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Information Brochure

CSS Level ‘D’ Training

Section Officers Of Central Secretariat
[18 October, 2010 TO 10th December, 2010]

Institute of Secretariat Training

and Management
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
JNU Old Campus, Olof Palme Marg
New Delhi – 110 067.


1 We are happy to welcome you to the CSS Level D Training

Programme for Section Officers of CSS Cadre (with 8+ years of service in the
grade) at the Institute of Secretariat Training and Management, New Delhi.

2. The Programme design is based firstly on the conviction that

Government service is essentially a public service, with potential and
opportunities for helping the common man. It calls upon the Government
servants to display absolute integrity, moral courage, empathy and
compassion, leadership, justice and impartiality, freedom from prejudice and
commitment to the goals of development, equity and social justice.

3. Moreover, in today’s flux situation, a government servant should

develop professional competence to tackle the complexities of the day. The
professionalism demands not only knowledge of the Constitution of India,
various Rules & Regulations governing the functioning of the Government,
organizational climate and culture. It requires wide range of skills, an
analytical mind and the skills of dealing with people.

4 The programme design would provide you with an opportunity to build

comradeship and ‘esprit de corps’ among your fellow officers. It will lead to
the realisation that though we may function in various Ministries and
Departments of the Government of India, yet we are partners in the wider
enterprises of the public services.

5 The Programme also endeavours to build quality of humanism and

development of a multi-faceted personality.

6 The Information Brochure details the aims, objectives and an overview

of the Programme. It also gives a glimpse of the activities to be carried out
during the Training programme. We hope that this will assist you in giving
your best and derive the utmost from the Programme.

7 We are confident that with your commitment, enthusiasm and

willingness to work, we could collectively spend the time productively and add
value to each others life.

About the Institute


To be a centre of excellence in Secretariat training and

management by encouraging learning and creativity leads to efficiency
and the public good.

1. The chronological milestones achieved by the Institute from its journey

as “Secretariat Training School” established in 1948 to its present form are
given below:

• The Secretariat Training School, the precursor of ISTM, to train the

new entrants to the grade of Assistants in the Secretariat, with a part-
time Director, somewhere in Janpath Barracks.

• Placed on a permanent footing, with a full time Director, in 1957, with

responsibility of providing ab initio and in-service refresher training to
all unto the level of Section Officer in general areas of secretariat rules
and procedures. Shifted to the then Theatre Communication Building,
Cannaught Place (now Palika Bazar over it).

• In 1961, the School started specialized course in Cash & Accounts; in

1965, training courses for Work-Study practitioners, and thereafter
progressively diversified year by year in its range of subject areas as
well as in level of trainee officers. It shifted its main office to West
Block, R.K. Puram.

• In 1971, it acquired its present name – The Institute of Secretariat

Training & Management (ISTM)

• The Management Services Wing with Hostel got new accommodation

in Block I of JNU Campus.

• In 1974, the Institute was awarded its emblem with “Efficiency and the
Public Good” as its motto, by the then Prime Minister and Minister-in-
charge of Personnel, Smt. Indira Gandhi.

• In 1979-80, ISTM conducted its first International Course on Financial

Management for National Development, and in subsequent years, it
introduced courses on Development Administration – Approaches,
Planning & Management, Management Techniques and Training of
Trainers for overseas administrators and trainers.

• In May 1990, the Institute shifted lock, stock and barrel to Old JNU

• During the Phase I of the Government of India’s Trainers’ Development

Project (1987-1996), ISTM was designated as the lead Institute for
implementation of the Project and conducting various Training of

Trainers (ToT) courses and providing technical support to the
Department of Personnel & Training (DoPT). The Institute has Master
Trainers in all areas of trainers’ training.

• Besides conducting induction training courses for the Directors/Deputy

Secretaries appointed in the Ministries/Department under Central
Staffing Scheme, for newly promoted Under Secretaries, Section
Officers, and foundational course for directly recruited Assistants, ISTM
conducts courses specialized areas such as ….

