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Copyright 0 I980 by the American Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Printed in U S A .

Clinical Research
Serum Albumin and Nutritional Status
M.D., F.A.C.S., F.R.C.S.(C)

From the Department of Surgev, Royal Victoria Hospital and hlcGiIl University, hlontreal, Quebec, Canada

ABSTRACT. Serum albumin concentration is frequently used the serum albumin was abnormal. In 12 of 107 (11.2%)patients
to define nutritional status. To validate this relationship, 161 with malnutrition, the serum albumin was normal. Patients
body composition studies were performed on 102 patients si- with more than one study were divided into 3 groups depending
multaneously with protein electrophoresis. The body cell mass on the changes in their nutritional state as d e f i e d by their
represented by the exchangeable potassium to total body water body composition. Serum albumin did not consistently reflect
ratio correlated significantly (p < 0.001) with the serum albumin the significant body compositional changes observed. The data
concentration (r = 0.59) and significantly (p < 0.001) to total indicate that serum albumin is a valid measure of nutritional
protein (r = 0.59). However, in both cases the 95%confidence state for epidemiological surveys. However, due to the low
limits about the regression were wide. In 24 of 54 patients (44%) sensitivity and specificity it is a poor parameter for evaluating
with a normal nutritional state, as defined by body composition, the individual patient's nutritional state.

A knowledge of a patient's nutritional status is impor- varying time intervals following jejuno-ileal bypass sur-
tant in both the application and the evaluation of nutri- gery performed for weight reduction. Protein malnutri-
tional support, especially in evaluating the efficacy of a tion was present in 25%of these patients?
nutritional support system. The earliest attempts a t eval- Nutritional status was evaluated quantitatively by
uating nutritional support in a clinical setting involved measuring the various components of body composition.
the measurement of morbidity and mortality rates.' How- A multiple isotope dilution technique was used to deter-
ever, many factors are responsible for the mortality and mine the body composition as previously described,6 in
morbidity observed in any group of patients. As a result, which patients are injected with 500pCi of tritiated water
the variance associated with this measurement is large. and 8 pCi of "Na. Blood samples are drawn before and
To overcome this difficulty, nitrogen (N) balance mea- a t 4 and 24 hr after injection. Total exchangeable sodium
surements are usually obtained to document the effects (Na,) was calculated from the 22Naspecific activity a t 24
of nutritional support? but such measurements are dif- hr. Plasma tritium concentration a t 24 hr was used to
ficult to perform and are associated with a large experi- calculate the total body water (TBW). An indirect
mental error? In addition, N balance is a measure of the method was used to calculate exchangeable potassium
effect of nutritional support and is not a measure of a (K,) from TBW, Na, and the ratio in whole blood of the
patient's nutritional state. sodium plus potassium content divided by the water
An association between a low serum albumin concen- content? The validity of this indirect technique was
.tration and protein-calorie malnutrition has long been established experimentally in both experimental animals
suspected. A low serum albumin concentration is a com- and man.' Additional parameters of body composition
mon finding in protein calorie maln~trition;~ as a result, were obtained by the following calculations:
it is commonly employed as a measure of an individual's
nutritional state. The present study was undertaken to LBM = TBW/0.73
experimentally determine the validity of this measure- BF = Body weight - LBM
BCM = 0.00833 Ke
MATERIALS AND METHODS where LBM = lean body mass, BF = body fat, BCM =
body cell mass, and ECM = extracellular mass.
Data were collected in 102 patients on 161 occasions. At the time of each body composition measurement, a
The majority were malnourished and the measurements whole blood sample was obtained for hematocrit, hemo-
were performed just prior to or during'a course of total globin, and serum protein concentrations. The total se-
p a r e n t e d nutrition (TPN). In addition, measurements rum proteins were fractionated by standard serum elec-
were obtained in a group of morbidly obese patients a t trophoresis into the following components: albumin, al-
pha-l, alpha-2, p- and y-globulins.
Received for publication, March 29, 1980 The various serum protein concentrations were corre-
Accepted for publication, June 2, 1980 lated with the nutritional state as quantitatively assessed

