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Eur. Phys. J. A manuscript No.

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Nucleon to ∆ transition form factors and empirical transverse

charge densities
Dipankar Chakrabarti and Chandan Mondal
Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur-208016, India.

Received: date / Revised version: date

arXiv:1605.00997v2 [hep-ph] 2 Sep 2016

Abstract. We investigate the nucleon to ∆ transition form factors in a soft-wall AdS/QCD model and
a light-front quark-diquark model inspired by AdS/QCD. From the transition form factors we evaluate
the transition charge densities which influences the nucleon to ∆ excitation. Here we consider both the
unpolarized and the transversely polarized cases. The AdS/QCD predictions are compared with available
experimental data and with the results of the global parameterization, MAID2007.

PACS. 12.38.-t Quantum chromodynamics – 13.40.Gp Electromagnetic form factors – 14.20.-c Baryons
– 21.10.Ft Charge distribution

1 Introduction the large-Nc relations proposed by Pascalutsa and Vander-

haeghen are valid for some other phenomenological models
The excitation of nucleon resonances in electromagnetic such as AdS/QCD or quark models. Considerable progress
interactions plays a crucial role in the physics of the strong has been achieved as well in the lattice QCD simulations of
interaction. There have been considerable efforts to inves- nucleon to ∆ transition. The transition form factors have
tigate the nucleon to ∆(1232) resonance both experimen- been evaluated by lattice QCD calculated in [19]. One of
tally and theoretically [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]. For detailed the most successful phenomenological model for the tran-
review on this subject, we refer to the articles [11,12] and sition form factors is provided by the Mainz unitary iso-
the references therein. The form factors which describe the bar model (MAID) for the pion photo and electroproduc-
transition of the nucleon to its first excited state, ∆(1232) tion on the nucleon, the Q2 dependence of the parameters
provide us the information about the sensitivity on the nu- for transition form factors is presented in MAID2007 [20]
cleon shape [11,13]. It is always very difficult to calculate which agrees well with the CLAS data from JLab for the
the hadron properties such as the mass spectrum, form magnetic-dipole N → ∆(1232) amplitude and the ratios
factors, and parton distributions directly from the first of transition form factors. Recently, a new set of empirical
principles of QCD, because they require non-perturbative parameterizations for N → ∆ transition amplitude has
methods. The chiral effective field theory is able to provide been proposed in [21].
N → ∆ from factors for the low momentum transfer [1,2, Form factors of nucleon reflect the special distributions
3,4,5]. Large Nc limit gives a simplified picture of QCD such as charge densities via a Fourier transform. The form
but provides us many interesting insights and a good ap- factors involve initial and final states with different mo-
proximation of real QCD. There are some applications menta and three dimensional Fourier transforms can not
of the large Nc limit which leads to the understanding of be interpreted as densities. But the transverse densities
electromagnetic transitions between the γ ∗ N → γ∆(1232) defined in fixed light-front time are free from this diffi-
[11,14,15,16] and the predictions are made for a wide culty and have proper density interpretation [22,23,24,
range Q2 , for example, the magnetic-dipole transition am- 25]. Similarly, the empirical knowledge of transition form
plitude can be extended up to Q2 ∼ 6 − 8 GeV2 . Using the factors in a wide range of Q2 also allows one to map out
relation between the isovector nucleon magnetic moment the quark transverse charge distributions that induce the
and the N → ∆ transition magnetic moment as shown in transitions [12,26,27,28]. In this work, we evaluate the
[17], Pascalutsa and Vanderhaeghen [14] have established N → ∆ transition form factors and the transition charge
that in the large-Nc limit the N → ∆ transition form fac- distributions in the AdS/QCD models.
tors can be expressed in terms of nucleon electromagnetic Recently, AdS/QCD correspondence has achieved sig-
form factors. The consistency of large-Nc relations for a nificant attraction in research of non-perturbative QCD
finite momentum transfer have been verified in an empir- because this formalism has been proven as one of the
ical parameterization of the nucleon form factors [18] by most promising techniques to investigate the structure of
the comparison of transition ratios with the experimen- hadron. The AdS/CFT duality, also known as the Mal-
tal data. It is therefore interesting to investigate whether dacena conjecture [29] relates a strongly coupled gauge
2 D. Chakrabarti, C. Mondal: Nucleon to ∆ transition form factors and empirical transverse charge densities

