Consti 2 121817 Taxation

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Power of Taxation - Power of taxation although inherent and

vested in Congress are subject to

- Involves the power to destroy used as a
inherent limitations.
tool for PP. That’s why exorbitant taxes
1. Constitutional limitations (imposed
are imposed on cigarettes and liquors.
by Constitution)
- Imposition of tax as a tool for PP
2. Power of taxation must only be
- Taxation presupposes income is
utilized for public purpose. – PPI vs.
generated by state
Fertiphil: SC sustained challenge by
- PP in collection of money vs. Taxation:
FertiPhil. Power of taxation wasn’t
PP in collection of money (e.g. building
exercised or public purpose because
permit tax requirement – Angeles
tax was in favor of private
University Foundation vs. Angeles City –
SC: Building permit is not pursuant to
3. Considering that this power is
taxation but for PP)
vested in Congress, it adheres that
1. Doctrine enunciated in Gerochi vs.
what has been delegated to
Department of Energy – where the
Congress can’t be furthermore
primary purpose is regulation so
delegated (Potestas delagata non
raising revenue is secondary (PP). To
delegari potest). As a rule, this
raise revenue and regulation is
power may not be further
secondary (taxation). In this case it is
delegated. However, there is an
PP because it is for regulation of
exception: CONGRESS MAY BE
electrical supply. Where primary
purpose is regulation and revenue
raising is secondary (PP).
AMONG OTHERS (Sec. 28, Art. 6,
2. PP has non-revenue purposes…
par. 2): on fixing tariff rates
delegated to President in
3. If taxation is exercised for PP, it is for
accordance with a law passed. Can
public welfare.
be delegated to administrative
4. Reduce social inequality (non-
bodies (BIR – to implement tax laws
revenue purpose of taxation) – done
but can’t enact tax laws but it can
through system of progressive
issue rules and regulations to guide
taxation. If income is high, you have
implementation of tax laws enacted
higher tax rate. 32% of net taxable
by Congress – power of subordinate
income. If not within the limit of
legislation). How about LGUs? Yes,
2000 per annum, you are exempt
they can enact tax ordinances. Is this
from paying income tax.
a delegated power by Congress? No.
5. Another non-revenue purpose is to
4. MIAA vs. CA – Properties owned by
spur economic development or
national government are not subject
progress. (tax incentive / tax relief)
to property taxes. Marcos vs. MCIAA
6. Non-revenue purpose of taxation:
– SC said that MCIAA is a GOCC such
tool for protection (higher tax on
that applying provisions of the local
imported cigarettes and lower rates
government code the tax exemption
for local cigarettes)
has been withdrawn. In the case of
7. Primary purpose of taxation: raise
MIAA, the SC said that MIAA is not a
revenue for government
GOCC but an instrumentality of the 1. Sec. 1 Art.3 – due process - no
government. In the case of MIAA, deprivation of life, liberty, and property
the properties registered in MIAA without due process. Congress can’t
are still properties of the state and impose law that imposes 80% of income
that they are still belonging to public because it is unjust. This is taking in
domain and are exempt from violation of due process. Whenever
property taxes. In the case of MIAA Congress enacts law fixing tax rate,
just like MCIAA is an instrumentality Congress has to conduct hearing. Where
of the state. The City government of tax rate is dependent on value of
Lapu-Lapu invoked MCIAA vs. property, hearing is required in the form
Marcos. MCIAA imposed MIAA vs. of assessment. Gen. rule: Fixing of taxes
CA. Did MCIAA win or the Lapu- = not required to conduct hearing.
Lapu? Our SC upheld its ruling in 2. Sec. 1 of Art. 3 – equal protection – all
MIAA vs. CA. The MCIAA is persons or things belonging to same
instrumentality for the government class are subject to same rate, same
hence its properties are used by rights or same obligations. It doesn’t
government except those leased to follow that law can’t make distinction…
private so they are exempt. Classification is allowed still. Any
Properties owned by MCIAA to be classification is valid if founded on
used by private are not exempt only substantial differences, must be
those directly utilized by germane to purpose of law, and all
government are exempt. persons and things are subject to same
5. The exercise of taxation adheres to rights and obligations. (e.g. higher tax on
international committee principle. imported cigarettes than local cigarettes
All states are considered equal. – to protect local products)
Under par in pari non habet 3. Sec. 5 Art. 3 – no law shall be passed
imperium, there is equality amongst respecting the establishment of religion
sovereigns. It is under this principle – no violation of religion – American
that properties among foreign states Bible vs. City of Manila – they are not
within our jurisdiction is beyond the liable to payment of tax nor secure
taxing power of the Philippines. Our mayor’s permit because requiring tax is
consular offices are exempt from violative of freedom of religion.
taxation in other states 4. Sec. 10, Art. 3 – no law impairing
6. It is exercised under the rule of the obligation of contracts shall be passed. –
territorial jurisdiction. It may only be Casanova vs. Hord – mining concession
enforced within its territorial granted to Casanova. Any such
jurisdiction - Exception: additional tax impositions are invalid
Internal Revenue Code (Sec. 23, par. because this impairs obligations and
