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Volume 21 Number 6 / December 2017 Walters et al 501

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7. Vinekar A, Avadhani K, Sivakumar M, et al. Understanding clinically
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spectral domain optical coherence tomography. Invest Ophthalmol
Vis Sci 2011;52:5183-8.
8. Vajzovic L, Rothman AL, Tran-Viet D, Cabrera MT, Freedman SF,
Toth CA. Delay in retinal photoreceptor development in very preterm
compared to term infants. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2015;56:908-13.

Malignant melanoma FIG 1. Lesion in left caruncle at initial presentation. Pigmentation pre-
sent from the 7:00 to 8:00 o’clock position at the limbus.
presenting as amelanotic
caruncular lesion in a child Thickness of the lesion was estimated at 2.5 mm. It was
reviewed at two different institutions and reported to be
Alexander R. Walters, BS,a Katie M. Keck, MD,a invasive melanoma arising in association with a
Oliver Simmons, MD,b Sarah G. Williams, MD,c melanocytic nevus with positive margins of the biopsy.
Stephen Cross, MD,a and Rakesh M. Patel, MDa Real-time polymerase chain reaction revealed no mutation
at codon 600 of BRAF.
Conjunctival melanoma is a rare malignant neoplasm that can pre- The patient was referred to pediatric oncology for a full
sent in childhood in any part of the conjunctiva. The infrequency systemic work-up. Magnetic resonance imaging of the
with which conjunctival melanoma is encountered in childhood car- brain and orbits with and without contrast and computed
uncular lesions makes it a formidable but important aspect of the tomography of the neck, chest, abdomen, and pelvis with
differential diagnosis. We report the case of a 10-year-old boy contrast revealed no metastasis, intracranial abnormality,
who presented with a left caruncular lesion. On histopathologic or orbital extension.
analysis, the lesion was determined to be BRAF-negative invasive A second operation was performed to maximally excise
melanoma arising in association with melanocytic nevus. The mel- the melanoma with conjunctival margins using a no-touch
anoma was excised using no-touch technique and double freeze
technique and double freeze-thaw cryotherapy.1 After
thaw cryotherapy. A full systemic work-up revealed no metastasis
removal of the lesion, the ocular surface was reconstructed
or abnormality.
with an amniotic membrane graft. Sentinel nodes were
determined by lymphoscintigraphy1,2 and after biopsy
proved to be negative for malignancy. Pathology of the
Case Report
lesion revealed residual melanoma in situ with pagetoid
A 10-year-old boy of mixed white and African American spread extending to the margins. Given these findings, the
ethnicity presented at Palmetto Health, Richland, with a
flesh-colored lesion of his left caruncle (Figure 1). Accord-
ing to his family, the lesion had been present since birth;
however, it had enlarged over the previous 3 months. Un-
corrected distance visual acuity was 20/20 in both eyes, and
comprehensive ophthalmic examination was otherwise
normal. Two weeks after presentation, the lesion was
excised and sent for pathologic analysis (Figures 2 and 3).

Author affiliations: Departments of aOphthalmology, bOtolaryngology, and cPathology,

Palmetto Health/University of South Carolina, Richland.
Submitted May 21, 2017.
Revision accepted June 22, 2017.
Published online November 7, 2017.
Correspondence: Katie M. Keck, MD, Palmetto Health/University of South Carolina
School of Medicine, 9 Medical Park, Suite 340, Columbia, SC 29203 (email: keckkt@gmail.
J AAPOS 2017;21:501-503. FIG 2. Initial biopsy showing polypoid neoplasm composed of mela-
Copyright Ó 2017, American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and
Strabismus. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
nocytes that lack maturation with increasing depth. Numerous mitotic
1091-8531/$36.00 figures in submucosal melanocytes (hematoxylin and eosin, original magnification 40, inset 100).

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502 Walters et al Volume 21 Number 6 / December 2017

