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To Anyone,
I have an unusual idea on how prime numbers are also growth numbers in
I hope you think that it is- at least- interesting, and could pass the basic idea on; to give
others ideas.
If you don’t have much time to spare; you will probably get the basic idea without
reading the blue text.


It started to form in my mind after reading Marcus du Sautoy’s book; “The Music of the
Primes” The question of the frequency of the prime numbers really intrigued me. I was
sure there must be some logic or pattern behind it, and I could find it. I must also admit,
that, as I had just been diagnosed with a chronic illness and unable to work; the $1million
also interested me; but it was the challenge and that I knew there must be an answer that
kept me going.
I know it was for disproving? The Riemann Hypothesis, which I didn’t really
understand, but I decided to learn what I could, and keep thinking about prime numbers
in many different ways.

I have only had a basic education, and having never written anything like this before. So
please bear with me if it is not very professional and I keep stating the obvious.

I have since learnt some maths with The Open University. But this is not maths- with a
long complicated function, so I think it would be called a theory, or is it a conjecture?
Riemann said: “Someday, someone looking through a looking-glass will see the real
picture”. I have been trying to see it in the real world of three dimensions!

It is difficult to condense it into a few pages. It will be easier for me if I explain how it
came together- with a little of my thinking- as I go along.
Page 2

Numbers don’t actually exist- only in our heads!

So I tried to make the numbers real: something that takes-up space, and see what they
would do if they could exist.
To my mind- in nature, there is no such thing as “2”; only 1 and another 1. Obviously no
two things can exist in the same time and place.
In reality, “stuff” like atoms/cells/bricks, join together in numbers to form structures. So
I thought: what if numbers could grow in a similar way?

For the single “1”, to me, it must be a sphere; it’s the only 3D shape I can imagine for a
singularity. I call it the “Y” sphere (you will see why later).
To make “2”, I put another “1” touching it. It must be touching it, or it would still be 1
and another 1.
But it was still not right. So, to make it an entity called “2”, I used nature’s way of
isolating; like the blastula isolating a ball of cells. So I put them in another sphere.
For now- as my name is Trussell; I call it the “T-Sphere” (T/S): it just shows the
spherical boundary of “2”.

So the first prime (above); I would call “2-T” And as you see; in two-dimension- if you
filled-in one Y-sphere and the top section in black- it looks like Yin &Yang- hence “Y”
Page 3

Side view Side Top-view Front view

My thinking was: to make a number; the Y-spheres are packed as close as possible in
the confines of a sphere. To increase the number the T-sphere must expand to include
another Y-sphere- and this will be a prime. Then, the following non-primes will fit into
the same size T-sphere*.
So a prime number is a growth number*.
That is: if you increase the diameter of 2-T enough to take 3 Y-spheres; it will fit 4.
Then, if you increased it enough for 5, it will fit 6, and then, if you increased it enough
for 7, it will fit up to 10 - and so on. Of course it wasn’t as simple as that; as fitting 3 into
the smallest possible sphere didn’t leave enough space for 4, but it did seem to work for
the numbers after that, so I thought I was on to something.

After a long time I worked out that it was to do with the structure that spheres of the
same size are forced to adopt when they are packed into the smallest space possible. I
have since discovered this is called a “Cubic Close Packed Structure” (CCP). A picture is
on page 4.

I was just trying to pack the Y-spheres as close as possible in the T-sphere. But I see
now, that- as with numbers and length, whereby, once the distance between 1 & 2 is set,
it is then the same measurement between every number that follows. (It has to continue as
it starts). So, we have to see the CCP structure as fixed and infinite. So it must start as a
CCP structure!
The T-sphere is just the spherical boundary of the Y-spheres, in a CCP structure, That
is; the number has to grow in the form of a CCP structure!

Please bear with me. I will try to show what I mean with pictures of spheres. (This
would be easier if I could do computer graphics)
(**I was a bit out here, as this also happens with what I call grid-planes- as you will
see later. Plus; the growth of the T-sphere in the perpendicular direction (to be called A
later) indicates a twin prime.)
Page 4

Below are pictures of how a CCP structure is usually shown.

This usual representation of a CCP structure is misleading; as it shows three layers.

