Declamation English The Voice of An Orphan

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The Voice of an Orphan

The Voice of an Orphan

I am an orphan; my age was 16 last June. Happy? No, I am not. I am lonely because at the age
of nine I am parentless, penniless and even futureless. But they say i am beautiful. This
beauty would lead me unto the galaxy of stardom. In the world of modeling or singing for
instance. Yes, I could be a fashion model or a singer.But I disgrace all of them because of the
memories. The past serves as desperation not inspiration. Believe it or not at the age of eight
I saw my parents murdered.

It was a beautiful day in November when we were on our way home from harvesting rice.
Smiles on our lips when we were on our way. When suddenly a group of armed men halted us.
Without any warning they drove us into a nearby secluded place. And while we were on our
way, I could see the tears from my mother's eyes begging the men to set us free. Are you
Macario Santiago? You are responsible for the capture of commader Reyes so you ought to be
punished. Commander Reyes? That name is familiar to me I said. Yes. . . yes. . . he was the
hulk leader which father gave an information for his capture. No. . . no. . . don't hurt father,
he is an ideal father. Please. . . please. . . for the love of God spare my husband.Then they
tied father into a bulky tree and started whipping him. Then father shouted as he saw mother
being hurt. No. . . no. . . don't do that to my wife. Kill me if you want but not my wife.I knelt
down and prayed then bang. . . bang. . . bang. . . I lifted my head and there lay before me
the dead bodies of my parents. Inay. . . itay. . . inay. . . itay. . . how could I live without you?
But I placed myself to God. I know he will not forsake me. Yes, God will not forsake me.

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