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A.Y. 2017-2018


A Feasibility Study
Presented to the
College of Tourism and Hospitality
Asia Pacific College of Advanced Studies
City of Balanga, Bataan


In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management



Kenneth de Jesus
March 2018


This chapter explains the introduction of the study on how the developers came up with

the problem. It will also present the statement of the problem and scope and delimination, The

purpose of the study is to determine the feasibility of opening a fast food kiosk in Balanga City



With the influence of modern media, students never stop in trying a new pattern of food

regardless how they are serve and will sooth their appetite most specially here in Balanga.

Wrapped on the go is the best food you can go, as a daily routine of a busy student. Most

of them don’t have the luxury time to prepare their own plate. Also dinning on a cozy and well-

known fast-food restaurants is a bit pricy. Wrapped on the go is not just a best alternative but also

can defray the hunger needs of every customer.

Wrapped on the go is a thinly diced choice of meat (eg: pork beef chicken, seafood)

wrapped into rice or a thin bread mixed with vegetables.

The purpose of the study is to determine the feasibility of opening a fast-food kiosk selling

wrapped foods within Balanga area, Balanga is one of the richest towns in Bataan. Agriculture

has always been its chief industry.

According to Philippine City of Balanga has 10 college and universities

with thousands of students. This will drive our market in introducing the price, since most of

students are considering price, content and quick service of the product. In return, wrapped on

the go assures that it will cater the needs of a student who is looking for a quality yet affordable

meals on the go. Wrapped on the go will also support the dietary allowance needed by a regular

student and other clients.

On a current situation, Balanga being the busiest place on the province are commonly

looking for a quick serving on the go. In this view, Market area, site selection, it is clear that

Balanga has a promising location in setting up a business.


The purpose of the study is to determine the feasibility of opening kiosk in Balanga City.

Data will be collected through observational research method and through a survey distributed to

potential customers in Balanga City.

Focal Point of Discussion

1. Marketing Aspect

 How much will be the product cost?

 What type of marketing strategy will be used?

 How will the product be introduced to the market?

 Who will be the potential customers of on the go foods?

2. Management Aspect

 What form of ownership suited for the business?

 How many manpower will be in the business?

 What will be the schedule of operation?

3. Technical Aspect

 What are types of product?

 How can you assure the availability and good quality of your raw ingredients?

 How are you going to get proper permit for the said business?

 What are the process in producing the product?

 How efficient is Wrapped on the kiosk in meeting the demand of its target


4. Financial Aspect

 How much is your capital to materialize the project?

 How can you raise the needed financial resources?

 How long will be the return of investments?

5. Socio-Economic Aspect

 How can he business can help to reduce the employment rate in Bataan?

 How can the business can help the students with their busy schedule?

 How can the business contribute to the local economy of Balanga?


The developer will focus in serving the needed packed food that will help its

costumer to meet the demand of their time as most of the guest are taking out of food.

The main focus of the business is to help consumer who are too busy to their

school or career.

As a fast moving residents of Balanga, it is clear that mot of people are always on

the go and about to meet their scheduled time. The developer’s goals and objectives has been

always tied to its mission and value statements. Ensure goals and objectives are specific in terms

of delivering quick and affordable foods on the go, measurable in the sense that the developer

should know the local market segment. On the other side, this business should also be

achievable, realistic and timely by addressing the needs of their prospective consumer by

achieving customer satisfaction. This will provide the developer with a plan to follow and the ability

to recognize the point needed to achieve.


This study will determine the beneficiaries in establishing food cart/kiosk business.

In response to the current demand in Balanga City. Below listed are the following are the



To aid the needs of quick yet affordable foods on the go. Also, they can save

money because wrapped on the go tends to be cheaper than the others.


For employees who has tight budget for their since currently part of Balangueňo

families/workers for years.


Major benefits of business in the local economy include a boost in employment

and discretionary income in the community, tax income increases for local


It may help the thinking patterns of the social with unusual serving of food also in

can create an environment that encourages staff retention and an improved sense

of work ethics.


It will help to drive more in establishing small business in Balanga City and

companies build strong customer relationships and creates value for their

customers and for themselves


Kiosk- A kiosk is a small, temporary, stand-alone booth used in high-traffic areas

Balangueňo- A local residence of Balanga, Bataan

Customer- Someone who will avail your products and services

Market- a regular gathering of people for the purchase and sale of provisions, livestock,

and other commodities.

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