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Surgical lengthening of U. Bragger, D.

Lauchenauer and
N. R Lang
University of Berne, School of Dental
Medicine, Berne, Switzeriand
the clinical crown
Bragger U, Lauchenauer D and Lang NP: Surgical lengthening of the clinical
crown: J Clin Periodontol 1992: 19: 58-63.

Abstract. The aim of the present study was to assess the changes in the perio-
dontal tissue levels as an immediate result of the surgical crown lengthening
procedure and over a 6-months healing period. 25 patients ranging between 20 to
81 years of age were included in the study. A total of 85 teeth (43 test and 42
control teeth not exposed to surgery) were evaluated over 6 months. After initial
therapy, the indication for crown lengthening comprised need for increased reten-
tion and accessibility to deep subgingival preparation margins hampering im-
pression taking. During surgery, the alveolar crest was reduced, thereby creating
a distance of 3 mm to the future reconstruction margin. The results of this study
demonstrated that the mean probeable changes in the levels of the periodontal
tissues from those defined after surgery were minimal, resulting in changes compar-
able to the shifts observed at control teeth not exposed to any surgical procedures.
Frequency analysis of the number of sites with dislocation of the free gingival
margin demonstrated that 12% of the sites with crown lengthening procedure
showed 2-4 mm recession of the free gingival margin between 6 vi'eeks and 6
months postoperatively. In esthetically critical, visible areas of the dentition, Key words: periodontal flap; crown lengthen-
recessions must be closely observed in the healing period after surgical crown ing; perioprosthetics.
lengthening, when prosthetic reconstructions are planned on such teeth. Accepted for publication 13 November 1990

In addition to favorable periodontal has been described as a procedure simi- ranging between 20 and 81 years of age,
and endodontic conditions, the amount lar to an apically repositioned flap with receiving comprehensive dental care. All
of remaining supracrestal healthy tooth ostectomy/osteoplasty (Ingber et al. the patients were subjected to initial
substance might determine the restorab- 1977, Palomo & Kopczyk 1978, Kahl- periodontal therapy including a case
ility of a tooth or a root. Technical re- dahl et al. 1984, Baima 1986, Davis et presentation, instructions for homecare,
storative procedures require a well-de- al. 1987). Some reports point out the as well as scaling/rootplaning and re-
fined preparation margin that can be importance of a thorough root planing moval of marginal irritants.
recognized during impression taking. after the ostectomy in order to avoid The indications for crown lengthen-
Conditions which allow for optimal reattachment of the surgically separated ing included in this study, comprised
control of the marginal fit of a recon- fibres at a level which would he too gain of retention and accessibility to
struction and optimal access for daily coronal, thus positioning the level of the deep subgingival preparation margins
plaque control by the patient are also connective tissue attachment deliberate- hampering impression taking. Briefiy,
necessities. Furthermore, sufficient ly and predictably at a more apical level the fiap procedure and the ostectomy/
length of the clinical crown is required (Levine & Stahl 1972, Tal & Diaz 1985, osteoplasty were performed according
for optimal retention of the planned re- Bragger & Lang 1988). to Ingber's (Ingber et al. 1977) recom-
constructions. There are, however, few reports on mendations, i.e. the positioning of the
In some clinical situations, however, controlled studies of the periodontal alveolar crest at a distance of at least
conditions are unfavorable for success- changes in the healing phase after surgi- 3 mm from the future reconstruction
ful restorative procedures. These in- cal procedures aimed at lengthening the margin. Close fiap adaption and chemi-
clude; deep subgingivally-located cari- clinical crown. cal plaque control with Chlorhexidine
ous lesions, crown and root fractures, The aim of the present study was to 0.1% rinses for two weeks favoured
preexisting deep preparation margins, assess the changes in the periodontal healing of the soft tissues. After 3 weeks,
perforations during endodontic therapy tissue levels as an immediate result of reconstructive work was continued and
and root resorptions. In such situations, the surgical crown lengthening pro- most of the test teeth included in this
surgical lengthening of the chnical cedure and over a 6-months healing report were crowned during the obser-
crown will improve the anatomical con- period. vation period.
ditions and facilitate restorative pro- In a situation which required inter-
cedures. This may provide the necessary dental tissue reduction including ostec-
gain of retention or render the tooth or Material and Methods
tomy at 2 neighbouring teeth, both teeth
the root restorable at all. Informed consent for participation in were considered as test teeth. Corre-
In case reports, crown lengthening this study was obtained from 25 patients sponding control teeth were chosen in
Surgical crown lengthening 59

Initial therapy indication for after flap reflection after ostectomy/ after suturing ; 6 weeks 6 monhts
crown lengthening before ostectomy/ osteoplasty exam. exam.
baseline exam.

