ta asm: (assuming that visual search, as well as cuing, reflects @ process of ce le a ce, es on ee ee ere ee eee Sage fe let omer 2 snd sepatve hse ena eure Se Sl ee one ere pore ee ‘formation and therefore (at akeTWion To eMotion fs not “automatic” an the eS Fe eetay man tenis wa 7. The ef of emotion om attention 253 rite sente. There it ao comitene body of work systematically ‘aresing whether tention to nepetnty occurs without awareness (which as, though, been extensively exploced i prychopahaogy) oF ‘heer aetna tet ar arable to intentional (or nomintentonl) corral. Silry, we have yet to fly address stimulus specifiy by entiying whether valence, atowsal, dscet atgores of emotion or saine ter dimension (eg, biota relevance) best characterises the aature of the smh ceting preferential stortion. Other spect ect, sch a those acrom diferent modliier are only just begining to be explored (Van Damme, Galle, Spence, & Mosley, 2008), tention to emotion in psychopathology populations In pachopsthology, the emotional Sroop and cing techniques have {gether provided s consderalc body of work. Both technigues have reveled emotio-congrut bass showing a hich deer=_of xis i prchopatologrlated speci. Based atention ison ast ota teil ntching the concerns ofthe aividal an elf tat ‘cers to rump the vlece ofthe mata In deptesson thee Snbuy over whether finding are ven by ateuaton of ation ‘eis or factaton co neat, with cent evidence sigerstve of ek Bais in ase elted onder and eloed abies tt ct Sly, siblinaly, sod der ctntanees of atenonal competion. ‘Teri idence supporting stat pponton of seasonal Basa tovey. Reber, he atetoa!slence of ctotionsgrcne mae Snpeat to pea acon me, enaly waning in sength, Aeon ihases in diprewanelaed-drdes and tai have sow beet aby nd, providing task prac allow sfiset time ocly around 1+ ‘o€ mare for caborativ mls processing This realy new empl dercopment remains consent wth ect theres! model (Mathews ‘© Mactosh 198; Monge Beasley, 199% Wills ea 19971 Wile cn sis lary sapor hese conlsions they fave aio added sgifenly 10 understanding the pave mechanisms ving Sass, by implesing imgied_detgasenen fm and_Lsoncim) ] faced cigs 0-songieit materia Went sabes ‘eed tha engagement maybe the primary seca ler work hs ‘Scie hit uence ako vole parca he conlon Ssppared by findings sing col cing and al seth, bth of whch ‘aud be exloted farther npachopathology popelatons I posible, fowere, gen the pattern of rent dy tral sath (peal) itor some reson es cite to subhcal dilrcce in ston motion, and that the death of psschopathlogy-réated erature infact tasks 8 quantity of null ndings. Perpheracuing seas need ciel imerpestion when there ae nea. Between oop ferences in response speed f0 emotional information, However, these potential j 254 Yio imerpettive problems are not inevitable, nor insurmountable, One flgiiars challenge for fre work wil be eo adie these ad, i 50 ‘doing, either validate or ete he carrent findings Thee ino debe est ‘xamination of spaaloneming mechanisms represents ove ofthe mort ‘liane areas ropes within hie ld in recent years ‘Thee are several adsiconal areas of potent ftue prodoctive esearch, Oe is examination of atenonal ithltion in depession using, {or example, peripheral sing or eptire priming Sea ari contin to bean anomaly with quite contadictory accounts ofthe direction of tendons! flees, neceseatiag fuer work to resolve. As with te {eneral poplaton, many specs of automaticity remain to be syste Sccily examined. Ssbliminal emoconal Soop snd cans studs Susp ‘hac ataetslaedateatonl Bisse proced in he absence ofan, ‘withthe later methodology reveling thi mos convincingly. In coma, ‘enna Hin data sugges this Bas involves diferenal deployment of ‘sources. Whetber aentonal iar amenable to intentional [or 00: inset) contol has no ben diet investigated alehogh the proven ably eo experimentally modify ameninal biases woold suggest his Tikal to be te ease (Koster, Fs, 8 MacLeod, 