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A long time ago in west Java there was a kingdom. The king was Prabu
Tapak Agung. He had two beautiful daughters and no son. Purba Rarang was
his first daughter, and Purba Sari was his second daughter. When the king was
about to pass away he gave the throne to his second daughter, Purba Sari.

Princess Purbarang : “You would never be able to become the next queen
because I am older and I am more suitable for this throne !”

Prabu Tapak Agung : “Purbasari !! Come here my dear , (coughing)

Princess Purbasari : “Yes , Dad . I’m going there now . (walking towards the

Prabu Tapak Agung : “My daughter , Princess Purbasari . I am old now . I

can’t lead this kingdom forever . You must replace my throne as a king .”

Princess Purbasari : “But , How about Purbararang ?? She is your first

daughter , I think she has more competencies to replace your throne as a king.
Not me dad .”

Prabu Tapak Agung :”That’s true honey. She is my first daughter. But I want
you to replace my throne as a king of this kingdom. “

Hearing this, Purbararang was angry.

Purbararang :” You cannot ask her to be the queen, Dad. I'm older
than she is. The throne is supposed to be mine, not her!"

Prabu Tapak Agung :”I’m sorry Purbararang . But your sister Purbasari is
The most Properest person to be the next king for this kingdom. “

Purbararang : “I can’t believe it Dad !! She can’t be the next queen !!

I’m The next queen. Remember that !!!! “
Purba Rarang was very disappointed. She thought that she deserved to
replace her father as the ruler. She discussed the situation with her fiancé,
Indrajaya. They then set a bad plan together .

Indrajaya :”Hi SweetHeart . How are you doing ?? You look so Angry . “

Purbararag :” Yes . I am extremely angry . “

Indrajaya :”ohhh…just tell me your problem honey . . “

Purbararang : “He will give the throne to, Purba Sari.Whereas ,I am his
first daughter .”

Indrajaya : “What ??? He did that ??”

Purbararang :”Yes . Oh….Iam very disappointed . I must do something to

fail the ceremony of throne delegation .”

Indrajaya :”How if we go to the witch in the jungle???”

Purbararang : “What For ???”

Indrajaya : “To make Purbasari ill. We can ask the witch to put a spell on
Pubasari .it’s great , isn’t it ????”

Purbararang : “Yeah … That’s a good idea..Thanks My dear.”

In the mean time , in the Khayangan world there lived Demi God his name was
Guru minda . One day , he heard a voice and he didn’t know from where that
voice came .

Voice : “Guruminda. You should learn more about human live.”

Guruminda : “What ??? Who are you ? Show yourself !”

Voice : “You didn’t need to know who I am . You will be sent to

human world.”

GuruMinda : “What do you mean ?? Why should I do this ??”

Voice : “You didn’t need to know anything . Just sleep now and
prepare yourself.”
Suddenly , he turned to sleep after he had seen a flash light . When he
woke up , he felt weird himself .

Guruminda : “What happen to me ?? Where am I ??? And what with this

hair !!”

Voice : “Yes , you have turned into black monkey but you shouldn’t
worry about that.”

Guruminda : “How can you say that , I’m not a demigod anymore.”

Voice : “Just stay here , and you will know what happen .

In other situation , Purbarang and Indrajaya went to a witch and asked her to
put a spell on the orange juice . Then , they two came back again to the palace
. After that . They called Purbasari and they asked her to drink orange juice ,

Indrajaya : “Hey , Purbasari . Come here . We have something for you.”

Purbararang : “My Sister . You will be the next queen for this kingdom. As
my honour , let’s drink together.”

Purbasari : Thank’s my sister . I hope I can do my job perfectly . (she

drank a juice , then)

In the next day, Purbasari had bad skin. There were black dots all over her
body. Consequently Purba Rarang had a reason to tell people that her sister
had a great sin and she was cursed by god. She told her people that such a
person did not qualify to be a leader.

Purbararang : “Daddy!!Come here quickly. . . . .. Oh my god , !!”

Prabu Tapak Agung : ” What Happened???”

Purbararang :”Look at her . . there are so many black dots .Purbasari

is cursed by God.”

Prabu Tapak Agung :”What Happened with your skin my daughter ??”

Purbasari : “I don’t know dad . when I woke up ,The black dots

was there ,.”

Purbararang : ”Ohh…that’s very disgusting !!”

Purbasari :”can my skin be normal again ?? I want to be the next

Purbararang : “You are not as beautiful as I am. You cannot be the

queen. Instead, you have to leave this palace and stay in a jungle,"

Purbasari :”Oh God . .what happened with me ??? Dad. Must I go

to the jungle, and live there alone ??

Prabu Tapak Agung : “Yes you must go to the jungle and live there alone
.Army…!!!! Come here quickly . .!!”

Army : “Yes My lord !!”

Prabu Tapak Agung : “Sent my daughter to the jungle. !”