i PI) Pll
Gl 61 Gl
Fig. I

the contralateral quadrant which were soft tissue levels due to the surgery, and istically significant changes from base-
not exposed to any surgical procedure. in order to assess the clinical changes line to 6 months were noted at either
A total of 85 teeth (43 test and 42 in the periodontal tissue levels over 6 the test or at the control sites. Similarly,
controls) were evaluated over 6 months. months after the surgery. there were no significant changes in the
The test teeth included 7 incisors, 8 can- GI, which ranged between 0.78 and
ines, 20 bicuspids and 8 molars. 0.92.
Statistical analyses
The following clinical parameters
were assessed at 6 sites (mesiobuccal, Differences in the nonparametric indi-
Bone level reduction during crown
buccal, distobuccal, distolingual, lin- ces (Pll and GI) between test teeth and
gual, mesiolingual) on each test tooth control teeth and between different test
exposed to the surgical lengthening of and control sites, and at baseline com- At 68 sites (32%), 1 mm of crestal al-
the clinical crown, and from each homo- pared to 6 weeks and 6 months, were veolar bone was removed during the
logous control tooth. statistically analyzed using the Mann- crown lengthening procedure (Table 1).
• Plaque index (Pll) according to Whitney-t/-test (Siegel 1956). Paired The bone reduction amounted to 2 mm
Silness & Loe (1964) and unpaired t-tests (Chilton 1967) were at 43 sites (21%) and 3-4 mm at 9 sites
• Gingival index (GI) according to applied for assessment of statistically (4%). Due to the limited extent of
Loe & Silness (1963) significant differences in the distances ostectomy/osteoplasty which did not al-
• Distance from a reference mark on splint-free gingival margin (FGM) and ways include all of the sites of a tooth
the splint to the free gingival margin splint-base of the pocket (AL). This evaluated, no change was observed at
(FGM) analysis was performed using both the 79 sites (38%). At 11 sites (5%) a coronal
• Distance from a reference mark on tooth and the site as the statistical unit. displacement of the bone level was
the splint to the probeable base of the In addition, all the probing parameters noted, reflecting the error ofthe method
pocket (AL) were subjected to frequency analyses. (Table 1).
• Distance from a reference mark on The distribution of the number of test
the splint to the alveolar bone (BL) and control sites with different changes
in the probing parameters were com- Changes in the position of the free gingival
In order to standardize localization
pared by means of the Kolmogorov- margin
and direction ofthe probing procedures,
grooves were drilled in a prefabricated Smirnov test (Siegel 1956). The mean distances from the reference
hot-cured acrylic splint. By subtracting splint mark to the free gingival margin,
FGM from AL the probing pocket at the test and control teeth, are listed
depths (PD) were calculated. in Table 2. After suturing, the crown
Pll and Gl
In Fig. 1, the exact sequences of the lengthening procedure resulted in an im-
different scorings are presented. The At test and control teeth, the mean Pll mediate mean apical displacement of
scorings were chosen in order to reveal ranged between 0. 27 to 0.52 and no stat- the soft tissue margin of 1.32 mm.
the changes in the bone and periodontal
Table 2. Mean distances between the reference splint marks and the free gingival margin
(FGM) and the probeable base of the pocket (AL) as well as the pocket depths (PD) for test
Table I. Distribution of the number of sites (T) and control (C) teeth at the various time points of scorings
with different changes in the alveolar bone Baseline
level as an immediate result of crown length- presurgically After suturing 6 weeks 6 months
X S.D. X S.D. X S.D. X S.D.