theory in d space-time dimensions by a dual weak cou- AdS/QCD action in the soft-wall model for the fermion
pling gravity theory in AdSd+1 space. There are many field is written as
applications of AdS/CFT duality to investigate the QCD
√ i i
phenomena [30,31,32,33,34,35]. Since QCD is not a con- S = d4 xdz g Ψ̄ eM A M A
A Γ DM Ψ − (DM Ψ̄ )eA Γ Ψ
formal theory, to apply AdS/CFT to QCD, the conformal 2 2
invariance need to be broken. In the literature, there are

−µΨ̄ Ψ − V (z)Ψ̄ Ψ , (1)
many efforts to break the conformal symmetry in the grav-
ity side [36,37,38]. In light-front holography, two models
are adopted to achieve this goal, one is called hard wall where eM M
A = (z/R)δA is the inverse vielbein and V (z)
model where one puts a boundary in the AdS space so is the confining potential which breaks the conformal in-
that the wave functions are made to vanish at he bound- variance and R is the AdS radius. For d = 4 dimensions,
ary and the other is called the soft wall model where a ΓA = {γµ , −iγ5 }. One can derive the Dirac equation in
confining potential is introduced in the AdS space which AdS from the above action:
breaks the conformal invariance and generates the mass  d 
spectrum. For the baryon sector, the AdS/QCD formal- i zη MN ΓM ∂N + Γz Ψ − µRΨ − RV (z)Ψ = 0. (2)
ism has been developed by several groups [39,40,41,42, 2
43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50]. Although this correspondence It is possible to map the Dirac equation in AdS space
gives only the semi-classical approximation of QCD, so with the light front wave equation, by identifying the holo-
far the framework has been successfully applied to de- graphic variable, z → ζ, where ζ is the light front trans-
scribe many hadron properties such as hadron mass spec- verse variable which measures the separation of the quark
trum, parton distribution functions, GPDs, meson and and gluonic constituents in the hadron and substituting
nucleon form factors, transverse densities, structure func- Ψ (x, ζ) = e−iP ·x ζ 2 ψ(ζ)u(P ) in Eq.(2) and setting | µR |=
tions etc. [44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58, ν + 1/2 where ν is related with the orbital angular mo-
59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70]. The applications in mentum by ν = L + 1 . For linear confining potential
AdS/QCD to nucleon resonances have been studied in [56, U (ζ) = (R/ζ)V (ζ) = κ2 ζ, one obtains the light front wave
70,71]. The form factors of ∆ baryons (spin 3/2) and the equation for the baryon in 2 × 2 spinor representation as
N → ∆ transition form factors in the AdS/QCD frame-
work have been reported in [72]. Recently, a light-front d2 1 − 4ν 2 