 Administrative Vigilance
 Management Techniques
 Total Quality Management
 Good Governance
 Citizen’s Charter
 Financial Management
 Behavioural Skills
 Stress Management
 Gender sensitization
 Noting & Drafting
 Handling CAT cases
 Reservation in Service
 Training Techniques
 Management of Training
 Evaluation of Training
 Computer Applications
 Public Relations
 Right to Information

2. Style & Location: The Institute functions as a Central Government

Department, headed by the “Director”, an officer of the level of Senior
Administrative Grade appointed for fixed tenure under Central Staffing
Scheme. Location of the office of the Director and training campus is Old JNU
Campus, New Delhi.

3. Control & Supervision: The Institute is an ‘Attached Office’ of the

Department of Personnel & Training. It consults Department of Personnel &
Training in the matter of administrative and personnel matters like
appointment of faculty members, and staff, training policy etc.

4. Internal Organisation: Being an Attached Office of the Department of

Personnel & Training (DoPT), and participating office of the Central
Secretariat Service (CSS), the administrative staff up to the level of Section
Officer is manned by Central Secretariat Services officers, posted by the
DoPT. The members of Faculty are appointed on deputation basis from
various Central services for a fixed tenure of up to 5 years. The Assistant
Library & Information Officer, who is appointed on deputation basis, mans the
Library of the Institute.

5. Financial Provisions: Being a Central Government Department,
financial provisions are made through Annual General Budget of the
Department of Personnel & Training. No course fee is charged from trainees
deputed by the Central Government and State Government. Participants from
Public Sector Undertakings and Autonomous Bodies pay a nominal fee, which
goes to the Consolidated Fund of India. Director, ISTM is declared as the
‘Head of Department’ under Schedule-I of the Delegation of Financial Power
Rules and enjoys all financial powers of a Head of Department.

6. Training Programmes & Courses: The Institute organises three

types of training programmes and courses, besides a number of workshops
and seminars in a year. These are: (i) courses for Cadre Training Plan of
Central Secretariat Services, (ii) various specialised in-service office
management, financial management, behavioural adaptability courses and (iii)
Organisation Specific Courses on request of a particular organisation. The
Annual Calendar of Training of Institute is finalised at the beginning of the
training year (financial year). Requests from other organisations, State
Governments, Union Territories etc. are considered subject to availability of
faculty after meeting in-house commitments. The mandate of ISTM is broadly
categorised below:-

• To plan, design and conduct –foundational, refreshers and

specialised training courses
• To assess training needs
• To provide peripatetic faculty support to State Governments and
Union Territories
• To produce training material/literature on subjects

7. Selection of participants: Besides circulating Annual Training

Calendar amongst Ministries/Departments and also through the official web
site of ISTM (, course circulars are issued well before
commencement of each course and nominations are accepted, subject to
eligibility, course capacity, on first come first served basis, and from as many
organisations as possible.

8. Human Resources: ISTM is headed by one Director at the level

of Joint Secretary to the Government of India. He is assisted by one
Additional Director, who is of the level of Director in the Central Government.
There are four posts of Joint Directors who are of the Deputy Secretary level
in the Central Government. There are twelve posts of Deputy Directors, which
are of Under Secretary level and eight posts of Assistant Directors, who are of
Section Officer level in the Central Government. However, all officers from
the level of Assistant Director to the level of Director are designated as
Members of Faculty of ISTM and in so far as professional competence is
concerned, Faculty Members of all levels are considered as “equals” and no
system of “hierarchy” is followed in professional areas.