I found that if looked at from a different angle there are only two! These contain inline
spheres at right-angles to each other:


The two planes are at 60degrees to the usual ABC model with the spheres of one, in the
holes of the other. (I call these “Grid-planes”).
Page 5

Below is another view of the usual three layers of an ABC; Cubic Close Packed
structure*. The grid-planes can be seen at 60degrees to the ABC layers. Three of these
are shown by the three pairs of coloured parallel lines. Any one of these could be the first
grid-plane. Then growth will take place from that one.

How the “T” structure is formed:

“1” can be anywhere.

The first prime (2-T) is constructed by a second Y-sphere touching the first Y-sphere.
These two will start to construct the first grid-plane.

The second prime I call 3-T-4 (the first number being the prime and the second is the
total when the next grid-plane is filled; up to the space allowed by the T/S).

To construct 3-T-4: the T-sphere expands to the shortest diameter possible to include a
third Y-sphere.
As you can see (next page); the closest Y-spheres are those in contact with the first two.
And in a CCP structure; these are in the grid-planes on each side.

My thinking is this: that any growth from two-dimensions (first grid-plane) to three-
dimensions (the next grid-plane), must be at 90degrees to the first grid-plane.

(Discovering this overcame my initial problem of not being able to get four Y-spheres
into a T-sphere for three!)

(*This particular one I call 13-T-16)

Page 6

You see, my difficulty is showing how something grows into the shape of a structure
that is inevitable!

Below is looking end-on (side view) to the first grid-plane. There are four spheres the
same distance from the centre of the 2-T; two in one plane on one side of the first grid-
plane and two on the other side:

2-T; end-view

End view
of plane.

To include a third Y-sphere the centre of the T-sphere will have to move perpendicular
to the two-dimensional plane and increase its diameter:

Infinite CCP structure that the Y-

1 grid- spheres are forced to conform to.

Direction of growth,
4 diameter must increase
perpendicular to the 1st

Page 7

All that has happened is that the diameter has increased- by the smallest amount possible-
to include one more Y-sphere. In doing so, it has increased enough to include, one- or
two more, because it has to form in a CCP structure.

So it can be seen that a 3-T can include a 4th Y-sphere.

From now on there is no need to show the T-sphere. As I have said, it doesn’t really exist;
the Y-spheres are forming a sphere as best they can, while forming a CCP structure.

From now on I call it a T-structure (T/S)


3 3
1 2
1 1 2
4 3 4

view Top Front Front

Obviously, the red numbers are primes.

I make 1 a different colour to separate it from primes or non-primes.

Any increase in the diameter down A (page 11) of the T/S will involve a twin-prime.

The first Y-sphere that is added to a grid-plane- within the same diameter, is a prime.

The growth will alternate each side of the first plane.

To better describe how this works I will show the next four primes, using the three
different ways that I have used to look at them. These are:

The three-way-view; (as above)

The separate planes (an exploded-view).
And the front-end Y-sphere-totals view.

After which, I will explain what I think is happening.

Page 8

The three-way- view.

End view Top front view Front view


5 3 5 3
1 1 2
1 2
6 4 4

End view Top front view Front view


10 10 7
5 3 3
1 10 7 1 2
6 4 4
9 9 8


10 10 7
5 3 3
1 12 10 7 12 11
6 4 4
9 9 8
12 11
Page 9

End view Top front view Front view


10 10 7
5 16 16 3 13
1 12 10 7 12 11
6 15 15 4 14
16 3 13
9 9 8
12 11

*shown on page 5.

The separate-planes exploded view:

Front-view of separate planes


5 3
1 2
6 4


10 7
1 2
9 8
Page 10


10 7
5 3
1 2 12 11
6 4
9 8


10 7
5 16 3 13
1 2 12 11
6 15 4 14
9 8

The Front-views Y-spheres totals:

5-T-6 7-T-10

1 1
2 2
1 1 1 1
2 2
1 1

11-T-12 13-T-16

1 1 1 1
2 1 2 1
2 2 2 2
2 1 2 1
1 1 1 1
Page 11

Just to reiterate:

The Y-spheres are packed together in the form of a CCP structure.

The T/S will increase by the smallest amount possible to include another sphere.
It does this while forming the most spherical shape possible within that structure.
The first Y-sphere added to each (Grid) plane is a prime.

The centre of the structure will always be on what I call the Centre Line (CL).

This line extends from between the first two Y-spheres (the first real number?)
perpendicular to the first plane.

The structure is measured in units of Y-spheres

To measure the structure, and to show how it increases in size, I will call the direction of
the Centre Line: direction A. and the direction at right-angles to this; direction B.

