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Jocelyn Lee Yue Lin


Journal 3

Recently, my friend was concerned about her brother and feeling down. His grades were
consistently poor and he was losing interest in his studies. She was especially concerned since
he was in university and should be self-responsible for his education. Practicing positive
psychology, I suggested lunch together after class and that definitely cheered her up.
Moreover, I lent her a listening ear, letting her verbalise her worries and voice out any
negativity. As she talked, she started calming down and her pent-up frustration gradually
dissipated. I prompted her to learn from the past history, focus on the present and work
towards the future i.e. consider the different actions she could undertake to help her brother.
My friend was perfectly capable of resolving her situation all by herself, but what she needed
was just a listening ear and a gentle reminder to have faith in herself. After lunch, my friend
thanked me for taking time to hear her out and she felt more at peace mentally and
emotionally now.

Yesterday, my cousin was worried he would not get a winter internship, I recalled the nine
tactics to influence behaviour and increase his optimism. Through “rational persuasion” and
“ingratiation”, I reminded him that his concerns were unjustified: he was frequently actively
involved in various extra-curricular activities on top of his stellar academics. He had previous
internship offers at multi-national companies and this time would be no exception.
Afterwards, I offered him a hug and that put a smile on his face.

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200-word Summary

Reviewing the journals enlightened me to the benefits of applying organizational theories in

my daily life. Firstly, it has made me want to be more positive and focus on the silver living of
every situation. Previously I tended to be more pessimistic and cynical of others, but increased
optimism has improved my productivity, strengthened my mental well-being, and be more
willing to help people in need. Because positivity is also contagious, unknowingly and
subconsciously, my actions have motivated the people around me, encouraged them to be a
better person and extend a helping hand to those feeling discouraged.

Seeing the change in my interactions, those around me want that change for themselves as
well. My actions have influenced people to be more mindful and always improving on
themselves. Together, we celebrate the small improvements and achievements made, we
also encourage and motivate one another during difficult times. We hope to enable each one
to progress as a better version of ourselves and proactively help anyone in need.

Applying what I learnt has unexpectedly built and fostered stronger relationships between
me and others I interact with. There is less conflict and more empathy and understanding of
people’s unique perspectives on life.

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Personal Development Plan

To increase my learning’s success and effectiveness, these are some steps I plan to
undertake. Firstly, I will note in my personal journal any applications consciously or
subconsciously of what I have learnt. From there, I can continue applying the positive
actions and reduce any negative or non-actions. Secondly, I will challenge myself to question
assumptions, understand the rationale of my tasks, and investigate how different situations
and concepts are inter-linked and inter-connected. With this knowledge obtained, I can
apply my learning more precisely and appropriately. Thirdly, I plan to gather constructive
third-party feedback to further improve my self-efficacy.

(99 words)

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