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Objectives: 1. To present/revise vocabulary related to clothes and accessories.

2. To give students an opportunity to use this vocabulary.

Activities: 1. Warmer - Whole-class work

2. Word-square puzzle - Individual work
3. Information gap - Pair work

Level: S1 - S3

Materials: Word-square puzzle

Worksheet A
Worksheet B


Warmer - Whole-class work

1. Ask students to name the clothes and accessories you are wearing. Encourage them to produce
as many words as possible.

2. Write the words raised by students on the board and ask them to record the words in their
vocabulary booklets.

Word-square puzzle - Individual work

3. Explain to the class that they are going to look for vocabulary related to clothes and accessories
in a word-square puzzle based on picture clues. Distribute the Word-square puzzle and ask
students to circle the words, which may appear vertically, horizontally or diagonally.

4. Monitor the class as they are doing the activity. If students have difficulty in identifying the words
from the pictures, either tell them what the pictures are or provide them with the first letter(s) of
the words.

5. After they have finished, ask students to check their answers with a partner before conducting a
class check.

6. Drill any unfamiliar vocabulary chorally and individually.

Information gap - Pair work

7. Get the students into pairs and tell them that they are going to draw clothes and accessories on
two children, John and Mimi. Distribute copies of Worksheet A and Worksheet B and explain that
Student A has to describe the clothes and accessories that John is wearing while Student B draws
the picture. When they have done this, Student B describes what Mimi is wearing and Student A

8. Monitor the class as they are working and make sure that they do not show their pictures to each
other. Help those who have problems pronouncing the words.

9. When students have finished, ask them to show their pictures to each other and check their
drawings match the originals.

Pop-up screen notes


Example: uniform

Glossary: When we speak and listen to others, we usually do so for a communicative

purpose. Often it is because we want to share or obtain some information.
Information-gap activities are based on this principle; the students have
different pieces of information and each wants to find out what the other
knows. Such activities mean that students are involved in using language for
real communication; they have a reason to speak and listen which can
motivate them to do the activity. Activities based on an information gap also
give students practice in the target language and in oral skills such as
negotiation of meaning, turn-taking and conversational listening skills.


2. Theory: It isn’t easy to remember new words. In order to help students remember new
words, a teacher can do the following things:

Present students with only a few new words at a time. Research indicates
that approximately 7 or 8 new words is the most that can be effectively
learned at any one time.
If a reading text contains many new words, some can be presented
before reading the text while the others can be left until after some
comprehension work has been carried out.
Ask students to always record new vocabulary in one particular place, eg
a "reserved section" of their exercise book or in a special booklet. They
can write down the new words together with their meanings in this
place. When words are grouped together in this way they are easier to
Carry out revision activities in class. These activities can be exercises or
games that recycle and reuse words already learned. Words will never be
learned unless they are recycled and reused.

5. Theory: Having students check their answers with each other can generate a lot of
useful discussion and can give them an opportunity to see that they can learn
from one another. Peer-checking not only promotes a positive relationship
between the students, it also helps them to become less teacher-dependent.
It can also increase their confidence and make them more willing to voice
their opinions during feedback.

5. Key:

6. Explanation: Give students a chance to hear the words a couple of times before being
expected to say them themselves. Drilling can be boring for the teacher but
not necessarily for the students, so don't be afraid of getting students to
repeat it a few times till they get it right.
Clothes -- Word-square puzzle
Find and circle the words in the word-square that match with the pictures. The words go horizontally,
vertically and diagonally.
Worksheet A

1. It is a cold, cloudy day and John is going to visit a friend who lives on Lantau Island. Describe to your
partner what John is wearing.

2. It is a warm, sunny day and Mimi is going to a birthday party. Listen to your partner describing
what Mimi is wearing and complete the picture.
Worksheet B

1. It is a cold, cloudy day and John is going to Lantau island. Listen to your partner describing what he
is wearing and complete the picture.

2. It is a warm, sunny day and Mimi is going to a birthday party. Describe to your partner what Mimi
is wearing.

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