Change (mm) No. sites
FGM T 6.02 2.39 7.34* 2.30 7.49 * 2.46 7.39 * 2.00
-1-1 11 5% 5.83 2.15 6.05 1.93 6.01 1.93
0 79 38% 8.25 2.29 9.65 * 2.39 9.61 * 2.09
_J 68 32% 8.24 2.11 8.52 2.23 8.47 2.03
-2 43 21% 1.89 1.67 2.13 0.79 2.24 0.10
-3 6 3% 2.07 1.67 2.51 0.91 2.59 0.97
-4 3 1%
S.D.: standard deviation.
total 210 100% * Refers to statistically significantly different from controls as well as from baseline (p^
60 Bragger et al.

Table 3. Number of test and control sites exhibiting different variations of the free gingival Comparison of the frequency distri-
margin from baseline to 6 weeks and from immediate postoperative (2nd FGM) to 6 weeks butions of the changes revealed no stat-
Change in the location Test sited Test sites Control sites istically significant difference between
of the FGM (mm) baseline - 6 weeks 2nd FGM - 6 weeks baseline - 6 weeks test and control sites.
+3 0 2 0
+ 2 • " • • ' 0 2.5% 6 20% 0 29% Changes in the probing attachment levei
+1 : . " •. 5 26 39
0 41 20.0% 79 47% 36 27% In Table 1, the mean distances from the
-1 71 43 53 splint mark to the probeable base of the
— z. 62 33% 4 44% pocket are listed for test and control
-3 23 3 1 sites. Due to the surgical lengthening of
-4 2 1 the clinical crown, the mean probing
total 207 169 134 attachment level at test teeth was statis-
level of tically significantly reduced but revealed
significance p<0.00\- no statistically significant changes be-
tween 6 weeks and 6 months postsurgi-
+ indicates coronal displacement of the FGM.
— indicates apical displacement of the FGM.
cally. At the control sites, no significant
changes were observed between baseline
and 6 months. Between baseline and 6
weeks the apical displacement of the
When the location of the soft tissue mm in 33% and coronal displacement probing attachment level ranged be-
margin defined after suturing was com- from 1-3 mm in 20% (Table 3). The tween 1 and 4 mm at 81% of the test
pared to the position at 6 weeks and 6 distribution of the number of test sites sites, whereas a reduction from 1-4 mm
months, no statistically significant dif- with different changes in the location of was observed at 30% of the control sites
ferences between mean values were the FGM from baseline to 6 weeks was (Table 5). The distribution of the num-
noted. At the control teeth which were statistically significantly different from ber of test and control sites with differ-
not exposed to surgery, practically no the changes observed at the control ent changes in the attachment level be-
changes in the position of the free gin- sites. However, when the changes from tween 6 weeks and 6 months was not
gival margin were observed. the immediate postsurgical FGM to 6 statistically significantly different (Table
Frequency analyses of the changes in weeks at the test sites were compared 6).
the location of the soft tissue margin to the changes occurring at the control
at test sites from baseline to 6 weeks sites, no statistically significant differ-
revealed no change in 20.0%, apical dis- ences were observed. Changes in the probing pocket depth
placement from 1 to 4 mm in 77.5% In the time periods 6 weeks to 6
and coronal displacement of ] mm in months postsurgically, the test sites The mean probing pocket depth at test
2.5% of the sites (Table 3). Between demonstrated no change in the level of teeth was 1.89+ 1.67 at baseline, 2.51 ±
baseline and 6 weeks, 27% of the con- the FGM in 38%, apical displacement 0.91 mm at 6 weeks and 2.59 + 0.97 mm
trol sites revealed no change, 44% an from 1-4 mm in 29%) and coronal dis- at 6 months. There were no statistically
apical displacement from 1-4 mm and placement from 1-3 mm in 33% (Table significant differences between the mean
29% a 1 mm coronal displacement of 4). The corresponding changes at con- probing pocket depth measurements at
the free gingival margin (Table 3). Fre- trol sites between 6 weeks and 6 months test and control sites nor over time in
quency analysis of the changes in the postsurgically were no change in 50%, any of the two groups (Table 2).
FGM occurring from immediate to 6 apical displacement between 1 and 3
weeks postsurgically revealed no change mm in 23% and coronal displacement
in 47%, apical displacement from 1-4 between 1-3 mm in 26% (Table 4), Discussion
The results of this study demonstrated
Table 4. Number of test and control sites exhibiting different changes in the location of the
that once defined by surgery the mean
free gingival margin between 6 weeks and 6 months after crown lengthening changes of the level of the FGM were
minimal and were comparable to the
Change in the location of Test sites Control sites shifts in the FGM level occuring at the
the FGM (mm) 6 weeks - 6 months 6 weeks - 6 momths
control teeth.