Army : “Yes , your majesty . What else do you order me to do


Prabu Tapak Agung : “After that, don’t forget to build a wooden house for
her . “

Army : “Yes your majesty . Let’s go Princess.”

Purbasari : “I will miss you dad . . .”

Prabu Tapak Agung : “Me too . Be careful my dear . “

Purbararang : “Good bye Purbasari . I hope you can be happy live in

the jungle . I hope you can have a lot friends there .hahahahahhahaha “

Now she had to stay in the jungle. Everyday she spent her time playing with
the animals there. There was one monkey that always tried to cheer her up. It
was not just an ordinary monkey, he had magical power.

Lutung Kasarung : “Good morning My beautiful Princess . You look so sad . “

Purbasari : “Hey monkey . You can talk with human ???”

Lutung Kasarung : “Yes Pincess .I can talk with human. Why do you live here
alone Princess ?? Where is your servant ??
Purbasari :” All of my servant is not accompany me in here monkey . I’m
alone. My Father had ordered me to leavet he palace and lived here . “

Lutung Kasarung : “Why the King do that ??”

Pubasari : “Because of this . “

Princess Purbasari show the black dots that all over her body to the monkey . It
was very surprised .

Lutung Kasarung : “Oh My God . What Happened with your skin ??”

Purbasari : “I don’t know why .. when I woke up ,The black dots was
there . After that , My sister and My Father ordered me to go out from the
palace and lived in this forest . “

Lutung Kasarung : “Don’t be sad Princess . I will help you . “

Purbasari : “What can you do ??? You are just a monkey.

Lutung Kasarung : “Trust me , Princess . I will help you . “

Purbasari : “Okay . I believe in you .”

Lutung Kasarung : “right then , I will start to meditation to ask some help . You
would better praying to God.Okay……?”

Purbasari : “Okay….”

Lutung Kasarung planned to help Purbasari. One night when there was a full
moon he sat meditation. He was praying to God . Suddenly a spring emerged
beside Lutung. It became bigger and bigger and finally it became a lake. The
water was very clear and aromatic. The next day Lutung came to see Purba

Lutung Kasarung : “Princess I have already made a lake for you . Just take a
bath in there . And you will recovered .”

And then ,Princess Purbasari take a bath in the lake . After having taken a
bath . . . .

Purbasari : “Wow . . !!! Look at this . All of the black dots are disappear
. You have cured me . Thank you very much monkey !!. “
Lutung Kasarung : “You’re welcome Princess.”

Purbasari : “I must go back to the Palace before my sister Purbararang

becomes the next queen.”

Lutung Kasarung : “Are you sure ? You want go back to the palace now ??”

Purbasari : “I am sure . will you accompany me to go to the palace ???”

Lutung Kasarung : “Ok Princess . I will accompany you . “’

After that , Lutung Kasarung and Princess Purbasari went to the palace .
Purbararang was very shocked. She was very surprised when she saw Purba
Sari was in good condition and looked beautiful. Her evil heart led her to find a
way to beat her sister .

Prabu Tapak Agung : “Oh My God , Purbasari , My daughter . You has

recovered . “

Purbasari :“Yes Daddy.I am ready to be the next queen now .”

Purbararang : “Wait !!! Those who have longer hair will be the

Purbasari : But , My hair is Longer than you . So…. I am will be the

next queen , won’t I ???

Purbararang : “Ok . Your hair is longer than mine . But A queen must
have a handsome husband. If my fiance is more handsome than yours, then I
will be the queen, But . If your Fiance is more handsome than mine. You will
be the queen . “

Purbasari was sad. She knew Purbararang's fiance, Indrajaya, was handsome.
And she did not have a fiance yet.

Purbararang : “Here is my fiancé, Indrajaya. Where is yours?"

Purbasari : “Actually……ummmm…”

Lutung Kasarung : “I am her Fiance . “

Purbararang : “Is He your Fiance ??? Your Fiance is a monkey ???
Poor You , Purbasari !! Hahahahahaha…..!!!”

Suddenly, Lutung Kasarung changed into a very a handsome man. He was even
more handsome than Indrajaya.

Lutung Kasarung : “Let Me introduce MySelf . Actually , my name was

Sanghyang Guruminda . Nice to meet you Princess Purbararang .

Purbararang : “No !!! It’s impposibble !!! Your Fiance must be the
monkey !! You can’t be the queen . !! I am the next Queen . “

Prabu Tapak Agung : “My dearest daughter . I am very sorry for having
ordered you to life in the forest . I’m really regret for that .

Purbasari : “No Problem Father . If you had not ordered me to live

in the forest . I would have not met Sanghyang Guruminda . He had been guard
me when I lived in the forest .”

Prabu Tapak Agung : “Thank you for helping My daughter when she lived in
the forest .As my gratitude , I will marry you with My daughter , Princess
Purbasari .

Lutung Kasarung : “Thank you very much , Your Majesty . I feel very
honored .”

Purba Sari became the queen and married to Lutung Kasarung. She forgave
Purbararang and her fiance and let them staying in the palace.

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