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by body composition measurements. Standard linear SERUM R L B U M I N
regression analysis was performed? A Student t test was TOTRL O R O U P
GT 4
performed to determine the significance of the two sets
of measurements, which were performed twice in the I . .:\
same individual and separated by a short interval of time.
A p < 0.05 was taken to indicate statistical significance;
all means were listed with the standard error of the mean
The body cell mass (BCM) is the total mass of living,
functioning, oxygen-consuming cells of the body. Total
body potassium, which is equivalent to total K,, is lin-
early related to the BCM. As a result, the size of the
BCM can be estimated from K,. The evidence which
supports the use of K, to measure the BCM has been
reviewed el~ewhere.~ In normal healthy individuals, K,
varies directly with body size? T o correct body compo- NRE/KE
sitional data for body size, data are expressed as a func- FIG. 2. Serum albumin concentration correlated with the NaJK,
tion of TBW, ie, KJTBW. It is better to use TBW for ratio; (p < 0.001),with a correlation coefficient of r = -0.47.
this, rather than body weight, since TBW is linearly
related to the lean body mass, and the resulting param- TABLE I
eter is, therefore, independent of the degree of adiposity. Correlation with bodv cell mass (K./TB It9
The serum albumin concentration was correlated with hlidpoint 95% Confidence limits
Serum protein coefficients of about the midpoint
the [BCM as estimated by the Ke/TBW (Fig. 1). The regression of regression
normal range for K,/TBW was determined in 25 normal
volunteers: in whom the mean K,/TBW = 80.0 +- 1.0, Total protein 0.591" 6.48 4.61-8.36
with 95% confidence limits of 69.9 to 90.1 mEq/L. In the Albumin 0.585" 3.07 1.74-4.40
present group of 161 determinations, the mean K,/TBW Alpha-1 0.025 0.36 0.16-0.56
was 62.5 mEq/L, with a range of 36.7 to 88.2 mEq/L. Alpha-2 0.241" 0.77 0.39-1.15
Therefore, a large number of individuals were malnour- fl-Protein 0.436" 0.82 0.38-1.25
y-Globulins 0.131 1.51 0.46-2.56
ished, with a depleted BCM at the time these measure- Hemoglobin 0.432" 11.74 8.26-15.23
ments were performed. Hematocrit 0.328" 35.04 24.17-45.90
The regression between serum albumin and the BCM p < 0.05.
was statistically significant (p < 0.001), with a correlation
coefficient (r) of 0.59. However, there is considerable
scatter of the data about the regression resulting in wide range for serum albumin, as performed by serum electro-
95% confidence limits (Fig. 1). Thus, for a normal K,/ phoresis, is 3.5 to 5.0 g%.
TBW of 80.0 mEq/L, the regression line indicates an Malnutrition results in a loss of body cell accompanied
albumin concentration of 3.72 g%, with 95% confidence by an expansion of the .extracellular mass: which rep-
limits of 2.4 to 5.1 g%. In our institution, the normal resents the supporting component of body composition
and is estimated by measuring total exchangeable sodium
(Na,). As a result, the Na,/K, ratio is a sensitive index of
the nutritional state, since it is a measure of the extra-
cellular mass expressed as a function of the BCM. In the
normal population, this ratio is close to unity with a
small variance. In 25 normal volunteers the mean NaJ
K, = 0.98 f 0.2, with 95% confidence limits of 0.74 to
1.22;6with malnutrition, this ratio increases significantly.
There was a significant (p < 0.001) correlation between
plasma serum albumin concentration and the Na,/K,
ratio (Fig. 2); the correlation coefficient was -0.47. Again,
there was considerable scatter in the data about the
regression, resulting in wide 95% confidence limits. With
a normal Na,/K, of 0.98, the regression indicated a serum
albumin of 3.39, with 95% Confidence of 1.9 to 4.8 g%.
A similar correlation was performed between the BCM,
as estimated by K,/TBW, and the various serum protein
fractions and the hemoglobin concentration and hema-
a. 20. 40. 60. 88. 180. tocrit (Table I). The .midpoint of the regression and the
FIG. 1. Serum albumin concentration correlated with the BCM as 95% confidence limits about this midpoint are included
estimated by the K,/TBW in 161 studies; (p < 0.001) with a correlation in Table I; in each instance the 95% confidence limits
coefficient of r = 0.59. were wide.