2008 Pry, 2002 Comparative conclusions ‘Tosum up Iwill consider ome broader coclsins inthe ain ares che saniples unde suds the empirical finding: and theoreti impeatins Starting with the samples, wll be clea from tis ronew that tere 3 sipnfcanly suonger sory of behavioural research on ateton 10 fmoion within. psychopathology than within the general Population, However, one reent years wider intrest in emotion processing geet hat advo 2 corespondingly increasing quantity of behavioural data, As 4 ‘eval thee popslations have been oosideaton pve othe relasonship between them, Let scone fra tnomene what the nature of thi relationship i (ce Figure 7.1, °As shows in Figure 7-1, we ean loosely Mety thie dines popula sions, A, Band C. Area C represents “psychopathology” These individ ‘ould comprie either nonclinical sampler selected bared on being abore Sone theshold on a continuum of a valnersbiy, o cna spl felced by diagnosis, who woul, by definition, fall within this wpe fhresold range of he rerant walt (eg wait anaery inthe cave of eneralised any dnorder) Area A represents so calleé “healthy” cont {oup wed as comparisons in stds of peychopaboloy. These in (dal ae sere in sia fshion, bu below slower hrerbld 0 the fiven tat or are likely tobe o by virtue of rigorous screening for the Stsene of any diagnostic indicator, Area A and C, therefore, elect the Samples Being compared in mos: stds of psyhopathalogy 7. The effects of emotion om attention 255 voneay eet 74 Th latin pn a eh a en Siesatros iets cette ae Meare, of the wort commonly administered or wed for secon fn Seri tecrcentl eer events ‘Soe ete Sich ee et oe ee See eee Se Seger ees tea Uutated a¢'>1.9 tandaed deviations above he popelaion enn.” tn contrast, studs ofthe general population are repesened in Figare 71 by area B These tae an be more fle tepet ithe sample i not well charcenzed. For present purposes a wellchiracteraed”™ Sample means obtaining participant scores relevant measures of tat ‘ulnerabiiy a the tine Of sting. One such meare ie neuroticism, 3 feral scale indeatie of levels of wolnerality to 4 wide range of Psychopathology. Providing sores fall close tothe population mesa or trtin some predefined window aroundit (uch 242 andar deviations Sample wil reflect “averse” o “epic” vulnerability and, correspond ing, “epic!” performance on stentonalprocesing of croton information. Although often tered “unselected thi i not sry toe ‘ofthese sample ice some seeton, in the frm of screening om exec Scores areal taken place In peice, many seas do now touts screen or incorporate relevant iniidualdifeeace messes of pysho- Pathology rated ni (in partly of tho veviewed above ad it Femains steal tha researchers of atetion to emosonal information| Continue 9 6 so, tallow clean inferences to be made, Convers hone ‘prima interested in psychopathology should not oreok the poet Importance of mainefftc findings, which could reflec global ferences in uncon to emetional material I x hoped that by considering Both erpetnes thin ths review that mural benef wil esl 256 Yiend Til cao gr 7 dare sans rom a of pctopatcogy elated erences (rez A canot be ase to srctetly ref te perlornance of hemody of he population area Bi ince they for asin group aad may (or may et fle. deed hee is acclmilaing evidence for attentional biases i te oppose {EEson hose oid with ppchoptholon icing he voce Saal neat legy Yend & Matic, 2001) or the selection of pest Joormann eal, 2907) Thee may serve an important pottine [htc an move deed veatgnton of he aenealprofe of ow ‘lsc somplr sees fo be conduced to furter characterise tae Dotty Prvevecopntive markers. Whether or ot some bast ae ‘Eovely prc is econing sepia Tlevant question due ro work ‘a copnive bas modification, whih seks to modify atentional proces Sina an aeneto impor pyehoprlog ad rece veal tim vulserabiny acted thks own sc of prtecve bse then ‘Shaineaon wok may wih o dope more ambitious e of ares fr ‘Slancingcopntion