Administrative Block :

1. Exclusive office of the Director and his Personal Staff and Visitors’
2. Exclusive Offices for Addl Director and each of Joint Directors, Deputy
Director (Coordination) and Deputy Director (Administration), Other members
of the faculty each share room with another.
3. Every individual member of the faculty and staff has personal
Computer Work stations with intra-net and internet facility.
4. Two Computer Lab comprising thirty Work Stations with adequate
learning facility of White Board, OHP and LCD Projector.
5. Exclusive Cyber facility for participants during learning hours.
6. Committee Room with public address system and projection facilities
for holding internal faculty meeting and presentations.
7. Exclusive reprographic facilities of Risograph, copier and manual
cutting and binding machines.
8. Canteen facilities for staff and participants provided by private
contractor. A working Lunch is provide to each participant free of cost in all
the training programmes

9. Seminar Hall Complex

 Eight Seminar Halls and two Round Conference Hall for learning
activities fully equipped with LCD projection and Computer System.
There is extensive use of media like white board, flip charts, films and
power point presentations in various courses.
 Two Auditoria for larger audience, for lectures and functions of ISTM

10. Library Building

 Reading Room and Library comprising about 25,000 books and large
number of national and international journals on topics of public
administration, management, organization behaviour, economics, law
and general rules and procedure of government, for use of the faculty
and participants.
 Fully equipped four class rooms and four syndicate rooms for
conducting work-shops etc.
 It is proposed to upgrade the library building facilities to meet the
future needs of ISTM.

11. Hostel Block

 In order to meet the growing need of residential facilities for
outstation as well as residential courses’ participants, the Hostel
Block has been upgraded for exclusive residential and boarding
purposes for the participants, with about 80 rooms (AC and non-AC)
to accommodate 160 participants at time, and exclusive dining hall
for 100 boarders in one batch.
 Facilities for outdoor management development exercises,
playground, tennis court and Yoga Classes are available within the

12. The nodal Training Division of the Department of Personnel & Training
is housed in Block -4 (Floors 2-4) within the campus.
13. LBS National Academy of Administration has its Delhi Camp on the 5th
14. Institute of Government Accounts & Finance (INGAF), a sister institute
is on Ground and First Floors of Block -4.
15. NTROi, a institute of Defence is located in Block -3 within the Campus.
16. The new campus of Foreign Services Institute has also come up at
South-east corner of the Campus with its huge infrastructure.
17. Rest of the Campus viz., Block -2, Club Building and adjacent lawns
are occupied by the Police Training Institutions of CRPF RAF etc.
18. Post Office is in Club Building, State Bank of India next to Seminar

• Staff Quarters at the rear portion of the Campus is an additional facility

available to the staff and faculty members working in ISTM till they do
not get their regular accommodation in general pool.

• Near by Ber Sarai Shopping Complex is known for the Book Shops,
Printing/copying/binding, ATMs, STD/ISD PCO, snacks & fruits,
couriers, taxi/auto and so on……

Course Overview:

‘CSS Level D Training Programme’ is meant for Section Officers with 8 years
of service, who are due for promotion as Under Secretaries. The duration of
this training programme is 8 weeks. The training course involves a class room
input during the first four weeks. Thereafter the trainee officers are required to
undergo field training in some state of the country for 02 weeks. Besides the
trainees will be going on a Study tour of around a week.

Duration : 8 weeks
Academic Input : 4 weeks
Field Training in States : 2 weeks
Action Research Project : 01 week
Study Tour cum Syndicate Project :01 week (0.5 + 0.5)


The objectives of the Training Programme as given in the Cadre

Training Plan are:-

• Experience sharing and sensitization to expectations from

superiors and juniors.

• A recap of the topics covered in the earlier course for Section

Officer undergone by them which are still relevant in the
present / job.

• A brief exposure to conceptual skills like policy analysis /


• A knowledge input relating to scanning the environment and

be updated with the latest trends in public administration,
germane to their work.

• In-depth management inputs in the areas important to their

job viz. economic / financial management; behavioral
management and quantitative management

• Hands on experience in computers and e-governance.

• An action research project for hands on experience in problem

diagnosis and problem solving.

• Exposure to ground realities and field work through a Study

tour cum Syndicate Project relating to a project in the State
where the centre is also a stakeholder.

