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10 ua 2 3 Fa a5 16 u ae as 20 a 22 23 24 28 26 2 28 Gk. id Ww UfopiamA 13999 E. low 5 bel 47 c.g Benew A RGN \GeX) 3/3 - 0393. Self- Represented SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES yi Re Marriage of ) Case No: LD a7 E/C/ Qibieid Uv. “ke DEANS, . ‘ Petitioner Led, ee "S'S TRIAL BRIEF, oa : DATE: il L. UF Vite, [Respondent] TIME: DEPT.: 2 Petitioner OQ Respondent hereby submits the following Trial Brief in the, above-entitled matter as follows: 1, STATISTICAL FACTS: A. Date of Marriage: Sffe3] 2005~ B. Date of Separation: Mio] 20] C. Length of Marriage: ys 3 nals a D. Length of Separation: Gaps 4 3 menthe E. Number of minor children: 0 Name: __ \ft Dot Name: y \fe DoB: Plz TRIAL BRIEF -1 10 a Fry Fry “4 a5 16 a 1 20 a 2 23 28 2s 26 2 28 Name: _Y | Pr DOB: w \N Name: __p \ fr pos:_W LK F. Petition filed Tao 13 20lt G. Service effected on: H. Issues/Contentions, if any, regarding Statistical Facts: Oospeidet ES w+ ertdied Te Secs——( Scoot |. Facts of the Case: J. Law of the Case: 2, PRIOR ORDERS: A. There are no prior orders, QB. Prior orders are as follows: a 3. CUSTODY AND VISITATION: GA. There are no minor children of this marriage. QB. Legal custody: Q Joint legal custody be awarded to the parties. Both parties to share the right and responsibility to make decisions TRIAL BRIEF -2 24 28 26 2 20 a relating to the health, education and welfare of each minor child. Such decisions to include, but not be limited to: Q Enrollment or termination of attendance in any public or private school, Participation in regularly occurring extra curricular activities, Gl __Non-emergency medical, dental and orthodontic treatment other than routine checkups. o Participation in mental health counseling, therapy or treatment. Change in area of child’s residence. Issuance of driver's license. Issuance of a passport. Other, le ol cl Sole legal custody be awarded to: oP. ner Respondent who shall have the right and responsibility to make decisions relating to the health, education and welfare of each minor child. C. Physical custody: a Joint physical custody be awarded to the parties so that each parent shall have significant periods of physical custody in such a way so as to insure each minor child of frequent and continuing contact with both parents. Primary physical be awarded to O Petitioner 1 Respondent. The other parent shall have the following periods of secondary custody: TRIAL BRIEF -3 12 3 u 16 u Fry 20 a 22 23 24 28 26 2 28 QQ __ Reasonable periods as agreed upon by the parties. Q As contained in the Conciliation Court Agreement dated CS Otice, eee ee ed Q Sole physical custody be awarded to: O Petitioner Q Respondent. The other party be awarded visitation as follows: a Reasonable periods as agreed upon by the parties Q As contained in the Conciliation Court Agreement dated: D. Petitioner GRespondent is requesting the custody orders based upon the following facts: OS ee ee CHILD SUPPORT: =A. There are no minor children of this marriage. Q B. Public Benefits O Petitioner G Respondent (Cis C is not) receiving public benefits and the Child Support Services Department (Ql is Q is not) collecting support for the child/ren. O C.A child support order should be issued based upon the following facts: SS SSS TRIAL BRIEF -4 SS ee QD. Arrears Q Petitioner Q Respondent (Q is Qis not) in arrears in child support in the sum of through and including QE. Child Care Costs O There is no issue of child care costs. OR G Petitioner Q Respondent incurs child care costs in order to. work/ attend school and is requesting that the costs be paid each month as follows: O Each party to pay one-half of such child care costs es O directly to the child care provider or Q reimburse c the other paying parent. u 1 ner to pay or (%) and Respondent to w pay ($ or %) of such child care costs. 20 Q Each party to be responsible for child care expenses a incurred during that party's periods of physical custody, 22 Qa Other: 2 a OF. Health insurance S 1 Petitioner O Respondent (Qi does O does not) have health Insurance available for the minor child/ren through his/her a ‘employment at no cost or reasonable cost. * Petitioner G Respondent is requesting an order that (Q each TRIAL BREF -$ ao u 12 1B “ a5 16 un ae 19 20 a 22 23 24 25 26 21 20 party Q the other party) be ordered to obtain/maintain health insurance for the minor children through his/her employment at no cost or reasonable cost. All health care costs not covered by insurance, including medical, pharmaceutical, vision, dental, optometric, orthodontic, to be O shared equally by the parties or a 5. — SPOUSAL SUPPORT: © _ A. Petitioner GQ Respondent (O is Cis not) requesting spousal support payable by the other party. QB. A Petitioner lf Respondent is requesting the following spousal Support order based upon the following facts: Based on the Family Code Section '4320(a)-(m) factors in considering Spousal ‘Support, the court should consider the following in this matter: fe. a does’ nee DA Tink Zrnglenpn—t Ab cpomet Pog Wes iin BEALS ed be Able [T. fe geesa ( Se pe-rf- Q ©. sAPetitioner QRespondent (2 is is not) in arrears in spousal support in the sum of, through and including 6. COMMUNITY PROPERTY ASSETS AND DEBTS: a A. There are no community property assets and debts, GB. CW Attached is a completed Property Declaration listing community and quasi-community property and debts, OR TRIAL BRIEF -6 1 Q The community property assets and debts are listed as follows: 2 wih QC. Petitioner GRespondent is requesting the division of the community assets and debts as follows: n iu ihe 16 oF QD. Petitioner G Respondent is requesting the division of the community 10 |] assets and debts based upon the following facts: y=rtr : 2 2a °4117, SEPARATE PROPERTY ASSETS AND DEBTS: 25 c ce iA Petitioner & Respondent represents that there are no separate a property assets and debts to be confirmed to him/her. 2 = = BG Attached is a completed Property Declaration listing separate ve property assets and debts. TRIAL BRIEF-7 10 a Fe] u a5 a 18 Fry 20 a 2 23 2 25 26 an 2a OR O Petitioner Q Respondent requests the confirmation of the following ‘Separate property assets and debts to the O Petitioner @ Respondent: 8. | COURT FEES AND COSTS: a a a order based upon the following facts: A. Q Petitioner Q Respondent is requesting an order for court fees andl costs payable by the other party. 8. O Petitioner Cl Respondent is requesting an order that each party bear their own fees and costs in this matter. C. O Petitioner O Respondent is requesting the court fees and costs Respectfully submitted, Dated: ‘Petitioner O Respondent TRIAL BRIEF -8 10 " 2 3 4 8 6 ” 8 19 2 2 2 23 24 25 28 2 28 Bookie 4. vFODT Ant 8297 E. cei Mews Ag Very Leah C4 9065 sez") 3/3 - 2373 SeltRepresented SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES Case No: 1) OF $/6/ In re Marriage of CoDdwiw ws UF eD Tama Petitioner: Declaration of Petitioner And In Support of Trial Brief ComfeaT 0. UfeDinma Respondent: DATE: TIME: DEPT: My name is Jam over the age of 18. I offer my declaration in liew of personal testimony pursuant to Sections| 2009 and 2015.5 of the California Code of Civil Procedure, Rule 1225; California Rules of ‘Court: Reifler v Superior Court (1974) 39 Cal.App.3d 479, 114 Cal.Rptr. 356; Marriage of ‘Stevenot (1984) 154 Cal.App.3d 1051, 202 Cal.Rptr. 116. The facts stated herein are within my| personal knowledge and | further affirmatively state that, if sworn as a witness, I could and would competently testify thereto and I do hereby declare that if called ‘upon to testify that [ could competently testify to the following facts: 10 " 2 3 14 8 16 7 18 19 20 a 2 24 28 28 2 28 EACTS: 10 " 2 3 4 18 16 7 18 19 a 24 25 28 28 I declate under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the forego is true and correct. Executed this _day of 10 " 2 13 1“ 18 18 7 18 1 20 a 2 2 25 7 28 Gedusie UW. UreDTimn 3997 E. wnllor Ff -Aef4Y Leny Beach, A QegiS SelF-Répresented ‘SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES In Re Marriage of ) CASENUMBER: _4/)47576/ Petitioner: ©. cre hye Xx PETITIONER'S OI RESPONDENT'S, ) EXHIBIT LIST and ) Cem tol & rep Tim*) TRIAL DATE: Respondent: ) TIME: ) DEPT.: Petitioner C1 Respondent hereby submits the following list identifying all non impeachment exhibits to be offered at time of trial to prove his/her case in chief: EXHIBIT __: SSS EXHIBIT _: — EXHIBIT _: = EXHIBIT __: WL EXHIBIT LIST 10 1" 12 ry 4 8 16 7 8 19 20 2 2 2 24 8 7 28 EXHIBIT _: EXHIBIT _: EXHIBIT _: EXHIBIT _; EXHIBIT _ | declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Respectfully submitted, Dated: Petitioner EXHIBIT LIST 2 10 " 2 8 4 5 6 7 18 9 at 2 23 25 28 ar 28 edu _w Ufedizun' 81) €. wills 5f def 107 ens Spneu tr 9K Selt-Represented ‘SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES In Re Marriage of ) CASE NUMBER: Petitioner: _ ) PETITIONER'S CO RESPONDENT'S. ) WITNESS LIST and ) ) TRIAL DATE: Respondent: ) TIME: ) DEPT.: (1 Petitioner C1 Respondent hereby submits the following list of non-party, non: impeachment lay and expert witnesses to be called at trial to prove his/her case in chief, along with a brief written summary of each proposed witness’ testimony: 1. SSS HL WL WITNESS LIST { 10 " ry 8 4 8 16 7 18 19 Fe Fy 2 2 24 Fe 26 a 28 | declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct, Respectfully submitted, Dated: Petitioner WITNESS List 2 FL33: "ATGRTEY GR PARTY TROUT ATTORNEY Rama Sits aonb on om count use ona 2A ADDRESS ron: ‘SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ‘stmaer aooness: 275 Magnolia Avenue sauna aooness: same cervanoz cove: Long Beach, CA 90802 sraicnnane: SOUTH DISTRICT. PETITIONER/PLANTIFF: RESPONDENTIDEFENDANT: sos OTHER PARENTIPARTY: Hesanaoare rrr PROOF OF SERVICE BY MAIL, NOTICE: To serve temporary restraining orders you must use personal service (see form FL-320). 