+3 1 0 Comparison of the levels of the free
+2 5 33% 3 26% gingival margin and the probeable
+1 53 42 attachment pre- and postsurgically re-
0 69 38% 88 50%
1 vealed apical displacement of the peri-
311 37
'•' - 2
18 29% 1 23% odontal tissues from the crown length-
• • - ^ - - 3 • 3 1 ening procedure. This resulted in a
1 0 mean apical displacement of the free
gingival margin immediately postsurgi-
total 181 172
cally of 1.3 mm, of 1.5 mm at 6 weeks
level of significance and of 1.4 mm at 6 months.
+ indicates coronal displacement of the FGM. The mean changes in the level of the
— indicates apical displacement of the FGM. free gingival margin give the impression
Surgical crown lengthening 61

Table 5. Number of test and control sites with changes in the probing attachment level between postsurgically as well as after 10-11
baseline and 6 weeks after crown lengthening years of regular maintenance. In these
Test sites Control sites 43 patients, the aim of the periodontal
Changes of the AL (mm) baseline - 6 weeks baseline - 6 weeks surgical procedure was to eliminate
pockets > 3 mm and to eliminate bony
+2 1 \ 2% 71 15%
+1 231 defects. During active treatment, the po-
0 36 17% 108 55% sition of the mean FGM shifted from 3
-1 49) to 5.5 mm in relation to the CEJ. Dur-
-2 47 81% 30% ing the 10-11 years of recall, a coronal
25 displacement of the FGM ranging from
6 0.6-1.1 mm was measured, varying with
total 206 198 the tooth type and presence or absence
of keratinized gingiva.
level of significance
Whereas the studies mentioned above
indicates coronal shift in the probing attachment level, have been concerned mostly with the
indicates apical shift in the probing attachment level.
changes in the periodontal soft tissue
levels, other experiments have been con-
centrating on the histologic remodelling
that the surgical placement of the soft procedure were pocket elimination, cre- of alveolar bone following periodontal
tissues predictably defines the future po- ation of optimal bone and soft tissue surgical procedures. Exposure of al-
sition of the free gingival margin. The contours as well as open debridement of veolar bone by flap elevation and instru-
frequency analyses, however revealed the roots in patients with periodontitis. mentation on root surfaces and on bone
that between 6 weeks and 6 months Caton & Nyman (1981) investigated resulted in resorption of alveolar bone
there was no change or a change within the effect of the surgical elimination of (Wilderman et al. 1960, Wilderman
+1 mm at 85% of the sites. At 18 sites, osseous walls of angular defects on the 1963, Caffesse et al. 1968, Costich &
a reduction of 2mm, at 3 sites of 3 mm levels of the different periodontal Ramfjord 1968, RamQord & Costich
and at one site of 4 mm was measured, tissues. The surgical treatment resulted 1968, Horton et al. 1975). This resorp-
whereas 5 sites showed a coronal dis- in a mean apical displacement of the tive phase was followed by a phase of
placement of the FGM of 2 mm and FGM of 1.46 mm at test sites, whereas repair defined as "bone fill" in defects
one site of 3 mm. the FGM was located at the CEJ at (Wilderman et al. 1960, Caton &
The fact that 12% of these sites control sites. The connective tissue Zander 1976) and increased bone den-
showed an apical displacement of the attachment level and the alveolar crest sity at the crest due to the formation of
free gingival margin of more than 1 mm height at test sites were located 0.5 mm a e new cortical plate (Wilderman 1963,
has to be taken into consideration when more apically compared to the control Caffesse et al. 1968, Ramfjord & Cos-
crown and bridgework is performed sites. The procedure also resulted in a tich 1968).
after surgical crown lengthening in es- reduction of the probing pocket depth
thetically critical and visible areas. at the test sites of 1 mm compared to In re-entry operations, Pennel et al.