• Preparing them to shoulder responsibilities of the next higher


[Week I to IV]



S.No Topics Sessions Faculty Marks


(i) Good Governance 2 KSK/MSK/ 10

(ii) Right to Information 3 MSK/PSS/AG --
(iii) Indian & International Economy 3 AG 10
(iv) Role of WTO 3 GUEST --
(v) Human Rights 2 GUEST 10
(vi) E-governance 2 KGR --
(viI) Administrative Law 3 NB/AG 10
(viii) Enquiry Proceedings, Vigilance 5 KSK/NB/ 10
(ix) Grievance Redressal 2 GUEST --
(i) Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Accounts, 6 GUEST/NS 10
Ratio analysis, Depreciation, Working
Capital with case studies relating to the
(ii) Cost accounting and its applications 3 GUEST/NS 10
(iii) Project Dev. Formulation and appraisal with 3 GUEST 10
discounted cash flow techniques, cost
benefit analysis incl., social cost benefit
analysis with cases relating to Govt.
(iv) Audit Procedures 2 KKP/NS 10
(v) Purchase Procedure 2 NS/VJ/PG 10
(vi) Public Private Partnership 3 GUEST -
(i) Interpersonal skills & communication, 2 VJ/KSK/MB/NM/ -
(ii) Motivation 3 VJ/KSK/MB/NM
(iii) Positive orientation and proactive approach 2 GUEST -
& Role of US
(iv) Constructive interpretation of rules and 2 VJ -
concern with results with caselets
(v) Total Quality Person 3 GUEST -
(vi) Lateral Thinking-De Bono Method 2 GUEST -
(vii) Ethics and values in Administration 3 MPS/VJ -
(viii) Gender sensitivity 3 PG/NM -

(ix) Leadership skills & Team Building 3 VJ/MB -


(i) Numeracy and simple statistical skills (with 3 GUEST 10
(ii) Project Management with network 4 GUEST 10
PERT/CPM and its application in Govt.
(iii) Operations Research concepts and 2 GUEST 10
application in Govt.
(iv) Budget 3 NS/PG/VJ 10
(v) Analysis of policy considerations and policy 2 GUEST 10
(vi) Registration, Course Administration 08 NM 50
Examination & Valediction Internal
Assessment (General Behaviour,
Total 89 200
5. Presentation Skills/COMPUTERS 12 -
Hands on sessions in Computers 4 AJKM/ PV/NM -

Presentation Skills 5 VJ/PG/MSK

Hands on sessions on NIC Software 4 GUEST
6. Study Tour cum syndicate project 13 NM 50
7. Concept Paper presentation 08 AG/PG/MB/ NM 50

8. Action Research Project 10 100

Total 145 400
9. Field Training in States 2

Field Training in the states Duration: 2 weeks
Wee Contents
Likely Areas of exposure:
• Revenue administration including attachment
TO with Collector o ATC

VI • Development administration (environment and

environmental factors in decision making, rural
development administration, urban development
administration, education, agriculture, health,
attachment with NGO etc.)

• Police and judicial administration

• Secretarial procedure in the states.

• Labour problems (e.g. bonded labour, child

labour etc.)

• Disaster Management

• Working of the municipal system.

• Centrally Sponsored Schemes.

• Panchayats.

As regards the reading material two volumes of Monograph have
been supplied to each participant who are expected to go thru them
and come prepared before the Sessions for active participation in
the class with faculty concerned.

The learners will be assessed on their performance on various

parameters like Written Examination, Group Presentation,
Punctuality, Leadership initiatives during the Study Tour and State
Attachment besides their general behaviour and conduct in and
outside the Class Room.