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452 FORSE AND SHIZGAL Val. 4, No. 5
The response to changes in nirtritional state
Normal hlalnourkhed hfalnourished
deteriorated improved deteriorated

Initial Final Initial Final Initial Final

Weight (kg) 76.0 2 12.8 71.1 f 9.2, 62.2 f 3.4 62.6 f 3.1 64.4 f 4.6 67.7 f 4.6
Body fat (kg) 27.2 tfr 8.4 25.5 f 6.2 17.2 f 2.6 17.9 f 2.2 16.3 f 3.0 16.9 f 3.2
Lean body mass (kg) 48.8 tfr 5.1 45.6 f 3.8 44.9 tfr 1.8 44.7 f 1.7 48.1 f 3.6 50.8 F 2.8
Body cell mass (kg) 22.0 2 2.5 17.6 f 1.7" 14.4 tfr 0.8 17.7 f 0.9" 18.5 f 1.2 17.2 k 1.2
Extracellular mass (kg) 26.9 f 2.7 28.0 & 2.4 30.6 f 1.5 27.0 f 1.1" 29.6 f 2.5 33.6 f 2.2

KJTBW mEq/L 80.3 & 0.9 86.5 f 1.7" 95.0 f 1.9 86.7 f 1.7" 88.9 f 1.7 95.8 f 2.5"
NaJTBW mEq/L 73.4 tfr 1.0 63.6 f 2.2" 53.0 f 1.9 64.9 f 1.7" 64.2 f 1.6 56.1 f 2.9"
N&/K 1.10 tfr 0.02 1.39 f 0.08" 1.96 f 0.16 1.39 f 0.07" 1.40 f 0.05 1.59 tfr 0.16"

Albumin (g%) 3.0 tfr 0.2 3.0 f 0.2 2.6 f 0.1 2.9 f 0.1" 2.8 f 0.1 2.9 f 0.2
Alpha-1 (gW) 0.40 20.03 0.37 f 0.02 0.37 f 0.02 0.39 -C 0.02 0.38 f 0.04 0.33 f 0.02
Alpha-2 (gB) 0.85 & 0.06 0.77 f 0.07 0.77 f 0.04 0.84 f 0.03" 0.89 f 0.07 0.74 f 0.06"
Beta (g%) 0.86 tfr 0.05 0.80 f 0.06 0.74 f 0.05 0.87 f 0.03" 0.85 f 0.06 0.90 f 0.11
Gamma (g%) *
1.78 0.21 1.60 & 0.23 1.45 f 0.10 1.72 f 0.10" 1.81 f 0.25 1.58 f 0.18

Total protein 6.9 tfr 0.30 6.5 f 0.34 6.0 f 0.20 6.8 f 0.14" 6.8 f 0.3 6.4 f 0.3

Hemoglobin 11.7 2 0.4 12.2 f 0.5 11.2 f 0.4 11.5 f 0.2 12.2 f 0.5 11.4 f 0.8
Hematocrit 35.5 2 1.1 37.1 f 1.1 33.7 f 1.0 34.7 f 0.7 36.8 f 1.2 33.4 f 1.6

Patients 12 27 10
Studies 25 66 24
Time (days) 24 f 4.9 20 f 3.0 31.3 f 12.1
a p < 0.05 significantly different by paired Student t test.



FIG.3. Body composition and serum albumin concentration in 27 FIG.4. Body composition and serum albumin concentration in 12
patients who were malnourished initially, and experienced a significant patients with an initial normal body composition who developed mal-
improvement in their nutritional state. The clear and hatched histo- nutrition. The clear and hatched histograms refer to the initial and
grams refer to the initial and final measurements, respectively. fmal measurements, respectively.

On the basis of their body composition, patients were with changes in serum protein concentrations. T h e pa-
divided into normal and malnourished groups. Malnutri- tients were divided into three groups according to the
tion was defined by an NaJK, ratio that exceeded 1.22. observed change in nutritional state (Table 11).
The upper 95% confidence limit of this ratio in our group The nutritional state deteriorated in 12, with a signifi-
of normal volunteers was 1.22. PreGous work in our cant decrease in the BCM from 22.0 f 2.5 to 17.6 f 1.7
laboratory has validated the use of this ratio to define kg which was also reflected by a significant decrease in
the presence of malnutrition." Fifty-four patients were K,/TBW (p < 0.01). This was accompanied by an expan-
nutritionally normal with an NaJK, 4.1.22; of these, 24 sion of the extracellular mass. The significant increase in
(44%) had an abnormal serum albumin. Malnutrition was NaJK, from 1.10 k 0.02 to 1.39 0.08 (p < 0.01) reflected
present in 107 instances, in which the serum albumin was this deterioration. In spite of these significant changes in
normal in 12 (11.2%). body composition, the serum total protein did not change
In 32 individuals, measurements were performed more significantly and albumin remained unchanged at 3.0 A
than once, separated by a significant time interval. This 0.2 (Fig. 3).
permitted a comparison of changes in nutritional state -In the second group of 27 patients there was a signifi-

