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At the start of the quarter we decided to create a short animation video.

We started
to gathered as much information as possible which make our work lesser than it need
to be when we started to create a video. At first we planned our introduction, main
point of the video and conclusion by looking at all of the information and arranged it to
make it more sensible and interesting.

We divided each person role by Peem and Ford will take responsibilities in editing
the video; I and Link will write the script for the video and record the voice. As a part of
the group, things that I did well was I can get along with the people easily and then I
can also communicate in a group quite well so when its come to group work which I
and Link need to work together we work well together. As the result, the work is good in
qualities and also more efficiency. In the other hand, I almost missed the due date
because of the quantities of the video. So there were 5 separated video, duration for
each of them is 1-2 minutes. I won’t be able to write the script if I don’t see the final
video. Before the presentation, we did the script only three of them because the rest
was not done yet. And in about the rest two days we need to finish all of it and editing
the sound in it too. So it quite a rush hour at that time but we can still managed it and
make it to the end.

Here are the things that I learned about myself at the end of this project. I’m a kind
of person who thinks a lot and also ask a lot of question. When there are something I
confuse with or if I want to figure something out, I do find the answer seriously. I think
that it is a good thing to have this habit because if I just left the question behind then I
won’t be able to know what is the answer. In the other hand, I always forgot what other
said and I think that its a cause me a lot of problem. According to the class, when the
teachers taught something I will forgot it in about two days; If I don’t look back to it then
I will definitely disremember the subject. I think that I don’t concentrate enough when I
was listening so that may be the cause of it. Through this project I’ve practiced
meditation at home and as the result its work. I can focus more at everything and it
make me learn quicker and do better job in most of the thing. So, this is the big change
of me during this project.

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