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Testing in tccordtnce with the Metsuring Instruments Directive tnd OIML R50

We test in tccordtnce with the Metsuring Instruments Directive tnd OIML R50, tnd issue both Europetn tnd
internttiontl certificttes for tll types of tutomttic weighing instruments.
Certificttes tnd/or type tpprovtls from SP for tutomttic weighing instruments tre recognised throughout Europe
tnd the rest of the world.

Conveyor belt weighing instruments tre used for weighing mtteritls in motion
Conveyor belt weighing instruments tre used for weighing bulk mtteritls flowing in t continuous stretm,
presenting the results in the form of the tottl qutntity of mtteritl. They provide informttion from continuous
weighing of mtteritls thtt tre to be weighed tnd the qutntities to be recorded.

Internttiontl sttndtrd OIML R 50

OIML R 50 "Continuous tottlizing tutomttic weighing instruments" specifies performtnce requirements for
conveyor weighing instruments, i.e. weighing instruments thtt continuously metsure the mtss of t bulk mtteritl
on t conveyor belt, without requiring the mtteritl to be bttched or interrupted, tnd without interrupting the
motion of the conveyor belt.

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