quark-diquark model for nucleon has been developed in − 2
− + κ4 ζ 2 + 2(ν + 1)κ2 ψ+ (ζ)
dζ 4ζ 2
[73] where the wavefunctions are constructed from the
soft-wall AdS/QCD and this has been extensively used to = M2 ψ+ (ζ), (3)
investigate many interesting properties of the nucleons [74, d2 1 − 4(ν + 1)2 
− 2− + κ4 ζ 2 + 2νκ2 ψ− (ζ)
75,76,77,78,79,80]. In this work, we study the nucleon to dζ 4ζ 2
∆(1232) transition form factors in a soft-wall AdS/QCD = M2 ψ− (ζ), (4)
model as well as a light-front quark-diquark model in-
spired by AdS/QCD using the large-Nc relations estab- The specific form of the confining potential U (ζ) is cho-
lished by Pascalutsa and Vanderhaeghen [14]. The tran- sen because of using the potential one can reproduce linear
sition charge densities which influences the nucleon to ∆ Regge trajectories for the baryon mass spectrum. Again,
excitation are also investigated by taking two-dimensional squaring the Dirac equation with U (ζ), one can generate
Fourier transforms of the transition form factors. We com- a Klein-Gordon equation with the potential κ4 z 2 which
pare our results with the available experimental data as is consistence with the same confining potential appeared
well as with the global parameterization, MAID2007 [20]. in the meson sector from the dilaton field [56]. The wave
The paper is organized as follows. The electromagnetic Eqs.(3) and (4) lead to the AdS solutions of nucleon wave-
form factors for nucleon in the soft-wall AdS/QCD and functions ψ+ (z) and ψ− (z) corresponding to different or-
the quark-diquark models have been given in Sec.2. We bital angular momentum Lz = 0 and Lz = +1 combined
present the nucleon to ∆(1232) transition form factors in with spin components S z = +1/2 and S z = −1/2 respec-
the Sec.3. In Sec.4, the empirical transverse charge den- tively [56],
sities in the nucleon to ∆ excitation for both unpolar-
ized and transversely polarized cases have been discussed. √ 2
2κ 7/2 −κ2 z2 /2
Then we provide a brief summary in Sec.5. ψ+ (ζ) ∼ ψ+ (z) = z e , (5)
κ3 2 2
ψ− (ζ) ∼ ψ− (z) = 2 z 9/2 e−κ z /2 . (6)
2 Nucleon form factors
ψ+ (z) and ψ− (z) represent the S and P components of
2.1 Soft-wall AdS/QCD model proton with equal probability [57]. The eigenvalues of the
wave Eqs.(3) and (4) are
We consider the AdS/QCD model for nucleon form fac-
tors proposed by Brodsky and Téramond [56]. Here, we de- M2+ = (4n + 2ν + 2) |κ2 | + 2 (ν + 1) κ2 , (7)
scribe the salient points of the model in brief. The relevant M2− 2
= (4n + 2(ν + 1) + 2) |κ | + 2νκ . 2
D. Chakrabarti, C. Mondal: Nucleon to ∆ transition form factors and empirical transverse charge densities 3