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cant improvement in body composition, as indicated by regression are large. These data, therefore, indicate that
a 22.9% increase in the BCM and a 22.5% increase in Ke/ serum albumin is useful in epidemiological surveys to
TBW. There was a concomitant contraction of the extra- evaluate a population's nutritional state. The data also
cellular mass. This improvement in nutritional state was support previous observations of a low serum albumin in
reflected by a decrease in Nae/Ke from 1.96 k 0.16 to 1.39 the presence of malnutrition. The presence of large 95%
f 0.07 (p < 0.001). The serum albumin increased signifi- confidence limits indicates that serum protein and albu-
cantly (p < 0.001) by 11.5% from 2.6 f0.1 to 2.9 k 0.1 g% min concentrations both lack sufficient sensitivity and
(Table 11,Fig. 4). Significant increases were also recorded specificity to accurately assess an individual's nutritional
in many other serum protein fractions. state, as indicated by the sequential measurements in the
T h e third group of 10 patients were initially malnour- same patients. In spite of significant changes in nutri-
ished and remained malnourished. In this group, the tional state, there were minimal changes in the serum
nutritional state deteriorated further during the period protein concentrations. This is because albumin metab-
of observation. There was a further significant decrease olism is affected by a number of factors such as malnu-
in the Ke/TBW accompanied by a significant increase in trition, malabsorption, liver failure, renal failure, surgical
the NaJTBW. The mean NaJK, increased significantly stress, infection, wounds and burns, carcinoma, hor-
(p < 0.01) from 1.40 +. 0.05 to 1.79 +. 0.16, an indication mones, osmotic equilibrium, and environment.I2 In ad-
of significant deterioration of body composition. The dition, the serum albumin concentration is related to the
albumin concentration remained essentially unchanged, total albumin mass and to the size of the albumin pool.
with an initial mean of 2.8 f 0.1 and a final mean of 2.9 Thus, overhydration results in a decreased serum albu-
f 0.2 g%. min concentration. The present study has demonstrated
In all three groups the hemoglobin and hematocrit did that the nutritional state is an important determinant of
not change significantly. There was a significant (p < the serum albumin concentration, but it is not the only
0.001) correlation between body weight and the BCM as determinant, which accounts for the large variance as-
determined by Ke/TBW the correlation coefficient was sociated with this parameter. Similar problems arise
0.41. However, the confidence limits were large. In addi- when relating the patient's nutritional state to morbidity
tion, the body weight did not reflect the observed changes and mortality. In the hospitalized patient, malnutrition
in nutritional state in the three groups of patients (Table is associated with an increased morbidity and mortality.
11). However, the latter are a function of numerous factors in
addition to the nutritional state. As a result, there is a
similar large variance associated with the relationship
DISCUSSION between the nutritional state and the clinical outcome of
Nutritional assessment is essential for the proper man- the hospitalized patient, ie, the morbidity and mortality.
agement of nutritional support in the clinical environ- Malnutrition has been defined as a serum albumin of
ment. It is important to identify the patients who require < 3.2 g%, a weight loss of more than 20 lb, and a decreased
specialized nutritional support and to determine the type food intake for more than 2 weeks.I3In the present study,
of support required. The calorie and protein require- the serum albumin was < 3.2 g% on 101 occasions, of
ments of a patient with pre-existing malnutrition is dif- which 19% had a normal body composition. In contrast,
ferent from one who is not malnourished but unable to serum albumin was > 3.2 g% in 60 patients, of which 43%
meet his requirements by the usual oral route." Nutri- were malnourished according to body composition data.
tional assessment is also important in following the prog- The data indicate that the serum protein concentra-
ress of nutritional support, especially with TPN, which tions are useful indicators of the nutritional state of a
is an expensive form of nutritional therapy. With maras- population and are, therefore, valid for epidemiological
mus, or protein-calorie malnutrition, there is a loss of surveys. However, because of the poor specificity and
both body fat and the BCM. On the other hand, kwash- sensitivity of the measurement, the serum proteins are
iorkor, or protein malnutrition, results in a depletion of of little value in an individual patient.
tKe BCM while body fat remains normal. Thus, with
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