6.15.2017 Jeff Sessions - Medical Marijuana

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‘Commonweatri oF Pennsrivania Orrice or tne Govennion Haamisoune: June 15,2017 ‘The Honorable Jeff Sessions Attorney General United States Department of Justice ‘950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20830-0001 Dear Attomey General Sessions Last year, the Peansylvana General Assembly passed bipartisan legislation to legalize medical ‘marijuana that Iwas proud to sign into law. The lgislation was the result of eanversations with Republicans and Democrats an fierce advocacy from families of children who were stricken with tele less that ‘could be heiped by medical marijuana, ‘We talked to kids who suffer dozens of seizures each day. We met veterans who have seen absolute terror and seek relief fom the effets of their postraumatie stress. We approached the responsibility of providing rele tothe people of Pennsylvania very thoughtfully. Since I signed the legislation, we have taken very cre and deliberate stops to implement the law so that those who are suffering can get reli wile ensuring thatthe sat isa responsible steward of the program. Given the bipartisan and medical consensus for medical marijuana ia Pensylvania and many other states, Lam disturbed to know that you ae atively pursuing a change in federal law to go afer medi mara suppliers, ‘We donot need the federal government getting inthe way of Peansyivan relief trough our new medical marijuana program, right to deliver them ‘Your action to undo the protections ofthe Rohrabacher-Farr amendment, which prevents the use ‘of federal funds to disrupt states’ efforts to implement “their own State laws tht authorize the use, Aisibuton, posession o clivation of medical maja” ie nienidet It you seek to further disrupt our ability to establish a logal way to deliver relief of medical ‘arjuana tout etizens, I will ask the Attorney General of Pennsylvania to take legal ation to rect out residents and stat soveroignty Sincerely, Aon fo "TOM WOLF Governor “The Honorable Jeff Sessions Je 15,2017 Page Two Ce United States Senator Bob Casey United States Senator Pat Toomey United Stats House of Representatives Delegation fom Pennsylvania

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