the controls. (1967) found a mean loss of crestal bone
A few controlled clinical studies re-
height of 0.63 mm 14-44 days after oss-
ported on the alterations in the perio- In a report by Lindhe & Nyman
eous surgery. By means of computer-
dontal tissues using similar indications (1980), alterations in the position of the
assisted - densitometric - image - analysis
for the crown lengthening procedure as marginal soft tissue following perio-
(CADIA), Bragger et al. (1988) assessed
well as surgical technique. In several dontal surgery were assessed. The posi-
the interdental alveolar bone remodel-
studies however, changes in the perio- tion of the free gingival margin in re-
ling activity after periodontal fiap pro-
dontal tissue levels following apically lation to the CEJ was measured at buc-
cedures. Part of the patients included
repositioned flaps were observed. In cal aspects of incisors, premolars and
in that study were patients exposed to
these studies the aims for the surgical molars, presurgically and at 2 months
crown lengthening procedures. Similar
to the histological studies mentioned
above the resorptive phase could also
Table 6. Number of test and control sites with changes in the probing attachment levels
be documented by means of CADIA.
between 6 weeks and 6 months after crown lengthening
In 82% of the sites examined a phase of
Test sites Control sites repair was observed between one and
Change of the AL (mm) 6 weeks - 6 months 6 weeks - 6 monhts six months postsurgically. The activity
+3 1 of the postsurgical remodelling resulted
+2 27% 7 26% in 32% of the sites in a net loss of density
+1 37 six months postsurgically compared to
0 40% 86 50% the immediate postsurgical situation.
-1 341 Similarly, in the present report, in 12%
—2 33% 7 24% of the sites a further recession of the
free gingival margin was observed be-
total 177 173 tween one and six months postsurgi-
level of significance • ns
+ indicates coronal shift in the probing attachment level. In order to avoid the preparation of
— indicates apical shift in the probing attachment level. a fullthickness fiap, gingivectomy may
62 Bragger et al.

also be considered for lengthening the this procedure is certainly much more tet werden, wenn solche Zahne mit prothe-
clinical crown. cumbersome compared to the surgical tischen Rekonstruktionen versehen werden
In a study by Monefeldt & Zachris- lengthening of the clinical crown. sollen.
son (1977), the effect of gingivectomies It may be concluded, that creating a
on the clinical facial crown height was distance of 3 mm from the alveolar Resume
assessed on study models from first bi- crestal bone level to the future recon-
cuspids scheduled for extraction for or- struction margin during surgical length- Elongation chirurgicale de la couronne clinique
thodontic reasons. In addition, this pro- ening of the clinical crown leads to Le but de l'etude presente a ete d'evaluer les
cedure was used for esthetic corrections stable periodontal tissue levels over a variations de niveau des tissus parodontaux
immediatement apres la chirurgie d'elonga-
when lateral incisors were moved ortho- period of 6 months. In esthetically im- tion de la couronne ainsi que pendant les six
dontically to the position of central inci- portant, visible areas, recessions of the mois suivants, Vingt-cinq patients ages de 20
sors. It was observed that the mean clin- free gingival margin must be closely ob- a 81 ans ont participe a cette etude avec un
ical crown height increased 1 mm, served during the healing period after nombre total de 85 dents: 43 tests et 42
whereas the mean probing pocket depth crown lengthening procedures, when controles n'ayant subi aucune chirurgie, L'e-
was reduced 1 mm. In the histologic prosthetic reconstructions are planned longation de la couronne etait indiquee lors-
analyses, no apical migration of the epi- on such teeth. qu'il y avait un besoin accru de retention
thelium beyond the cemento enamel et d'acces a des preparations sous-gingivales
juncfion was observed. This led to the profondes rendant la prise d'empreinte tres
conclusion that gingivectomy resulted compliquee. Pendant la chirurgie, le rebord
alveolaire' a ete reduit creant un espace de 3
in a reduction of pseudo pockets and
This report has been supported by the mm par rapport au bord de la construction
did not displace the connective tissue future, Les resultats de cette etude ont de-
attachment level apically. Therefore, Swiss National Foundation for Scien-
tific Research, grant No. 3.922-0.87 and montre que les variations moyennes au son-
gingivectomies cannot be recommended dage des niveaux des tissus parodontaux
for the controlled apical dislocation of by the Clinical Research Foundation
apres chirurgie etaient minimales et compara-
the alveolar bone crest, the free gingival (CRF), University of Berne, Switzer-
bles a celles des sites controles, L'analyse de
margin and connective tissue attach- land. frequence du nombre de sites avec variation
ment level. de la hauteur de la gencive marginale a de-
montre que 12% des sites operes subissaient
An alternative technique for gaining Zusammenfassung une recession de 2 a 4 mm de la gencive libre
clinical crown height by means of ortho- entre six semaines et six mois apres l'opera-
dontic forced eruption in combination Die chirurgische Verlangerung der klinischen
tion, Dans les zones oii l'esthetique joue un
with gingival fiberotomy was described Krone
role important les recessions post-operatoires
Mit der hier vorliegenden Studie wurde beab-
by Pontoriero et al. (1987). Document- doivent done etre suivies minutieusement.