es Koster et al 2009, forthe mos cent Gicssion Slike aren sats of ba medication wer) ‘Tarim to the empirical ata at have bees rviewedy what hey ince fan be gleaned aboot ateton to emotonal steal ene hd pychopththogytlatel populations? In both thee is sofcent ‘fidence to'drow tr wc cenlson that etna nd pailaly on ss slstve ational pron xe soem {oRaT dino dawg commands adonal atentona sours noth {reeves tha is Hiss procerds stoma i some eee x eral sanpls the nr ost ar although or sowing SS pop ont amt er aycopstnogy related samples material re tented below the lve of consiooeawarehss can eit ase aon “Fe ineiaiy f stovon hae ocasionally ben assed in behavioural fradgn by meuring the extent of proesing of uatended tinal ‘hing segaive priming (ei, Cston, Tipper & Hewie, 2005, Jorma, S004 Tipper 1985, 2004; Tipper & Cramton, 1985), Other aspects of fovomasicy, require mach further exploration ia bok population, ost ably contol leg Yend et aly 2008) and capacity (ey Okon Singer, “Taegan, 8 Hens 208) ‘Win features about biased attention toward emetion distinguish she ations? Two. pon aad oat at preset, the imensty of ona Falwell and the time couse over which attention probed First Sychopatholoey-xelae.samols-anpsa- ‘frend w-ngaueexotonal mateal at any feel of tensity acres Fe eStore tng comet per esi fe ee Pa cede torte ned seer attoel bes SRE cnge of sage of een Peeiog ead ens somes scm bee re ale fe lg iy he psa eS 7. Th effects of emotion om arention. 257 “Those diferaces spp that what we observe ia paehoputolgy i 2 Inoe ering and more existed form fase common eect of ‘seo steana proce er han sone quate re coc of earl ann ‘Eis, where dor the Ad aed with pct co muds of Bed ncn poceing? Fs the above ew Suggs that rent models Evel to Span pyhopatlog led ees may be appro, ‘eth sone mouifcaton ats moe general poplaton lve. Sco these Indl place cierencer nap sesunve wen” af the. he of {toa Bas tonal atrial Mites fe Macitoy 998, Mogg 8 Brey, 1998). Th sandr ncona to exer model which inp ciel eto of recone aceon (Wiles {9371 sug tha ateoaal segs to emotional nati ‘rely sir aces SCR a eto ee ‘Seen wth he eopirclconiason above tat hse ifs ‘egret which ha aera perce emotion ait set ‘SEsion Recnuning for ated steno to emotion ati way, Oy ‘erence diferenf evalaton renin consen wh cae) favoured based ompesiion approaches co explaining munsream ae Sonal leon. Thx crane fleece may br oe of many pon tang acre operning ins “bottomsp one abo he ne at ‘Sie inane to cnoxon shown bythe ner poplaon waren ‘ore exc contderton within nainaves atest her "The nxt theeaal halle ode he proposed “eal. On she bss of he da sevewed Bre hs evar ovat acting the ery Sct ages retentive procs The qurton show sod on wht ‘Sie the ealaton conducted? Mus ence ely 90 lowee Percept hnacris mance wth wlence an fo wt ae tee ‘Saraaeanca? To sare to aver these Gurion vee sping and “ending exning framework om wit opine pycholgy Poary Sisal perception followed by patter and objet recognition. These tries win countne pmeblogy date how the eon {Erman ipod rovped sad smal ened ae dre oj fd ctgorte wake th val el Hampege aod Braces (198) intuceal famework proposed bjt eapcon to comes cepa Clean lowed by saab dantaion aad sag: dato. ‘aii wie cepted day. Theale var” lack Sox inte Imavl cused above could htetore be cnciedstperforig type At abet cogion whch ets ntoemason of alec 0 hedone tone, Pepin cssfatin somatic asain er both a ee fee be tt smee of bane at te plecevclanon ges Roepe Ctnication,acrdng wo cuenta fg Beef Youn, NG Broce & Gren 19M Baron 8 Bree, 1992, nals secu tocoing,whh ier secraldescrpon (a of vera popes) ‘Ser sptiy idl ural slemens aad how they combine to ae 258 Yend the whole, The pereptuabtrectral descripons aze compared to Structural descripone stored within memory, allowing perceptual clas [avon ofthe objec to occur. After eis emai information is acces Semantic caafcation involves aceming stored propositional knowledge