For κ2 > 0 one finds M2+ = M2− = M2 where in terms of overlap of the wavefunctions [81,82,83,84] as
M2 = 4 κ2 (n + ν + 1) , d2 k⊥ h +∗
F1q (Q2 ) = dx +
ψ+q (x, k′⊥ )ψ+q (x, k⊥ )
0 16π 3
identical for both ψ+ (ζ) and ψ− (ζ). For κ2 < 0, it follows +∗ +
that M2+ 6= M2− and no solution is possible [57,70]. + ψ−q (x, k′⊥ )ψ−q (x, k⊥ ) , (16)
The Dirac form factors in this model are obtained by 2Mn
Z 1 Z 2
d k⊥
the SU(6) spin-flavor symmetry and given by [56,65,70] F2q (Q2 ) = − 1 dx
q − iq 2 0 16π 3
dz +∗ −
(x, k′⊥ )ψ+q
× ψ+q (x, k⊥ )
F1p (Q2 ) =R 4
V (Q2 , z)ψ+2
(z), (10)
z4 i
+∗ −
dz + ψ−q (x, k′⊥ )ψ−q (x, k⊥ ) , (17)
F1n (Q2 ) = − R4 V (Q2 , z)(ψ+2 2
(z) − ψ− (z)).(11)
3 z4
where k′⊥ = k⊥ + (1 − x)q⊥ . ψλλqNq (x, k⊥ ) are the LFWFs
Using the action in Eq.(1), a precise mapping for the spin- with nucleon helicities λN = ± and for the struck quark
flip nucleon form factor is not possible. Thus, the Pauli λq = ±, where plus and minus correspond to + 21 and − 21
form factors for the nucleons are modeled as [56,65,70] respectively. We consider the frame, q = (0, 0, q⊥ ), thus
Q2 = −q 2 = q2⊥ . The LFWFs are specified at an initial
(Q2 ) = κp/n R4 ψ+ (z)V (Q2 , z)ψ− (z). (12) scale µ0 = 313 MeV [73] :
ψ+q (x, k⊥ ) = ϕ(1)
q (x, k⊥ ) ,
The Pauli form factors are normalized to = κ(p)n F2 (0)
+ k 1 + ik 2 (2)
where κ(p)n are the anomalous magnetic moment of (pro- ψ−q (x, k⊥ ) = − ϕq (x, k⊥ ) , (18)
ton)neutron. The bulk-to-boundary propagator, V (Q2 , z)
for soft wall model is given by [56,58] − k 1 − ik 2 (2)
ψ+q (x, k⊥ ) = ϕq (x, k⊥ ) ,
dx −
(x, k⊥ ) = ϕ(1)
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ψ−q q (x, k⊥ ) ,
V (Q , z) = κ z xQ /(4κ ) e−κ z x/(1−x) .(13)
0 (1 − x)2
where ϕq (x, k⊥ ) (i = 1, 2) is the wave functions predicted
There is only one free parameter κ in this soft-wall model. by soft-wall AdS/QCD, modified by introducing the tun-
We use the value of scale parameter κ = 0.4 GeV which is (i) (i)
fixed by fitting the ratios of Pauli and Dirac form factors able parameters aq and bq for quark q [73]:
for proton with the experimental data [64,65]. r
log(1/x) aq(i)
4π (i)
q (x, k⊥ ) = Nq(i) x (1 − x)bq
κ 1−x
k2⊥ log(1/x)
2.2 Light-front quark-diquark model × exp − 2 . (19)
2κ (1 − x)2
In the light-cone formalism for a composite system of spin (i) (i)
1 2 2 ϕq (x, k⊥ ) reduces to the AdS/QCD prediction for aq =
2 , the Dirac and Pauli form factors F1 (q ) and F2 (q ) are
related to the helicity-conserving and helicity-flip matrix bq = 0 [56]. The AdS/QCD scale parameter, κ is taken to
elements of the J + current [81]: (i) (i)
be 0.4 GeV [64,65]. All the parameters aq and bq with
J + (0) the constants Nq are fixed by fitting the electromagnetic
hP + q, ↑ | |P, ↑i = F1 (q 2 ), (14) properties of the nucleons [76].
2P +
J + (0) 1
2 F2 (q )
hP + q, ↑ | |P, ↓i = −(q − iq ) , (15)
2P + 2Mn
3 N → ∆ transition form factors
where Mn is the nucleon mass. In quark-diquark model,
the three valence quarks of nucleon are considered as an ef- The electromagnetic nucleon to ∆ transition form factors
fectively composite system composed of a fermion (quark) in the large-Nc limit can be expressed entirely in terms
and a composite state of diquark based on one loop quan- of the nucleon electromagnetic properties. For example,
tum fluctuations. Here we consider a light front quark- it has been established that the magnetic nucleon to ∆
diquark model for nucleon [73] where the 2-particle wave- transition moment is related to the isovector anomalous
function is modeled from the soft-wall AdS/QCD solution. magnetic moment of the nucleon [17]
In the light front quark-diquark model, writing nucleon as
a two particle bound state of a quark and a diquark, one 1
can evaluate the Dirac and Pauli form factors for quarks G∗M (0) = √ κV , (20)
4 D. Chakrabarti, C. Mondal: Nucleon to ∆ transition form factors and empirical transverse charge densities

