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CBB 1052

Engineering Graphics

Students’ Manual

1. Exercise 01
By the end of this session, student should be able to:
Create drawing by using different method from AUTOCAD
Apply different coordinate systems in drawing
Type words in AUTOCAD drawing

Draw the following object based on all THREE (3) coordinate systems.

Point Absolute Coordinate Relative Coordinate Polar Coordinate

From Pt. 1 0, 0 0, 0 0, 0
To Pt. 2 3, 0 @3, 0 @3<0
To Pt. 3 4.5, 1.4 @1.5, 1.4 @2<43
To Pt. 4 4.5, 3.4 @0, 2 @2<90
To Pt. 5 Close Close Close

2. Exercise 02
By the end of this session, student should be able to:
Produce drawing by applying knowledge on snap, grid, ortho and polar status
Produce dimensions on drawing
- Linear,angular, aligned, ordinate
Create polyline and hatched drawing

Create the above drawing

1. Switch on Snap and Grid

2. Snap and Grid spacing can be specified from Drafting Setting toolbar
- Tools>Drafting Setting
- Specifying smaller of x-space and y-space on grid will allow the grid spacing becomes
- Specifying smaller values on x-space and y-space on snap will allow the cursor snaps at a
shorter distance
3. For horizontal and vertical lines click on ORTHO
- Example:
Command: l
LINE Specify first point: <Ortho on> <Snap on> <Grid on>
Specify next point or [Undo]: @0,0.5
4. For slanting lines, click on POLAR
- Example:
Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: <Polar on> @1.7<30
5. Dimensioning
- Dimensioning by using pull down menu or toolbar

- Click on the toolbar and choose the intended dimension

- Example:
Linear dimension

6. Change the colour of the dimension text using layer manager
- Command: Layer or Pulldown-menu: Format>Layer

- click for new Layer and define the specification to the layers
- Basic information to know about the layer properties manager

Name Define the name of the layer
On/Off Ensure layer is active or inactive
Freeze Freeze or unfreeze the layer
Color To define the colour for the defined layer
Linetype To define the layer type eg continuous, hidden,
centreline etc.

- Follow the setting as above

- The outcome will be as follows:

- Select dimension layer

- Redo the dimension as shown below:

Now, having the object ready, locate coordinate on specific point

1. Use dor command or dimordinate

- Example
Command: dor
Specify feature location: (select the point on screen)

- Press Enter

- If extend the line on x-axis, x-coordinate will be given, if otherwise, y coordinate will be given


Now, instead of using command line to produce the object, use polyline, known as PLINE
(Remember: Change the layer to initial black colour)

1. Enter pline in the command

Command: pline
Specify start point: (point at any point on the screen)
Current line-width is 0.0000
Specify next point or [Arc/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width]: @0,0.5
Specify next point or [Arc/Close/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width]: @-0.5,0
Specify next point or [Arc/Close/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width]:@1.7<30
Specify next point or [Arc/Close/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width]: @1.7<330
Specify next point or [Arc/Close/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width]: @-0.5,0
Specify next point or [Arc/Close/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width]: @0,-0.5
Specify next point or [Arc/Close/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width]: close

2. Now, click the object and compare between two of them. What can you see?

A line is selected on pline represented the whole object while a line selected on using line
command will only represent one single line

3. Now, try to use explode

Command: explode
Select objects: 1 found (select on the polyline’s object)

4. Try to click on the object again,

5. Now the polyline is exploded into single separated lines
6. Next, to create polyline again,
Command: pedit
Select polyline or [Multiple]: (Select any line on previous exploded polyline)
Object selected is not a polyline
Do you want to turn it into one? <Y> Y
Enter an option [Close/Join/Width/Edit vertex/Fit/Spline/Decurve/Ltype
gen/Undo]: Join
Select objects: 1 found (Select all the lines previously exploded)
Select objects: 1 found, 2 total
Select objects: 1 found, 3 total
Select objects: 1 found, 4 total
Select objects: 1 found, 5 total
Select objects: 1 found, 6 total
Select objects: 1 found, 7 total
Select objects: Enter
6 segments added to polyline
Enter an option [Close/Join/Width/Edit vertex/Fit/Spline/Decurve/Ltype
gen/Undo]: Enter

7. Now, click again on the polyline’s object and see the difference
To create hatched boundary (purpose for sectional view), do as follows:

