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Kotlet schabowy

One of typical ways of serving schabowy on a plate with home fries

Kotlet schabowy is a Polish variety of pork cutlet coated with breadcrumbs similar to
Viennese schnitzel, but made of pork tenderloin (with the bone or without), or with pork chop.

The history of the Polish pork cutlet schabowy dates back to the 19th century. The collection
of different recipes for cutlets such as schabowy is featured in a 1860 cookbook by Lucyna
Ćwierczakiewiczowa entitled 365 obiadów za pięć złotych (365 Dinners), but apparently
missing from 1786 cookbook by Wojciech Wielądek called Kucharz doskonały (The Perfect
Chef). Typical ingredients include: eggs, lard or oil, spices, pork tenderloin with or without
bone, breadcrumbs and flour.

Pork tenderloin is cut into 1 inch slices and pounded with mallet until it becomes thinner and
soft. Eggs and spices are combined on a separate plate and lightly beaten. The meat is dipped
in flour, then in egg, and then covered in breadcrumbs. The oil is heated in a frying pan till it
starts to sizzle and the meat is placed onto it, than turned over a couple of times. Served hot.
Kotlet schabowy can be served with mashed potatoes, rice or pasta, pierogi, fried mushrooms,
cooked vegetables, with salads or with coleslaw.

 Polish Kotlet schabowy (Pork chop)
 (Polish) Ewa Czerniakowska, Lucyna Ćwierczakiewiczowa. Przyczynek do historii
czasopiśmiennictwa polskiego
 (Polish) Kotlet schabowy z jedną różnicą. [1] [2] [3]

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