Rii Saint Progect Part II

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Nicholas Lippold

Mr. Campbell
15 December 2017
Religion II
Saint Thomas Aquinas
Known as the “Common Doctor,” Saint Thomas Aquinas is the patron saint of schools,

universities, and students. He is someone to look up to coming from a catholic school, and

having the desire to become a very well-known individual for their intellectual abilities. Saint

Thomas Aquinas lived a life on intellectual prowess, even though he was perceived as dumb


Saint Thomas Aquinas was born on into a noble family, however, they were minor

nobles. Before his birth, a hermit predicted he would enter an Order of Friars and become a great

learner. This ended up being the truth. “While teaching, Thomas wrote his most famous work,

Summa theologiae, which he believed was particularly useful to beginning students "because a

doctor of Catholic truth ought not only to teach the progicient, but to him pertains also to instruct

beginners"” (Catholic.org). This book was so great, that there is “an estimated 6,000

commentaries on his work exist to date” (Biography.com). He had used his knowledge to help

the world into the new era of theological thinking leading up to the Renaissance in the 1400s.

He, also, had a vision in church of Jesus, telling him “’Thou hast written well of me, Thomas;

what reward wilt thou have?’ to which Saint Thomas Aquinas replied, ‘None other than thyself,

Lord’” (Biography.com).

His literature was expressed through the philosophy where he defended God and stuck to

his beliefs. His most famous piece of literature, as stated in the previous paragraph, was the

Summa Theologica, which is divided into three parts. “Part 1 deals primarily with God and
comprises discussions of 119 questions concerning the existence and nature of God, the

Creation, angels, the work of the six days of Creation, the essence and nature of man, and divine

government” (Sparknotes.com). This is an example of the dedication Thomas has towards God

as he wrote the questions that deal with him. Dedication is something many people are lacking is

a good reason to look up to, and respect him. With the changing of time, many people make the

use of books dating before the 1400’s seem as if they mean nothing, but as timeless literature,

this novel is writes the colors of God without revealing it entirely. The change in times has made

people to change their thinking of God because it is outdated, but I see this as an example of how

it is not. This works forever going to be a great. Thomas Aquinas came from a noble family, but

was humble, and taught the world of what should be happening with our faith. At this time, the

use of indulgences was in play, but nothing is said as to what he thought about them. However,

he did not use his power as a noble for evil. He used his nobility to go to school. To me, that

seems so great because if you had enough money to get that new laptop, or that new xbox, most

would take that over using the money for schooling. There is, however, the possibility that he

was just following tradition, but I do not believe this to be the case since he did continue on with

his schooling. He did many years of schooling and became very intelligible.

Saint Thomas Aquinas is a saint of virtue and faith. He accomplished the action of

defending God in his literature. He is someone to look up to and is someone I deeply respect.

My Prayer to Saint Thomas Aquinas

Thomas Aquinas, pray for me/we as I/we start this mission into the

next moments of our lives and help me to do the best of my abilities, and

relieve my stress as I am starting this test/project/school day. Amen

Works Cited

Online, Catholic. “St. Thomas Aquinas - Saints & Angels.” Catholic Online, Catholic Online,


“St. Thomas Aquinas.” Biography.com, A&E Networks Television, 6 Dec. 2016,


“Thomas Aquinas (c. 1225–1274).” SparkNotes, SparkNotes,

Name: _____________________

Saint Thomas Aquinas Questions

Instructions: Circle the best answer to the questions following

1. What great ruler died around the time of this Saint?

a. Julius Cesar
b. Genghis Khan
c. Catherine the Great
2. What is his most famous work?
a. Summa Theologica
b. The Leviathan
c. Four Books of Sentences
3. What did the first part cover of that work cover?
a. Part 1 deals with God more than the others, and discusses 119 questions
concerning the existence and nature of God, the Creation, angels, the essence and
nature of man, and divine government
b. Part 1 deals with man, sin, and the issues of the church
c. Part 1 deals with Christ and has 90 questions concerning the Incarnation, the
Sacraments, and the Resurrection
4. Where did he die?
a. Lyon, France
b. Teano, Italy
c. Fossanova, Italy

5. What Pope was he canonized by?

a. Pope Benedict X
b. Pope John Paul II
c. Pope John XXII
6. What Order did he join?
a. The Dominican Order
b. The Benedictine Order
c. The Capuchin Order
7. What explorer left during the end of Thomas’s life?
a. Christopher Columbus
b. Marco Polo
c. Vasco da Gama
8. What leaders did he descend from?
a. Frederick, I and Henry IV
b. Henry IV, and Charles I
c. Charles I, and Catherine the Great
9. What feast day was he celebrating when he had his vision?
a. Our Lady of All Peoples
b. Saint Cecilia
c. Saint Nicholas
10. What kind of person did the hermit predict he would be?
a. A great learner
b. A great thinker
c. A Holy Man

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