Ungaro et al, 06
Frolov et al, 99
1 Stein et al, 75
Villano, 09
Aznauryan, 09

G* /(3G )
LF diquark



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Q2 [GeV2]

Fig. 1. (Color online) The N → ∆ transition Jones-Scadron form factor G∗M (Q2 )/(3GD ), where the dipole form factor GD (Q2 ) =
1/(1 + Q2 /0.71 GeV2 )2 . The red dashed line represents the global fit MAID2007 [20]; the solid black line and the purple line
with circle represent the soft-wall AdS/QCD and the light-front quark-diquark models respectively. The experimental data are
taken from Refs.[85, 86, 87, 88, 89].

0 2




Joo et al, 02


Joo et al, 02
−20 Mertz et al, 01 Mertz et al, 01

Frolov et al, 99 −4
Frolov et al, 99
Ungaro et al, 02 Ungaro et al, 02
Sparveris et al, 05 Sparveris et al, 05
Aznauryan, 09 −6 Aznauryan, 09
−30 MAID2007 MAID2007
LF diquark LF diquark
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Q2 [GeV2] Q2 [GeV2]
(a) (b)
Fig. 2. (Color online) The ratios of transition form factors (a) RSM (Q2 ) and (b) REM (Q2 ). The red dashed line represents the
global fit MAID2007 [20]. The experimental data are taken from Refs.[87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92].

where the isovector anomalous magnetic moment of the or equivalently the ratios
nucleon, κV ≃ 3.7. The relation in Eq.(20) has been ex-
tended for finite Q2 in [14,16] as
G∗E Q+ Q− G∗C
1 REM (Q2 ) = − , RSM (Q2 ) = − 2 G∗ , (24)
G∗M (Q2 ) = √ [F2p (Q2 ) − F2n (Q2 )], (21) G∗M 4M∆ M

where F2p (Q2 ) and F2n (Q2 ) are the Pauli form factors of p
proton and neutron. It has also been predicted that in the where Q± = (M∆ ± MN )2 + Q2 and MN (M∆ ) is the
large-Nc limit, the G∗E,C (Q2 ) can be expressed in term of mass of nucleon(∆). The electric form factors GE (Q2 ) are
neutron electric form factor GnE (Q2 ) for finite but small expressed in terms of Dirac and Pauli form factors as
Q2 as [14]

M∆2 2
− MN Q2
G∗E (Q2 ) = √ GnE (Q2 ), (22) GE (Q2 ) = F1 (Q2 ) − F2 (Q2 ). (25)
M∆ 4MN
2 2Q2

Putting all the relations of Eqs.(21), (22) and (23) to-
4M 2 gether in Eq.(24) one obtains the following expression for
G∗C (Q2 ) = 2 ∆ 2 G∗E (Q2 ), (23) the ratios of nucleon to ∆ transition form factors in terms
M∆ − MN
D. Chakrabarti, C. Mondal: Nucleon to ∆ transition form factors and empirical transverse charge densities 5

of the nucleon form factors: where λN and λ∆ are the light-front helicities of nucleon
3/2 2 and ∆(1232) and ∆⊥ = Q(cos φq x̂ + sin φq x̂). The matrix
elements of the electromagnetic current J + (0) operator

MN M∆ − MN
REM (Q2 ) = − 2 between nucleon and ∆ relate the transition form factors
M∆ 2Q
n 2 as
G (Q )
× p 2E , (26) ∆⊥ ∆⊥
F2 (Q ) − F2n (Q2 )
P +, , λ∆ |J + (0)|P + , − , λN
 3/2 2 2
MN Q+ Q−
RSM (Q ) = − = (2P + )ei(λN −λ∆ )φq G+λN λ∆ . (29)
M∆ 2Q2
G (Q )2
Here G+ λN λ∆ are the transition form factors which can
× p 2E . (27) equivalently be written in terms of G∗M , G∗E and G∗C .
F2 (Q ) − F2n (Q2 )
Thus, from Eq.(28) the charge density for the unpolar-
Using the empirical parameterization of the nucleon FFs ized N → ∆ transition can be written as [28]
by Bradford et al [18], the above relations of nucleon to ∆ Z 2
transition ratios in Eqs.(26) and (27) have been verified d ∆⊥ i∆⊥ .b⊥ +