1. Written Examination 100 150










The timings of the Programme would be as follows:-
Session I 9.15 - 10.30 A.M
Tea Break 10.30 - 10.45
Session II 0.45 - 12.00 P.M.
Break 12.00 - 12.15 P.M.
Session III 12.15 - 1.30 P.M
Lunch Break 1.30 - 2.30 P.M.
Session IV 2.30 - 3.30 P.M.
Tea Break 3.30 - 3.45 P.M.
Session V 3.45 - 4. 45 P.M.
Library Time /Peer Interaction 4.45 - 5.30 P.M


Do’s & Don’ts for Participant

The participants of the Course are Government Servants. The period of

the training in terms of relevant rules, therefore, will be considered as duty for
all purposes. As such, from the day of joining the training programme the
participants are subject to the CCS (Conduct) Rules about which they are well

2 Special attention in this regard is drawn to the Rule 3 of the CCS (Conduct)
Rules according to which every government servant shall at all times

=> Maintain absolute integrity;

=> Maintain devotion to duty; and
=> Do nothing which is unbecoming of a government servant.

And Rule 3-A of the CCS (Conduct) Rules by which no government servant shall—

=> In the performance of his official duties, act in a discourteous manner;

 In his official dealings with the public or otherwise adopt dilatory
tactics or willfully cause delays in disposal of the work assigned to him.

3 Some of the Dos and Don’ts under the Conduct Rule are

 Maintain absolute integrity at all times.
 Maintain absolute devotion to duty at all times.
 Maintain independence and impartiality in the discharge of the duties.
 Maintain a responsible and decent standard of conduct in private life.
 Render prompt and courteous service to the Public.
 Observe proper decorum during lunch break.
 Report to superiors the fact of your arrest or conviction in a Criminal
Court and the circumstances connected therewith, as soon as it is possible to
do so.
 Keep away from demonstration organized by political parties in the
vicinity / neighbourhood of Government offices.
 Maintain political neutrality.
 Manage private affairs in such a way as to avoid habitual indebtedness
or insolvency.
 If any legal proceedings are instituted for the recovery of any debt due
from you or for adjudging you as an insolvent, report the full facts of such
proceedings to the Competent Authority.

 Do not make joint representations in matters of common interest.
 Do not indulge in acts unbecoming of a Government Servant.
 Do not be discourteous, dishonest and partial.
 Do not adopt dilatory tactics in your dealings with the public.
 Do not practice untouchability.
 Do not associate yourself with any banned organizations.
 Do not join any association or demonstration whose objects or
activities are prejudicial to the interest of the sovereignty and integrity of
India, public order or morality.

Violation of any of the provisions can attract disciplinary proceedings under the
CCS (CCA) Rules.


Please ensure your arrival by 9.15am and Punctuality.

Do not miss any Sessions.

Be courteous to the Guest Faculties and staff on duty.

In case of faculty not turning up for sessions, be seated in the

Class and Class Representative to contact the faculty concerned
and inform the Course Director.

Be courteous with the State ATI representatives and State

Government Officials and the ordinary people with whom you

Resist from raising purely personal queries.

Above all, be a part of Solution rather than Problem. Adopt a

positive attitude to create an amicable atmosphere.

The faculties in ISTM do not TEACH, they create a Learning


1. It is Y(OUR) COURSE. Learning is as much an

individual responsibility as that of an Institution.
2. The Learners are expected to play a positive Role in
facilitating Learning Coordination of the course.
3. Take responsibility for Learning. Work in Groups
like a Team.

Week Contents


The thrust will be to study a scheme in State Government

where a Central Govt. is also a stake holder and what the
Central Govt. can do to accelerate implementation and
remove road blocks.
Some illustrative examples are as under:
• A Centrally Sponsored Scheme in the State
• Democratic decentralization (73rd and 74th
Amendment) in actual practice.

• Problems encountered in Green Field Projects with

Indian or Foreign investment

• Impact of globalization and a balance sheet of

economic reforms in the area where the study tour
takes place.

• Implementation of internationally funded projects

and road blocks met with.

• Any proposed disinvestment in the area and

possible problems met with

• Relief measures in Disaster Administration like

floods, drought

• Likely problems in sharing Government

information with NGO’s citizen and other stakeholders
in the implementation of Freedom on Information Act.

Study tour for 4-5 days from Saturday to Wednesday

Syndicate Project preparation
Syndicate Presentation & Evaluation


• Preparation & Presentations
• Evaluation
• Level ‘D’ Training Programme Valediction


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