Project Statement 1 (2015343 To 2016307)

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GIK Institute

CS101D Semester Project

For Reg. Nos. : 2015343 to 2016307
Project Name: ATM Machine and Bank Management System

Instructor Name: Dr. Zahid Halim

Teaching Assistant: Muhammad Kamran

Date: November,28 2016

Project statement:

Important information about ATM and Bank management system.

1. Name of every person Array char

2. His/her initial bank balance.
3. The type of account he had made which include both saving and current. (1,2)
4. The most important part “password”.
 Each user had been given a password or a pin code.
 The 1st step is that the program asks the person to enter his pin code.
 The program will search for the password in the designated password Array list with
account number and password.

 If the password entered by the user matches with the allotted password the program
will welcome the person showing his name on the screen.

 Else it will ask the user to enter the password again.

 In order to search the designated name, account type, bank balance you can take help
of the loops which simply shows the info by matching or looking after the index
number of the required loop.

 Program will then display the menu to the user which includes.

1. Balance inquiry.
2. Withdraw cash.
3. Deposit cash.
4. Quit.

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GIK Institute

 If the balance of the user is zero it will ask the user to either deposit some cash or
 If the balance is not equal to zero it will ask the user to select any choice from the
above menu.
 In case of balance inquiry, the program will simply display the users current bank
 In case of cash withdrawal, the program will ask the user to enter amount.
 If the entered amount is not in the multiples of Hundred, it will show an error
message and return back to get value from user.
 If the entered amount is in the multiples of Hundred and within the range of his bank
account balance it will simply do the process.
 If the user wishes to make a cash deposit to his account, all he needs to do is to enter
the required amount to be deposited.
 After every step the program will save the value of cash. i.e. if the user had
withdrawn some cash the program will simply deduct the amount from the total and
in case of deposit it will simply add the amount.
 User can leave the program at any step.
 When the user exits the program, the program will display the total amount of all the
balance that is left in the entire bank after the withdrawal.

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