(b) = e G+(1/2)+(1/2) (Q2 )
by comparing with the experimental data [14]. (2π)2
Z ∞
We evaluate the nucleon to ∆ transition form factors dQ
using the nucleon electromagnetic form factors obtained = QJ0 (bQ)G+ 2
+(1/2)+(1/2) (Q ), (30)
0 2π
in the framework of a soft-wall AdS/QCD model as well
as in a light-front quark-diquark model. In Fig.1, we show where the transverse impact parameter b = |b⊥ | and Jn in-
the Q2 dependence of nucleon to ∆ transition form factor dicates the cylindrical Bessel function of order n. G+ +(1/2)+(1/2)
G∗M and the transition ratios RSM and REM are shown is the helicity conserving N → ∆ form factor and can be
in Fig.2. The results are compared with the available ex- expressed in terms of G∗M , G∗E and G∗C as [28,12]
perimental data and also with the standard parameter-
ization, MAID2007 [20]. For G∗M (Q2 ), both the results

+ 2 (MN + M∆ ) 3
of AdS/QCD and the quark-diquark model are in good G+(1/2)+(1/2) (Q ) = I −
MN Q2+ 2 4
agreement with the experimental data whereas for the 
transition ratios, AdS/QCD results are consistent with 3 h i
× G∗M + G∗E 2 (3M∆ + MN )(M∆ − MN ) − Q2
the experimental data but quark-diquark model deviates a Q−
bit. Although the relations in Eqs.(26) and (27) have been h (M − M )
∆ N Q2 i

derived assuming that the momentum transfer is small, + 2G∗C − +3 2 , (31)
Q2 < 1 GeV2 [14], one can notice that the AdS/QCD pre-
diction for the ratios is in well agreement with the experi- where the isospin factor I =
2/3 for the nucleon to
mental data at high Q2 whereas the quark-diquark model ∆(1232) transition.
as well as the MAID 2007 parameterization are unable to The unpolarized charge density leads to the monopole
reproduce the data at large Q2 . pattern only. To get information about the quadrupole
moments of the nucleon and ∆ states, we need to consider
the charge densities for transversely polarized nucleon and
4 N → ∆ transition empirical charge ∆(1232). The charge density for transversely polarized nu-
densities cleon and ∆ is given by [28]
Z ∞
dQ Q h
We study the quark transition charge densities in the ρNT

(b) = J0 (bQ)G++(1/2)+(1/2)
0 2π 2
transverse plane using the empirical information on the n√
nucleon to ∆ transition form factors which are charac- + sin(φb − φs )J1 (bQ) 3G+ +(3/2)+(1/2)
terized by the Jones-Scadron form factors G∗M , G∗E and o
G∗C [93]. According to the standard interpretation [22, + G+ +(1/2)−(1/2)
23,24,25,26,27,28,66,94,95] the charge densities in the √ i
transverse plane can be identified with the two dimen- − cos(φb − φs )J2 (bQ) 3G+ +(3/2)−(1/2) . (32)
sional Fourier transform of the electromagnetic form fac-
tors in the light-cone frame when the momentum transfer It can be noticed in Eq.(32) that ρN T

is a linear combi-
is purely in transverse direction. One defines the quark nation of unpolarized helicity conserving transition charge
transition charge densities in transverse plane in the fol- density together with two other independent components.
lowing way The second term involves one unit of light-front helicity
flip(1/2 → 3/2 or −1/2 → 1/2) nucleon to ∆ transition
d2 ∆⊥ i∆⊥ .b⊥ 1
ρN ∆ form factor which gives a dipole field pattern in the charge
0 (b) = e
(2π)2 2P + density. The last term, involves the form factor with two
D ∆⊥ ∆⊥ E unit of light-front helicity flip(−1/2 → 3/2) and corre-
× P +, , λ∆ |J + (0)|P + , − , λN , (28) sponds to a quadrupole field pattern in the charge density.
2 2
6 D. Chakrabarti, C. Mondal: Nucleon to ∆ transition form factors and empirical transverse charge densities