A) – Income derived by permanent contracts because the tax given was
resident Filipinos abroad are onerous. The tax imposition is violative
taxable. of this constitutional provision. If
gratuitous, it can be withdrawn by
Constitutional limitations – imposed by our
government (PAGCOR case – it was
provided in charter but congress
withdrew exemption. PGACOR argue the NATIONAL INTERNAL REVENUE
that it impairs oblicon. SC said that tax CODE (Sec. 30) EXEMPTS THEM
privilege granted to them was granted PROVIDED THAT NO PART OF ITS ASSETS
gratuitously and can be withdrawn by OR PROFITS SHALL INURE TO ITS ANY
state with or without any cost. It MEMBER, STOCKHOLDER, OR
operates under legislative franchise that ORGANIZER. If church owns to two
if franchise given by state b=may be parcels, the other is leased to private
altered, modified, or taken away by corporation then land is taxable (THE
state. Tax exemption was being ONE LEASED TO PRIVATE
construed strictly against tax payant. CORPORATION). The income derived by
The only exception is when tax church from Jollibee is taxable
exemption is given in favor of regardless of church or charitable use
government instrumentality – any (NIRC Art. 30). Donor’s tax? If we donate
exemption must be construe din favor of to church, are we liable for donor’s tax?
the instrumentality. Yes. Although donor’s tax exemption
5. Sec. 20 of Art. 3 – no person shall be isn’t covered but Sec. 101 of NIRC grants
imprisoned for non-payment of debt or donor’s tax exemption grants it to
poll tax (cedula). church provided that not more than 30%
6. Sec. 28 par 1. Of Art. 6 – rule of taxation value of gift won’t be used for
shall be uniform and equitable. administrative purposes.
Uniform= same class, same rate. 9. Sec. 28, par. 4, Art. 6 – no law granting
Equitable = tax must be based on tax exemption shall be passed without
person’s capacity to pay. concurrence of majority of all the
7. Sec. 8 par. 3 of Art. 6 – charitable Congress members. We have to add up
institutions and etc. exclusively used for members of House of Reps. And Senate
charitable purpose shall be exempt from and divide it to ½.
taxation (refer to Constitution). – 10. Sec. 29 par. 2 of Art. 6 – No public money
property tax exemption only. The or property shall be paid directly or
exemption of real property tax is indirectly to support any church or sect
premised on the utilization of the except priest or dignitary is assigned din
property. The exemption is based on military… (Refer to Constitution). Where
USE and UTILIZATION of the property. there is revenue generated, the money
8. In order that exemption is granted, the shall not be appropriated for sectarian
land is directly and exclusively used for purposes. Prohibits disbursement of
such purposes. (refer to Lung Center public funds for sectarian purposes.
case - SC said that what should be What about the Sinulog celebration?
exempt is only that portion that are Not prohibited. It ceases to become
actually, directly, and exclusively used purely religious but as a promotion of
for said purposes. The private areas Cebu for tourism purposes. If priest is
leased will be imposed with property elected as mayor, can he get his salary?
taxes. Abra Valley College case also. It What is prohibited is the disbursement
doesn’t cover income tax exemption. Is in his capacity as such. If elected as
the income of the church and other mayor, he can receive his salary. After all
charitable institution taxable? Sec. 30 of the payment is because he is elected not
by being a priest. If priest is assigned in impositions are confiscatory and
armed forces? He can still get money violative of due process. This attacks
from government. If in penal institution? validity or acts as defense on the non-
He can still get money government. prohibition on double taxation. There is
11. Sec. 29, par. 3, Art. 6 – All money a case that was decided by SC where it
collected in tax levied for specific decided invalid the impositions of LG of
purpose shall be treated as special funds Manila that amounts to double taxation
are not that purpose only – the balance (Swedish Match and City Treasurer of
shall be transferred to national treasury. Manila – collecting taxes on petitioner
If for the rehab of the sugar plantation, based on section 14 and based on sec 41
it is only for that purpose. Excess shall be of the same tax ordinance. SC said that
transferred to general funds of the impositions to be made on the
government. petitioner amounts to double taxation.
12. Sec. 4, par. 3, Art. 14 – all revenues and Hence, SC declared ta assessment as
assets of non-stock and non-profit invalid a sit is oppressive.
organizations used directly and
exclusively for educational purposes
shall be exempt. EXEMPT FROM
13. Sec. 4, par. 4, Art. 14 – subject to
conditions prescribed by law, all grants
and donations used directly and
exclusively for education shall be
14. Sec. 27, Art. 6, par. 2 – tax law enacted
by Congress may be partially vetoed by
15. Punzalan vs. City Government of Manila
– Double taxation issue. What is double
taxation? If there are additional
impositions reflected on the same
subject by the same taxing jurisdiction,
for same period and same purpose.
Impositions on Punzalan are from
different jurisdictions so not double
taxation. All descriptions must meet.
Double taxation if imposed on capital tax
on corporation and imposed on same
government owned by same
stockholders = double taxation because
it meets the descriptions. NO PROVISION
TAXATION. Use this as remedy: Sec. 1 of
Article – argue that additional

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