of these 29 cases were reported in detail3; however, no pe-

diatric caruncle melanomas have been previously reported.
Conjunctival melanomas in children most commonly
arise from conjunctival nevi7; in adults, most commonly
from primary acquired melanosis,7 with most studies re-
porting between 14% and 35% of cases arising from preex-
isting nevi.4 Although the melanoma in our patient was
adjacent to pigmentation at the limbus, the family reported
that a lesion had been present in the caruncle since birth.
Diagnosis of the limbal pigmentation as benign melano-
cytic hyperplasia suggests that the source of the amelanotic
melanoma likely was melanocytic nevus.
Surgical technique appears to play an important role in the
morbidity and mortality of conjunctival melanoma patients.
Several publications have cautioned against performing inci-
FIG 3. Initial biopsy with Mart-1/Ki-67 two-color immunostaining. sional biopsies in order to decrease the risk of seeding.1,8
Mart-1 staining (pink) demonstrates atypical intramucosal spread of Studies have also reported a poorer prognosis in patients
melanocytes, poor circumscription, and large size supportive of malig- treated through excision without adjuvant treatment.9 The
nancy. Ki-67 staining (a proliferation marker/brown staining) demon- current surgical treatment for conjunctival melanoma usu-
strates increased proliferation within submucosal melanocytes, .5%. ally consists of en bloc removal, utilizing the no-touch tech-
Further staining demonstrated near loss of p16, and photohistone H3/
nique, with use of fresh sterile instruments at each step of the
Melan-A staining demonstrated positive nuclei up to 5/mm2. FISH re-
vealed gain of chromosome 6p, loss of chromosome 6q, and homozy-
procedure to decrease risk of seeding.2 Decreasing specimen
gous loss of chromosome 9p, with no aberration of chromosome 11 manipulation also helps ensure accuracy of histopathologic
(original magnification 40). assessment. Local recurrence is common and has been re-
ported to range from 36% to 62%. Double freeze-thaw
patient was referred to ocular oncology at Wills Eye cryotherapy as an adjuvant therapy in combination with sur-
Hospital for further evaluation and management. gical excision at initial treatment has been shown to signifi-
Clinical examination at Wills Eye Hospital revealed a fle- cantly decrease tumor recurrence rates compared to
shy caruncular mass 6 mm at the base and 6 mm in thickness excision alone, but has not shown benefit in preventing
and concerning for residual melanoma. The patient was also metastasis. Other adjuvant therapies, including localized
noted to have pigmentation of the conjunctival limbus from alcohol corneal epitheliectomy, have also been recommen-
the 7:00 to 8:00 o’clock position measuring 5 mm in diam- ded, despite risk of damage to underlying structures.2
eter. The pigmentation was suspicious for primary acquired Polymerase chain reaction testing of the initial biopsy in
melanosis and was felt to be a potential source of the mela- this case report revealed no mutation in the 600 codon of
noma. The patient underwent re-excision of the conjunctiva BRAF. Somatic activating mutations in BRAF can result
and caruncle of the left eye. Pathology revealed exuberant in constitutive activation of the MAPK signaling pathway.8
granulation tissue. No evidence of melanoma was found in In one 2015 study, BRAF mutations were identified in 67%
the deeper tissues. The conjunctival pigmentation noted of specimens arising from nevus.8 BRAF mutations were
near the limbus was also biopsied and was determined to more common in younger patients. However, BRAF muta-
be mild benign intraepithelial melanocytic hyperplasia of tions were less common in lesions of the extrabulbar con-
the limbal epithelium. No further treatment was recom- junctiva. BRAF-mutated lesions developed metastasis
mended. The patient will undergo careful systemic moni- more frequently and showed decreased metastasis-free sur-
toring for recurrence of melanoma. vival.8 The lack of BRAF mutation in our patient’s lesion
may suggest a better prognosis.
Discussion A poorer prognosis for patients diagnosed with conjunc-
Conjunctival melanoma is a relatively rare malignant tival melanoma has also been associated with involvement
neoplasm that comprises 2% of all ocular malignancies.3 of the eyelid margin, invasion of local tissue, tumors not
The mean age at diagnosis is 60.4 years, with only 0.68% touching the limbus, and pathological tumor margins.8,10
occurring at ages younger than 14 years.4 The 10-year Some studies have reported caruncular involvement as an
mortality rate for conjunctival melanoma has been re- indicator of poor prognosis in conjunctival melanoma,
ported as high as 23%-39%.3 Most pigmented conjunctival but this was not confirmed in a recent study.8
lesions in children and adults do not represent melanoma
and very rarely lead to melanoma.4 Risk factors that suggest
melanoma in children include older age, increased basal
Literature Search
thickness, a lack of cysts, and hemorrhage.5,6 From 1965 PubMed was searched without date restriction for English-
to 2015, 29 cases of conjunctival melanoma in children language publications on June 14, 2017, using the
\15 years of age were reported in the literature.3 Only 9 following combination of search terms: melanoma, eye,

Journal of AAPOS
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For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Volume 21 Number 6 / December 2017 Yang et al 503

