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Manage IQ
1. Agentless
ManageIQ does not depend on agents, and is therefore extremely easy to install and operate.
2. Virtual Appliance
ManageIQ is distributed as a single virtual appliance that is available for a wide variety of a
3. SmartState analysis
allows ManageIQ to peek inside virtual machines, containers and hosts to discover their
4. Scalable Architecture
The ManageIQ virtual appliance can be deployed standalone, or as part of a federated global
5. Self-service,
allowing IT staff to present a catalog to users from which they can select automated
services, such as provisioning a new virtual machine.
6. Compliance enforcement,
allowing an IT department to enforce certain compliance policies.
7. Optimization,
allowing IT staff to optimize the resource utilization of an environment, for example using
right sizing and capacity planning.
8. Insight:
Discovery, Monitoring, Utilization, Performance, Reporting, Analytics, Chargeback, and
9. Control: Security, Compliance, Alerting, Policy-Based Resource and Configuration
10. Automate: IT Process, Task and Event, Provisioning, Workload Management and
11. Integrate: Systems Management, Tools and Processes, Event Consoles, CMDB, RBA, and
Web Services.

b. Foreman Features:

1. LDAP Authentication
Foreman natively supports LDAP authentication using one or multiple LDAP directories.

2. Roles and Permissions

A user’s access to the features of Foreman are constrained by the permissions that they are

3. Trends
Trends in Foreman allow you to track changes in your infrastructure over time. It allows you
to track both Foreman related information and any puppet facts.
4. Auditing
Foreman supports auditing of almost all changes that happen within Foreman, from both the
UI and from the API. Auditing is done at a user level, and is thus ineffective if :login: is set
to false, as all audits will be done as the ‘admin’ user.

5. Searching
Each page in Foreman has its own search functionality, which is centred around the
resources that it manages, allowing searching based on attributes of the resources in the list
or resources that they’re associated to. The search box also features powerful auto-
completion to help build up search queries and free text search on many pages.

6. User Management
Foreman is all about hosts and users interacting with these hosts.

7. Managing puppet,
various ways we can control and interact with Puppet.

8. Smart Proxies
Smart Proxy is a project which provides a restful API to various sub-systems.

9. provisioning systems
configuration of the required UI components necessary to provision an OS onto a host.

10. Command Line Interface

The framework used for implementation of command line client for foreman provides many
features common for modern CLI applications
11. Email Management
Users can edit the email address by clicking on their name in the top-right hand corner of the
web page and selecting My account.
12. Managing Ansible

13. Managing Chef

14. Managing Salt

15. Monitoring
To monitor your infrastructure, host statuses are useful. In Foreman each host has a global
status that indicates which hosts need attention.
c. Openshift
Greater security and compliance
• A PCI DSS product applicability guide, which helps organizations that accept, process,
store or transmit credit card information understand how the Payment Card Industry Data
Security Standard (PCI DSS) impacts Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform and
understand what considerations they should make in adopting the solution.
• Secrets encryption and image signing, the former of which allows for the encryption of
secrets at rest in backend storage and will be available shortly after the launch of OpenShift
3.6. Today, OpenShift 3.6 offers an ability for platform administrators to enforce signature
usage on image content in projects, helping to provide greater assurance that the software
tenants running on specific systems is actually allowed to run there.
• Enhancements to NetworkPolicy (Technology Preview) for greater and more nuanced
control for how applications can talk to each other and what network resources they expose.
NetworkPolicy enables users to make services available while limiting who can access a
given application on the network.

Consistency for hybrid and multi-cloud footprints

• Service Broker and Service Catalog (Technology Preview)
• OpenShift Template Broker (Technology Preview)
• Ansible Playbook Broker (Technology Preview)
• Integrated install of Container Native Storage built with Red Hat Gluster Storage

Accelerate Application Delivery

• Self-Service Platform

• Polyglot, Multi-Language Support

• Container-Based

• Automation

• Persistence

• Application Centric Networking

• Multiple Interaction Models

Open and Extensible

• Application Portability

• Collaboration

• Open Source

• Scalable

• Choice of Cloud Infrastructure

d. Ansible’s Features:
• Ansible Tower Dashboard
• Real Time Job Output
• Remote Command Execution
• Job Scheduling

• Pull from Source Control

• Visual Inventory Management

• Run-time Job Prompting

• Built-in Notifications

• Workflows

• Role-Based Access Control

• Ansible Tower Dashboard

• Credential Security

• Custom Credentials
• Integration with Network Accounts

• Integration with Enterprise Accounts

• Audit Trail

• Multi-Tenancy
• Logging and Analytics Integration
• Role-based Access Control

• Push-Button Job Runs

• Portal Mode

• Surveys: Easy Form-Builder

• Installation Support
• Enterprise Support

• Premium Support
• Ansible Engine Bundle

• Networking Add-On

And More...

• Scale-Out Clustering

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