So the 2-T will be 1 in direction A, and 2 in direction B.

In this way I say that 2-T is 1-x-2.


A 1 A

A=1 B=2

End view End top view

The Centre Line A; and B at 90 degrees to A; looking from end-view: and above end-
view of 2-T.

The centre Point must stay on the centre Line A; to keep the smallest structure possible.
Page 12

To start to approximate a sphere, the structure has to increase into the third dimension-
direction A.

The difference between A & B is that; to include a Y-sphere via “A” only extends A by
0.75. (The distance between Y-spheres in direction A is 0.75).

To include a Y-sphere via “B” extends B by 1. (The distance between Y-spheres in

direction B is 1). See below.

Previously I have said diameter when I actually meant the length of A & B. It is just the
way I have had to think about it.

Please remember; all this is a very crude attempt at explaining what I think is happening.

B 0.5 x 2



… -2 -1 0 +1 +2 …

Above is when looking from the End-View of 2-T. On the following pages I will indicate
particular planes by saying +1, +2 and so on, to the right of “0” And say -1, -2 and so on,
to the left of “0”.
Page 13

End views of the first six T-Structures, showing how the dimensions increase at each
prime, as they take up the CCP formation:

2-T = 1Y x 2Y

A is the smallest dimension so it can increase to include 2
more in that direction.

Top end view

2 added to plane (+1): (3&4)

3-T-4 = 1.75 x 2.

A is still the smallest dimension so it can increase by 2
1 more, this time on the other side.

End view

End Views: 2 added to plane (-1): (5&6)

5-T-6 = 2.5 x 2

Now A is greater than B; so B can increase to 3 in the

5 3 centre (0) leaving space for 4 more.
6 4

7-T-10 = 2.5 x 3 4 added to plane (0): (7 to 10)

5 3 Now it is symmetrical about the centre; it must increase
1 enough to include the next 2 on the other side of the T/S
(each time 2 is added down A-means a twin prime).
6 4
Page 14

11-T-12 = 3.25 x 3 2 added to plane (+2): (11&12)

5 3
A is now greater than B and 4 more can be added to +1
1 12
6 4

13-T-16 = 3.25 x 3
4 added to plane (+1) (13 to 16)

10 This is the first time a grid-plane increases, to “fill-in",

5 15 in the same size T/S. It is now symmetrical (2, 6, 6, 2,)
There is no central plane to increase B.
1 12 The next smallest increase will be to include another
6 16 pair on the other side (-2), as you will see on the next
9 page when I show the first 22 primes via the exploded-
Page 15

I thought it was really amazing when the twin primes fit exactly where they should.

And the fours for the 7-T-10 & the 13-T-16; fit perfectly!
Page 16

Once a T/S is symmetrical about the centre (19-T-22) and it has an odd number of
planes, plus B is less than A; it must increase at the centre (0) plane. It adds three
Y-spheres each side to be greater than A; not just one each side- to be equal.
For now I say that B = 4.0; although being 3 x 4, it has a greater diameter than 4.0,
but I think this is sufficient to show my theory.
Again, I thought it amazing to be able to fit the six required for the 23-T-28!

31-T-36 looks odd at first but it is inevitable. The T/S has an even number of planes
so it is balancing-out the other side of the centre. I did have a problem with this, but
the only alterative was to increase plane (+2) to six and this still looked wrong- and
it would not fit my theory! (see page 19 for a possible reason for this pattern).
Whilst working this out, I came up against many things which “didn’t fit” at first!
Page 17

41-T-42 to 53-T-58 shows the symmetry being balanced-out via each prime.

The centre plane in 53-T-58, increases to 6 for B to be > than A. Again, this is
due to the T/S being odd, symmetrical and also B is < A.
As the number increases, it starts to show the spherical shape. It first shows in the
shape of the centre plane, as it changes from a 1 x 2, 2 x 3 then a 4 x 3,
and now for 53-T-58 to a 6 x 5 ratio.
Page 18

Every increase in direction A is a twin-Prime.

Page 19

I cannot find a reliable pattern for the changing of the order in which the grid-planes
“fill-in”; although, it does seem somewhat obvious up to the 6th grid plane (31-T-36).
After the 6th grid-plane, one possible pattern is as follows: When there is only a choice
of two grid-planes, between the increasing pair and the centre; (41-T-42), then the first
increase is from the outside (-2).
When there is a choice of three grid-planes between the increasing pair and the centre;
(59-T-60, 71-T-72) then the first increase is the central one; +2 & -2, respectively.
I have just noticed (4yrs later) that it may be that when the last grid-plane to increase is
the centre, and it is balanced each side, then, it starts with two more down A?