conjunctiva, and children. Individual case reports and of chil- The ice test is known to be specific for the diagnosis of ocular myas-
dren and case series of conjunctival melanoma were thenia gravis in patients with ptosis, with reported specificities of
reviewed. Additional studies were identified from bibliog- 97%-100%. We report a patient with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
raphies of the reviewed articles. who showed a positive result to the ice test. A 53-year-old woman
presented with left eyelid ptosis of 3 weeks’ duration. She had
finished chemotherapy and radiotherapy for diffuse large B-cell
lymphoma a year previously. On ophthalmological examination,
References her best-corrected visual acuity was 20/20 in each eye. Marginal re-
flex distances were 14 in the right eye and 1 in the left eye. Leva-
1. Lim L, Madigan MC, Conway RM. Conjunctival melanoma: a review of
conceptual and treatment advances. Clin Ophthalmol 2013;6:521-31. tor palpebrae superioris functions were 11 mm in the right eye and
2. Yin VT, Merritt HA, Sniegowski M, Esmaeli B. Eyelid and ocular surface 8 mm in the left eye. Ptosis improved after 5 minutes’ application of
carcinoma: diagnosis and management. Clin Dermatol 2015;33:159-69. ice to both eyelids, after which marginal reflex distances were 14 in
3. Vora GK, Demirci H, Marr B, Mruthyunjaya P. Advances in the man- the right eye and 11 in the left eye. Thyroid function tests, anti-
agement of conjunctival melanoma. Surv Ophthalmol 2016;62:26-42. acetylcholine receptor antibody test, and the repetitive nerve stim-
4. Taban M, Traboulsi EI. Malignant melanoma of the conjunctiva in ulation test were all negative. Magnetic resonance imaging showed
children: a review of the international literature. J Pediatr Ophthalmol fusiform masslike enlargement of the left superior rectus muscle
Strabismus 2007;44:277-82. and left levator palpebrae superioris muscles, with enhancement
5. Shields CA, Alset AE, Boal NS, et al. Conjunctival tumors in 5002
suggesting metastatic infiltration.
cases: comparative analysis of benign vs malignant counterparts: the
2016 James D. Allen Lecture. Am J Ophthalmol 2017;173:106-33.
6. Shields CL, Sioufi K, Alset AE, et al. Clinical features differentiating
benign from malignant conjunctival tumors in children. JAMA Oph-
thalmol 2017;135:215-24.
7. Shields CL, Kels JG, Shields JA. Melanoma of the eye: revealing hid- Case Report
den secrets one at a time. Clin Dermatol 2015;33:183-96.
8. Larsen A, Dahmcke CM, Dahl C, et al. A retrospective review of A 53-year-old woman presented at Seoul National Univer-
conjunctival melanoma presentation, treatment, and outcome and sity Bundang Hospital with diplopia of 1 year’s duration
an investigation of features associated with BRAF mutations. JAMA and left eyelid ptosis that became noticeable 3 weeks
Ophthalmol 2015;133:1295-303. before. A year prior to presentation she had completed
9. Shields CL, Shields JA, G€ und€uz K, et al. Conjunctival melanoma: risk chemotherapy and radiotherapy for diffuse large B-cell
factors for recurrence, exenteration, metastasis, and death in 150
consecutive patients. Arch Ophthalmol 2000;118:1497-507. lymphoma involving the left nasal cavity and maxillary
10. Shields CL, Markowitz JS, Belinsky I, et al. Conjunctival melanoma: and ethmoid sinus, with meningeal invasion. On ophthal-
outcomes based on tumor origin in 382 consecutive cases. Ophthal- mological examination, best-corrected visual acuity was
mology 2011;118:389-95. 20/20 in each eye. Marginal reflex distances were 14 in
the right eye and 1 in the left eye. Levator palpebrae
superioris functions were 11 mm in the right eye and
Positive ice test in a patient 8 mm in the left eye. Exophthalmometry measurements
with a lymphomatous were 15 mm on the right and 14.5 mm on the left. The pu-
pils of both eyes were isocoric and promptly reactive to
infiltration of the levator light. Alternate prism cover test revealed exotropia of 4D
palpebrae superioris and a left hypotropia of 10D at distance and intermittent
exotropia of 4D and intermittent left hypotropia of 6D at
Hee Kyung Yang, MD,a,* Namju Kim, MD,a,* near in the primary position. Left hypotropia increased
Jae Hyoung Kim, MD,b and to 8D with left gaze compared to 6D with right gaze
Jeong-Min Hwang, MDa and increased to 10D on right head tilt compared to 5D
on left head tilt. Ductions and versions showed mild under-
action of the right superior oblique muscle. Ptosis
improved after application of ice to both eyelids for 5
Author affiliations: Departments of aOphthalmology and bRadiology, Seoul National minutes (Figure 1A,B); marginal reflex distances after ice
University College of Medicine, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seongnam, application were 14 in the right eye and 11 in the left
Korea eye. Thyroid function tests, anti-acetylcholine receptor
* These authors contributed equally to this work.
Submitted April 11, 2017. antibody test and the repetitive nerve stimulation test
Revision accepted July 11, 2017. were all negative.
Published online November 7, 2017. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed fusiform
Correspondence: Jeong-Min Hwang, MD, Department of Ophthalmology, Seoul
National University College of Medicine, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, masslike enlargement of the left superior rectus muscle
166, Gumiro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam, Gyeonggi-do 463-707, Korea (email: hjm@snubh. and left levator palpebrae superioris muscles with contrast
org). enhancement (Figure 1C,D). On diffusion-weighted
J AAPOS 2017;21:503-505.
Copyright Ó 2017, American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and MRI, this lesion had high signal intensity with low
Strabismus. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. apparent diffusion coefficient (0.7  10 3 mm2/sec),
1091-8531/$36.00 suggesting metastatic lymphoma (Figure 1E,F). Whole

Journal of AAPOS
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For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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