sichtigt, die Veranderungen der parodontalen
ing four clinical cases, Kozlovsky et al. Gewebeniveaus als unmittelbare Folge chi-
(1988) reported that this technique re- riirgischer Verlangerung der klinischen Kro-
sulted in root exposures ranging from References
ne, und wahrend einer 6 monatlichen Hei-
1.5-5 mm. This technique has the ad- lungsperiode zu beurteilen, 25 Patienten im Baima, R, F, (1986) Extension of clinical
vantage that root exposure can be per- Alter von 20 bis 81 Jahren nahmen an dieser crown length. Journal of Prosthetic Den-
formed without the need for a fiap pro- Studie teil, Insgesamt 85 Zahne (43 Test- und tistry 5S, 547-551,
cedure in combination with osseous 42 nicht chirurgisch behandelte Kontrollzah- Bragger, U,, Pasquali, L, & Kornman, K, S.
surgery, possibly affecting the perio- ne) wurden 6 Monate lang beobachtet, Nach (1988) Remodelhng of interdental alveolar
dontal tissues of a neighbouring tooth. der initialen Therapie ergab sich die Indika- bone after periodontal flap procedures as-
However, this technique cantiot be ap- tion zur Verlangerung der klinischen Krone sessed by means of computer assisted-den-
durch die Notwendigkeit einer Retentions- sitometric-image-analysis. Journal of Clin-
plied in all situations which require
verbesserung und zur Freilegung von tieflie- ical Periodontology 15, 558-564.
lengthening of the clinical crown, such genden, die Abformung erschwerenden Pra- Bragger, U, & Lang, N, P (1988) Chirugische
as prosthetic reconstruction in den- parationsgrenzen, Um einen Abstand von 3 Verlangerung der klinischen Krone,
titions with severe attrition. In such in- mm zum Rand der zukiinftigen Rekonstruk- Schweizerische Monatsschrift filr Zahn-
stances, sufficient retention and interoc- tion zu erreichen, wurde die alveolare Kno- medizin 98, 644-651,
clusal space for the reconstruction are chenleiste reduziert. Die Resultate dieser Stu- Caffesse, R. G., Ramfjord, S, P & Nasjletti,
created by crown lengthening all the re- die zeigten nur geringfugige sondierbare Un- C. E, (1968) Reverse bevel periodontal
maining teeth of the maxilla and/or the terschiede zwischen den mittleren Niveaus flaps in monkeys. Journal of Periodontolo-
mandible and by increasing the vertical der parodontalen Gewebe vor und nach der gy 39, 2\9-235.
dimension. Several sessions in which chirurgischen Behandlung, was den Verande- Caton, J. & Nyman, S, (1981) Histometric
rungen entsprach, die bei nicht chirurgisch evaluation of periodontal surgery (III),
fiberotomies are performed are required
behandelten Kontrollzahne beobachtet wur- The effect of bone resection on the connec-
in order to prevent that the periodontal den, Analysen der Vorkommenshaufigkeit tive tissue attachment level. Journal of
tissues are pulled coronally together von Steilen mit disloziertem freien Gingival- Periodontology 52, 405-409,
with the orthodontically moved root. A rand zeigten, dass wahrend der postoperati- Caton, J, & Zander, H, A. (1976) Osseous
retention period of about 4 weeks is ven Beobachtungszeit zwischen 6 Wochen repair of an infrabony pocket without new
advocated to prevent relaps of the root. und 6 Monaten, bei 12% der Steilen an Zah- attachment of connective tissue. Journal of
Therefore, it seems that the orthodontic nen mit verlangerten klinischen Kronen, Re- Clinical Periodontology 3, 54-58.
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fiberotomies represents a rather con- 2-4 mm vorlagen. Asthetisch kritische, sicht- dental and oral research, pp. 69-73, J. B.
servative approach for the periodontal bare Gebissregionen mussen wahrend der Lippincott company, Philadelphia & To-
tissues of neighbouring teeth. However, Heilungsperiode nach chirurgischer Verlan- ronto.
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Surgical crown lengthening 63

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