1. Use bhatch command

Command: bhatch
2. A window will pop-up as follows

3. Leave the pattern and swatch as it is

4. Click Pick Points button
- In the command area, you can see an instruction:
Select internal point:
5. Select the internal point of the object as follows:

6. Click the mouse until the dotted lines appear and enter
7. Click OK on the pop-up windows
8. Object will appear as follows:

9. To fill in the object with colours, change the PATTERN and SWATCH on pop-up windows of
bhatch command

10. Pick points and the object will appear as follows:

3. Exercise 03
By the end of this lecture, student should be able to
Explain what is geometric drawing
Draw circles at different conditions required
Produce polygons on drawing
Array object in polar or rectangular way
Modify drawing by using chamfer and fillet method


1. Construct a circle with diameter of 1

2. Our objective is to offset the circle with another bigger circle at a distance from its
circumference of 1 unit

Command: offset @ select

Specify offset distance or [Through] <Through>: 1
Select object to offset or <exit>: (pick the circle from the screen)

Specify point on side to offset: (Select the any point outer part of the circle)

3. Finally,

4. Further offset the circles to construct bigger circle at equidistance length of gap
Select object to offset or <exit>

5. Select the outer circle, and again
Specify point on side to offset: (Select the any point outer part of the circle)

6. Now, instead of specifying the point outside/ outer part of the circle, try to specify inside the
circle, what can u see?


1. Suppose that you have two circles as follows, and you wanted to produce another circle
in between these two circles

2. Use 2P command
Command: c
CIRCLE Specify center point for circle or [3P/2P/Ttr (tan tan radius)]: 2p
Specify first end point of circle's diameter: tan

Specify second end point of circle's diameter: tan


3. Now see, the results


1. Suppose that you have three circles as follows and you wanted to create another circle
touching all these three circles

2. Use 2P command
Command: c
CIRCLE Specify center point for circle or [3P/2P/Ttr (tan tan radius)]: 2p
Specify first end point of circle's diameter: tan

Repeat the same procedure for every other circle

3. Now, you can see the results


1. Imagine you have these two lines connected to each other

2. You wanted to locate a circle in between these two lines, which has radius of 0.5
3. Use TTR command
Command: c
CIRCLE Specify center point for circle or [3P/2P/Ttr (tan tan radius)]: ttr
Specify point on object for first tangent of circle: (Select the first line and left click) Specify point
on object for second tangent of circle: (Select the second line and left click)

Specify radius of circle <1.0625>: 0.5

4. Now you see the circle


1. Suppose you have two circles with two lines connecting together

2. Use TRIM command
Command: trim
Current settings: Projection=UCS, Edge=None
Select cutting edges ...
Select objects: 1 found Select all the lines and
Select objects: 1 found, 2 total
circles on the object!!
Select objects: 1 found, 3 total
Select objects: 1 found, 4 total
Select objects: ENTER

Select object to trim or shift-select to extend or [Project/Edge/Undo]: (Click the bigger circle arc
Select object to trim or shift-select to extend or [Project/Edge/Undo]: (Click the smaller circle arc
Select object to trim or shift-select to extend or [Project/Edge/Undo]: Enter

3. Results as follows:

Trim another object

(HINT: Click on all of the lines and circle, and click one by one to eliminate the unwanted lines and arc)

Further exercise

Having these three circles, try to produce this object

1. Construct bigger circle which governs all these three circles using 3P command
2. Give offset command to the circle of R0.5 so that it will produce another circle with a radius of 0.25
3. Use TRIM command and select all the objects. Eliminate where necessary


1. Suppose that you wanted to draw a hexagon
2. Use command polygon
Command: polygon
Command: polygon
Enter number of sides <4>: 6 (for hexagon)
Specify center of polygon or [Edge]:
Enter an option [Inscribed in circle/Circumscribed about circle] <I>:
Specify radius of circle: 5
3. The results as follows

4. What’s the different between inscribed in circle/circumscribed about circle?


1. Suppose that there is a object that needs repetition in a systematic arrangement

2. Use array command

Rectangular Array

Command: array (array popup window will appear)

Select rectangular array
Specify number of rows for the object to be repeated
Specify number of columns for the object to be repeated
If let say there are 4 x 4, suppose the 16 similar objects will appear on a specific arrangement

Now, select objects (pick button Select Objects)
Click OK

You will get this

What are row offset and column offset made for?