0.05 0.6
−0.05 LF diquark

−0.1 0.2
(b) [1/fm2]

(b) [1/fm2]


−0.25 −0.2

−0.35 AdS/QCD
LF diquark
−2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 −2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
by [fm] by [fm]
(a) (b)
Fig. 3. (Color online) The N → ∆ transition charge densities (a) unpolarized (b) both N and ∆ are transversely polarized
along x-direction. The red dash line represents MAID2007 [20].

0.1 0.6
MAID2007 ρ
0.08 0.4
LF diquark
(b) [1/fm2]

ρN∆ (b) [1/fm2]



0.02 ρ


−2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 −2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

b [fm] b [fm]
y y
(a) (b)
Fig. 4. (Color online) The N → ∆ transition charge densities (a) quadrupole contribution to the transversely polarized charge
density, (b) comparison of unpolarized and transversely polarized densities calculated in AdS/QCD .

One writes the helicity flip form factors in terms of G∗M , the results shown in Ref. [28] which were evaluated us-
G∗E and G∗C as [28,12] ing the transition form factor from MAID2007. The un-
√ + polarized charge density shows a behavior having nega-
3G+(3/2)+(1/2) + G+ tively charged core surrounded by a ring of positive charge
r density for b ≥ 0.5. In both cases, the predictions of
(MN + M∆ ) 3 ∗ ∗ Q AdS/QCD and quark-diquark model are in excellent agree-
=I Q G M (M ∆ + M N ) + GC ,
MN Q2+ 2 2M∆ ment with the MAID2007 parameterization except the
(33) fact that AdS/QCD gives slightly more negative value
for unpolarized density at b = 0. The quadrupole con-
+(3/2)−(1/2) tribution to the transversely polarized density has been
shown in Fig.4(a) whereas we provide a comparison of

(MN + M∆ ) 3 2
=I √ Q G∗M the unpolarized density ρN ∆
with the transversely polar-
MN Q2+ 4 2 N∆
ized density ρT evaluated in AdS/QCD in Fig.4(b). In
∗ 4M∆ (M∆ − MN ) ∗ 2Q Fig.5, we have shown a top view plot of three dimensional
+ GE 1 − − GC 2 . (34)
Q2− Q− transition charge densities in the transverse plane calcu-
lated in AdS/QCD for unpolarized nucleon and ∆(1232)
Without loss of generality, we take the polarization of (left panel), as well as for both the nucleon and ∆ are
both the nucleon and ∆ along x-axis ie., φs = 0. We show polarized along x-direction (middle panel). One notices
the charge density for unpolarized nucleon to ∆ transi- that the unpolarized density is axially symmetric whereas
tion in Fig.3(a) using the transition form factor obtained the transversely polarized density shows a dipolar pat-
in both AdS/QCD and quark-diquark model. The similar tern. These behaviors are very similar to neutron charge
plot for transversely polarized nucleon and ∆ has been densities observed in [28,66]. The dipolar pattern comes
shown in Fig.3(b). The consequences are compared with in ρNT

due to large anomalous magnetic moment coming
D. Chakrabarti, C. Mondal: Nucleon to ∆ transition form factors and empirical transverse charge densities 7

1.5 1.5 1.5

−0.05 0.3 0.04

1 1 1
0.5 0.5 0.1 0.5
0 0
b [fm]

b [fm]

b [fm]
0 0 0

−0.5 −0.25 −0.5 −0.2 −0.5

−1 −0.3 −1 −1

−1.5 −0.35 −1.5 −1.5
−1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
b [fm] b [fm] b [fm]
x x x

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0 ; middle: both are polarized along x axis, ρN∆ N∆
T ; and right: quadrupole contribution to ρT . All are evaluated in soft-wall
AdS/QCD model.

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