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Rhiannon Auriol Mary Williams

 1 poem, Cake Magazine (forthcoming, 2018)
 2 poems, And Other Poems (2017)
 2 poems, New River Press Yearbook (2017)
 3 poems, Vent Magazine (2017)
 Commended for the Christopher Tower Poetry Competition, Virginia (2017)
 Highly Commended, Foyle Young Poets of the Year (2017)
 1 poem, Haverthorn Magazine (2016)
 1 poem, rookiemag (2016)
 Shortlist for the Keats-Shelley Association’s Young Romantics Prize (2015 and 2017)
 Winner, Ted Hughes Young Poet of the Year (2016)
 Winner, BBC Proms Poetry Prize, Behind the Dynamics read on The Verb, BBC R3, and an
interview with the Young Poets’ Network (2016)
 Winner, Christina Broom and the Suffragettes competition with Cat meets Mouse (2015)
 2nd place, Essex Young Poet of the Year (2015)

 Contributing Poet at LUX Magazine, writer of the monthly feature Poetry Muse. (2017+)
 2 articles, Camden Magazine: ‘I’, a study of the meaning of selfhood and The Women’s March on
London (2017)
 Head of Press, MUN Conference (Westminster, 2016)
 Silver in John Locke essay award: To what extent did Arthur Rimbaud influence the New York
School of Poets (2016)
 Blogger at TES: 2 entries (2015)
 Winner, Amnesty Young Reporter of the Year: Let’s Cut the Practice, Not the Girls (2015)

 Director, Candlewasters Company, Bedlam Theatre (2017)
 Producer, Black Comedy, Bedlam Theatre, Edinburgh University Theatre Company (2017)
 Girls Eat, original short play produced at The Cockpit, London, by Rich Creative Productions as
part of The Female Gaze & Other Stories (2017)
 ‘Tis Pity She’s A Whore, co-director of student production, Westminster (2017)
 Over 5 years of experience as actor/backstage in various student productions

Work Experience

 Condé Nast Publications, Vogue House, Hanover Square (2017)

 The Times Education Supplement, Red Lion Square (2015)
 The Agency Group, Islington (2014)

Education & Other

 Student of English Literature at the University of Edinburgh • 07903750401
 Additional skills: adept proficiency with Adobe Creative Suite, Excel, Word, Mac, html/CSS,
social media
 Languages: English, French
 Interested in: photography, politics, theatre, fashion, music, art and literature. • 07903750401

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