It may well be a coincidence; but part of my initial way of thinking involved the idea of
shells of electrons in atoms. After working on it for a long time; I found that it only
seems to work well up to the 22nd prime (82). There are ways, such as adding 6 onto
+3, then 8 onto +2 and so on; but it starts too complicated for me to work out.
I have since discovered that Nature has a similar problem; in that; the elements with
more than 82 protons become unstable:

I know it is probably a coincidence.

Perhaps it only works for the first twenty-two primes – up to 82? And it’s been known
for years!

Perhaps it’s not forming a sphere at all- but something more linear?

Or am I back to the problem of the Primes?

I hope you could follow my explanation.

As I cannot fully resolve the problem of the order that the grid-planes “fill”; I was
going to delete all-and try to forget it. But I thought: at least it is a different way of
looking at the primes. And it may be interesting to someone!

Perhaps I could have simply said something like:

When spheres of the same size construct an expanding spherical shape, in the
form of a CCP structure; then, the number of the first sphere that is added to each
Grid-plane- is a prime.

My health problems have made it difficult for me to think straight and I have been “stuck”
for a couple of years. So, when I saw the Horizon programme; “Alan and Marcus go Forth
and Multiply” Where Alan Davies hit a Quartz sphere hooked-up to an oscilloscope, and the
resonance of the frequencies fit the primes, I thought it may be something to do with my idea
(it being a sphere). So, I thought: I may as well send this to someone as it is.

Health & Happiness,

Arthur Clive Trussell.

Does this help with the twin prime conjecture?

Perhaps symmetrical structures of this type – of infinitely greater sizes, would give rise to
twin-primes; when they are increased by a pair down the direction A?

As the T/S increases; it can be seen (at least in the ones above) that the first Y-sphere added
to each grid-plane is a prime. Then, the remaining places can be filled with non-primes- up to
the set diameter. When complete each grid-plane is an exact total of primes- 2s or 3s.
I was hoping to work-out, that; when a T/S is symmetrical and full - as in 7-T-10 and 23-
T-28 (which have an odd number of grid-planes), and also 13-T-16 and 37-T-40 (which have
an even number of grid-planes)- it is always followed by twin primes.
This may be because the multiples of all the previous primes greater than 2 or 3 have just
been filled. So, with the T-structures I have just pointed-out, the next number is a prime.
Then the following one is a multiple of 2 and 3- as is 12, 30 and 18, 42, and then the
following one is a prime for the same reason! Or does this only work as far as I have looked?
It’s too difficult for me to check at the moment.
THOUGHTS ON MY THEORY; (I know some may be a bit (very!) far out!)

Since starting this I see a lot of things that seem to grow with prime-amounts. Petals and
leaves for instance- there are a lot of threes & fives involved. Even the daffodil, when you
look close is made-up of two sets of three. Perhaps the initial “evolvement” was done via
As a prime number is a growth amount (in my theory) the change in size could be Natures
way of counting, and a signal to change. I suppose it could just be coincidence,-as initially,
there are a lot of primes!

One interesting thought is: if you put two 7-T-10’s each containing 7, in the smallest possible
opaque shells (CCP) then take two more 7-T-10’s each containing 10, in their own, smallest
possible opaque shells(CCP) all four diameters are forced to be the same- 3.
Add the first pair together and the diameter will be 3.25. Add the second pair together and
it will be 4.0!
Of course, in one way, it is obvious. But to an observer it would appear that four spheres, all
the same size, and the smallest they can possibly be (in a CCP structure) can pair-up, and
make two different sized spheres!
One thing about a CCP structure, is that, although the spheres are packed together as close as
possible, when you look parallel to the Grid-planes- you can see straight through!
It’s just a thought that, if – at absolute zero- “atoms” do pack together as close as possible,
making a CCP structure; electrons could travel straight-down these holes. Or spiral down
about the spheres - Super-conductivity!
I have also read about something called “Discrete Breathers”, when energy piles-up in an
irregular fashion- rather than even. I wonder if T-Structures are involved- having different
sized “holes” in what appears to be spheres of the same size.

There are other thoughts- but I won’t go on.

Arthur Clive Trussell.

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