1. |.am at least 18 years of age, not a party to this ection, and | am a resident of or employed inthe county where the mailing took place, 2. My residence or business address is: 275 Magnolia Avenue Long Beach, CA 90802 3, [served = enew of the folowing documents (spect): "'s Trial Brief; Declaration of Petitioner Dated: Attached Exhibits __to__; Witness List ; Exhibit List; by enciosing them in an envelope AND a, KJ depositing the seated envelope with the United States Postal Service with the postage fly prepaid, », [51 placing the envelope for collection and mailing on the date and at the place shown in item 4 folowing our ordinary business practices. | am readily familiar wit this business's practice for collecting and processing correspondence for ‘mailing. On the same day that correspondence is placed for collation and malig, its deposited in the ordinary course of business with the United States Postal Service n a sealed envelope with postage fully prepaid, 4. The envelope was addressed and mailed as follows: a. Name of person served: b. Address: «Date mailed: 4. Place of mailing (city and stato: 8. (J | served a request to modify a child custody, visitation, or child support judgment or permanent order which included an ‘address verifcation declaration. (Declaration Regarting Address Verifcation—Postudgment Request fo Mody a Child ‘Custody, Visitation, or Child Support Order (form FL-334) may be used for this purpose.) 6. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California thatthe foregoing is true and correct. Date: > CPE OR TE (EGNNTURE GF PERSON COUPLE Ts FOR "Siaeeonloearme PROOF OF SERVICE BY MAIL Peta ree Bie fae eens a FL-335.INFO INFORMATION SHEET FOR PROOF OF SERVICE BY MAIL Use these instructions to complete the Proof of Service by Mail (form FL-335), A person at least 18 years of age or older must serve the documents. There are two ways to serve documents: (1) personal delivery and (2) by mail. See the Proof of Personal Service (form FL-330) if the documents are being Personally served. The person who serves the documents must complete a proof of service form for the documents being served. You cannot serve documents if you are a party to the action. INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PERSON WHO SERVES THE DOCUMENTS (TYPE OR PRINT IN BLACK INK) ‘You must complete a proof of service for each package of documents you serve, For example, if you serve the respondent ‘and the other parent, you must complete two proofs of service; one for the respondent and one for the other parent. Complete the top section of the proof of service forms as follows: First box, left side: In this box print the name, address, and phone number of the person for whom you are serving the documents. ‘Second box, left side: Print the name of the county in which the legal action is fled and the court's address in this box. Use the same address for the court that is on the documents you are serving, Third box, left side: Print the names of the petitioneripleintfy,respondentidefendant, and other parent in this box. Use the same names listed on the documents you are serving, First box, top of form, right side: Leave this box blank for the court’s use. Second box, right side: Print the case number in this box. This number is also stated on the documents you are serving, Third box, right side: Print the hearing date, time, and department. Use the same information that is on the documents you are serving ‘You cannot serve a temporary restraining order by mail. You must serve those documents by personal service. 1. You are stating that you are at least 18 years old and that you are not a party to this action. You are also stating that you either live in or are employed in the county where the mailing took place, 2. Print your home or business address. 3, List the name of each document that you mailed (the exact names are listed on the bottoms of the forms). Check this box if you put the documents in the regular U.S. mail Check this box if you put the documents in the mail at your place of employment, Print the name you put on the envelope containing the documents, Print the address you put on the envelope containing the documents. Print the date that you put the envelope containing the documents in the mail Print the city and state you were in when you mailed the envelope containing the documents. 5. Check this box if you are serving an address verification form (required for service by mail of a postjudgment request to ‘change a child custody, visitation, or child support order) 6. You are stating under penalty of perjury that the information you have provided is true and correct. Print your name, fill in the date, and sign the form. ‘Ifyou need adkitional assistance with this form, contact the family law facilitator in your county. FREES pew any 3) INFORMATION SHEET FOR PROOF OF SERVICE BY MAIL SurdGa Pain isi. orm

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