bout objects and their categories and. associating it with incoming ‘erp signals. Empirically separaing perceptal from emante cas Fenton o Meni the loco based clasfeatin of valence wl eke to future theoreti understanding ofthe proces a valeace evaluation. xing evidence already bears on us question. Many statics now sages perepial bast atentional baer toward eosin. Emon ‘alos content specially enhances perceptual processing (Calvo 8 Nurmenas, 2007, 2008; Calo, Nammenmas, 8 Hyon, 2007, Zeclenber, Wagenmaers, 8 Rottvee, 2006), ih patclar contas Senstivay TPelpre ay 2006, Some seis pola tothe importance of Inuividual percep lexus. For example efecegions (Fox & Dan ovis 206) sb eyebrows (dg ke Onan, 2005) sated tom thei ‘Conespnding fail expressions have stil ees found ro produce superie ‘Erection eer, Howerer, percptial clasification comprises not oly denatyng india estas ba slo conigral informatio: information thout the arrangement of tee fears (a dnsnction widely wed witha the face pocenng erature), Some work saggsts that corect configs tion seeded in ode for pereptal clasification of valence ro oat For eample, presenting 8 mouth alone eliminates the speeded ection of “gece in some statis Fo et 2000; alkough sce Experiment # in Obman et aly 200%b, for conraicory result) and face inversion {now fom fae groceing stair to. dsrapeconigurl information, ‘wile retaining fundamental Towlevel peeceptal features) has a simi (Het (For ct aly 2000; Lamy, Amun, 8 Bar Haim 2008). Farther ‘idence ofthe importance of perceptual Casfiaion comes rom Calvo Sd colleagues, who have cafied ut considerable work on perceptal Sensvity ting npmrcetestion anasto quant recognition accuracy foe bee preset foes, paralowal and peripheral ematonal sin. “Ther finds sagen proved sensi for segaive emotional nforma tion in faces (Calvo 8 Esteves, 2005), images (Calvo, 2006) and words {Calvo 8 Castilo, 2005 Calvo, Casio de Fuentes, 2008), which extends feyond the immmeiate foveal rin, Final comnaent with ee ave tment of mantic elasficaton, subjective rating fsck eats has een ‘on to eval emotion slated diflerences (Horstmann 8 Bauland 2006; ‘Tippes, 2007), Fine above view sugges that dhe central ask facing researcher i rention an emotion to define how the dasifiation of valece sc in pacar to what extent prceptaal venus semantic clsicaion Proveves are bite. This view alin sugges tha access wo semanbe Information may aot be a preregsite for valence clasifcation Ir wil be Important for researchers to develop thei ideas regarding exactly ow 7. Theefects of emotion om attention 259 saleceevalason occurs rondo exiting knowl fa cognitive Frvcoloy. Another chalenge wl be ose say peooned mechan Sof ie ton a ail de rae ae ‘antic desing (Landover, 198) of on Pole computona ‘solution to describing how valenced information is extracted tnd ha bern {ppbed vo both val ad pcoral information cargrsaton. At ist Sh focing on the ba for alee ealanton may sem 2 dein from these of tention to emotional oman, bt tat Somme discree csfeaton of vl ape must be acgre in oie for ‘enna ston of that roping cee. Aten ta rt {gouping wll improve aniiaton, and improved cafeton wil fect the deen of arent wards o sway Kom abt Th iy ro opente m8 yell fon of he sr rgaly che by ‘Wilms ta (1997) and aed on Nese (1967). ‘Whats the erecal meaans operating, within the "valence valor of he xr ody ses tat “esting” th ove ‘tote mechanins wosld be th te apeoch to anelorsing the ‘qatre connec of atentionel Bes poyoptnlgy, Retard {nthe is mavng ql ith dco, ne op down; isc ting oftlence elation (egy end cts, 2008) and baton ap tmunpltons of ateaconal deployment (Hayes, Krbs, Mathew, & ish, 203 MacLeod a, 200% MacLeod 200) normale the cagoiveprosning of coal intel in ochopatogy, REFERENCES ‘Ap, D, Ca 8 LS 250) Aton ok he meson Soop hvocesa' rn svedorm ns Sop: Juma of Experiena in Geet 2301 J Algor, Rosi Aaion Sod prosne a G. 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