If you notice from the above arrangement, the gap from the similar point either horizontally or
vertically is the same i.e. at 4 unit distance. This is similar as the above array popup window
showing that the offset on both row and column are set at 4.

Polar Array

Command: array
Now on the popup window, select polar array
You have this object

Your aim is to array the hexagon around the circle

Select centre point by clicking the button next to X and Y coordinate – Select the center of the circle

Select total number of items & angle to fill
Select the number of items to be appeared around the circle
Select the angle to fill

Select the object i.e. the hexagon

Now the results as follows:

There are 16 objects appeared as required, filling 360 degrees of the circle



1. Suppose you have this object

2. You want it to be like this

3. Chamfer command
Command: chamfer
(TRIM mode) Current chamfer Dist1 = 0.0000, Dist2 = 0.0000
Select first line or [Polyline/Distance/Angle/Trim/Method/mUltiple]: Distance
Specify first chamfer distance <0.0000>: 5
Specify second chamfer distance <5.0000>: Enter
Select first line or [Polyline/Distance/Angle/Trim/Method/mUltiple]: Pick line on A
Select second line: Pick line on B

4. At this moment, you’ll see this object appeared

5. Now, proceed with other sides by using the same method as above


1. Suppose you have the same object

2. Now, use fillet command

Command: fillet
Current settings: Mode = TRIM, Radius = 0.0000
Select first object or [Polyline/Radius/Trim/mUltiple]: radius
Specify fillet radius <0.0000>: 5
Select first object or [Polyline/Radius/Trim/mUltiple]: pick A
Select second object: pick B

3. The results as follows:

4. Now, proceed with other sides as well and try to get this object

4. Exercise 04
By the end of this lecture, student should be able to:
Use modify command e.g. mirror, rotate, scale, stretch, break, move and copy
Produce machinery drawing


Create the above drawing

7. Draw the first line

HINT (Use FILLET, specify radius at 1.5)

8. Draw a constructing line at the end of both points (any distance) at angle of 45 degree each.

9. Use Mirror command

Command: mirror
Select objects: 1 found
Select objects: 1 found, 2 total
Select objects: 1 found, 3 total
Select objects: 1 found, 4 total
Select objects: 1 found, 5 total
Select objects: ENTER

Specify first point on mirror line

Specify second point on mirror line

Delete source objects? [Yes/No] <N>: N


10. Repeat the same procedure again

Command: mirror
Select objects: 1 found
Select objects: 1 found, 2 total
Select objects: 1 found, 3 total
Select objects: 1 found, 4 total
Select objects: 1 found, 5 total
Select objects: 1 found, 6 total
Select objects: 1 found, 7 total
Select objects: 1 found, 8 total
Select objects: 1 found, 9 total
Select objects: 1 found, 10 total
Select objects: ENTER

Specify first point on mirror line

Specify second point on mirror line

Delete source objects? [Yes/No] <N>: N


11. Delete the construction line where necessary

12. Object ready


1. Having the previous object ready, use rotate command to rotate them at 45 degree
Command: rotate
Current positive angle in UCS: ANGDIR=counterclockwise ANGBASE=0
Select objects: Specify opposite corner: 22 found
Select objects: ENTER

Specify base point: (point at any edge)

Specify rotation angle or [Reference]: 45


2. Now the results as follows:


1. Suppose that the object to be scaled down to half than the original object
2. Having the object ready, use scale command
Command: scale
Select objects: Specify opposite corner: 22 found
Select objects: ENTER
Specify base point: (pick any point)

Specify scale factor or [Reference]: 0.5

3. The results as follows:


Command Function
Stretch To stretch line/circle
Hint: For easier operation, click on the specific line
required, then click at the end point which needs
stretching. The colour will change from blue to red

Then, bring that point to further stretch them and

click on the specific location you wish for extension.

Break To break a line into two separate lines

Hint: Use command BREAK and follow the
instruction in command window
Move and Copy To relocate or to copy the object
Use command MOVE and COPY


Draw the above object

A tooth.

‘Grip’ the base and

then stretch.
Draw a rectangle (width=1, height=2)
Stretch the base by 0.5 unit each to the left and right.
The final object (a gear’s tooth) on the most right.

Explode the stretched

Extend these two lines
Erase the base line.

Array (Polar)
Angle to fill = 360
# of items = 14

The discs (circles) may be added by using the offset

Trim the teeth around the circle with R5.0.

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